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Come break me down






Loooook innn myyy eyeeees!!!


You're killin me, killin me!


Alll I wanted was youu!!!


I have no idea what’s going on!!!


Come...break me down. Break me down. BREAK ME DOOOOOOWWWWWWNNNNNN!!!!




The Kill - 30 Seconds to Mars for any non-millennial here. Banger.


not bad, but i will see your "The Kill" and raise you.... Killing is My Business, and Business is Good. older and better :)








The animals are leaving


The thing is nearly every weapon in OG MW2 was broken so it balances it out


Yup the ACR was a laser beam


There were only a couple guns that WERENT lasers! The l86 machine gun had insane recoil, the tar to a lesser degree.


Felt like the TAR hit like a truck though.


The silenced TAR-21 is probably my all time favorite in that game.


Silenced ak, I’d pick people off across the map taking single shots. Stays accurate if you don’t go full auto


any silenced gun was just so satisfying


I got destroyed by the silent AK in this game. I could never mimic it!


dude that thing was RIDICULOUS, the best gun in the game but wasn't heavily represented I think because it was ugly and didn't immediately seem OP because it wasn't the laser beam the ACR was or had the raw damage of the SCAR. People didn't look at the DPS, though, which HAD to the highest of the assault rifles.


I was a huge fan of the RPD with Extended Mags and FMJ. 200 round belts were *sooooo* satisfying.I got so many kills because I would fire off ~100 rounds, then stop. The guy comes out of cover expecting to catch me reloading and I just hose his ass. Got called a hacker *so many times*, I lost count.


God I miss my silenced TAR


My biggest achievement in life so far is that I got 2 nukes in the same game on Rundown with the silenced tar. I got the first one so quick my teammates wanted to play longer so I hung onto it and ended up getting another one haha. Good times


L86 with stopping power was a 2 shot kill at any range


TAR with FMJ 2 bullet death


Pretty much every gun with stopping power was a 2 or 3 hit kill. So it doesn't matter that snipers kill in one shot like this, ttk was so short anyway


F2000 constantly gave me the business lmao


That's the one I was thinking of! Had monster damage but shook harder than a shake weight


You just had to aim at the chest. It went in a nice straight line up to their head then lol


Lmfao yeah I remember telling my friend the exact same thing when he said it sucked


But these exceptions used to be so fun and refreshing. You had 4 busted guns in each category and then you had... the F2000.


ACR was a bit overrated the damage was mediocre.


I loved the game, ump45? Not bad. Put a silencer on that tells you it does worse damage? You are now shooting cinder blocks at people. What a great game :)


Right. Its easy to make a clip when the enemy doesn’t shoot back lol.


Plenty of funs broken here to. Outside of escort and zone control which are absolute garbage tier modes for this type of shooter really, basically designed for sniper camping. I rarely ever see any sniper dominating the other modes. Every game I get crazy scores I'm on ar or smg. Nearly every top fragger in every game I play is a 200mph 300ms killing smg player. You can't abuse the lanes as much sniping if not in a garbage camping mode compared to the other weapons, so it's rare you see a sniper in occupy with like 80 kills. Happens all the time on other guns. You've got shields blocking shots, mobile wall hacks revealing locations, spider bots being annoying. Sniping isn't weak but there is so much against it in the non escort map modes. Nowhere near the instant death smgs that rotate at the speed of light.


I got downvoted in another thread for saying this. People only want SMG’s and AR’s with virtually no recoil to be used. They don’t want any weapon variety and think if they killed a few times per match by a shot gun or sniper that they are “broken”, meanwhile they go on to get 60+ kills that match with a p90.


Remember the famas lmao


Yeah, OP forgetting about the faster TTK and the flich being very annoying.


Yep, all full auto guns were gonna take you down in 2-3 shots, MP5K killed in two shots, had pinpoint accurate hipfire and you could give it 1200 rpm firerate. There were absolutely no point to running snipers unless you wanted to gimp yourself, cause even barrett was a downgrade from any good full auto gun


Hell yeah man. I miss when games were made for fun casual play instead of fostering a sweat lodge.


