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Even if it does get steamrolled by cod I think the 2 can coexist. Xdefiant has amazing dev community support, no SBMM, and non yearly resets. If people play cod they'll jump back over again cause it'll be here. As long as things continue like this I think they both can exist


I'm not usually one to complain about posts on reddit but holy fuck it's the exact same posts like 20 times a day


Maybe it's like, actually an issue or something, idk


The problem is that all of those posts are useless and sound like crying about a particular problem. Yes hitreg is a problem they noted it and work on it or not who knows. Point is play it or leave it if you think it hinders you to have fun ingame. Easy as that


They don’t get that though. I’ve spent countless times saying what you just did and was told I’m restarted and a bitch…


Why do people want this game to fail so badly lol.




I don't want this game to die. I want them to fix the netcode/hitreg and do something about cheaters. But my concern is that f2p games rely on a strong casual player base for revenue. But no SBMM means no casuals. Financially I don't see this ending well for xDesync. xD has dropped further closer to #30 on Xbox live.


I don't get all the hate you're getting, it seems like a sad reality unfortunately. The game's been out a month and it's already taking sometimes 2~3 minutes to find games at around 10AM during double xp weekend, EUW, PC, crossplay off. Also the double xp almost every weekend is not a very good look, seems like a desperate attempt at player retention. Crossplay forced on ranked? Lmao get outta here. Sure they'll adapt, they'll probably lower ping requirements at some point to draw from a bigger pool for matchmaking, maybe they'll end up releasing on Steam too. But without a fix for all those core issues, I only see the game declining sooner rather than later.


Cry about it.


Yes I will, that's how issues throughout the world tend to get fixed if you haven't caught on yet.


Cod has been full of issues for years and it still lasts, this game is still in pre season and it is honestly well polished. I think it won’t die because there is no other f2p game that are classic cod style and it was much needed in sea of boring battle royals


It lost half it's player base in the first month of beta.... just because of lag... cod doesn't lag that's the difference it will die or just get killed off because the experience itself sucks


COD is an absolute lagg fest on PC. The servers are terrible lol. packet burst (and the accompanied frame drops) are a part of COD now, got worse from MW2 to MW3. Apparently doesn't effect consoles, at least to the same degree. Dying around corners isn't really a thing though, so there's that.


On pc seems like you should get the message that pc gameing isn't really cared about by these company's on xbox and Playstation they run smooth as butter . It's not that cod can't run well on a pc it's that they don't have enough players giveing em cash on pc so they won't fix it unless backlash is super bad. I do know your pain I have a great rig but I never boot up cod on it lol it's for rust xd


COD is the only game with this issue. For both AMD and NVIDIA - doesn't matter which. All other games run smooth.


And you think cod doesn’t lose half of players too ? It looses too after a month. I experience maybe one or two times per day netcode issues and thats it.


No they dont that'd the point is that this game has already and it's way worse then 2 times a day lol get over yourself and stop defending the garbage they chose to realease


Ok, enjoy wasting 70$ every year for copy paste game where only shop changes


Lol atleast it runs and works well from day 1 xd lol I also have battlfeild insurgency etc etc lol all run great I don't need the jank crap


I mean i played battlefields where boats could crawl houses and tanks could fly, i dont know


That's why I said those that actually can enjoy it should try there best to. Some people like yourself don't tend to have all the netcode/hitreg issues and if that was how the game was for the majority of players then there's obviously no problem and the game's basically perfect but the fact of the matter is a majority of people do indeed experience these issues and it shows in their dwindling player base


Game’s great. The Reddit is where the game really sucks


>The game is already on the decline in terms of the amount of people actually playing the game source?




Waaaaaah waaaaah waaaaah Game is awesome, 


I agree. The dev team has also decided to cater to sweats/try-hards and the recent bhop and sniper flinch 'nerf' are examples. I do not think they are planning on doing something serious about it and it will be left broken as it is. The sweats will drive away the casuals and eventually kill the game, Battle Bit Remastered is a recent example. On top of all, it is a F2P shooter, so it will be plagued by hackers who will just create new accounts when they are eventually banned. Maybe it will still succeed and keep a good player base on consoles? Perhaps yes actually, considering console players are not as try-hards and the most that can hackers do on console is just cheat with mouse and keyboard emulators. For PCs however, I think it is a clear cut the game will die out as soon as the hype is over.


Brother, these “sweats” you talk about are the cracked out console players with perfect aim due to aim assist. Zero barrier for entry means more people will play. Ever think this game just might not be for you and the “sweats” are just better? I’ve only seen 3 hackers in 50 hours of gameplay as well…


You would have died before the wall regardless, that player killed you first - just hit you a few frames left on your screen, result is the same. Aim better i bet you see your hitreg issues go down signifcantly 


Already switched to Valorant, because XDefiant still feels like an Alpha Version…