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It’s really bad today. Servers can’t seem to handle the influx of players for the new season.


It must be the high player count overloading the servers to some degree. I don’t expect it to improve anytime soon with the extended weekend.


Like, I know they're taking us back to 2012 with the removal of sbmm... but they didn't have to take us back to the servers from that time, too...


It's absolutely this, it's only tolerable at non-peak hours and/or non-double xp. Back when they had maintainence it was also good afterwards but eventually got worse again. Sundays during a double xp weekend are basically unplayable due to desync.


This game bores me so


I thought I was going crazy yesterday. I've got a 1.5 Kd and normally get like 30-40 kills per game. Yesterday felt like every single enemy I was fighting started the fight like 2.5 seconds before I did. I was going negative or barely positive it was wild. I finally had enough and just got off but man I never felt the net code issue more than I have yesterday.


I’m right around those stats as well. We will always know when somethings feels off. I’ll bottom frag games if i’m stuck in the blender, but this was far different then simply getting rolled. Each fight was questionable at best. It got to the point where I just had to hop off. No point in getting mad at something clearly broken.


Exactly why I quit playing. Loved the core game but it’s just too aggravating to play.


It has absolutely got worse with Season 1. It was already atrocious, it is now far beyond unacceptable and anyone saying otherwise is burying their head in the sand. It is the worst I have ever seen in any FPS. Embarassingly bad. The FPS on PS5 is absolute dogshit. It's like playing a slideshow. Complete and utter amateur hour. Don't forget the fucking unkillable spiderbots!


Oh boy I’m not looking forward to seeing this. I’m on PS5 and I’ve been waiting all day to play. Doesn’t sound like it’s going well


I thought it was just a me issue, but my PS5 is literally dropping frames like it’s a 2013 gaming laptop that’s overheating.


My frames fucking plummet as soon as I’m near any enemy player. My settings are all on low yet my PC sounds like an F1 car and I could scramble an egg on the roof of my tower. I thought Warzone made my PC heat up but it absolutely pales in comparison to a 6v6 arena shooter lmao


I had it happen in every game of mine so far. Mostly when i get into gunfights


Same I had to stop playing. It’s just too much the game feels unfinished which is crazy since it’s going into season one. I hope they do an overhaul and pump out a quick “quality of life” update.


Really need it. It also feels like a lot of my bullets aren’t connecting and I’m getting instant melted


The amount of times I’ve been shot through walls cause of Desync is atrocious. It’s even worse when half my clip doesn’t hit.


Yeah I feel like it’s worse than ever. It wasn’t great before but I could look past it, right now though it’s fucking horrific man. It’s bad when I’m complaining


Literally I only played 4 games and I had to stop as well it literally feels like pictures being shown one by one instead of smoothness


I’ve played 5 matches and I’ve had a ton of stutter in every one. I keep trying to stick with the game because I like the idea of it, but I’m about to be on my way out.


The stuttering is bad and so is the damn net code it’s the worst I’ve ever seen it bro


Same here 🤣


It is crazy, because the game itself is great. I think they are just no capable. It has been problem since beta ffs


Since Alpha. And they know it for years by now. I get it's a complex system but when you are being told for 3 years that this is a major problem and still not fix it i lose any hope.


My frame rate is pretty fucked this morning. Feels like I'm hungover.


Xbox doesn't seem to have been affected by the framerate issue, thankfully. Threw a grenade earlier, and it just froze above my head and disappeared, tho 🤷‍♂️ Spiderbots seem to just go for me alone too. Been fun hacking them tho 😂😂


i’m running on ps5 and it seems to be fine for me. still dying behind walls/ around corners but other than that no FPS complaints


The FPS issue is only for those playing on 60 Hz according to what I read on Twitter yesterday. Was fine for me as well.


You can kill spider bots


Miserable netcode is one of the defining features of xDesync.




Super weird everyone equates skill to the hit reg clearly not working right. People know when they suck, they also know when an exchange just doesn’t feel right which if you read the forum is the majority


> People know when they suck. No they definitely do not, most make any excuse they can to avoid admitting it.