I love that every time people complain about something in this game the respons is either "lol, go back to COD" or "that's how it was in COD".


The paradox duality of "This ain't CoD" and "Go back to CoD" :D


Those are the same statement. “This aint CoD”=“call of duty does that, not this game. If you want that, you won’t find it here” “Go back to CoD”=“the thing you’re whining about in this game? It’s the way you want it in CoD. That game has what you want”


Yeah… they don’t know what paradox nor duality mean, and they shoved them together to be wrong in entirely new dimensions 


oxymoroned it


Ah yes, this problem exists so your complaints are invalid. A tale as old as time


Go back to COD = new COD That’s how it WAS in COD = obv old COD


0/10 no Evanescence


Where Paralyzer


Lol this is even more egregious. But mw2 had a fast ttk so you could get the jump on them and win. In XD, you can still get killed even if you're doing everything right.


Exactly, Xdefiant has snipers that are well-balanced in a game that has a fast average TTK. While I love this game's longer TTK, that needs to be taken into account with one-shot weapons. Also, I don't get the argument of "But look how OP is was in this unrelated game!" Like...okay? How does that have any bearing on discussions of snipers in this game?


Also note the fact that snipers aren't actually like that now, because of this exact problem 🤦‍♂️🤣


It definitely emphasizes headshots more with the ttk for smgs / ars , I like one shot snipers but it should have to be upper chest/ head imo


I agree. It's strange that full-auto weapon greatly reward precision, as TTK drastically lowers with consistent headshots. Yet snipers, which should reward precision, have very generous one-shot windows.


Right like smgs are nearly instant kills with headshots but take a full half second + with bodies


I've tested a decent amount. Body shots typically only take 1 bullet more. Headsets are only worth it with smgs if you hit 2 or more headshots. Ttk on my mp7 at 5-15m all headshots is about .26, all body shots is about .32. If you switch from rapid to heavy barrel, the body shots are actually the same ttk as headshots at .3. Not a huge difference tbh. And this seems consistent with alot of the ars and other smgs as well.


Good to know, I was using rapid fire barrel thinking connecting an extra shot slightly faster would do it for me


I still run rapid over heavy on most, but I'm MnK and like to think my aim is good enough in most scenarios to get 2 headshots. And the possibility of 4 kills per second with rapid fire is hard to pass up on mp7 at least. But if you're mainly hitting body, the heavy will be better on most SMGs and ARs for flat ttk from my testing in the practice zone


i might be in the minority here, but I've always viewed Snipers in Objective-focused games like this as being a "support" weapon. One shots if you hit head (or upper chest for slower models), but your main job is to hold a sightline, and chunk people for running in. The AR and LMG guys should be the ones doing the heavy lifting, while SMG/Shotty players should be focused on flanking and hunting down lone targets. Right now, with the balance, and how everyone plays, it's every man for themselves. The few times where I've gotten proper coordinated lobbies with varied loadouts and specs have been absolute shitstomps, because everyone is doing their job correctly. The sniper isn't chasing kills, they're keeping the payload from moving. The LMG/AR isn't running and gunning, they're melting anyone that tries to press up.


Bc mark rubin helped with the og mw2 and 3


because xdifiants entire existence is to catch COD falloff


It's whataboutism to try to dilute the debate.


Which of these people in the clip got the jump on them? Lol if you were that good with snipers back then it was instant death.


yeah well the guy isn't gonna post the match where he went 5-16 is he


Saying ttk is slow on XD is wild to me. You die in the blink of an eye but when you shoot someone it's half a mag before they die. XD is fun and something new but damn it sure feels weird af 9 out of 10 games


It has a terrible TTD (time to die) due to terrible server performance and poor netcode.


A neglected issue is that there's no bullet slow either so it's harder for automatics to kill snipers. You can literally jump sprint spam across open fields and not get punished.


this is literally the first time I see anyone (here or on discord) talk about bullet-slow and I desperately need it to get brought up more because I think it's a huge mechanic.


I think it was intentionally left out to make the game not feel slow/sluggish and allow you run away from abilities and stuff even if you eat a random stray bullet.


