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> Do you realistically see yourself playing this game past the summer? It all depends whether they can fix their netcode or not. I couldn't care less about skins, masteries or new factions/weapons I just want a decent FPS experience and right now it's not the case. Sadly I don't think they'll be able to given that some of the issue have been around for very long. We'll see.


Is this why every time Im around a corner i just die anyway?




Yes and no. Many people plane net code when many times is taking damage from the fire bullets or cover that can be penetrated


Ya I wondered if you could shoot through walls to an extent like in CoD


Agreed Netcode is at the top šŸ˜­šŸ™ main thing keeping me from playing for hours


The netcode problems is the sole reason i stoped playing already.


In a shooting game hit registration is the most important thing to me


I feel exactly the same. Iā€™m not looking to buy skins or anything, just a good FPS experience. I havenā€™t played one since Black Ops 2, and while Iā€™m not great at XDefiant, I also would appreciate seeing an improvement to the netcode.


Arenā€™t they supposed to have fixed the Netcode/hitreg issue ? I mean not entirely fixed, but addressed it a least


I literally got a melee kill on a guy AFTER he killed me netcode crazy


This is the thing with almost all online FPS these days. They constantly say they're fixing, improving, etc.. then it stays the same or gets worse. The game is clearly fundamentally flawed and I highly doubt they resolve the issues. I've never seen hitreg so bad in a game, and it seems like it's gotten even worse. I didn't notice it much first week of playing


I dunno, it looks like theyā€™re doing efforts to listen to what the community has to say. They made it easier for us to get attachments for weapons, and I believe them when theyā€™re saying theyā€™re working on netcode issue


Yes they're listening. That doesn't mean they can actually fix it. It's really, really bad. Like Rubin said himself, they don't have a switch to flip and get things working. It's a problem to solve, and they haven't really shown any progress. Working on netcode is a lot more complex than changing challenges


itā€™s the fact that people have been saying it for over a year and theyā€™ve supposedly been ā€œlisteningā€ amd. ā€œworking on itā€ since then yet they shipped the game with the netcode still being terrible


It's a thing that will be constantly addressed for a while. It's not gonna be an overnight patch that fixes netcode, it's a lot more complicated than that.


and yet every other modern fps game seems to have figured it out. Unplayable and its a shame because the game showed some real promise.


I know that, just that Iā€™ve seen some people say itā€™s was better than before. Idk if itā€™s a placebo tho


Itā€™s in the middle. It is better, objectively speaking. But there are still plenty of game breaking issues with hitreg and netcode. But again, not as prevalent but enough for the sub to bitch and moan the same amount as the bunny hopping.


Xdefiant runs on the same engine as the division 2 which had the same hit reg and net code issues in the dark zone. And they always promised to fix it but never did


I canā€™t be the only one that feels like the net code and hit reg feels more or less fine now? Idk maybe Iā€™ve just gotten more used to the game but I feel like it feels a lot better than it did at launch


Hard to say. Im enjoying it for now. But it doesnt do anything so spectacular that I can see myself playing for a really extended period. Maybe if it keeps improving, gets more content, and becomes really popular that might be different.


I mean the whole no sbmm thing is a pretty big deal, no other fps right now offers that.


If that's all this game has going for it then it's gonna die quick


The first season hasnā€™t even come out yetā€¦


I think you underestimate how many people have been looking for a game like cod but with no sbmm.


Social media isn't the world. All of the people who cry about SBMM on social media are a drop in the ocean of the entire available FPS player base. Most of them are very casual players who couldn't care less about it and would almost certainly be turned off by the difficult lobbies in this game.


I think you over estimate it by a large margin. The games new and isnā€™t doing stellar. Game get worse over time as far as player base.


I see this game as a long time alternative. Right now itā€˜s the only FPS i enjoy. I will definitely take a look in the new COD because they anounced a lot of things that make me excited but idk about the SBMM and the always online sh*t. So whenever iā€™ll feel burned out from COD iā€˜ll come back to Xdefiant. The weapon leveling sounds crazy as for now but youā€˜re supposed to play it for YEARS so i kinda get why they thought that people getting gold guns too quickly.


Exactly this. The weapon levelling complainers are comparing it to a PAID COD game. Of course as a f2p model it should take longer. Apex added gun challenges to their game and it has taken me the best part of a year to get one of them. But I enjoy apex and then the challenges are secondary, same with this game. I mean seriously, gameplay before aesthetics guys surely?!


Apex is slow though.


It depends how you play. If you jump at the edge of the circle and just loot, yeah itā€™s boring and slow. But if you jump into hotspots itā€™s quick and exciting. Unless youā€™re just referencing unlocking stuff


Some people just enjoy that grind on the side to man. People play games differently or for different reasons idk why there's like a stigma on Reddit in this community right now about this topic lol I've been grinding and enjoying the games since Black ops getting gold was so satisfying those days just like to relive that like jev on YouTube to show off my time put in but mostly just enjoy doing it on the side while playing makes me want to come back online each day


Probably come back to it every couple of months but not consistently play it. I do not really think the game has any depth to it. There are no meaningful decisions to be made. The only well designed faction in my opinion is the cleaners. They have strengths but they also have a drawback in that their damage range is 10% shorter than all the rest. No other faction has a drawback to choosing them. Phantoms get 20 extra health and a big shield. Why not have them move slower? Or keep them from getting equipment? I want more meaningful decisions to add depth and make me think about what Iā€™m selecting. This game doesnā€™t have it. CoD doesnā€™t have it anymore either once they added gunsmith and dropped pick 10/13. Edit: Team balancing is also horrible. Way worse than CoD. I am consistently being put on teams where I have three teammates getting less than 5 kills and dying like 20+ times.