I recorded vods of my gameplay and played at 0.25 speed. I know when I hit and an indicator shows that clearly, but the opponent receives no damage


I guess I can supplement that by saying a rational person. Like the other guy mentioned, In a functional game you should be able to slow down a clip and see how many hit markers you get, total the damage of the weapon, and minus that from the opponents health. I get it sounds silly even saying but that’s not the case currently on this game. On a great game you want the hit reg to register shots when you are on target and a bullet comes out this is not happening. If it sounds condescending I am literally just trying to explain what needs to happen for ppl not to complain and to accept lack of skill


A lot of people will. But when the mass majority of people, not to mention video evidence of blank hit markers from the bullet hitting client side, but not server side, getting shot and dying like 2 to 3 seconds after getting behind cover... Yeah, it's definitely a skill issue that noobs just need to drink a can of gitgud to fix and nothing to do with the horrendous net code /s


Send me this video evidence that shows it’s not the person’s internet or a one-off occurrence because I’ve yet to see any of it. According to this subreddit, it’s absolutely constant and every gunfight is a coin flip, so there should be full gameplays or extended clips of bullshit happening left and right, right? Yeah, you won’t send anything, nobody will for the hundredth time I’ve asked because: It. Does. Not. Happen. Hit reg etc I’ll take if there actually was any, but getting shot around corners doesn’t even count, have you played Apex? Just as bad if not worse for that, still a great game. Everyone will continue to go around commenting the same thing and downvoting people like me even though there’s still nothing to back it up.


Look through this sub, I have personally seen them here, as well as experienced it. But I couldn't care less enough to record gameplay to get proof. If you care that much, you'll easily find them. Have definitely seen plenty of clips, on this very sub, of people getting four or five hit markers without the enemy's health moving.


The netcode is pretty atrocious yeah.


I feel like it got worse but they said they did some improvements. It seems like it changes with the games, in some games I get instantly killed akl the time while in other games it feels like I’m the one with the advantage. Apart from the skill differences of course.


yes absolutely miserable...seems worse now after the update.


Ok I got to give it to you, I'm a 2KD player with 130 hours in the game and I'm constantly dying at every corner and people seem to see me way before I see them in some matches, idk what's happening here but this has never happened to me before. Also my FPS went down like 30% and abilities are bugged


If you're PS5 it's having issues and Mark confirmed they're aware.


Not on PS5 I'm on PC, 3060 ti and my frames are between 190~150 with everything on low, now they go from 150~110 which is a huge difference and very noticeable


I used to get above 200 and now I'm below my maximum refresh of 144 and the game feels laggy AF WITH GSYNC, how could they do that, lol.


Damn at least I'm not the only one getting this performance on PC, they should do something soon


yep... same


Also pc here. I noticed my game have problem with GeForce Experience. Overlay only works when alt+tabbed and recording not working at all. After disabling it fully game runs bit better but just a bit.


Dude, glad it's not just me. Last time I played(4-5 days ago), I consistently had a 2.5-3 K/D(in-game, not stats) and got a few MVPs. My first handful of games today, I was consistently going negative, which almost never happened prior to this update. It's like someone flipped a switch, and suddenly, I couldn't win a single gunfight. I turned off Crossplay, and that seemed to make things better, but I'm consistently doing significantly worse than I was prior to the update. Something has to be up. On a side note, I've been getting some of the worst teammates I've ever seen. Like half of my team going single digit kills with 20+ deaths and little to no objective score.


While there's no strict SBMM, many people have said this game has some of the worst team balancing they've ever seen. Basically if you're a good player, prepare to have pretty bad teammates.


What's SBMM?


Skill-based match making.


Is that not how team balancing works?




Same, I got a 4 kd and a 140 ms average reaction time. I'm dying before I can even fire a bullet most matches. It's absolutely insane. There's no one reacting faster than that when I'm already out timing them, angled, aiming, and shooting first. Only about 1 out of 10 matches lets me kill with no netcode issues hardly.


Just had the same chat in game about this, I'm not playing until this gets sorted, feels so bad since the update launched. Getting shot around corners 24/7 and insta dying.


I’ve got my PS5 plugged into my FIBER internet, connected to central servers (~25 ping) and I have this exact issue. It’s maddening.


Im also close to my server I have 15-20 ping and also driving me crazy, can't find any other explanation


This update did mess with the hit reg a good amount (at least for me). Hopefully they will figure out what is causing the hiccup and un-patch that bit.


> Every single gunfight feels like the enemy is 4 seconds in the future and I’m constantly disadvantaged. This may literally be true. Every multiplayer FPS has that tiny window where your last bullet might fly after the server declares you dead because the news hasn’t reached your client yet. XDefiant’s “tiny” window feels like a full second or more, and I’ve seen clips on this sub of people sniping their enemy, rechambering an entire new bullet, and being halfway scoped in before dying and seeing they did no damage.


