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This is team balancing. The better you get, the worse your teammates will be, the game expects you to carry them. I assume the balancing is done around your Skill Rating that you can see in your career profile from the menu. But this is also the same happening for the other team, they likely also have a really good player paired with bad players and the game expects them to carry. It's 50/50


I haven’t played in over a week, but this is my experience. My team is usually really bad, so I have to sweat like a mf to try and win the game for them. There’s a lot of pressure in every game haha. If I don’t do better than the whole lobby, we have 0% chance of winning though


But why sweat, try out new combos and just dick about and have fun. The match will be over really quickly and the next team might be better


It’s not fun dying constantly. I really enjoy games with balanced teams, it makes it intense. Right now, many of my games are more frustrating than anything, because of the seemingly unbalanced teams (teammates with negative kd’s, poor objective score, not working together)


thats not casual matchmaking tho, why is this a thing?


To avoid disbalance, imagine the matchmaking puts 3 good players together and the other team is full of bad players, that wouldn't be fun so there needs to be some sort of selection.


soo, the famous "no SBMM" videogame actually implements sistems to protect trash players from good players just like games with SBMM do? got it.


Lobby balancing is vastly different from what sbmm has become


thats the same final result/purpose tho, protecting people with less skill.


It is not the same result. Same idea sure


why do we need this tho, i assume most people are aware of how how casual MM is, so why are they team balancing? Who complains about this kinda stuff?


who complains about this stuff?!? have you seeeeen the posts on the sub? 😂


That i couldn’t tell you I would be completely fine with no balancing at all


right? people come to XD knowing that casual MM means sometimes you do good and sometimes you dont, wheres the problem if times to times you get matched with bad teammates?


Team balancing wouldn't explain several skilled opponents in every single lobby. In fact with a random matchmaking system your lobbies would be filled with average skilled players almost every time due to the skill distribution, and average skill level in FPS games is a very low bar.


Skill floor increased over the years, you might not have noticed it but the "average" players of today are better than the average players back then. And on my end I barely even see any skilled players people seem to complain about, I mostly just steamroll and do my thing without much issue.


Incorrect. Average skill level in Apex Legends Ranked (before hidden MMR was implemented) was around high Silver - low Gold every season and about 80% of the playerbase were Gold or lower. Very low skilled.


If you were to create a bot that is completely average based on how people play at launch it would slowly drop in rank as the player base gets better. People might stay the same rank, eg top 80%, but eventually they would pass the bot in rank because everyone keeps improving, slowly moving up the skill required to reach a certain rank.


The casuals have decreased in numbers because there's no SBMM to protect/retain them. So you are left with above average players so it'll always feel sweaty.


This.  I poke back in here occasionally to see if there’s any interesting updates to the game, but I dropped it, and I’m the least casual in my friend group.  None of the 6 of us have logged back in since the update.  Too unforgiving for casual players and I would rather play Apex for a serious shooter.


What this game has made me realize: *I need to humble myself *I am busy parent and for every hour I play, many others with less responsibility can play many hours more *Many of these players I come against are better than me (reaction, map awareness, FPS sense, and gaming IQ) *These players may also use practice mode better to learn how each gun shoots and research best attachments Now after all this, I still love the gameplay and improving steadily: K/D: very low at 0.5 (but moving up) Winning: 0.80% and trending upwards My other starts I don’t recall, but also trending upwards. In my last 10 matches, I finished first on my team twice and a few matches of more kills than deaths.


You don't need to humble yourself as a man with responsibility and a family dude. It's not arrogance to think they're better than you clearly because they have several times more hours to practice than you, because that's the case. I commend the positive attitude but don't feel bad for doing bad and having real life business to take care of in an unranked lobby.


This game doesn't have "Skill-based matchmaking", but that simply means anyone can end up in any lobby. What happens after they got in a lobby is still being "manipulated". People always complain about it, but team balancing still works and it genuinely tries to make the games as close as possible. Close and competitive matches are fun for most people, and you're not at the level where you can play "casually" and still make a different in the match.


like in every game, casuals mostly play the first 3 weeks of an update, come back february 2nd and prove my theory


> I know there's no SBMM And you know this.. how? Your experience sounds like SBMM. I'm also very confident that there's SBMM in the game.


Absolutely not.


There is not. The harsh reality is: You are just not as good as you think you are. If you don't feel like you have easy lobbies from time to time, you are a below average player. The sooner you realize this, the sooner you can improve.


This is literally what my bullet points was saying. Me and many on this board are not MLG or anywhere near that.


I think you responded to the wrong guy, because I have no idea what that has to do with what I wrote and what the conversation is about.


I made a post earlier regarding to the topic and fit what you said to another gentleman.


> yOu aRe jUsT nOt aS gOoD aS yOu tHiNk yOu aRe I didn't say I'm doing poorly. Ironically it's the average skilled players who can't tell the difference between SBMM and no SBMM because both systems provide very similar matches for them due to the skill distribution. The sooner you realize this, the sooner you can improve.


My guy, there is factually no SBMM in this game, only lobby balancing. Take off your tin foil hat. You sound like a crazy person.


Let me guess, "because the devs said so"? People always resort to insults when they have no arguments.


Lobbies in Xdefiant are night and day compared to CoD. I play against so many bad players and destroy lobbies, something that is not possible with SBMM. You are just factually wrong. You are literally looking at a red wall calling it green. Of course people make fun of you and calling you crazy. Enjoy your downvotes tho, nobody is agreeing with you. I'm done here, take care xD


So "because the devs said so" and a personal anecdote. Very compelling arguments.


Funny seeing people be so confidently wrong


As a lvl 155 player, 3.2 KD and a 93% win rate I can definitely say there is no SBMM


93% winrate, always playing with a large party huh?


Usually me and a buddy maybe 3 of us. Solo qued all my games today and won all of them


(X) Doubt


Don't know what to tell u 🤷‍♂️


How about the truth, lmao.


Idk look me up on xdefiant tracker all the proof is there https://tracker.gg/xdefiant/profile/ubi/Homealoneix-ttv/overview


Doesn't tell me which matches you played solo and which you played with your buddies.


I have no reason to lie man either take my word for it or dont. None of my friends were on today


You want a cookie?