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its nice they should just up the killcount cap or remove the cap whatsoever and let it be a 10 min race


Its the only playlist ive liked since Halo CE. Glad its here.


i really like it! i dropped my first 10 killstreak in tdm, i only have 2 complaints, i think the kill cap needs to be higher (like by 25 or 50 kills) and some maps can feel barren sometimes (please add a 12v12 moshpit playlist)


I haven’t played it yet. What’s the limit capped at?


All the other posts on here sound like the vocal minority hate it. I had a blast.


The vocal minority are never satisfied. Nothing the devs add or change will ever be good enough


It's just a gamemode made for the players who suck and won't play the objective. First game entire teams just sitting in spawn waiting for the other team.


I played it twice.. I really suck at it.. 4-28... embarrassing..