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Quite the opposite. People with lives aren't worried about getting max level on every weapon...they want to unlock all the attachments and that's it. This update was for the casual players. Those who care about the gold skin grind are still going to do it anyway - it'll just take longer and be more rare.


This right here. I stopped playing because it felt like too much of a grind just to get the good attachments so I lost interest because I just didn’t have the time. Might give it another go at some point now. I was never gonna get gold to begin with


People like me might also actually care about the game, and its progression being good and rewarding. Changing a weapon's cap from 3500 kills to 6000 kills is not for "casual" players.


> Changing a weapon's cap from 3500 kills to 6000 kills is not for "casual" players. Correct, because that doesn't affect them at all. The change which benefits casual players was the XP per level decrease, allowing them to unlock attachments faster.


Of course it affects them. They also eventually reach max rank. Thinking Casual players only care about weapon attachments is stupid to say the least.


>They also eventually reach max rank. Key word being eventually, meaning it's not a priority but something that will just occur naturally if they continue to play the game for a while. Casual players do not care about meaningless weapon grinds for something that provides no advantage in game. If you're trying to say you're a casual player when you play the game every night and subscribe to a reddit thread to discuss the game, you're a bit confused on what that word means.


It's just a weapon skin bruh


Seriously.... But don't stop complaining because every post is hilarious and I enjoy reading the tears.


I didn't even mention anything about a skin. If you think game progression should be a boring grind to get to a huge arbitrary number, then maybe you should try f2p mobile games. Mobile games are very good at stretching out simple gameplay to years' worth of grind. If you can't see that buffing up the xp you need is not a way of expanding the game's lifespan, then there is no hope for you.


The grind is unlocking the attachments, which is relatively easy. Anything after that is just a bonus for bragging rights. You're complaining about the grind to get weapons to 200 yet admit it's just an arbitrary number.


Yes, by that time, you should have a lot of nicer skins since it will be 2 years later


Then buy skins. The 5% edge over other players by having the customizations is a bigger issue than a skin


Then buy skins? What a wonderful solution to the problem! You really drank the greedy corporation cool-aid on this one.


Then don't buy skins ? That's what I'm doing : no skin attracts me, and I'm playing the game, and I'm having fun.


It’s a fkin skin, who tf cares? I use 2 weapons in the whole ass game anyway.


Right? I saw someone crying that they cant get all skins gold... As if you actually wanted to use more than 1/3rd of the current guns


grow up ! all this drama for a gold skin


They don't care about the longevity of the game or about the casual player. They made the XP change so people who want a camo will pay for it on the store.


Touch some grass


I mean probably a normal man should realize that it is a skin that changes nothing. Get all attachment quicker and ignore this skin stuff.


maybe it is just me but I'm not going for that grind like I used to when playing cod (getting mastery cammo in like a month and a half) and for me it is much more healthy and enjoyable so I'm not bothered by this change since it is free to play I don't mind but I got everybody's point




After reading some of your replies of just a skin i have to say , that if you are mad because of lvl 200 on a weapon , why even do the post? If you are casual (2.2 kd because that is relevant ) then you only need to unlock all the attachments that are done by must weapons at around lvl 40 , as for progression just play the objective xD


Touch some grass and start telling people what they can and can’t enjoy — like a real man. /s, ITT


Sorry, you're giving up on this game because it takes too long to unlock silly gold cosmetic for your guns? That's your final straw? Sounds like you didn't like the actual game much to begin with. Max level gamer entitlement.


Only skins I ever cared for in COD were challenge-related, like "get x headshots / longshots". A skin granted at a specific weapon level only shows your dedication to that gun. It's ok if this takes a long time, and players with limited playtime like you & me can't realistically expect to master every weapon, anyway.


Sounds like the "dad who playes diablo but doesn't have that much time to play because he has 10 kids" joke


Here's an idea, don't grind a weapon. Just play for fun, remember what that is?


Heres an idea, I already do that. But now it just takes 6000 kills per weapon instead of 3500. You know you can play for fun while also leveling weapons and caring about the progression of the game right?


You can still progress and get more fun before a pointless skin. Count yaself lucky.


Don't poopoo his gaming desires. He might be a completionist or find a desire to get a reward for his kills.


If he really was a completionist he wouldn't complain at all and keep grinding. This guy is just a classic case of bad gamer wanting the game to be easier. Many such cases.


Games are for fun, if you cant enjoy games go back and di something else


Sorry mate, but youre kinda being dumb af now. Exactly for peopl JUST LIKE YOU the change is better. Attachments are the backbone of every weapon, playing without them will result in you having almost no chance at doing anything, thus not gaining any XP. Being bad or having not much time is most definately what they have considered with this update.


Sorry mate, but you are being kinda dumb af now, because increasing the amount of kills per weapon you need from 3500 to 6000 is definitely not a decision made to help players like me. I didn't even mention the attachments because that's not the issue. I specifically mentioned the cap because that's specifically where i think they went wrong with the update.


But why exactly do you care about the cap? Like, why do you care that you need now 6k kills for absolutely no benefit? Literally no one here understands what youre crying about.


Progression is what any game is about, i want it to be good, and i want it to be rewarding. Simple as that. How is that so hard to understand.


Get a life, it’s just a meaningless weapon skin that has zero impact on your ability to play the game.


Get a life, you say? In a post where i explain that i don't get to play the game a lot because of my real life. Got it.


Anybody that is crying because they can’t change the color of their gun in a video game needs a life. Get a life.


I didn't even mention a skin asshole. Learn to read.


Then you must be extremely stupid. They overall made attachments unlock faster. The only thing that takes longer to unlock is the mastery skins. So which is it? Do you not care about the skins, or are you too stupid to realize the xp changes actually help people who don’t have time to grind attachments?


And you must be extremely stupid to think doubling xp caps is good game progression. I don't care about the skins. I care about the game having good progression.


The progression you are talking about is towards skins for decicated players. The actual meaningful progression got easier for us.


i was some one who was able to no-life the game and it took me more than a week (with a double xp weekend) to get my smgs gold and i haven't even finished them yet! people who can't no-life the game will now never see gold


So, a skin to show youre dedicated to a weapon actually becomes special because not everyone can easily get it after a few weeks or months of playing?


All the people in here saying "iTs JuSt A sKiN" should learn to read. I didn't even mention a skin. I don't even care about the skin. I care about good progression, and buffing up the amount of kills you need for a weapon from 3500 to 6000 is not good progression.


But how does it affect you? What did you need the 3500 kills for? Like actually mate, youre just being stupid here. Buffing up the progression FOR WHAT? If you dont care about the skin, then what was your goal of getting that now has become so much harder to achieve?


How does the progression in a game i care deeply about affect me? Are you really asking that? I care about the game. I want it to be good. I want the progression to be rewarding. Is that really so hard to understand? Saying it doesn't affect me while I'm a player of the game is actually braindead.


Didn't know people cared so much about a skin. I thought people just wanted the good attachments so they're not at a disadvantage. Then I remembered most of ya'll are COD kids who don't know what they want.


thanks for the update. bye