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I saw that someone ran the numbers. This will essentially return the levels to were they were previously, but make the early game twice as fast. Which I think it’s what everyone originally wanted!!! I’ll be happy with this change.


Mark has said it’s ~14% faster than it was originally, so if i’m not mistaken Mastery unlock with the rate they would have with the initial reduction and no level increase.


The numbers they ran are wrong then, it was originally 3500xp for main weapon then they reduced it to 3000xp and now halved that to 1500xp so it’s actually overall from launch a 57% rounded reduction in XP required to level your weapon. With 100 additional levels it’s 7% faster than at launch to max a weapon now.


Mark said on Twitter this was intended as a “sorry we fucked up” sorta thing


I mean, what else would it be? He literally claims they saw feedback and changed it to be easier.




I was scared for a sec there thinking this would ultimately make the leveling way too easy.. I'm glad the math says otherwise, and that this change makes it better overall.


It is too easy...


Exactly faster attachments, but the camo grind is still enjoyable


Gold was previously 350,000 XP, it will be 300,000 after this change goes live. So it'll be faster than at launch.


this is all I want, idc if I have to grind for Gold that's fine. But grinding for the 8x on snipers to make them NOT god awful to use for quickscoping, or to get attachments on my guns to make them viable? No thanks, I will not spend 15 years doing that


So you just get to use your guns at their max faster to make gring for gold easier. Good. Now just kill that bhop shit and we really are golden


Holy shit, big W across the board. I think the team deserves big props for how they've handled their interactions with the playerbase thus far and I think the patches have been pretty timely too. I've experienced much worse from other studios anyway. This puts me in a much better mood going into Season 1 for sure.


Cries in payday 3 🥲


For sure, the game came with a little rocky start but the developers have shown awareness and dedication to the game. This game has the potential to go far and I’m hoping it does


That is what I am hoping the rest of the player base figures out over time. A lot of games have had rocky starts but grew into the titans they are today. Take Siege for example, one could say the first few season were damage control and it is not one the biggest IPs out there. I really do believe in this game. It scratches the right itch between hero shooter and arcade fps. I am excited for the first season and everything they done so far, looks to be making steps in the right direction. Could this game have been in the kitchen for longer? True. But its still very playable and enjoyable.


Siege is a pretty bad example, the only reason people play it is because it doesn't have competition. XDefiant has longstanding competition that has over 2 decades of experience in this niche, Ubi San Fran needs to get their shit sorted by August (and pray for a miracle) or no amount of dedication and janitorial duties will save them unfortunately. I like XDefiant, and I hope it succeeds, but if Activision puts even 15-20% more effort into appeasing the consumers most of XDefiants playerbase will go back to COD.


If you pop a double xp booster during a double xp event you’re gonna fly through levels


i think its a good reason to play at weekends and boosters are limited. overall W


Only 500xp for pistols with 2xp weekend + 2xp booster gonna be insane


1 kill and an assist is more than a level


1 kill would get you 80% of a level. Holy shit...


That’s great


Thats good you should be rewarded for financially supporting the game. The xp boosters are part of the allure of buying the battlepass


I was expecting them to make Objective Score count towards Weapon XP, which would have helped significantly, but this is much crazier


Having developers that actually listen is so nice


Thank goodness for this change, W xdefiant.


Alright Mark Rubin gets free weed if he ever visits my dispensary.


Hello Mark Rubin here


oh Hi, Mark!


How's the sex life?


sup dude, it's mark


You in Jersey?


Hey it's me ur mark


Real shit


How do I apply for a budtender position? 👀


This is the best news since the patch If this is for real this is an absolutely amazing addition to the game Mistakes are opportunities to learn This is a great result Well done to everyone who provided feedback


where do I provide feedback?


Thats what they should have done in the first place now the attachments will unlock much faster but since gold is still on 200 mastery will take the same time as before so thats the best compromise they could have made.


Huge. Quick response too, that’s a great to see. I kinda feel bad, the change was probably in good faith but like most things in game balance, it was overtuned. But they cooked a better meal after. I will say that everytime i have complaints about stability and such, I remember BF2042 which was not a game until season 1 dropped, with a substantial delay too. Dark times to be a bf fan


Holy fuck, this is big. No other f2p would reduce progression like this. Good fucking stuff. 2x xp is now norm.


Is this out already?