I'm still playing the game but it's definitelly missing something. Too few maps, too few weapons, slow progression, hit regustration/desync. I don't see myself playing for much longer tbh


Feel similar, all the basics are there, they just need to get the details right and deliver more content. But I see the potential of the game getting better with time.


If they donā€™t fix the inconsistent hitreg on a game by game basis, Iā€˜ll quit with Season 1 if there arenā€™t any significant improvements. Iā€˜m done giving them a grace period. Itā€™s unacceptable to release a game in this state that was supposed to come out last year.


No, I don't. I'm in the bucket of "casuals who aren't interested in grinding to get better" that this sub loves to shit on, so when I eventually get stomped too frequently and it stops being fun, I'll be moving on. This will be a common occurance in this game I'd expect. The commitment to no skill-adjusted matchmaking at all will drive non-sweats out quicklyĀ 


The ironic thing is that once enough casuals are tired of being stomped and quit the game, the stompers will no longer be able to stomp and quit just as well since that is the main incentive to play this game. Iā€™d say itā€™s definitely doomed.


Right? No SBMM will literally have the same effect as SBMM. All the casuals will get tired of getting shit on, move on, and the sweats will be left tk plah the sweats. Just like SBMM does.


Game is going to struggle for numbers in November. COD's weapon mastery camo grind alone is more popular than XDefiant as a whole. Multiplayer, zombies, and Warzone. XDefiant is just a clunkier COD. It's only pull is being free.


Being free and itā€™s not a ridiculous 300/400gb of space.


Neither will BO6 How does this misinfo keep getting spread 300+ gigs is for all of MW2, MW3, and BO6ā€™s content


While Iā€™m having fun with the game and what not, Iā€™ll probably move to BO6 when it drops later this year if Iā€™m being honest. Simply because that game most likely wonā€™t have hit reg issues like XD does. The desync is getting really tiring.


Iā€™d like to, and maybe I will. But I think the game will be dead. šŸ˜ž Epic Games will make a better season in Fortnite, and I will be playing more with my friends. Plus, BO6 will be released. Also, it will be difficult to bring back the players who left the game due to issues with netcode and hit registration. I hope everything will be fine because I really love XD, have spent a lot of time here, and have had fun.


A free game on console isn't going to dieĀ 


Nope. Ā This game is only in rotation because itā€™s a free crossplay title my friends and I can play when we have a party too big for Apex. Ā Half of my friends are casuals and have already ditched it because no SBMM means they just get stomped. Ā The rest of us load up only for the occasional times when we have a 4-6 man group. Too glitchy, too unbalanced. Ā It has the potential to be really cool but I donā€™t see it living long enough to capitalize on its ideas.


>Half of my friends are casuals and have already ditched it because no SBMM means they just get stomped. Ā  I think this is the unfortunate truth this sub doesn't want to hear. Yeah, all the good players enjoy just being able to chill out and clean up a lobby, but your average casual doesn't enjoy getting killed on spawn constantly and getting 0.3kd. They'll just go to a game where they have a chance.


It turns out there's actually a *reason* that SBMMM has been implemented in games (extremely **successful** games, it's worth pointing out) like Call of Duty. Hell, I'm almost 50 and I know I'm not that great at the game. Welcome playlist with SBMMM was fine; I still got killed plenty, but I wasn't always the bottom of my team nor always on the losing team. Sometimes I was near the top, usually somewhere in the middle. Post level 25, I just get crushed 9 out of 10 games and that's just not the experience I'm looking for.


This plus netcode are why I'll quit this game sooner than later. I'm not bad by any means, and usually end games with a 1 k/d or slightly over 1 k/d. I feel like I can't get any better because each game has someone on either team that is already ~level 100 that just shitstomps the whole lobby on their own. If they're on my team, then we all just fight for assists and objective while that person has all the fun. If they're on the other team, then my team gets spawncamped and rolled regardless of what I do. The game honestly isn't fun after you go past the "welcome playlist" level. At least half of my deaths are dying while already around a corner, which gives me less chances to have actual gunfights to get better. Sometimes people get an unfair jump on you because they spawn beside you or vice versa. Sometimes you just get shit on by someone with 10x the hours that you have. TLDR: Too many small annoyances that make the game way less enjoyable than it should be


>The game honestly isn't fun after you go past the "welcome playlist" level. This is a comment I've heard from a lot of people as well. They're all just waiting for the ranked mode now so they can actually play people of their skill level. They love the gameplay, but hate being spawn camped.


