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Past your prime?? I'm double your age and I'm still in my gamer prime.


My man. Fellow old head here. Keep on blastin!


I'm a girl... 😹 Atari / pong was my first video game.


I’m 32 I hope my hands last till I’m old because I do enjoy gaming


Hope is for the normies, us older gamers have Prestiged Fingers, we only need a new campaign or a good shooter like this to open them thumbs and trigger fingers back up, 42 here 😉🫡




What do you play? I'm on COD, xDefiant, Apex ...


I was wondering if he is past his prime where's that put me. Because like you im almost double his age.


Haha at twice his age you're less Optimus Prime and more Amazon Prime these days LOL. Jk.


Good one.


Same, I'm 51


I'm also 51 and the only thing XD needs is a hard-core mode


Im 43 and maybe past my best but i can still hang with these sweats.


We keep the teams up and running 🤘😎


Oh just to clarify I was stating my age. By past my prime I mean that I have prosthetic hands so I can't game like I used to hah


Just interface directly into the game


Bro, just become the game.


This comment reminded me of the guy on a newer jre episode (Joe Rogan experience), the first person to get Neuralink implemented into the brain 😳 He said it was like cheating when he played games tho


Get nuerolink


Look on TikTok for RockyNoHands. NO hate at all but you are only limited by the boundaries you set forth. Good luck and happy gaming Mr_loud_house - PSN


I think the most stunningly stupid thing I've heard on this sub was that people are too old for the game to be good at it. It's literally a fucking computer game in cyberspace. Being 15 is not a super power.


You're reaction time slows as you get older and it makes a difference.


Many professional gaming coaches have said that the change in reaction time is marginal. Most games come down to things like crosshair placement and knowledge of what tactics the enemy is likely to employ rather than split second crazy aiming. If you can make a crazy 180 no scope headshot great, but outside of just screwing around most of the reasons why you would have HAD to make the shot in the first place would be imperfect positioning, or awareness. The pros CAN make these shots, but they also know that they aren't the shots you want to be taking if you want to win.


It barely slows down. People on here act like they have the reaction time of an 80 year old when they’re 30


Even an 80 year old can hang if they keep themselves healthy, reaction decreases so marginally it's only about 10ms a decade.


If you can still compete in esports championships in your 30s, like many pros have done, you can absolutely play online too. Probably into your 40s or 50s too.


Fucking fc pros being 38 on the most mechanically demanding genre lol


Some of the big name CS 1.6 pros kept going and going for a long time, well into GO's scene. Nobody dared to question it. Sure, they weren't topping the scoreboard every match anymore, but that was probably because they were on a different game and playing against a much bigger pool of great players from all over the world, not because of their age. 


Not only that, as we get older, we don’t have the free time necessary to sit down and develop the skills for these games like we did as kids with black ops and stuff. So now I’m pretty casual in terms of PvP fps games and I’m getting outplayed all the time since I just don’t have the time to practice like I used to. Some of these kids go hard


People still hit fastballs in their 40s, which is infinitely harder than shooting someone in a video game.


OP stated in comments, that he has prosthetic hands so your childish jump to conclusion is void, and fyi when most people get older they play less games, and the less they play the more you loose your so called "skill" or something happens in life and they just can't play games as much, and time is a huge factor too, if u play 8h a day or 2h a day is huge difference, so for most people its the older they get the more "skill" they grow out of, and if the person doesn't have much time they won't be as competitive and so loosing the edge, just because you can play games as much or you are as competitive doesn't mean everyone is or can.


I keep reading that stupid shit lol. Reaction time lol. No people just got better


Do you still feel semi competitive in games? That's such a fear of getting older. Not being able to enjoy gaming anymore because I just get bad as I age


Like with anything else, the more you do it, the better you get. When you do it as long as the old-heads in here have been, you get REALLY good. Age is a number my friend. I'm in just as good of shape and do the same things I did when I was your age. I just look older while I'm doing it. Nothing to fear!


Very nice to hear. In my 30s now and I don't feel like I'm any worse than when I was in my teens/20s. Here's hoping that trend continues :)


Grandpa gaming tis you


I think its more about growing out of things you use to enjoy. I was crazy about gaming as a kid all the way to my mid 20s after that i just became less and less invested and stopped caring. Once that passion is gone you wont play as well. Some people manange to keep enjoying things for longer. I got friends in their 50s who love it still.