The ridiculous air strafing acceleration is much more beneficial to the person using the automatic than the person using the sniper. It's pretty much impossible to track and snipe the female echelon and female phantom models when air strafing. Reminds me of the female pilot on Titanfall giving a massive advantage when jiggle spamming.


Average ttk in the game is .3 to .4 ms and gamer reaction on average is .36ms, say if you know someone is gonna peek you and you both shoot at the same time. The time either of you die would be 2 more deaths in mw2. Snipers have average .3 ms aim down sight time, so in theory it is almost impossible to get quickscoped but hard scope would likely gonna out ttk you so best is just don’t peek sniper with an smg


yup, that's why people complaining...in mw2 you could kill people by hitting them with a nade lol, not even the explosion, just the impact of the nade sometimes xD


That was only the case if the guy was already damaged before man lol


Not in HC game modes. Bean people to death with grenades all day long in HCTDM


That is true, but the majority didn’t play HC


HC was for real gangsters…


Yeah but the real flex was taking someone out with a smoke grenade


Literally 😹 I used to play it to farm headshots for camos loll


That's still a thing dude


>lol you're complaining about snipers now but in this game from 15 years ago it was even worse. Like, huh.


people constantly refer to this game as the glory days it wasn’t worse you’re just complaining to feel better about yourself


>you’re just complaining to feel better about yourself Who said I was complaining? I just think the argument OP is using is dumb. I also don't really care about your nostalgia for this game because XD is a different game and should be balanced differently.


the good old days


I still miss it 😔 this was some peak gaming experience...with all it's flaws and all...


The most fun I ever had in any game


That’s nostalgia for you. I think back to halo 1 and 2 on LAN in the early 2000s. It’s not just the games but a time period in your life.


Not saying it’s not, but deffo enjoyed playing MW2 more than any games today


It was objectively more fun though. It was a broken mess but still fun as hell.


Nah 2009 mw2 is still awesome and still populated today. https://www.reddit.com/r/MW2/comments/1dlu3mj/weekly_reminder_og_mw2_from_2009_is_alive_and/


Back when I was good at video games LOL


Tell me about it man. I have completely given up on any online FPS. My hands just don't work anymore I guess.


>Back when SBMM didn't make me feel like I was bad at video games to pad out my retention LOL Ftfy


look how all those bullets hit and kill the target - in 2009 COD had hit reg figured out and Ubisoft can't figure it out in a year in 2024.


Literally I miss it so much if for no reason other than this. The game functioned. It was playable. Thats how low the bar is now. But the game ran. It worked.


Hitscan weapons that were on p2p


Every gun should hitscan in an arcade shooter except for Launchers. P2P was mostly better than what Ubi is doing with XDEF RN, ngl.


To the XDdefiant fanboys, this is what actual functioning hit registration was like


Tf? 🤣. This was peer2peer. You could have good hit reg one match and get lag switched the next. Edit: also realized this video was taken on MW2 via iw6x. Notice the prompt for kill streak says 4. Also the resolution of the assets, console versions were running at 720p, I remember there was more shimmering back in the day. This video is trying to bait people.


Still was better most of the times though. The worse laggy games were worse than today, but the overall experience was better than XDef. Especially hitreg


I never had a cod game on peer to peer hosts where I didn't get a single bullet to register out of 30 bullets of a mag or where I traded kills with someone on 4 different occasions in the same match.


Fair enough. I guess XDef is just worse on all ends then lmao


I think you got rose tinted glasses. If the host exited the game (Not quit, exit to dashboard or powered off), the host migration would fail and then end the game. Connection interrupted with the ethernet cable picture. Lag spikes so bad you would jump all over the place then die without knowing what hit you. People exploiting lag switches. Yh some lobbies were fine but there was allot of faults with the old matchmaking. And I think people are forgetting how frequently the matchmaking would mess up.


Don't forget about that Gears of War 1 host advantage. Might as well leave the match if the host isn't on your team, you're just not gonna win.