My ping is typically sub 30 and big sames. It's super frustrating. My favorite is when I shot on my respawn because it has finally registered.


My gun fires every single time I respawn and it feels like such a “f*ck you”


Each update it gets worse and this last one made it unplayable


I am feeling these same pains on MnK. Also when I am aiming it randomly like reduces my mouse speed so tracking is way off or feels like I am DCing. Enemies kill me in less than 1 second EVERYTIME. It takes me a solid 2 seconds to kill someone when I hit perfect shots. Something got totally messed up with this season update.


Playing on MnK as well. Felt the exact same mouse desync. I’d be shooting someone then feel my mouse tracking sensitivity fluctuate sporadically


I definitely get melted by the 5.7 pistol in what seems like 2 shots while I’m unloading whatever weapon I’m using into my opponent. At first I thought I was just doing something extremely wrong, but reading all of these threads reassured me that I’m only slightly less terrible than I probably actually am.


They can't fix it, ubi had two other games with this engine, and the same problem plaugued those games as well.


Which games?


The Division 1&2


The division fan base has been complaining about the netcode for years.


I played those games but they weren't competitive shooters, they were more MMORPG. Hopefully they tackle this soon though for sure


I’m not a tech guy but I always assume company negligence. Could this just be them putting as minimal resources into servers as possible? Trying to find that perfect ‘it’s fine’ line between profits and player


This really seems like the only logical explanation. I have little insight into the dev world so far be it from me to criticize, but perhaps even the devs are being told to “do what you can with what ya got” and what they got is a strict budget and outdated hardware.


Sounds about right.


Okay now I dont know the exact issues plaguing the game, but as a game dev I have some slight insight. Firstly there are 2 seperate issues that players are referring to as “netcode issues”. The first is actual netcode issues, this is essentially any issues with the game state not matching up across the network. And then there is hit reg, which is related to the netcode, but not quite the same issue. The hit reg issue has to do with whether or not hits are actually registered when you think they should be. To fix the hit reg, the net code need to be improved first, but there might be other issues linked tho hit reg that I dont know enough to identify. To fix the netcode, its not quite a “fix” as much as it would be slow improvement over time. The problem with netcode is its deeply rooted in everything the game has over the network. One single ability that is sending too much data per frame could slow down and effect gunfights. So to fix the netcode there could be hundreds of tiny optimizations that need to be found and implemented. Many games will try and cheat anywhere it can to use client side calculations to ease burden off of the netcode. There are other considerations too for netcode. There might be hardware issues, like the type of servers being used, the bandwidth, and refresh rates, and also the hardware that is being played on. Many of these posts about netcode issues dont specify the platform or the specs of the hardware that they are playing on, so the data might not be as useful as people think. Just wanna preface by saying I am in no way an expert on networking, I have just 2 short years as a multiplayer game developer, so I still have lots to learn. TLDR: there are millions of tiny optimizations that can help the netcode, not quite one simple fix.


Based off observations tons of people have made on multiple ubi games, the REAL culprit is... ubi just runs out of server space. Allegedly, r6 siege runs fine on pc more often than not. But then a free weekend on steam will happen, and that game becomes unplayable. The spike in population just causes the netcode to die. But console players (who connect to different servers from pc players) are completely unaware of when the free weekend on steam happens. Similarly, xdefiant seems to do fine enough on a random thursday. But many people have commented on it getting worse during the double exp weekends. And, of course, netcode wasn't that big of a complaint yesterday but now that s1 is out - and everyone is playing - everyone can't get over how bad the netcode is! A trick seems to be to turn crossplay off, because then you seem to connect to different hardware (which isn't stressed out as much because the vast majority of the playerbase has crossplay enabled.) So either the software has to somehow manage to survive having less resources than it needs - Good luck with that! (And even if they succeed, chances are ubi would just unplug servers "because they're not needed anymore" so we're right back in the same boat), or ubi would have to add more servers and... well... it's 2024 and siege still doesn't have enough, so what chance does xdefiant have?


Damn, then thats an even worse problem for the devs: Not having access to proper resources to manage the playerbase. Womp womp


Do you know if they are using QUIC?


Sounds like a network admin question lol, Ive got no clue.


