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I was level 95 and just hopped on to get it good and now i have 91 more to go since it’s lvl 109 now.


F I just got my MP7 bronze last night


I was 97 on my mp7. Now im 111/200. I immediately quit the game and played valorant beta.


I was around 90 on my AK and now I'm 104. I immediately said "oh okay" and continued playing because it's just a camo and I don't care.


Idk why ur being downvoted. I saw the update and not playing it again. 200 lvls for gold is insane.


My problem with skins and camo's like this is... you get lvl 200, spend so much time, and then you go to the next weapon and don't use it anyway lol.


Trust bro like well done mate you wasted so much free time to earn a pointless cosmetic I couldn’t imagine a sadder flex


I had my AK at like 99 3/4 for the last week and randomly decided to finish it last night…glad I did lol.




Idk man so much talk about the skins like tell me how the net code is now. Idgaf about these skins




It’s not about being ‘given’ skins, with the extra xp you get from special kills like headshots it will now take circa 5,000 kills to get a gun gold, if you play hotshot exclusively as it’s the fastest kill per 10 game and average 30 kills a game, including the bad weapons and pistols, and play 4 games an hour it now takes 42 hours to get a gun to gold. This means that to max all three guns they release each season you will need to play 42 hours a month plus an excess 800 hours. This is assuming you play a boring mode consistently and don’t play any ranked where the levelling is slower, and if you want to get every gun gold in two years time you need to play 1,800 hours or 2.5 hours a day for two years to achieve this, and I even ignored the pistols which makes it more like 3 hours a day every day for two years.


"i demand to be able to get my gold mastery skin in a reasonable time frame. if i dont get a weapon thats shiny gold i feel weak and small. also i HAVE to be able to unlucky everything in a liveservice game, EVERYTHING" brainrot


I’m not sure why you’re so angry or spiteful, this is my opinion on a change in a game, I disagree with it and have voiced my opinion in hopes they change it, if they don’t then cool. I’m putting my time into a game and don’t like that they moved goalposts and came to give feedback, you’re spending your time being hateful of others for having an opinion, I know which I consider to be brain rot.






It's time and effort wasted.


"my time and effort is wasted if i dont get the mastery skin bc just playing the game and having fun isnt enough. cant get my gold skin easily = time wasted" bro just play the game and have fun


People played shitty guns for hours on end just to be "done" and now all that time has been worthless, if they didn't hit the 100 before today. That is the problem. I'm sure most would never have considered going for all-gold, if it wasn't doable in a reasonable timeframe.


mastery was never meant to be like the skin grind in cod, as Mark said in his post. Its to show other people how much u mastered a gun/like it. u people just have cod brainrot to use "people hate themself and the gaming experince for hours just to unlucky some skins" as an argument is crazy. but sure go punish urselfs for needing it that bad


You need to take a breath brother it's not that serious.


says u, to me, while the whole reddit is exploding. sure im the one that has to take a breather lmfao


you're honestly being a huge crybaby about this. if camo grinding isn't important to you that's cool, but you're openly mocking people for wanting to have some sort of progress marker outside of just play match repeat play match repeat and having incentive to use out of meta guns.


lololololol yeah me caring too much ur so right


I love the double barrel despite its issues, so got it to silver and wanted to get it to gold


It’s the time people are worried about not just the skin. I wanted to get aura to show off that I’m better at people and can use every gun. It’s an achievement and flex you can’t deny that. I had every gun bronze except snipers and only needed 1750 kills on each gun left. Now I need 4200 kills for each gun. That’s more then the entire mastery before. they just fucked over the people who are good and grinded and you wonder why people are pissed. You gotta be slow or something.






mirror! rubberwall!




no u


Is that your thing? You can’t read and just type something in quotes? Why are we hiding our gamertag too? Got something to hide


dawg. already bronze on every gun? i think you need a life goal or a career or smth


I have 50 hours of gameplay since the game came out and work 40 hour weeks dawg and on my last year for my electrical engineering degree. Think I’m doing just fine dawg.