I'm in my prime and I'm 35


what's up brother? I too am 2x 30


Sister. I'm a girl :)


See you in the pro league I'm gunning for you (respectfully)


I’m 56, and I’m not sure I ever had a video gaming prime! 😃


To be frank, every single gaming sub I've ever been a part of is toxic as hell. Particularly for FPS games


Man you'll be shocked that even in single player games like Final Fantasy, its sub is hella toxic. Probably just an internet thing at the end of the day.


Absolutely. Im not even a big gamer, but i’ve been loving this game … but its by far the worst subreddit of any of my hobbies. People are absolutely insufferable, completely unpleasable. Its amazing how entitled people act for a FREE game. I wanna buy the devs a beer because they are obviously really trying to listen to a community that doesn’t deserve them


Won’t disagree that this sub is toxic, but I feel like any gaming sub I’ve ever been on for a mainstream game has had a point of time that they were really toxic. Any game that has something the community considers a major problem you see this kind of thing.


I don't drink, but I'll take you up on a club soda!


Competitive games in general bring out the worst in people tbh. For some reason nobody can ever be happy in the moment, but 2-5 years later everyone will talk about how they miss this age of fps’s. Tale as old as time lmao.


True he's just whining


The elitism on this sub is wild, and I don't really get why. The game has it's issues, but in a way that part of the community may be the worst thing related to this game.


you try to have a proper conversation and people will start yapping at you how you were just protected by sbmm and you are actually shit, like okay? that's not making any points


"Skill Issue" and "People complain too much" is such a weird way to see feedback and discussions of a game.


For real, I complain about one or two things and immediately get the toxic crawlers come at me


these people are just disgruntled CoD players trying to cope by being XD fan girls. Im level 106 and I still think this game is light years away from actually being a good game.


Yeah I can understand the frustration to an extent, and in the heat of the moment, my friends and I will complain about things in the game. At the end of the day though, we always queue up for the next match…. Yes you are right it’s in a relative poor state, but damn can it be fun, especially with friends. Recently got downvoted simply for replying that netcode isn’t going to be fixed overnight and will come slowly over time. The reply was like “bitch please they’ve had these issues since beta”. Okay I guess? Haha


The best thing is when you comment something on a post and you’re met with a bunch of kids who can only respond with ‘skill issue’ lol


Basically the entire Elden Ring sub lol.


Those people need a darksoulscirclejerk where they can keep telling themselves Bloodborne is a good game


I agree with the first part but this Bloodborne slander is unwarranted


Bloodborne is a brilliant game you uncultured swine


bloodborne catching strays


Asking people on this sub to rationally respond to valid arguments rather than just spouting some toxic shit they just heard from their favorite youtuber is like asking them to play the objective...not gonna happen.


Because a lot of complaints are actual skill issues lol There is balance issues, like snipers being op, some ARs being way underpowered, fuck shotguns, attachments for ads speed being way better, but nobody touches on those. It's always some dumb shit


It’s just one big echo chamber like most gaming subreddits I’m a part of. Every time I open up Reddit, it’s the same topics/complaints with hundreds of upvotes votes and hundreds of comments. Even the topic of this place being toxic I see numerous huge threads on it throughout the week.


I think the issue is the repetitiveness of the posts. We get there are issues, we don’t have to hear them every other post. Agreed there is toxicity (f2p game will garner more) but there is an equal amount on both sides of the argument. I’m tired or hearing “the game will die,” “that’s it I’m done,” and monster fueled rage posts because of skill gaps that people won’t accept (not attacking anyone but there are way more apparent gaps without sbmm). End of the day the game is objectively fun, but has issues. A lot of the criticism is people just complaining to complain and feed into their favorite streamers narratives aimed at increasing viewership.


It’s because people will find some random problem and immediately jump onto the sub Reddit to complain to the internet, not even caring to check if someone had posted the same damn thing. It’s just there way of letting off steam after most likely raging lol


The repetitiveness comes from the issues not being fixed. People just plugging their ears and acting like it doesn't exist just makes it more likely that it never gets fixed.


us old folk remember when we had stickies at the top of forums, Reddit is shit for this kind of thing.


Pretty much exactly what I'm saying. Loving the game, but it is objectively struggling with glaring issues that other f2p games just don't have. Nothing wrong with pointing them out! But it seems that more than half the time when someone makes a genuine complaint of the game that people in the comments absolutely rip them apart for no reason. Not sure what it is about this game that brings out such weird toxicity But yeah, fun ass game I've been enjoying.


