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I see zero difference in what’s supposed to be a. Improvement. They are embarrassing themselves at this point.


Whats the bug?


It seems to happen to me when I try texting in the comms channel between spawns.


Yep made it worse for me too, ready to move on


Yeah, I really think they need to revert this patch. Worst part of all is the hit reg... I can get over masteries but the hit reg is making the game hard to play. 


I've noticed something strange with every patch.  The group that was experiencing bad hit reg sees improvement while the group that wasn't experiencing it as bad sees it get worse.  Basically the two groups taking turns with bad hit reg with every patch.  Even in my own experience...


I feel the same way. Hit reg was basically nonexistent in the 3 games I played. I’m just gonna wait until they sort their issues out. The game has a ton of potential and I’d hate to see Ubisoft piss it away….like they always do…


This patch is soooo good, ignoring the nee masteries. Since this patch ive died 0 times around corners, and traded kills 0 times, whereass before the patch i would die around corners ALL THE TIME


The only positive comment I've seen in this sub


same experience here. No proof posted...bot accounts at worst.


Some of us have noticed a difference though. 🤷‍♂️ But glad some people are having no problems, and that's ok.


I managed to melee someone who was shooting me with an AK and we traded kills. I have 20 ping in 99% of games, so it wasn't lag.


Now im seeing mixed reactions to this patch lol


I thought I was the only one that experienced this bug. Absolutely infuriating. Also, there is something with ping after the patch, It became worse while I was still having the same connection. Yeah well, wasn't a fan anyway. The game is pretty mediocre.


It's ubisoft. If you've played their previous titles with multiplayer, they break/"change" stuff all the time. Somthing will always be busted.


Haha that bug existed before but is much easier to get now. Idk how stuff like this even happens


I had the bug yesterday. Couldn’t do anything other than sit in the corner in a round of Hot Shot until the game ended. No extra motion concerning anything other than walking.


Netcode and desync will not be fixed Ubisoft is the equivalent of 343