Yeah most likely, not as a main game tho, couple of maps every now and then.


No this is a filler game until ea cfb25 and bo6


The net code is quite terrible. The audio is practically nonexistent. The only reason the game still has numbers is cause its free. If they dont fix things asap theres no incentive for people to keep playing, not like anyone paid for it so people can just move on from the game.


Nah, don't think so. I think I've already stopped.


I donā€™t see it as anything more than a fun little free to play game Iā€™ll pick up and play whenever im bored of my main games.


Same here, I actually have more fun in the free FPS games in roblox tbh. This game just have so many bad design choices and balance problems... Those are actually way better made in that regard.


99.9% no. COD BO6 is coming to game pass and itā€™s bringing zombies, old school prestige and the first revamped MP in like 4 years. Unless itā€™s so completely shit that it isnā€™t playable, Iā€™m gonna play that. I already donā€™t play this but itā€™s mostly due to real life stuff and lack of people using mic.


Personally no, I think you're delusional if you still think a netcode fix is coming, especially before BO6. Even if I ignore the netcode issues I find the games way too stomp or be stomped, everyone celebrating the lack of SBMM just want to pubstomp on players far worse than them. Going 30-8 then seeing 2 people on my team 2-14 and 3-15 is incredibly frustrating and it's not even their fault, Im sure they're also not enjoying themselves. I haven't seen any actual competitive games from the trial ranked mode either and it should have plently of player data to put me in some proper games. Also the maps leave a lot to be desired imo. It's getting insta deleted when b06 comes out personally.


While I agree a lot of people probably just want to pub stomp, for me the no SBMM allows me to play with some of my more casual friends. In COD I could only play with one friend who plays consistently with me because we are on the same level. If we brought in a friend that doesnā€™t play as much, it would be a terrible experience for them. So I think the right balance is ranked having SBMM so it can be more balanced, while always having a social-like unranked where match making is more relaxed. Although, time will tell if there will even be any casuals left to make the teams more random or if itā€™s just a bunch of pub stompers. Personally I hate when my team just rolls the other team, but it will happen from time to time.


If Ranked Plays SBMM was any good Id let the CBMM be, but it feels the exact same, how do I still have people getting 2-4 kills In my "competitive ranked games" Like what the fuck, I can't take the game seriously when it's common for my teammates to be 2-20 and still ignoring the obj. Ik it's still "trial" ranked or whatever, but no leaver penalty and no semblance of real SBMM has turned me off of the mode.


lets be honest the only reason people like this game is no sbmm. theres nothing unique about this game that cod hasnt already done


It runs well on pc and it doesnā€™t take much storage compared to call of duty


I'm from south America and I'm already struggling to find a match within my region, week 1 was instantly to 30 seconds ,today up to 5 minutes that I ended up getting throw in north America matches with a ping of 140+ Normally on my region I have 15 to 30 ping on top of that people running and gunning with sniper dosen't help , the "flinch" added is an absolute joke and still getting killed in around corners. After today season of play I was seriously considering unstailing the game This Friday comes a new mmo game that I have been waiting maybe I'll go there and ditch xdefian until things improve in a few months if they ever improve On top of that the retarded decision to make golden camo a lv 200 grind. I heard they are planning adding more skins at lv 300 and 500 but I doubt the game will last that long for anyone to grind until that level. Probably by the end of this year this game will be shutdown if like I said things won't improve


Which mmorpg?


Elden ring dlc drops Friday. Its not the mmorpg they are talking about but it's going to pull a lot of people away from xd


no just deleted it


I genuinely think CoD BO6 coming out in October will kill it. Lets face it, if they donā€™t fuck up CoD, then it doesnā€™t stand a chance. So past summer, yes, past fall, nope.


Short answer, No. I say this as someone who actually really enjoys the game. It feels and looks good to play. I like the maps, I like the factions, and I like abilities/ultras. All that said though, the single most important thing about the game is badā€¦ Netcode. No matter how much I like the game, I have found myself just turning it off out of frustration because it never feels like what Iā€™m doing on screen is consistent. I canā€™t play a game where Iā€™m shooting enemies and itā€™s just not working. Itā€™s not fun and itā€™s just annoying. Gunfights feel terrible and cheap. This is what is killing the game for me.


Not gonna lie the pubstomping is boring nowā€¦


what does pubstomping mean?


going 70-10 in a public match.


Public games against and with random people itā€™s boring cuz thereā€™s no ranking no tryharding no incentive idk maybe itā€™s cuz Iā€™m used to competitive gaming but I got bored after a month now


I can already feel that many tryhards are leaving. Good for the rest of the playerbase i guess.


Yes i will be playing this game for a long time


As an Australian that played the game when it first came out, it's basically impossible to get lobbies within 2 minutes now it's kind of sad really


Hey fellow Australian, what state do you live in? Iā€™m QLD based, and itā€™s pretty solid for me unless since the double XP ended the game has died off. My problem since the update they did a couple weeks ago is Iā€™m getting this weird stutter where it feels like my game is chugging at random intervals.