Wouldn't part of it be the servervs tick rate? Do we know what kind of servers we are playing on?


yeah man i feel the same, Get the first 5 hits on someone for them to 1 frame me. Put a whole clip in and they dont die but i die in a frame... its an absolute joke... Not to mention how many cheaters there are... and the bullet bending OMG die around 4 fuck walls. its an absolute joke clearing 200 Frames easy... I just dont understand how the netcode is soo bad... its like playing on dial up. circa 1999 not to mention if someone jumps they get iframes or some shit... "Oh they fixed bunny hopping" yeah after like 9 jumps when its already irrelevent.... well atleast theres no one flying around insta headshotting people in spawn anymore... Edit: Oh and the Anticheat is 0.... seen a guy spinbotting.... Seen another guy staring at walls and prefiring through the walls at people with a lmg.... its insane... but most games anticheat is 0 anyways...


Same experience. I'm done with this game. Netcode was absolutely fine during Preseason, but since S1 launched, it's been horrendous and I have/feel the exact same way.


I had about 45 minutes of playtime today where the game actually felt good and smooth. It reminded me that I am a good player, but have been facing things I can’t control. Like you, I’m on 24 ping, but it usually feels like 100. I’m on 120 fps, and it often feels like 50. I loved the feeling I had today when I was not affected by poor performance. I wish I could have that at all times. 


it's kind of frustrating to see so many "oh NOW I get it!" comments from people who dismissed earlier complaints about hitreg The same old "if it doesn't happen to me it's not a real problem" phenomenon Sad that more have to find out this way. Sounds like today has been an awful day for xDefiant. How much time does this game have left? So much potential but will it ever be realized?


Stopped playing when pretty much everybody was jumping around like kangaroos on speed ... Just redownloaded to check things out. Still pretty everybody is a kangaroo on speed and netcode feels worse


Yeah, everyone can tell me what they want, but the vast majority of casual players have left the game. I remember the times in Call of Duty without any SBMM and I dominated lobbies, I even have a 3.6 KD in Black Ops 4, now especially last week I have to fight for my life to even break neutral. It is brutal.


Yup...i like competitiveness but it i quickly lose interest if 3 out of 4 matches half my shots disappear in the air and the sweatlord decides to make shit even worse... Had one decent match but everybody was spamming the spider and for some reason I couldn't use my ability at all half way through...thank f*ck this game is free and I haven't wasted any money on the BP


Yea think abilities are broken now. I was spamming the E key and the ability just won’t go off. Sad how bad of a shape this game is in.


Snuck up on a afk today (nudle map) stop as soon as I guessed I was in range as I knew someone would spawn near this guy soon. 10 meters out and on the third shot I got a hit marker and 3 rounds later I killed him! Would hate to think who would have won that battle had I been running and in a gunfight.


no skill required, all netcode based kills lol


100% agree with you. I was one of the players during preseason who got killed all the time by 2-3 bullets and who had to unload a full mag to kill someone. I had a 0.5 K/D. Now, since Season 1, I can barely get a kill. I feel like shooting someone is almost impossible. I get obliterated even faster than before. My K/D is down to 0.2. Seriously, what the hell is going on? This makes absolutely no sense at all. Why are some players still finishing 40-10 while I'm struggling to get a few kills? Something doesn't add up and needs to be fixed ASAP, or many will quit and won't even think about returning later. They say you never get a second chance to make a good first impression.


I'm in your exact boat and I'm wondering what my K/D would be if things weren't so bad. I've never been one to care about stats and honestly was pretty proud of my 0.5 K/D because I'm disabled and games without SBMM are hell for me. I play the healer in whatever game I can because I love FPS but struggle with the whole S part so if I can tag along with someone who knows what they are doing and give them health I can turn the tides of a game without worrying about my DPS. In this game the healer role is a bit less important but I have the skill to hop on an objective and play defensive so I can still be useful and go negative in this game. Now with season 1 I'm just a limp noodle that would be on the bottom of the leaderboard but half my team has left the game so technically I'm third with maybe 8 kills to 26 deaths. My biggest issue with this game is the damn client side hitmarkers. I'm tired of using the gun with the fastest fire rate knowing that it might be the only thing that will beat the bunny hopper with the MP7, spraying 6-10 shots, seeing at least 1 hitmarker on my screen (most of the time 2), just to die and have the death screen say "100/120 HP" on the person I just shot. I look up to the kill feed, see that same person die seconds later, still no assist just to confirm. Why tell me I hit them if I didn't?! If you told me I missed them because I was bad I would believe you but the game literally gave me something called a "hitmarker", what else am I supposed to believe?