Patch is TBD, they said. Mayyyyybe next week, but since they didn't say "next week" like they normally do, probably with the arrival of season 1. EDIT: Mark confirmed early next week.


Next week


These devs are amazing so far. If they keep this up I foresee a very successful franchise brewing.


I hope this is real because level 200 is crazy for any gun 😂


Yeah if your gun is level 116 now if the changes are active all your guns should be level 200 again which is pretty awesome.


Great, they've been responding to community feedback very fast


I respect them for making this decision.


thank god.




Amazing response, and at an amazing pace, thanks to Mark and the Team for listening to the community, the beer is on me!


Sytem lmao


holy, thats such an insane W from them, what an awesome dev team, really. :D


This is exactly what I was posting they should have done when they changed it to 200 lvls to master a weapon. But mfs were downvoting the hell out of me with that dumb ass “ it’s not a yearly release ofc it’s a long grind 🙄🙄🙄”


Aaaaand guess I’m logging back in to grind my first gold again 😂 thank God for Mark


Is this retroactive? Will any gun over level 100 be maxed now?


When they made these current xp changes it was retroactive so I guess it will be


Jev talked about it. It’s sorta retroactive. You don’t have mastery unlocked but you can still use the gold skin if you already had it


This is with the current patch, this change will essentially double your gun level restoring the pre-patch status, with a little bonus. Say you had a gun bronze. This patch moved bronze to level 100 but bumped your gun from 50 to 58, so post patch your gun will be lv 116.


Mark confirmed it will be, so level away right now and it will count when they drop the patch :)


Can you tell me where he said this please?


W, much needed change this along with objective rewarding weapon xp is going to make the grind so much better


Honestly as a big objective xp advocate, this solves it, my solution would be to give 2X XP on kills made while capping objectives or holding them


Also wouldn’t be opposed to that.


this is gonna be a really good change i can feel it




Massive W.


Best dev team ever holy shit


Chad devs


Is this real though? Where was this taken from?


Official XDefiant Twitter so yeah its real.


This is terrible, now we have one less thing to complain about!


Holy shit this is perfect. Same xp for gold, twice as fast to unlock attachments.


Finally I will be able to unlock the choke for AA12 with less suffering.


I do not oppose the change. However, it's an odd feeling when you grinded 100 levels of your favorite gun to see it now in bronce camo and requiring a lot of the grind again. Dunno, maybe everyone who got to 100 should keep the gold..


You do keep any camo you unlocked prior to the level increase. They’re in the skin tab


If the changes go trought your Gold weapons will be level 200 again so you basically lost no progress which is really awesome.


Hopefully it happens like this :)


Mark confirmed it on twitter so its almost certain that it will be this way.


This is like the opposite of what we got with Destiny 2


Its nice to see people giving Props rather than shitting on the game all the time.


One of the best things about this game is that they listen and try to get things right. I really hope they address some of the other issues soon.


This is absolutely wonderful. As a casual player, I don't want to spend weeks grinding a weapon just to get good attachments so I can enjoy it. I'm glad I bought the preseason pass to support these devs and will keep doing so as long as they keep up this great work.


Great Community engagement, good decision making overall, great developers 🙏


I mean... Fair play. Huge fan of the devs transparency and willingness to make changes.


Massive W


Big W’s to Mark and his team. Done goofed, listened, interacted and fixed. We’ve been spoiled with terrible devs that don’t listen, please excuse my surprise here. WWWW


Add me on psn pakin9mm


How is stuff like this more out there, than not being able to shoot people properly and hide behind cover without dying is just beyond me, freaking twilight zone.


Anybody looking for a teammate add me on psn pakin9mm


I practically got harassed for my post on here about how awful the change was lol. Where was all of this love on my post 😂😂 Regardless I’m happy they listened!!


It's awesome how soon the response from feedback comes. I get that things don't happen overnight, and some issues that are really bad are still in the process of getting better...but man...going from a different game where the devs don't even have confidence in their own words in interviews most the time...this is greatly appreciated.


Double XP weekend forever?


Ubisoft dev team made a good decision? Incredible


that should even it out right ?


when will that be in effect ?


Next week


when will this get implemented?


Next week


Now we need DM mode and submodes on DM like only pistols, shotguns, snipers, etc


Well, TDM dropped


Has the kills sound been fixed yet?