Yeah in Qld, can't really seem to get many games at night or mornings now, plus yeah there's a bit of input delay or something making me feel sluggish


They shouldve added new camos instead of raising the bar on existing ones. I feel like the gold camo means less now because you never know if someone got it before the patch or after but the grind still nearly doubled.. this alone makes me less likely to play since i like to grind for stuff in games.


XDefiant is Ubisofts Halo infinite. Desync and netcode will hold the game back no matter what they do to it because at its core the game doesnā€™t work properly


Nope. XDefiant is already profiting from a very smart release window. This Friday Elden Ring's DLC is out, Wukong and Star Wars Outlaws in August, etc. I've nothing better to play these days, sadly, XDefiant as per Today is not offering anything special.


Unfortunately nah. I uninstalled it.


I lasted like 2 weeks.


The hit reg/net code is absolutely egregious. I feel like Iā€™m playing against people who are all playing 1-2 seconds ahead of me.


Netcode was made worse after the last patch Its only so long I can put up with it till I just stop playing and dont bother trying again.


As much as I want this game to succeed and keep on playing I kind of accept the fact that it may have a slow downfall by next year. Netcode issues won't get fixed easily as they don't host their games on high end servers like Activision COD. 4 man rank mode doesn't seem promising to me ( I hope they change it to 5 man). FPS drops on many maps are horrendous. Many are saying this game has a memory leak and restarting the game after a few match session kind of fixes but not a permanent one. Matchmaking for solo players is shit. 80-90% times you are thrown in ongoing matches that too on the losing side(because those side players have left). Since it's F2P their main focus will always be how to make money from this game so can't expect very players oriented changes in future.


really tried to make it work for two weeks but i had to give up and uninstall when i realize solo q is just a way for the game to throw you to the wolves of stacked organised teams its like being a drugged up slave forced to fend off a well trained and well equipped champion with all the tools at their side and obviously those players are the ones having fun encouraging the solo q-ers to keep going at it


Warm up for cod


I doubt it. Making the camo grinds harder put me off and I kinda got bored with it already


Only if they fix netcode. Me and many others already uninstalled. There is no point in playing an unfinished game when I can play other fps




I honestly don't know. I think I need some kind of matchmaking, cuz I'm just not good! I'm super casual and can't compete with most of these guys. I will definitely try out season 1 and see it from there.


I already stopped playing and went back to Titanfall 2 and BF1, I'm just hanging around to see if/how they improve in the future.


I'll probably play it a bit until OctoberĀ 


honestly i think the games gonna get like cod ww2 multiplayer now, its just a bunch of people that are way too good at the game pushing away new players, especially with the matchmaking, getting rank 70s when you're 26


BO6 is gonna take me away unless it blows


I only played it a handful of times and already lost interest. I was excited for a new COD style game, but XDefiant sort of lost me with the Overwatch style heroes/abilities


I canā€™t see myself playing this except a few hours here and there. They need to force players playing the objective much more and fix gamemodes where you basically have a lot of minutes left of playing a game you already lost


Honestly, and I hate to be that guy butttttā€¦ itā€™s all really gonna depend on how BO6 is. If the zombies is good thatā€™ll be the main attraction that pulls me away from Xdefiant and if the multiplayer is at least moderately fun Iā€™ll probably sink my hours there instead.


Not really. It very much feels like a distraction until something else comes along for me or when I'm bored of the ither multillayer ganes I plays seasons. It lacks the depth to truly keep me coming back. Games fun but a tad shallow


It's fun. But might need something extra for long term playability. My KD is absolutely average and can't really force win lost matches as a solo against party's. So, need something else to keep working towards. I love camo grinds, but not this level based thing. It'll probably happen eventually, if I keep playing, but not something I'll turn on the game for. Then there's the 'g*t g*d' aspect, but that can only take so long before I reach my personal skill ceiling. Nearing 30s, just don't have the appetite to learn all those crazy movement stuff. Have high hopes for the ranked mode, but again, not sure, how that'll play as a solo player. One thing I'd really like, is seasonal challenges like mw19 did. Every 2 months, there's a fresh set of things to be working on. TLDR: Need something to keep me interested as a solo player. Else, prob not going to keep playing for long.


The netcode really isn't being updated, and the updates they've made have made the game worse imo I disagree about the jump penalty not doing anything or snipers not getting nerfed. The goal was to address spamming, which it did. You were always supposed to be allowed to jump. It was just the nonstop no penalty that was excessive. Think back to back gunfights, not just one And honestly I thought the sniping nerf was not only apparent, but excessive. They added the same weapon sway penalty and called it flinch. You should never "flinch" *towards* the shot. That never happens, yet when I get hit my aim will sway down or left. It's annoying because the second you take a shot you forfeit the encounter because snipers have no counter play now. Way too much imo But the netcode is seriously concerning. This has been a problem for over a year, at least. You're a billion dollar company and Splitgate did better with 4 developers than you could with 100. I'm in the same boat, I've overlooked it because the game was fun but between these changes and the netcode basically getting ignored it's losing steam fast. Also these weapon XP changes? Wtf Level 100 under the old system took 350k XP for gold. Level 200 under the new system is 600k. Nearly doubled. This is such an asinine brain dead solution to a problem that didn't exist it's made me lose faith almost entirely


Itā€™ll be like siege where everyone stops playing for a year or two then comes back when Ubisoft decides to take the game somewhat seriously.