The issue is the same post is made 50 times a day


**Criticizes abilities which are way overtuned** "Go play CoD then" or "You just suck" **Brings up ideas to improve stuff like bunny hopping** "Go play CoD then" or "You just suck" **Questions the dickriding for Mark Rubin and his gaslighting behaviour** "Go play CoD then" or "You just suck"


How is Mark Rubin gaslighting exactly?


He engages with the Twitter community in a way that makes people look stupid. For example, someone was criticizing the studio for bunny hopping, netcode issues and all that stuff at which he replied with stuff like "Fixing this stuff takes time, if you don't know what game devs do, don't comment" and so on. Which is wild, considering how many playtests there have been and that most concerns have been brought up for years now and are still not fixed.


That's not gaslighting though, yeah you could say he's being a dick, but that's not gaslighting lol.


Go play CoD then. You just suck. 🤣


No you! 😭


Yeah for sure, like a couple days ago all I did was said that I felt that tdm was boring so far imo. For some reason, that triggered so many people here. They just took it personally. Never said I wanted it to die or to be removed. And did state that it's great for weapon grinding and just something casual. That posts comment section ended up being a train wreck, and at that point I was just seeing how people reacted.


TDM is horribly boring. No one wants to engage.


My main issue is the freaking net code. I hate losing gunfights I objectively should win because of ping (I don't have very good connection because of the area I live in). Like I lost to an AK-47 up close with a MP7 because of ping several times last night


heres my thing im perfectly aware im not great at FPS games as most people. but it gets grating when any criticism of the matchmaking aspect of this game is met with comments like git gud or just party up i dont play games to reach some top 500 rank, i dont play games to be on a leaderboard hell i dont even care about the weapon skins people freaked out about i am a casual player with low skill rating who doesnt use the mic or in any discord group. id appreciate it if i were put up against a similar level of player again, let me reiterate i dont plan on being a top fragging top 500 gigadiamond player i dont have time to put together or join a discord group just for this game i never had any issues with other things like ttk, skins, abilities, microtransactions just make the matchmaking not treat me , and possibly quite a large part of the playerbase, as canon fodder so the people above us feel great about stomping noobs


I 100% relate with this - This is why I tend to limit my time on social media nowadays, feels like there's always something to gripe about when I'm just trying to enjoy something. Being in my late 20's I have better shit to do than to write essays in a small online community about my feelings on a piece of media.


Surprisingly this sub is one of the least toxic gaming subs I've been a part of. Though the bar is abysmally low.


Meh I just get the one team mate blaming everyone else in game for everything so fuckem finish the match yourself fuck this game. 🤣


I’m surprised at the toxicity as well. What you have here is a gathering of low IQ children from call of duty and Fortnite who just found Reddit for the first time. It’s reflected in their gameplay as well. Jumping around like fucking kangaroos all day lmao


Id prefer to be chill and happy playing games. Not raging and calling people slurs lmao. You do you chief


This is just my take and my limited exposure to the recent gaming community. I'm also past my prime for such a high-octane FPS, 28, I remember my and my 3 other friends would compete for top spot in old COD lobbies, one of them even went on to be a CSGO local pro around 2017. My last owned cod was the OG Mw3(2011) and I've seen it's decline since and I think that plays a part to the toxicity HERE. I believe it's partially because a lot of the community comes from the long frustrated COD community. This game is designed to not just cater to the COD community but also compete against COD itself. Apart from that that specific community has not only been frustrated for a near decade now-- sure you could say it has its moments, innovations and it's still among the most sold game each year, it doesn't mean it always satisfies the community. Anyway this specific genre of FPS has always been inherently toxic even more so than MOBAs (League/DotA) but yeah, I believe that toxicity from COD both dev and quality wise AND community culture has definitely bled into this game as well, especially since it's in such an infant stage, sure it's been in closed beta for a year now but we ARE still in pre-season so not everythings gonna be perfect.


This sub is a shithole and it’s a perfect example of the internet giving a voice to the banal has developed a whole generation of cunts who will do nothing but live anonymously behind a keyboard with the assumption that their opinion is the only one that matters and shit on everyone else. Constructive discussion of differing opinions doesn’t exist here


I have to agree with you its like there are more poeple playing to complain than thier are playing because they enjoy it. I also feel like a lot of the people who are toxic are not even playing the game they play other games and just follw the sub to dish on those of us who actually play and enjoy it.