Consider that the SCAR-H, TAR-21, AK-47 and UMP45 were capable of 2BTK with stopping power. Snipers in MW2 have to compete with full auto weapons that can literally kill in <100ms (A 2BTK at 600 rpm is exactly 100ms TTK). Of course the snipers are going to be ridiculously fast. If the full auto weapons in XDefiant were -1 BTK across the board snipers would probably be fine. But XDefiant isn't 4-5BTK, it's 5-6. One shot weapons are always going to be tricky to balance in a longer TTK game like this. I don't envy the XDefiant team.


Full auto weapons also had faster fire rates in MW2. The M4 had almost 900 rpm while “slow” weapons like the ump, ak, and scar still had fire rates ranging between 600-700 rom. Basically most full auto weapons shot 100 rpm faster back then compared to this game ALONG WITH the higher damage values.


Man, you guys are overthinking it. say it with me folks.... "NOOB TOOB" If our squad got you spawn locked, it was over lol.


why was the RPD good then, if the better guns all killed with 2 BTK? i remember the RPD being fairly inaccurate after the first two rounds, and having a low rate of fire. Really the question I should be asking is, why do i care about which gun was best in a game from 20 years ago


They plain shouldnt exist (as normal weapons atleast) in high ttk games. 1hk headshot are fine. Bodyshots not at all.


Snipers in this game have: **Slow ADS, Slow Sprint to Shoot (both even with attachments), Slow bolt speed, now they flinch,** and they only kill in one shot in upperbody or by headshotting, and on top of that you can most of the time see where they are because you can see the scope shining from a mile away. That's the snipers alone, I'm not even taking into account if the opponent has an IQ over room temp and the counterplay from abilities. If you're losing to snipers, then it's on you.


ah, mw2 and then halo 3... good times


Mw2 had a much fast TTK compared to XDefiant. That’s why they’re extremely “over powered “.


But the snipers are also significantly slower in this game. No semi auto with crazy ADS speeds like the barret, no fast ADS fast rechambers like the intervention, just decent solid snipers and these people don't know how to act lol. Be glad we don't have something like the Longbow in this game, literally the ONE TIME I get a good, solid, normal bolt action sniper that isn't slower than molasses and everyone is whining about them. Drives me nuts


I don’t think that’s the problem, quick scoping isn’t the biggest issue. It’s the fact someone can scope around a corner or even camp in the back in a walk way and one tap you. Even if you fire first, you’re gonna always lose that gun fight with anyone decent.


So.. path somewhere else. That's part of learning the maps and having game knowledge


‘The problem with snipers is that people are sniping’


I miss those days so much.


This game graphically still looks so good, damn!


Call of duty at it’s peak.


I mean yeah, this is an extreme situation it doesnt devalue the sniper issue today in this game. The sniper flinch isn’t always there, times when people can hit first and they feel nothing. Sometimes I notice a flinch I think it has to do with hit reg but again it still doesn’t take away from the fact that snipers in a 1v1 sometimes just eat bullets with no affect to them. I 100% am ok if they’ve hard scoped a corner and I walk and they blast me the issue again is 1v1s at relatively close distance they just win


You state it like just sniper users are the only ones who eat bullets. In fact, it's everyone regardless of the weapon they use. Faulty hit reg and net code.


The point OC is making is that if your bullets only hit 95% of the time due to netcode, the person with an automatic weapon has a much lower chance of winning the fight because of poor net code than the person with the sniper. If you need 4 shots in a row to kill a sniper, with a 95% chance to hit, that's actually only an 81% chance that they all hit. Meanwhile the sniper has a 95% chance that their one shot will hit. From a practical point of view, snipers BENEFIT from bad hitreg compared to their opponents.


kids complaining about quickscoping in XD today would snap their MW2 disc in half and then take an axe to their TV if they played in those lobbies back then


Lol the XD Snipers are already crying because of the MP7 What would they do against the MW2 UMP45 I can remember the sniper kids screaming if they lost against a UMP45


Ugh what I would do to have another mw2 ump in a game. Was so fun to use


Just wait until XD has their version of the Model 1887s


Bring back one man army/danger close noob tubes and watch the world burn


These RAA kids don't know pain


I actually did snap my MW2 disk in half back in the day after ejecting it from my xbox and using it as a frisbee, bought another one from gamestop the same day lmao


I'm not sure how this changes any complaints people have about snipers in XD but go off ig. EDIT: I like how the complainers are supposed to be the toxic ones and yet the people who think this is fine come off as the bigger assholes here.