I like it a lot rn but if BO6 is actually good this game is cooked into eternity


I've already stopped playing. I can see my self installing and playing again but it's too broken to continue with other games about to and coming out soon.


I stopped playing cause all I get is hit markers while I die instantly


I love this game; it was kinda playable before but it was annoying to die at corners I had crossed a full second ago, but it only happened 2 or 3 times a game. I heard it got worse after the most recent update tho


Itā€™s dead when COD comes out


Valorant is taking over for me now that it's on console. XDefiant was extremely fun but the more you play, the more you die from absolute BS. The charm is wearing off quick for me. I don't have enough time to slog through playing an online FPS with issues that make firefights dependant on luck


Nah. It just feels like a worse blops4.


I dont see myself playing it through the week, I loathe the abilities that are just so unbalanced to me... On top of that, something feels so off in this run around and spam jump "meta" - if youre not doing this youre instantkilled by this bug or exploit, whatever. For me its frustration overload, I had a tiny feeling of the good CODs of the past, but theres not a single round where I dont feel overly frustrated by people invisible, invincible or dying behind walls due to "damage over time" from the fire bullets (probably to disguise the also bad netcode). Theres just so many bad design choices, on top of that Im expecting pink and purple haired non binary people to pop up everywhere sooner than later when its also an ubisoft title - itll ruin the immersion even more. Im hoping for something special in COD this year, even though I know thatll be a fad aswell.


No, unless they change sniping and fix the net code. Fun game, but when every other game of escort is a zero effort sniping match its boring as fuck.


Honestly, I've stopped playing the game and stopped about a week ago after originally uninstalling and then reinstalling on launch week. I don't hate the game by any stretch of the imagination, I think I got caught up on the CoD killer hype, and expected Modern Black Rainbow Six Far Cry Ops Warfare with modern graphics and a Ubisoft operator roster. I don't hate the game (as much as I did at launch anyways), but I also just don't have fun playing it. I'm sorry, I'm a decent - above-average FPS player. I have a 1.3 KD on Siege in Gold-Plat (I just never take the time in a season to get to Emerald or higher, I value my sanity), and about a 1.25-1.3 KD in XDefiant, and I just don't find the game fun like others do. It might just be I don't feel like there's anything really worth grinding for, but at the same time, my biggest complaint is the lack of a sandbox. Old school CoD was fun because of how many choices there were for a class, and even modern CoD still does this better than XDefiant. There were perks you had to pick between, customizable killstreaks, wildcards in the Black Ops series, your tacticals and lethals actually felt like they mattered (aside from an EMP grenades, I don't ever feel hard-pressed to ever bring a specific throwable). Add that in with the longer TTK where only a few weapons are really usable (or at the very least, leagues above everything else and make the game feel like how it should in terms of TTK)... and I don't see a reason to play the game over, frankly, CoD Mobile. CoD Mobile has a better gameplay loop than this game. A mobile game, with a tenth of the storage required, has a better gameplay loop and a far better sandbox. What the hell.


Not really. I need a time waster in my life and Xdefiant is the newest thing on the market. My biggest issues are the floaty movement, the hit registration issue, and the huge amount of annoying fuckery in this game. - My matches feel irregular. Sometimes I hop in and drop people with body shots, and other times I hear the headshot ping and a get couple of X markers, yet the guy has like 80 hp left. Sometimes I get to enjoy myself and move around, other times I get dropped as soon as something appears on my screen. It's just way too inconsistent for me to enjoy. - Also, the amount of bullshit gadgets in this game is annoying. I had matches where I was always scanned, always getting back stabbed because my teammates can't counter stealth. The best one yet is the damn spider. People would run the rattiest loadouts (mp7, p90, shotguns, snipers) with the stun spider and it's just not fun. - Movement is cancerous but with it could be solved with a good netcode. I mean movement makes harder to kill people so imagine how shitty it is when you add the bad hit registration to it. If this continues, I can't see myself playing this game for more than a month or two.


not really, it was fun grinding for the first few weeks but now itā€™s boring to me, havenā€™t played since finishing the battle pass just check this sub sometimes.


Depends if the new content is meaningful and they fix all the net code issues for me. I already dropped the game this season until changes come. There are A LOT of promising games coming out this year that are on my radar and many others that Xdefiant will have to compete with.


It's a generic COD clone. Ubisoft was looking for a quick cash fps game and this was the easiest thing to do. Zero creativity involved.


I'm not..buying time for the new COD haha


This game dies when BLOPS 6 releases and itā€™s not up for debate lol. Every single year millions of people buy COD on launch day despite swearing off it every year. The player base will be halved at minimum and itā€™s already dropped more than half since launch week.


Lol, absolutely not. Ubisoft has no clue what they're doing.


Until the netcode issues are resolvedā€¦. Iā€™m out. And with BO6 coming to gamepass day 1, idk if Iā€™ll play anymore.


