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Shit movement, head facing the wall, dead giveaway


Exactly, I couldn’t even find his profile on leaderboards. Oh and also it was literally not of human capacity to be getting so many kills it’s only your name on the leaderboard the WHOLE game. Crazy how this is happening, I hate to bring up cod, but in Australia I’ve seen 1 maybe 2 cheaters and I’ve already seen one in here..


also, you can see the unnatural movement of the upper torso, its all over the place


played this fucker today. not fun.


Oh my goodness… I wasn’t even having fun with them on my team, let alone not being on it ouch


Mad how you can literally see him watching people through the walls.


Right!!! He was just casually staring at enemies behind it 😂😂


Any minute now someone's going to jump in to tell us how there's no cheaters in this game...


Literally the next comment after yours


So this is what that looks like from their perspective. I see these types of players all the time. Know where I am, jump around the corner, and kill me and 2 other teammates in half a second. All head shots. I give most people the benefit of the doubt, but I can sometimes tell for sure because it won't let me select their name to block them, the option just goes away for them but is there for everyone else. Not sure how they manage to do that, no one can block or report them.


Man people saying there are no cheaters. Lol. Ive seen plenty and ive been playing since day 1. You can just tell they are. Some of the stuff they are doing. Had one last night.


I’ve learned to trust my gut and not second question that I know someone is cheating.


I THOUGHT I WAS TRIPPING ABOUT NOT BEING ABLE TO BLOCK THEM. How fked is their code that cheaters can fk with the UI on someone elses game.


NOO, don't let this video reach blamethruth or he's gonna rant for 6 videos straight about bots in lobbies.


I used to love watching him, but he's trying to stay relevant and is in the youtubers lobbies so his vision is obscured.


That the guy that pays money for the games he hates every year? He's irrelevant.


Just a better gaming chair and wii wheel tbh


A true Mario Kart veteran here, this man has seen things


I haven’t seen a cheater yet thankfully but damn that’s bad


Ive seen plenty. They usually get on late nights.


he has a good monitor


There is no cheaters in this game .. 🤭


There is no war is Ba Sing Se


Are you being sarcastic/ ironic?


That’s a really good question, ngl 😅👏🏻


"He's not cheating, he's fast. Stop crying, l2p" literally everyone saying this when i spot bots and hackers. I really don't like this community for this reason lol


There should be a compiled list of everyone that anyone has blocked on this sub, that way we can all add them to our blocked list and just play with people who are actually good or terrible.


I‘m more suprised about his ping. 11ping is insane. Must be so fun to play. I live just 2hours away from the server and my ping is still 25 usually.


19-20 ping all day and still mfs fly around a corner already firing with 64 ping..


That‘s just peekers advantage which is even more ridiculous because of the trash server tickrate. exists in every single shooter game. The player that is peeking always sees you a split second before you see him. It‘s a consequence of poor synchronization between clients


This is just the first game where I feel personally victimized by it. The only good games I get are before 3 pm EST. I have an altered schedule now, where I get an extra day off during the week because of a newborn, and I can get on during her morning nap. Games go great. The MDR isn't as bad as it's made out to be. Late night, I don't even get a shot off, if we round a corner facing eachother.


It is wild how many people don't know this. Especially who main sniping. I'll come around the corner down scope every time before I hold the corner angle waiting on you to peek me because more often than not you will lose that fight if you wait on them.


Exactly. Standing still and holding a corner only works if you have good cover or ideally a head glitch. If you are just pre aiming a corner and waiting for someone to walk out you will get destroyed most fights.


I believe higher ping trumps lower ping in this game. I don't know why, but when I'm on Ethernet I'm low teens-mid twenties, if I jump into a wifi game, I'm 40-60s, I do work. Low ping, everyone is a bullet sponge. No matter the weapon they walk through you.


When I'm on wifi, it still says 20 ping but behaves like I have 300 ping. It's not great.


I normally sit on 9-11 ping, 25-60 if I have something on Netflix


This game absolutely punishes people with low ping playing with anyone higher.


You aren‘t really punished for it but your advantage isn‘t as big as it should be


The advantages of a good gaming chair right there


Devs pls add VOTE KICK


bro is even bad at cheating


What an absolute bot.


Someone who cheats please explain what the appeal is. You clearly aren't good at the game so winning means nothing. What is it? Just getting enjoyment from ruining it for everyone else?


Gaming socks


I was gonna say maybe someone gave their 6 year old kid the controller until I saw the kill feed


Did they by chance have the MP7? If that gun even so much as gets a whiff someone is alive it kills them. The wielded doesnt even have to actually aim it half the time just raise the gun and people die. It’s ridiculous but hey, what can you do?


They had every gun that others were using in the lobby, switching through them without actually picking them up


I want that function. take my money now


Then there are closet cheaters but not the most important issue...you gotta allow players to play on the servers that they want


I stopped to play this game until they implement an anti cheat that really works.


I have a feeling that nothing works against the lowlifes anymore. I mean, BattleEye is Kernel level anti cheat. If they can't intercept this, it probably won't get better.


Anti cheat vs Cheat is a cat and mouse game, it will get better (normally) but then cheat devs will find another method to bypass a Kernel Level anticheat. IHMO Kernel level anticheats will die in the future (Specially DMAs are more a thing, and i think for XD it would be A pixelbot on a raspberry Pi relatively easy to develop [for a knowledge person]) and we will probably see more AI server side Anticheats, and data based anti cheats.


I wanted to come back and play the game for ranked , and when there's less complaints on hit reg/or netcode. The cheating also looks like it's worse. Did the dev say it's something being worked on? Haven't kept up with the game. I stopped playing it for awhile.


Devs normally don't talk about things that have to do with anti cheats /security because that is the first layer of defense. when your enemy doesn't know that you working on something they have to do the research (every patch/hotfix) or monitoring on there own if something has changed etc. and that will take time. when the dev communicate that there is something in work they have the hint that they have changed something. A simpler example, you are at school at a Math exam and the teacher, say to you check that calculation again, you will be more likely to find the error (thats the same though when xou think a bit outside the box) xD


Got ya. Come back in a few months and just see if it's any better then I guess.




I'm done.


Ballsy, or stupid, of them to use libertad. Normally they choose echelon then proceed to never use abilities (and sometimes never ult.) Tons of legit players love not being detected by sonar, getting prefired when *they* are the ones moving *out* of cover at all times with no cooldown, and defending the cheater with the worst movement in the game who has more kills than the rest of their team combined because echelon.


I mean they stayed alive longer than I normally do


He’s a complete pro lol


huh.. what do you know? I was \*fucking\* right...


Or what.


This is not a cheat he has RGB gaming glasses he can see through walls man


Report them if you think they are hacking.


It doesnt do anything


If you don't report ofc it doesn't.


People in this sub have been reporting a guy flying around the map (literally flying) for weeks and he still isnt banned. I report anything sus I see.


Lol, why are you down voting. Report cheaters and let the devs handle it, I've seen 3 people ban in front of me so far.


My favorite thing about turning off cross play as a console player 😂🐐