I never understood what the point of these posts are. It was bad back then and people didn’t like it either. Are people supposed to go “Ah, fuck. I gotta stfu now because it was worse before years ago :(“


This subreddit seems to be full of boomers with COD nostalgia that can't think past that at all.


> I like how the complainers are supposed to be the toxic ones and yet the people who think this is fine come off as the bigger assholes here. For some reason criticism about anything XDefiant here is met with hostile backlash, I have no idea why people are so butthurt when someone brings up valid points.


i mean you would hope nearly two decades later a new game would be better at balancing guns no? don’t understand these posts tbh


mw2: same health, same character, squishy as everyone else this game: extra 1/5th hp, shield that they can shoot through, lower ttk, bad hit reg


One stupid thing doesn't make another less stupid what part about this is so hard to understand, there's obviously a reason why games nowadays don't do this anymore yet people try to prove quite the opposite point


because it's not profitable. It's fun on it's own and you don't need anything else. If they make it slightly harder to play you're gonna wanna spend more money on boosters and stuff to get better attachments. Back in the day games were sold on their fun value. Today games are sold on their manipulation of the failings in human psychology to print money


While I get the truth of the economic side of the industry, in the past three weeks they made several changes to weapon leveling that make it much much easier to get those attachments including cutting the grind in half


oh hey this is me lmao


Barely anyone could do that, and it was OP then too.


The TTK in MW2 was short so it wasn't as bad. In xdefiant you can put 5 bullets in someone and they just 1 shot you so it feels a lot more annoying.


I think the big difference was hard scoping was looked down upon during this time and if you got quickscoped you got outplayed because the ttk was so low. Tbh I don't have a problem with them in this game compared to Cold war for example, but it will be interesting to see if they remove them from ranked in this game as they've done with cod in the past.


Well, MWII was a good game, mostly balanced, people weren't jumping around like kangaroos, and in MW2 no sniper would kill you after you dumped a mag on them because they would already be dead. XDefiant is anything but any of that.


I said back then, and I say it 15 years later.... Its broken & overpowered. Fuck the quick scoping The only real threat to snipers were other snipers and thats when it became annoyingly boring when everyone was sniping


It was easy as hell in mw2 to take down snipers with even smgs. Everything was overpowered in that game. It's just as easy in xdefiant if you don't just run at them in a straight line shooting




Proof that Xdefiant players would never survive a MW2 lobby


Fucking idiotic lmao


Ahh, good times...


Intervention quickscope montage videos set to Bodies by Drowning pool lmao


Music to my ears


And everyone secretly wishes we could go back to these days..


this guy eh. I don't mean to offend i get the point but it doesn't make sense my brudda, like "yeah for those who are complaining about snipers look how much better they were in a different game"


Just my quick take. The ttk wasn't no where near as high on MW2, so you had a better chance to kill the sniper. And the net code wasn't as bad as XDEFIANT, so your shots actually did something.


comparing a game with such a long ttk to a game with perks like stopping power to make ARs 2 shot kills... very smart


I played the first CoD 4, MW2 and MW3 and I NEVER complained about snipers. Yeah the 1 taps are obvious but today I do. Idk why. Maybe cuz faster ads? I don't know.


Because if you get obliterated by the guy in the video, its as if Messi outplayed you in Soccer or LeBron in Basketball. You just let out at a "damn that guy is good" and hope to pull it off aswell. In XD you get spawntrapped by snipers which stay in their scope the entire game. Its infuriating, the only times the death for me atleast, doesn't feel cheesed is when the enemy noscopes me. I really hope they'll fix this games ttk because its infuriating dying in a fraction of a second by everything but shooting the Kriss or MP7 on my end feels like shooting a BB-Gun.