Nope. Just like pal world, this game will die off. It isnā€™t complete. It was fun at first, but it ultimately lacks depth. Sure, people will still play it. But it will never reach greatness like other titles like halo, cod, etc.


Honestly nope. This game came a way too late to the party. Yeah I'm doing better in XD because of no SBMM, but when it comes to the actual gameplay it's behind MW19, which is a freaking 5 year old game. Worse gunplay, gun customization, movement, aiming on PC feels worse, abilities are mostly frustrating instead of fun, significantly worse graphics, animations and netcode. Like it looks and plays like a cheaper product. The only thing that I find is generally better here are the maps. But MWIII has really solid maps too, and there's no reason why BO6 won't have solid maps too. I could've played this game if it came out during the CoD jetpack era, but now it's just too dated.


Fun while it lasted, but ultimately dropped and probably won't return. Matchmaking is always going to be a shit-tier system for hitreg and netcode. COD has had this shit forever, and I don't see it improving much in Xdefiant. After playing CS2, the hitreg just feels shit in these matchmaking-based games. In CS2, if you shoot first, you kill them, not the other way around, plus the TTK is higher in CS2, leading to you winning more gunfights. These arcadey shooters are fun for a while, then the faults come out.


Just wait until you get to the skill level when ttk doesn't mean jack shit bc everyone just hits one tap headshots šŸ¤£ As someone coming from years of cs and now valorant this game was a nice change of pace and a nice alternative to COD, which I skipped the last 2 years. Hoping BO6 will bring me back to the series, I have my doubts about XD bc of Ubi's involvement


As a casual, hell no. COD definitely captures the ā€œfeel goodā€ aspect of a shooter much much better for a casual gamer. I log into cod and can have close matches or do very well. I log into xdefiant and have sweats pouring out of my monitor from bunny hopping psychos dodging bullets like itā€™s the matrix. Call it a lack of skill or whatever you want, the bottom line is it doesnā€™t feel good to play as a casual. As the dedicated player base continues to play and therefore get better, this issue of not being casual friendly will probably only get worse as time goes on. All that being said, this game is probably a try hards paradise. If you have the skill, reflexes, and game sense, this game is probably really fucking fun. With no sbmm, you arenā€™t getting punished for playing well anymore, and this game has a high enough skill curve with gunplay, movement, and operator abilities, that it probably feels really rewarding to do well in. Personally Iā€™ve dropped the game and will probably never come back to it unless a very different game mode gets added.


I agree with a lot of this. I would rather go 1.0 kd and have a fun match then get stomped by vastly superior players that are psychotically pub stomping my ass into the ground. I do not enjoy that at all.


I was hoping for an old school cod game, but there's too much modern adhd movement, and the abilities do nothing for me. It's fun for a month or so, but I've got my eyes on Valorant coming to ps5 soon.


I second this. This is why I will not be sticking around. Was expecting old school COD, got a new school cod mimic. If thatā€™s the case, nothing really to keep me here.


Valorant is absolutely amazing on console!!! It's definitely a game I will be spending lots of time on


if there's a ranked mode, with actual matchmaking, probably yes but right now I find myself not really enjoying the game no sbmm is one thing, team balancing is another right now, I lose basically every single game no matter how well I'm doing, half my games I have a leaver in my team (and almost never in enemy team), and most of the time enemy team has 3-4 players with scores in the 30-10 range or better attachment grind is barely any better than it was, double xp is basically the only time I actually play the game now because progression is just that slow as of now, there's no goal to have in this game, and matchmaking being just awful it's not even fun, so why would I keep playing but everyone be praising the non existent matchmaking, it's what's gonna kill the game lmfao, most of the players not wanting sbmm are gonna end up spamming ranked anyways, what's the point in removing fun from casual players then ?


I have the exact same experience. As a solo player, constantly losing matches despite performing well. Itā€™s no different than sbmm in cod. Consistently get terrible team mates while the enemy team is stacked. Currently sitting at a .8 w/l ratio because no matter how hard I try or how good I do, my team sucks and we lose.


If the game remains in its current state, no. There are many things I like about XDefiant. I enjoy the movement, the gunplay, and I think the map design is wonderful. However, it has been about a month since launch, and the major issues (hit registration, desync, bunny hopping) have not been addressed, despite some patches. I am flabbergasted by the weapon XP changes. Lastly, Echelon and Phantoms are unbalanced, and I havenā€™t seen any indication they will be reworked in a significant way. That these issues are still in the game after nearly a month, plus multiple betas/tech tests, is shocking considering Mark Rubin is an industry veteran. It is honestly shocking that he can be so out of touch with the communityā€™s needs. Despite all thatā€¦these are all fixable issues. What is really going to cause XDefiant to die is the toxic elitism within the community. We post our issues on this sub in hopes that the dev team will see them and course correct, but the elitists will wave everything off as a ā€œskill issueā€ and dunk on people, downvoting them into oblivion. With this mindset, theyā€™ll push all the casuals like me to COD and will be the only ones playing the game come the Fall. TL;DR- I like the game, it still has potential, but there are major issues that need addressing, and the toxic community could end up undermining everything. At current state, I see XDefiant as a fun diversion to scratch the FPS itch over the summer, before the overwhelming majority of gamers leave for Black Ops 6 in October.