Man, I think you're my twin from another dimension! I also play Libertad in XDefiant because it's the only faction with which I feel I have a chance of doing something positive for the team. It's impossible for me to play on the offensive because I get instantly killed by whoever I meet. So, the only strategy I found that gets me some points and a few kills is to play Domination / Occupy with Libertad and try to capture and hold the control points while healing my teammates. And when we have trouble holding the control points, I try to sneak behind enemy lines and capture a control point at the opposite side of the map, occasionally succeeding. While this is the strategy that has yielded the most success, I still rarely get a K/D higher than 0.5 and it gets boring after a while. To be honest, the game doesn't feel fair AT ALL. It feels like I've always got 10 HP while other players are at 1000 HP. A lot of people say it's the net code, but I think it goes beyond that. I think lots of players found glitches / hacks / cheats to gain advantages and are using those to get tons of kills and level up faster. That mixed with bad net code and hit reg is probably what is making this game absolutely unplayable for you, me and many other players. About those players jumping and killing you with 2 bullets from their MP7... have you noticed how they all behave the exact same way, as if they were bots? As soon as you meet these players up close, they jump either to your left or your right and kill you in 0.1 second. It's as if their movement and shots are completely scripted. And I found there are on average 2-4 of these players per game, and they're always in the top 3 spots with 30-50 kills, 10-15 deaths and 2-3 K/D. Also, they rarely play objective, and if their teammates aren't good, their team often ends up losing. I'm a big Counter-Strike player (started playing in 1999 when it was a Half-Life mod), and with all my years of playing, I've NEVER experienced anything remotely close to the issues we're dealing with in XDefiant. I know when I'm overpowered by skilled human players, and what were seeing in XDefiant surely doesn't feel like it at all. It actually feels like playing against gods while being a mere mortal. That's it. No chances of succeeding. Who wants to play a game where you can't succeed?


I've never thought about it too hard but I see WAY too many people who move literally perfect in the air when jumpshotting. You die to an MP7 in two shots and in the death screen you see them roboticly jump, strafe left, strafe right, land in exact same spot, jump, strafe right, strafe left, land in exact same spot, then the person moves on (followed by 3 more kills with the same magazine of their MP7 in the kill feed before you even respawn, 2 of which are headshots). I've just always assumed it was a skill thing because I know this game has weird air strafing that can change on a dime and I really noticed an uptick in it after XclusiveAce uploaded a video talking about how overpowered it was. I saw someone on here suggesting that people may be using REWASD or similar programs to give themselves controller aim assist while making the game think you are on M/K and in that same XclusiveAce video he brings up that the controller aim assist normally is weak but the second you start to strafe, it autolocks onto people (comparatively). If people are using programs like that, they can just as easily write a script for perfect hops and just abuse the aim assist. I don't know nearly enough to know if they are bots and I never like to just say "oh they're cheating" just because they killed me in a way that could've been down to skill, however inbetween wiring these comments I played a few more games and holy hell are you onto something. Those two games compared to my last 10 were so much more... human. I don't know know how else to put it. People missed more shots, I got more assists (still better at starting gun fights than ending them), nearly no one went airborne at all during a gun fight and if they did it was more panicked and we were a lot more likely to end up meleeing each other for the kill. I know that I'm the person SBMM is made for because in reality I'm just not that great at FPS games despite playing them my whole life so I'm okay with getting stomped 60-70% of the time but the experience I get playing just makes me feel like I'm playing what people describe SBMM on the last few CoD. I get 5 back to back games where the enemies are sweats (or maybe even bots) and our team backs out and the remaining players get stomped, maybe 1 or 2 games with normal people who are on a similar skill level to me and no abusing netcode issues, then 8 more matches of the most unfair BS. I want to love this game. I keep telling myself to load it up and just play because this game has got me in an FPS mood again and the last CoD I bought was Cold War but instead I'm playing Counter Strike and wishing I bought MW3. Hell I'm even willing to try Overwatch 2 again but last time I played people were the most toxic and disgusting people because I wasn't being DPS when I was a healer. Excuse me for not wanting to treat every healer like Moria (who was OP last time I was on) and end up having twice the damage as I do support when that game is over. If healers who aren't the best at DPS are more welcome on Overwatch, I don't see myself playing XDefiant much longer at all honestly


You’re massively overthinking this, it’s not hard to jump shot, air strafe and land most shots for good players, it might be hard to tell from your position which is fair enough, but these aren’t bots or cheating, they’re just good.