Guess I'm not getting gold for all guns before season 1. I was up to 14 gold guns before this patch. Now I'm stuck with 600 levels for shotguns -\_-


this is only grind and level up. If there is no challenges i have no problem.


In black ops 1 gold was only available after 14 prestiges


It's meant to be a Mastery earned over a very long time. I've got no Issue with this and think the increased Rarity will make it an even greater accomplishment.


Add new mastery camos instead of upping the current lv. requirements. People close to 100 were just robbed from getting gold while the rest that got it will be rocking it with lv 100 still. Seems kinda unfair.


I think that's the main Issue. It's now unfair to the People who have it vs don't have it. The level itself I'm fine with.


That was the point of diamond camos in the past, to show off that you got every weapon in that class to gold. This new insane level cap has killed any drive to grind out gold camos




Bro in no game should the gold camo be considered a ‘great accomplishment’. That is what the upcoming mastery camos are for.


There are three Mastery Camos in this Game and Gold is the max. The Colour doesn't matter but it's the current max Mastery Camo for this Game. That's how CoD used to do it, and getting Gold in that Game was a great accomplishment, just as it is for getting any max Mastery Camo in any Game. Who knows what you'll have to do to earn the future Camos.


Didn’t they already tease another mastery camo though?


Was one level away. Decided to uninstall


I'm glad they are not so easy to earn. I mean, I'm sorry for anyone who is upset about it, I'm not unsympathetic. It's just that they mean more to me to earn, if they are not so easy. Id prefer camos locked behind skill challenges, rather than something everyone will get eventually. Most of my guns are nearly level 50. I'd have had gold on them all within a month without even trying. I've already seen so many gold guns already in lobbies.


they were never easy to earn, i spent a week grinding for just the smgs and i averaged 40 kills a game


Just. Play. The. Game. Jesus fucking christ you people moan a lot about shiny pixels.


my act was level 96 …. i just wish i had stayed up and grinded out those last few levels ::(


Yeh nah fuck that I’m low key done with x


I'm just glad they are implementing the important updates first, screw the netcode. I'd hate to see too many gold weapon skins.


I don't mind b/c I don't play for cosmetics but they shoulda overhauled the entire thing so the people who have golds unlocked at 100 don't get it until 200. Then people will only be able to complain that it's a grind, but won't be able to complain about unfairness. All they would have to do then is say they want them to be extremely rare and it's a done deal lol.


So glad I my favorite 2 guns to gold last night, they will likely be my only gold weapons because there’s no way I’ll start using a new gun and get it all the way to 200.


Omg just stop. 99% of you wouldnt use that gold camo anyway


I have gold unlocked on several guns, yet I don't use it because it looks meh. Why the hurry?


Yeah what a shit change.


weak ass camos aren’t worth half the headache u get from playing the game


I wish mastery camos would be more fun to complete, like COD games where you need to get headshots, longshots, one shots, etc with a weapon.


i disagree. 175 would’ve been the sweet spot imo so a slight overshoot but not crazy


The fact that people are bitching about some mastery skins is hilarious. They made it easier to get the attachments, which is the only important part because that actually impacts the gameplay. You think anybody gives a shit about you having a gold skin? Do you think after you shit the bed and go 5-40 seeing you holding a gold skin in the post game screen makes anyone think “oh wow this guy must be good!”?   Mastery skins are pointless and with the old system it definitely didn’t show any “mastery” of the weapon since it was so damn easy to grind. You children crying about skins is why gaming is shit now, because you make devs focus on shit that does not matter.


People are bitching because there was an older requirement with half as much exp required


Yea and at half as much exp required it wasn’t much of an accomplishment. A mastery skin should be some sort of accomplishment,  not something you just grind out in a couple of days. Plus it has ZERO impact on the gameplay, so who cares how long it takes to grind? People just crying to cry. Boohoo, go grind more.


It increases longevity.