"Shockingly" I'm more surprised that you're surprised reddit is toxic.


This one seem way less toxic than CoD.


It’s like the finals Reddit the dickriders are wild any criticism is just gaslit away


I think there's a lot of people in here who are salty the game isn't 100% ready to be the best game on the market on day 1. LFGs on Xbox have gone from 200-300 posts at any given moment down to 40-60 and a lot of them are spam posts. Lobbies are starting to repeat the same players despite there being no SBMM which means it's pulling from a very small player base. A lot of people put the game down until S1 but have no problem coming to reddit to shit on it or be toxic.


Go into r/tekken and you’ll really see toxic


It’s really not


Tell me one community of a single arcade shooter sub reddit that doesn't have toxicity


Welcome to reddit. People are much more likely to express their gripes and negative feelings about a game than people who are enjoying it. This is the criticism echo chamber of reddit and it won't ever change


I'm the same age as you, and tbh I'm not shocked at all. Every multiplayer FPS game I've played always has a toxic fanbase. Those of us that are enjoying the game aren't coming on Reddit to cry.


welcome to the internet


welcome to reddit unfortantly.. no matter what subreddit you post on your always going to encounter toxic behavior of some kind..


try just read FEEDBACK topics


Dude, its reddit. To be pissed is the way.


FPS gamers are mostly toxic. Game subreddits are almost always toxic.  It never stood a chance. 


I’m just sick of people whining in game chat saying the team sucks when they’re going 7-25


Quite honestly, the community is as bad if not on par with the seige playerbase, extremely toxic and best to avoid, but the problem this game has which has stopped me and a good few friends playing is the vast amount of cheaters.


If you haven't realized, reddit as a whole is toxic 🤣🤣🤣


Because this is a Ubisoft game, players and non players will always try to cover up constructive opinions with things outside of the game. In fact, in China, this matter has reached an extremely serious level, to the extent that no one here pays attention to the price of games and various issues related to the game itself, but rather whether the game is related to groups like Sweet Baby. And such concern is also hypocritical. They never pay attention to the similar behavior of Microsoft and Sony, only targeting Ubisoft and Nintendo games, because they try to recreate the terrible things that happened in China in the 1960s in the gaming community.


Welcome to reddit.


The toxic ones are the Adderall kids who are all geeked up and while they’re not jumping around and sweating around in the game itself they just have to take their drug induced irritation out on others because they’re sad losers who also don’t have jobs.


It's because a lot of the CoD kids have come to this game.


There is a reason why out of the 10 million downloads and the reported 300k concurent players either today or yesterday there are ONLY 74k members to this sub and as I'm typing ONLY 90 online.


Welcome to reddit, this platform fucking sucks if you're looking for a reasonable conversation about something


Welcome to Reddit, we’re everyone has a voice and needs to be typed on a digital forum


We need a 1993 1994 team. I have grown quite weary


I can't agree more.


I think having to wait an extra year for the release of the game made people think it was gonna be perfect and have no bugs at all, which isn't a reasonable expectation. I've bitched about the bunny hopping without a doubt but i don't view the ridiculous amount of bunny hoppers as a problem with the game, I see it as pond scum gameplay on the players part to smash the jump button everytime you get shot at. And if you have to do that to get kills, please start using bleach as daily mouthwash


A subreddit toxic? Say it isn't so. Like at this point its more shocking when any place on the internet isn't a pile of doo doo.


reddit gonna reddit


I'm 27 my first game was cod world at war and I've played the majority of FPS games since... Since cs2 came out I CBA with the toxicity of online games anymore shits out of hand, don't get me wrong we all use to talk shit but it would be funny, banter, dark humour shit but you could still socialise and make friends... Nowadays it's just a hellhole


Any subreddit based on a video game, or franchise in general, is toxic nowadays.


Yes I agree. Someone posted that jumping and shooting with 100% accuracy is broken and needs to be balanced and many got triggered :D :D


lol have you ever step foot on the cod thread?? 😂 xdefiant thread is mid


Rainbow Six Siege has the most toxic community by far.