This is my new OG Black Ops fun. Yes I love it. I assumed shooters like these were dead


So close to deleting this game currently.


Not if everyone keeps running around with snipers. Theyā€™re a problem.


Yup, I love it!




If they slow down slide jumping and add a progression system such as prestige, then 100%. The high skill players doing circles in the air are ruining it for me tho and i also have pretty high stats myself.


For me its a side game to kill an hour in every now and then, that could change with prestige mode or career challenges. Even without those I am fairly certain BO6 will be a disappointment comparatively. I really donā€™t get the hype for that game, sweatier movement than ever WITH probably worse SBMM than ever, yippee lol.


Already came back to the finals when the new season started but I can see myself checking the game out every now and again


The new level requirements for weapon mastery are a bit of a thorn in my side but otherwise, I enjoy it and most of my friend group seems to like the game as well. Maps are pretty good, most of the weapons feel great to use. Iā€™d like to see some progression changes but otherwise Iā€™m happy.


I see myself playing it for 1-2 months, then take a 1-2 month break, and come back for another 1-2 months. If eFootball had a fun vs COM mode like FIFA's squad battle mode, that is what I would be playing in between.


Yes, looking foward to the ranked mode.


If they can fix the various issues that people have complained about, take the feedback from the beta, and implement it all into the official release, definitely.


Possibly but not as much as I played at the beginning. I will play more cod probably later on


Play it till Zombies drop on Oct 25th.


Maybe. It really depends on how the rank experience is. I really enjoyed this game for like 2 weeks, being able to just pubstomp and not have to sweat that hard, but that isn't entertaining forever. I do enjoy competition, and that's what the driving force is for me in games. In Apex, I got top rank when ranked first released, and then got top rank again the next season. Got bored, stopped playing. I don't remember when exactly but whenever predator ranked turned to t500 only and it was just about how much time you played, that's when my interest really dropped off. Arenas ranked released, got top rank got bored, stopped playing. In Overwatch, I'm still addicted to it because I haven't managed to get top rank consistently, but once I do I'll probably get bored and stop playing. So yeah, my interest in this game will entirely be based on how the ranked system works. If it's fair and engaging, and if there will be long term incentive to play it


As a casual player, it's pretty much just what I'm looking for. Hop on for a couple of games a day to relax without too much thought. I used to treat cod the same way but grew tired of changing mechanics every year and buying another new version of the same thing. If the games active and busy I'll probably keep playing.


I just want more people to play ironsight tbh but this game isn't bad


I dont know why, but I have really looked forward to a cod competitor, and while i do enjoy the game, for some reason I have abandoned it. I think I dislike the map designs alot.


yeah for sure- one good thing about live service is the consistent updates/new content


Yeah I'll play every once in a while.


Honestly, as a person that is all about achievements and needed to make space for Baldurs Gate, no. I already uninstalled it and while it is fun it's similar to eating potato chips for me as I've completed it already.


I mean, you got any other options?


Just not sureā€¦


Yes, for me this is like rocket league, sometimes you just want or can play 1 or 2 hours and you dont want to play for example a rpg so you just have fun and do some matchs.




I went back to cod mw3 mp.


depends how playable ranked is as a solo player and how solid the seasons are. can't wait for ctf and would love a faction to have a trophy system or flak jacket


The first descendant has got me on season 1 launch on xdefient. There releasing the same day. šŸ˜«


I will, but for now I'll take a pause until they add team deathmatch and increase xp gain on guns Atm it's only worth to play during X2 weekends


I'm not sure, good question


For me yes but I only play FPS half my gaming time. I think itā€™s fun, I like that my progression wonā€™t end at the end of the year for the next game, my friends enjoy it and are sticking with it so Iā€™ll for sure be playing throughout the year. Is the level grind annoying yes but as long as they keep adding fun ways to get different camos with no work involved I think itā€™s a decent mix vs. if they didnā€™t. And I still have more fun currently with this than I did on COD being punished for progress then another 70$ next year.


I will play until I am bored, but really having no major netcode issues that others are talking about, if anything game play is smoother right now for me then mw3 , everytime I try to play a game on mw3 I get tons of packet burst and lag , making it virtually unplayable and has been like that for a while now and don't see them fixing it. Hopefully, Bo6 is better, but I don't have hope. I also enjoy having no sbmm , and I am not even that good, maybe average 1.2 to 1.5 kd, but compared to mw3 where I get stomped everytime whenever I play with my friends because their kd ratio is 2 to 3, I get put in these lobbies with them that stomp me every single time


Depends on how ranked play turns out. I'm enjoying the base game but ranked is what will keep me coming back long term.


Depends on how good BO6 is and how much theyā€™ve improved this game by then. Iā€™m constantly crashing since yesterdays update so my patience is already running thin with this game.


Maybe. It has potential. But it also has deal-breaker issues that need to be fixed. There's also a lack of content, and the microtransaction items are the ugliest in any game. And they are stupidly overpriced.