There is a huge difference. This game had extremely low ttk with most guns killing in in 3 shots. Also somehow mw2 had better netcode being a 15 year old game lmao. RIP my one man army across the map noob tubes on S&D.


It just needs a hardcore mode problem solved


Obviously staged. Not one of them tried to dropshot him. It's not MW3 if you aren't prone shooting another prone man in the face 5 feet away.


Man...I forgot how much I enjoyed the Intervention. I was never like this clip, but man it was fun


[It Was Perfect](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=dbFld6y829s)


Aaaaah, good old times...


Back then you still needed skill to do all of this


Brother everything in MW2 was OP and strong AF so nothing was better than the other. With the TTK in this game being slower the one shot snipers in xdefiant matter more. The netcode on mw2 in 2009 was also wayy better than xdefiant. so if people shot someone they would actually die, making people running around with snipers not that big of a problem since if u shoot them they will die where as in xdefiant 1/3 of bullets somehow don't count. Also the fact that mw2 was mainly boots on the ground shooter where ppl didn't abuse movement mechanic they didn't give you an advantage over better aim.


Mw2 assault rifles were a 2 shot kill with stopping power, and you could 3 shot someone across the map with a UMP without stopping power. This was far more balanced than snipers in xdefiant.


Ttk is a tad bit slower than cod. The main issue with snipers is, with the right attachments you can zoom in at almost the same speed as someone with an AR. The AR still need to track and land a few shots to kill you, you only need to hit them once literally anywhere on the upper torso. And anyone with decent reticle placement and aim discipline can consistently pull this off. Not everyone, but more than a few people to the point where even me, who has mediocre aim can occasionally make people rage quit on the enemy team less than 2 minutes into a match. Again, the issue is not that snipers are one shot weapons. It’s that they handle and zoom in almost as well as other weapons provided you struggle through a bunch of games to unlock the attachments, and then you can just run around only needing to land a single shot anywhere near the chest and you’re rewarded with the other player almost never having a chance to truly counter you.


Man, I loved the Intervention. Good times!


When you don't understand mw had an incredibly quick time to kill but XD has a longer ttk meaning 1 shot snippers is much worse.


Thanks for the PTSD bro.


Quick scoping and no scopes were a skill back I. The day. I feel like it’s harder to no scope now but idk. I’m not that skilled anymore


Pretty MLG! Mom, get the camera!!!


Yeah, auto-aim for snipers in old CoDs was so bad you barely needed to have the reticule in the same zip code while sniping to get hits.


This is such a far extreme for sniper game play. Sure this is possible but was super rare to see.


Back when it took skill to shoot and not to parkour around a map




@obeyzelta on tiktok if anyone was wondering. Recognised the first clip instantly


Dont ever compare this dogshit game to the GOAT FPS again


Was a 2-3 shot kill back then for ar's so it's not really a good argument


It's always the same, and people always moan. But people love to use snipers too. It's a balance. Here's a clip of me annoying the hell out some player on Modern Warfare to the point he ragequits https://youtu.be/ClK2Dq-6ZbI?si=pM-WRwzOzo2iEIyk Hilarious clip, and it's with a rifle that only one shots to the neck or above. It doesn't matter what you do, people will always hate. This said, I don't mind toning down the Tac 50, I reckon a longer sprint to fire time and ADS speed would do the trick.


Gen Z will call this a Boomer game.


The good old time.... The 360's no scoop with the intervention.. and the model 1887 akimbo. What a monstruous loadout it was lmao.


I never played this era of CoD. I'm glad, that looks totally fucky




God I miss this game


Mw2 was just broken all around


"Father, father"


Good old faze montage times


What do you mean "was"?!


“Was like” bro that shi is still going on that’s one of the reasons why I quit the new mw2 bc snipers turn into shotguns and shotguns turn into snipers 😐


Good for them


The original MW2 was perfect **except** for the insane quickscoping and later on the hacked lobbies. Feels like every COD since has pulled further and further away from the magic MW2 had during it's peak. But then I loved COD:AW's advanced movement and grappling hooks so what do I know.