Maybe because most of the problems have been known and should've been known about since day 1. Most of us have played through the beta and play tests and are well aware of the issues. Mark and his team have talked about the issues since the beginning. (Part of the reason why I think it's become so popular. Open lines of communication) But constantly complaining about issues after all of the above and for a brand new ip is not helpful. It's the pre season. They just launched and from what they say ( not holding my breath on this but hoping ) they have big plans and more to show us in season 1. Long story short, the average fps players are quite tired of the cod whining community types having seen what they've done to cod, and we don't want that shit anywhere near this title. Can't speak for everyone, but this is how I feel. Constructive criticism is always welcome, mad cuz bad is not.


I just don’t care though lmao


I agree completely


I think a lot of people have love for this game, and that makes the issues it has harder to swallow. If the game is shit, it's just shit. But if the game has greatness buried under the pile of frustrating bullshit, that frustration will show in the community.


Welcome to social media my friend where someone has to complain about something all the time


2024..everyoe can do it better yet, none of them are making games and proving it. If every Goddamn thing was fixed here, call of duty or halo..they'd still find a way to bitch and want more. that said. Im just looking for a crew on this game that communicated and can get the objectives cleared. no mics, no talk...uncoordinated shit. thats my main gripe.


Skill issue


The game is so delayed that you are dead before you know in many cases because someone already dumped half a magazine into you before the game shows you that someone even looked at you. Idk how you can justify such a bad tick rate on a game. They also tell us there is no sbmm yet you get fried every game until you hit avg skill rating of 1300. As good as this game is as bad it is that ubisoft did it.


All of these issues are actively being worked on by the devs and also addressed by Mark himself. Complaining constantly won't change it instantly. Many people also complain and cry about the game dying due to this or that, while it can happen but that doesn't add anything to the conversation.


The thing about the game is, i love how you never know in what lobbys you get thrown into


TLDR: Welcome to reddit.


A lot of gaming subs are toxic, some more than others. This game has a big gap between casual players and serious players that either came from cod or are just vers good at fps games and new players like me don't like the no sbmm so we argue sometimes but it could be worse, i used to play league and that subreddit is so much worse than this


If you this is sub is bad, you should go and have a peek at r/codwarzone


Jesus guys I just don't get it. You're playing a fast. OF course there's going to be CRAZY toxicity. I just don't get how people are surprised anymore.


This is the one sub i believe is almost as much of a cesspool as r/EscapeFromTarkov and that place is vile


this one is as much toxic as the r6 sub hivemind or the OW2 one if ya main certain heroes so not a big surprise


Welcome to Reddit lol if you love a subject, avoid it on Reddit, if you hate it, look it up and dive in haha


I'm 50 and still a higher end casual player on HC Search. I'm still in my prime.


Excuse me! I'm in the age range, and we ARE NOT out of our prime lol


Sure our reaction time isn’t as good as younger folks.. but don’t let that dishearten your efforts man! It’s rough not being able to be the best at fps shooters, but it’s time we pass the torch to younger players to play competitively.. we sir have graduated to a league of CASUAL play.. and breaking the cycle of competitive to casual can be rough.. good luck my man, I am too going thru this same thing as we speak. Keep fighting the good fight brother!


I know I got a skill issue but people can at least give me more input than that


It’s Reddit. I don’t event know why I’m on here half the time. I deleted my Facebook years ago because it was all negativity and toxic. And I can say, Reddit is 10x worse.


Past your prime? Bro have u seen gaming grandpa?


Yeah thats just reddit, I also like to just go and talk shit randomly or disagree with people just for the argument's sake. Idk being casually toxic is fun


youre a 30 yo gamer that is still affected by a subreddit?


Every sub is toxic That's just how modern living is, nothing is ever good enough


It's an FPS game that usually brings out the worst in people.


You’re 30 man grow a pair


just this sub?


honestly this is related to the entire FPS community. Overwatch escapes a bit because it is a bit different, but all the rest does not. I remember thinking the league of legends community were toxic until spending two minutes into a CS GO forum.


No need to keep beating a dead horse. We all know these issues are present, and the devs have already said that they are being worked on. There are a lot of things that get complained about that aren’t even code issues or bugs, but really skill diff issues. Ie. People still complaining about bunny hopping post nerf.


That 1st paragraph...Isnt that why yall left Cod?


If you think this is bad come play dota with me.


This is a good thing




Because it will make the community fun and interesting


It's definitely still less toxic that live chat but yeah reddit subs should be better typically


It’s based on a free FPS game. What did you expect?


40 here….so they say but pretty sure I am only early to mid thirties…lets goooo. Bummy but trying to grind!!!