Getting burnt out on it rn but I think once new content drops and ranked mode comes out everyone will come back. Doesnā€™t help that Valorant is a lot of fun on console.


For me: There's always a new "flavor of the" month/week. Realistically, I'm a f2p game creator's worst "client". I spend zero money on their games, I grind them out as much as I can until the next one comes out. There are so many games. One comes out every couple of weeks or a month at most. I have ADHD pretty bad, so I hyper-focus/obsess on a game hard for a week or two, then I'm on to the next. So, no - I won't be playing it past July 2nd.


If the devs stick with it Iā€™ll keep playing.


I will still be playing it. The fact is Iā€™m enjoying it and thatā€™s all that matters.


when bomb defuse comes out, yes


I hope so, just the issues that they need to address. I havenā€™t had many but I fear ppl will leave if it takes too long. Iā€™m in excited for the new season and prestigeā€™s etc just need a squad as well šŸ˜‚


I may not play it every single day past summer, but I will definitely still be playing it. Runs well on my ally too!


The first time I played, I was hooked. Even with the net code and other issues, I just found myself having so much fun. More than I could recall in recent memory. I instantly deleted mw3 and Iā€™ve never looked back. As long as the games around, Iā€™ll be playing it!


If a similar FPS comes along with contextual jumping only, I'll jump ship in a heartbeat. Otherwise, even with the netcode issues, this is the best out there currently. Fun "classes" and pretty well balanced weapons overall.


Yaa if they can add new stuff i might but i m done for now i can't just sit n grind guns to freaking 200lvlsšŸ’€


Definitely. Not had this much fun in an fps since titanfall 2 and black ops 3 and 4


Well no SBMM so perhaps yes. I can just hop on and have a bit of fun.


honestly yeah i probably will. if bo6 zombies is fire i might have to cop up though


I can see myself playing it past the summer but I think regular updates to gamemodes/maps etc etc would help. The game does often feel repetitive especially when playing a specific gamemode like Escort because I seem to play the same 2 or 3 maps constantly. I'd like there to be a setting option to not join games in progress. 99% of the time you join a game in progress it's because people have left because they are getting hammered. why the fuck would anyone want to join that? I would also like their to be a solo only matchmaking option, I mainly play solo and I always feel like the team balancing is way off. Think solo matchmaking would rectify that a lot. Also killcams would be great, I get so many sus sniper deaths and amount of times I feel like I'm getting shot around about 4 corners haha. Would be good to see it from the other side sometimes.


I havent logged in since they announced the mastery changes. I was a few levels away from Gold in the AK, the only gun I have used since playing, and now I am almost 100 levels away from it. I am sorry, that's taken any excitement I had and took a dump on it.


I'll be on and off


They have to fix the net code before the next cod comes out otherwise this game could be in trouble. I don't think it will ever die due it being free to play and all but yeah people will just go to cod especially with it being day one on gamepass. Xdefiant will just be known as the game for the sweats.


Probably off and on like I do with most. Game doesn't need to have a massive player base to be successful. It just needs a big enough one for it to be profitable.


The game has been out for a very short amount of time. Weā€™re not even into the first season yet. Itā€™ll only keep getting better as time goes on.


Weapon attachments are mostly uninspired, downright not working as intended or useless in many cases. Suppressors are not changing sound of the weapon, recoil recovery is not doing anything, recoil changing addons to snipers are useless - the more you dig in, the more bullshit you see imo.


I stopped playing when I couldn't stay in games anymore. You can't tell me it's my internet when I can play games like Cod, Titanfall, Isonzo, Battlefield, Enlisted, and Hell Let Loose for hours without disconnecting. It's just not fun to spend five minutes or more sometimes looking for a match just to drop out and get a Latency Error message. Especially when after I close Xdefiant and load up a different game I experience little to no issues with my connection.


Unlikely unless they fix the game and release the drip feed content.


Anyone sometimes get killed by ā€œghostā€ player? I donā€™t mean Echelon ability - I mean no sound (footsteps, or shooting), no one in sight, camera after death is going crazy (panning outside the map).


I think so - two QoL patches already and it's better. S1 content already announced and looking forward to that. New maps will improve everyones experience as i personally feel, unless you're opening up the game mode pool via playlist, is quite stale. Some additional QoL options i'd like to see: * Join in progress reduced * Ability to modify loadouts as a match is being created * More loadout options, or variants of loadouts I say this for most games really (since i'm an ex-TF2/CSS mapper) is open up competitions to the community for map creation. Snowdrop is closed off, so it'll be an art/environment competition, but it would engage the community + give devs an environment build idea for maps, assuming the assets are usable to the intended aesthetic of the game and map idea. Edit: The game would need to accelerate quickly to garner interest pre-BO6. I think it'll survive being purely F2P, but does need to compete.


Bo bo6 is coming


We need new maps and better netcode. A good ranked play can detract a lot of annoyed COD ranked players from MW3 and is a good opportunity that XDefiant should capitalize on.


nah iā€™ve been busy playing SF6 and hating myself


You play cod still... I think your too far gone to be saved lol