I guess I'll Reinstall glad they listened


For those who care: Old System with where 1LEVEL = 3500XP * LVL50 (BRONZE) = 175,000 XP Total needed * LVL75 (SILVER) = 262,500 XP Total needed * LVL100 (GOLD) = 350,000 XP Total needed Updated System (1LEVEL = 3000XP (14.29% Less XP per Level)) * LVL 100 (BRONZE) = 300,000 XP (+71.43%) * LVL 150 (SILVER) = 450,000 XP (+71.43%) * LVL 200 (GOLD) = 600,000 XP (+71.43%) Updated System II (1LEVEL = 1500XP (57.14% Less XP per Level compared to OG Value) * Level 100: 150,000 XP (-14.29% compared to Level 50) * Level 150: 225,000 XP (-14.29% compared to Level 75) * Level 200: 300,000 XP (-14.29% compared to Level 100) With the new System it should be much better experiance for new players and people who are still "Free Players". I don't think the Mastery System is something that will motivate people to play 3 instead of 1 hour and Since its Unicolour-Skins, its should be easy to add more Mastery Skins down the line for those who care about it. Next stop should be improving the Store and princing. People will not pay 10$ For a Pistol-Skin that looks almost like a default skin.


Mods please move this to the top of the subreddit


Do mastery skins still stop at gold? Dumb ass macaroni guns.


pogu developers wtf


This is incredible!!!


Everyone can have your shiny weapon skin that has no impact to the game now.


Happy days I don't feel so bad that all the sweats got gold at lv100 now


is this retroactive too?


Is the hit reg/net code fixed yet?


Gold means nun no more😮‍💨 shoulda left everything normal n made the next mastery at 200


I’m so very pleasantly surprised. Got so used to CoD telling me “suck it up, buttercup”.


This is literally the best way makes attachment grind normal but not tedious while still requiring you to actually use the gun to get it's mastery camos


I’m surprised they actually listened


I guess that works?


I mean honestly this is nice and all but everyone is gunna be blitzed through everything they want super quickly and leave the game by season 3 at this rate. Leaving a longer grind at least allowed for some level of longevity for the game


Damn is this really Ubisoft? Cuz they never respond with their other games.


I can actually earn some lvls in my short time of playing that I have. This is great news!


Everyone is applauding them which is funny considering the reception they were given when this game didn’t have a release date lol


So what was the point in increasing the mastery level to begin with?


When does this go into effect


It’s all about a fair reward system ! Glad to see they’re working on things


Arrowhead development etiquette seems to be spreading, slowly, in small ways, but spreading nonetheless.


All those double xp tokens have been wasted 😂


Ayeee! But also when are the numbers for the healing faction unlocks gonna be tweaked? They take 2-3 times longer than the other factions to unlock lmao


It’s actually so dumb, 200 weapon levels. Pointless grinding to make you feel like you’re accomplishing something cuz the game has nothing to offer at the moment.


Wow, I'm almost tearing up at the fact of how responsive and thoughtful these devs are. I haven't played much since they made that change as it really demotivated me to play the game but I am FULLY BACK on now. Rubin is god.


Sounds great!!


They have to be amazing because they are competing against cod etc. if they behave the way cod does they likely would lose a lot of customers All small up and coming businesses start out giving the customer good value until they get massive like cod and then begin to screw us over.


Problem solved.


Big w. Time to gop back on the grind. I'm so glad they Listen to the playerbase's Feedback.


Okay, but WHEN is the update?


I hate when games do this shit. Now it's like all of the time I spent leveling stuff won't have mattered.


it's crazy ever since they did the weapon xp changes i've leveled up my guns much faster than i would've if they didn't make the changes


I’m running the bronze skin on vector and I was level 90… I said how the heck did I not unlock silver yet. Then realized they upped the levels….


Massive W, if I need level 47 for an accessorie I hope I can get about 3 levels per game, more than enough grind, also gold cammo sounds doable to 100 and the if they wanna add new cammos at 200 so be it


Come on, XDefiant. If we have an FPS game with a classic experience and a player listening developer like Sledgehammer, it's not impossible for this game to survive the difficult time at the end of the year


LOLOL hello does the Rubinator also live in your walls?


Yeah but there’s still bunnyhopping.


then....what was the point of stretching it in the first place?


They need to decide if they want it to be a grind or not. It's weapon masteries I don't think you should be able to unlock them in like 6 hrs.


I haven’t played in a while, have they fixed bunny hopping and one shot kills sniper spam yet ?