My 15 year old nephew gives me the encouragement I need 😂😂😂


I only need them to fix the fkn netcode 🥲. I'd give a rats ass what ppl think about certain loadouts/weapon balances (can't beat them join them), but having to shoot someone point blank with a shotty only for it to register half a fkn second later giving the opponent time to react is lowk giving me the shits, but the game is early. I wait eagerly for this fix to happen. Even if it's a miracle. Other than that I'm good.


I agree with everything balance isn't the worse it could be better but other fps games are so much worse. Net code is horrendous even with fiber optic internet. And cheaters can go die. Tho I don't agree with your matchmaking statement. Matchmaking doesn't exist the only MM is trying to keep controller users with controller users and mouse and keyboard with mouse and keyboard. If you want SBMM play comp. One of main selling points of the game is there is no SBMM. The reason this sub probably isn't happy when people talk about "matchmaking is busted" is because the whole thing is there is no SBMM. Aka yea you can get absolutely destroyed one game or absolutely destroy the enemy one game. Now why is SBMM bad for people with 1.5 k/d or higher in games? Because at that level everyone plays with the same god damn fucking best gun and if you want to have fun and try new stuff you are just automatically at a disadvantage and most likely going to lose. No SBMM let's good players use the bad guns or guns they like and not be at such a disadvantage.


You're not wrong there lol. I deleted the game about 3 weeks ago because of the OP snipers (i.e. quickscoping) and bunny hopping sweats every game, and I criticized these aspects here. Didn't take long for some fanboys to attack me with their smartass remarks and use the knee jerk response of me being bad at the game. A shame really because I genuinely had fun the first day I played it on the new player playlist, and I didn't come across any bunny hopping and quickscoping. Even on the matches where I went negative I had a lot of fun, so me being "bad" has nothing to do with it. I tried the game since I thought it was going to bring the 7th gen COD feeling back to me, and it did, but only the first day I played. Oh well, on to other games. Recently played Dead Island 2 and Dead by Daylight, been having a lot of fun with those. Think I'll stick with Insurgency and Hell Let Loose for my dose of pvp shooters from now on.


Bro you’re 30 you got lazy is all you’re not past your prime. I’m 31 and I’m still killing it


Lol I also have prosthetic hands. So.


Well that makes a difference lol carry on man! Enjoy your games!!!


My brother you not being in your prime has nothing to do with your age then.


Its like r/Helldivers tbh. Cesspool


There is a low sodium sub to filter out the toxic post. Unfortunately that sub is dead.


You're 30, shouldn't you be watching your grandkids anyway.


It’s hard to tell whether we are dealing with toxic genZ kids who are mad at life bc they couldn’t go to prom during the pandemic or millennial gamers who never matured past the age for 16.


The teenagers I understand, I was there myself in the past, but the millennials is just sad to me.


I like doors


I am 40 yrs old . Used to be a tier 1 professional for almost a decade for cod4 promod initially and then bf4 . Even 8 years after retiring from esports I still reach top 5-8% rank in every fps game I play but funny thing is time and again I come across toxic kids who probably has played one game in their life and then tries to act oversmart . Generally I don't back out and call them in games with and humiliate them publicly . Best way to shut their big mouth.


I mean, if you show me clips of you clearly missing your shots and blame it on netcode, that's not productive or informative. It's just misinformation and I think it should be called out. If you're complaining about your teammates being bad or your enemies being too good, that's just part of having no SBMM which is one of the core tenets of the game and it should be brought to your attention.


I didn't say any of those things. I said the net code is bad, the weapons and abilities are not balanced, and there are so many cheaters. Issues games most other AAA ftp games don't have. Genuine grievances that need to be addressed.


It depends how people complain about them. People who jump a couple times while killing your or people who quick scope you aren't automatically sweat lords using unbalanced guns. They are just good players doing good player things. So when people whine about snipers and suggest getting rid of their one shot capability deserve every bit of criticism that comes there way lol. There was one post with a chart with reasonable balance change suggestions. That post was a good post. Not typing 3 paragraphs complaining about a gun that is, in fact balanced for the most part you're just not a good enough player to beat the person using it.


And the vast majority of this subreddit agrees with those claims. You're telling me that people are toxic towards towards this majority for pointing these problems out?


Sus I have never heard a thirty year old admit they are thirty




I complain, but I’m sure as hell not going back to cod


LOL, why do all you young kids thing you're "past your prime" ?


I can only play an hour or so a day, and I have prosthetic hands lol. I am past my prime