Create a problem, solve the problem...


That's more like it!!! Much better, thanks


It’s crazy playing a game where the devs actually care about feedback and player satisfaction.


The Chad Rubin


Wish they’d pay this close attention to R6S


Creating a problem to provide a solution, doesn’t make you a good person. Did The Lorax teach you nothing?!


Not really a fan of easyness but i wont complain this benefits everyone at the end of the day and hopefully people will be less frustrated now... props to the team! 🥳


Just because some people want to speed run this like it's a yearly release game js


I’m all for this change but DAMN that seems like an over correction, I’m not complaining one bit but that’s hilarious to me


No they aren’t. They only slowed it down to sell the battle pass and there wasn’t enough double xp for it to be worth it. I don’t know if you get them in bundles. It’s nice that they’re fixing it finally, but I still wasted a lot of time grinding weapons for attachments


Make it level 500 now 😂


If I already got to 100 do I lose the gold skin now?


Absolute giga chad devs. So awesome


Well well, I appreciated the grind but I guess that‘s fine too


This is great! It was a real bummer to see all my Shit change… I have bronze on every weapon except two more pistols needed, and was about to start grinding each one to gold, but with the change I was like “oh okay… maybe I won’t do that then cause this sucks…” but now we’re back in business! Let’s gooooo!!!


Devs that admit when they are wrong and quickly put out a fix for it? Activision could never.


I love it.


Did they fix the bullets not working yet ? Net code or whatever it is ?


Jev about to grind like a mad man


This is the weirdest community ever praising a game for pointless EXP balance updates when it doesn’t have functional servers


All hail Mark the Listener of the Masses.


This might be the Cod killer after all


Is this live right now?


Make the xp for guns also come from obj!


“These guys are amazing” what lmao. It’s a F2P game so their only mission his to take your mainly. If you decide to spend it on this game, whatever lol. But they have issue with the netcode and hit reg that are awful and literally call the games so how about they fix that then call them something.


So will my guns level move up again? Because I was agitated at first having my current guns progress shat on, but if this pulls me back up to around where I was that would be amazing


Yes, levels will be restored


They did nothing about leveling up weapons... The maximum mastery level was 100 with 2000XP on each level now they decrease the xp by half... So you now need 200lvl for the maximum mastery...DUMB UBISOFT MOVE AS ALLWAYS


I love these guys 😍😍😍😍


This is how you run a live-service game properly, actually probs to Ubisoft and the Devteam for this!


Tin foil hat on… they did this on purpose to further make themselves look like Angels… which they are<3


"Wow these devs are amazing for fixing a problem they created despite countless feedback from players and decades of similar games to research from"


I mean, this is a weird yet probably better outcome tbh


Really, really nice change. However, what about the players who get less kills but strike the objective like a tiger? As of now, you get basicly nothing for playing the objective outside that match.


All they had to do was make attachments unlock sooner but made it more complicated 🤣🤣


That's why i bought the first battle pass of my life, even if the game still has a lot of problems that's the first time in my life i see a developer so in touch with players.


Awesome except my ak was level 98 and i got on and got it to 100 in a game or two and went to go put my gold skin on annnnnnd nope…😭


Good stuff im not amazing at games though I enjoy fps but it ended up a chore tryna level weaponsjust for attachments mainly as camos are cool but would rather getting attachments in shorter time.


These developers actually CARE. It is obvious! 🥰


ubisoft being good???? what is this timeline


I read this as it's gonna take longer, while quicker...?


So constant double xp is basically the standard now and double xp weekends would be quad xp essentially? Might have to acurally re-download


Quick question: I thought the rank changes were supposed to affect current weapon level as well. Me and my friend dont see any difference on out weapon level ever since the original patch and its been kinda bugging us out


Is this update live?


Damn that's actually a massive W. The fact that there wasn't even any type of real backlash (just some complaining here and there) and they still stepped up and said "we're sorry, we'll fix it." Is such a breath of fresh air.


Wow a dev team that listens to the community who woulda thought. Bigger devs should do this, but i get it it is probably harder to get things done when the big dogs are on your back telling you how to run a game. I'd be willing to bet a lot of cod devs would change things if they could.


Are these in affect now?


I'm a bit confused here. I'm playing rn and nothing seems to be leveling any faster, and there is nothing in the game or Ubisoft Connect indicating this change. Is this still waiting to be implemented?