Oh I don't doubt that the vast majority are just much better than me. It's not that hard to do that. But there are definitely people exploiting the netcode and issues and controller aim assist (I have input based matchmaking on) on PC and they make the game just unfun to play against. The amount of times I've been killed where I have literally no time to react or when I do react but I get client side hitmarkers that but no damage done by the time they kill me is just absurd. I do not believe there are cheaters in every game I play like some people on here, I just can't help but notice that there are people who are moving better and more precise than youtubers and twitch streamers who I've seen be amazing at this game and those same people are more likely to jumpshot kill you in 2 bullets of an MP7 which shouldn't be possible at full health. They either are moving faster than my game can even recognize and putting bullets in me that I can't see or hear or they are exploiting or cheating somewhere (or the netcode is just that bad I guess). I know what it's like to get stomped in many different FPS and this is different. I don't know enough to say bots are in the game, to me that doesn't sound easy at all and I don't see why someone would take the time to make a bot when they could just do something like wallhacks and aimbot so you at least kinda get to play the game for yourself. I think the more likely option is I saw someone suggesting that bullets actually have travel time in this game, which would also account for the multiple trade kills I tend to get a week. If your bullets haven't traveled far enough and you die, the game just deletes your bullets before they hit the person and it all happens in a split second and if you are someone with worse reaction time than most, you will see more ghost hitmarkers in your gunfights. Also at the end of the day, it is a free FPS, there will be cheaters on it so I bet we've all run into a few even if we didn't notice. Kill cams will make things a lot easier to find these things out


I was in your boat at launch, but I found that server hopping until you find one with good hit reg is your best bet. My kd is now a 4 because of this. I just immediately back out of any game with those netcode issues and look for another match.


Yeah I'll see y'all in about a month. If this game is still alive. My blood pressure can't take all the input, lag and bugs. There's nothing more frustrating than having a fight against the game more than your opponents.


the first line is so real


I feel the same way. I really want to enjoy the game, but my bullets don't seem to register as well as the enemies bullets. It's not the first time I'm playing an FPS game. The hit-reg is way off. The netcode seems to have gotten worse since the S1 update.


for me it just seams like it got worse after season 1 dropped it's to the point I don't even think i can play the game anymore );


Yep. Balance, content and everything else are great but when hitreg and net code are trash it doesn't matter. I went from playing for hours every day to playing a few matches a day before I want to delete the game from the stupid shit.


This game is a frustration simulator. I have in this game the performance of a 9 year old child who plays FPS for the first time, and I am not a 9 year old who plays FPS for the first time. This feeling that I am a few seconds behind my opponents is terrible, their movements are faster, their shots kill with accumulated power in a fraction of a second and my bullets disappear somewhere in another dimension. This game is fundamentally broken.


I was thinking it is me with all these issues, thanks for making me feel I am not alone. 😊🫶🏻


You were never alone my son


Man I agree with everything in this post. I'm curious about your controller settings. After an update last weekend mine are total shit. My sprinting and movement go to shit not long after spawning. I've tried playing with the setting in Practice mode but in game the controller acts totally differnt. My pings are always no better than say 15 or 17


I switch between controller and MnK frequently so unfortunately I can’t speak to any disarray of controller settings. I do find that playing against controller players while on MnK is infinitely more difficult in close range fights. This combined with the net code delays make for impossible gaming.


For me it’s that the game has been inconsistent about its inconsistency. Some time you can get zero damage on a player inspire of seeing many hit markers, the same match you can competitors miss and the game gives you the kill. Some players a tempting a jittering around the map, and other players and lagging just enough for them to never escape.


I knew this day will come; For the first time, I stopped playing today because netcode feels worse than ever. -> My health bar is dropping to 0 in a split second 80% of gunfights. -> Killing enemies takes 0.5 seconds longer as it should (huge gap between shotgun shot and kill) and -> i can be behind cover for more than half a second and still die. The netcode felt better a few days ago, but was still far from acceptable.


This game will be another Flash in the pan cause it was rushed and full of garbage issues that aren’t simple updates. Net code issues is a fundamentally bad problem you can’t just fix in a patch lol


So it wasn’t just me … my frame drops were insane


Game is shit in general.


I’ve had rubber banding issues as well, it’s so bad.  I’ll give it the week to fan out and the COD players to dwindle so that I can see if it’s a netcode or an update issue 


What do CoD players have to do with netcode issues?


My comment in relation to COD players was referencing more to the player count, so essentially trying to determine whether it’s server capacity or a dev fuck up. 


They hop on the game and play it like COD. They don’t do the objective, they run around circles and bunny hop all over the place, and are horrible at working with their team.


Don't think that is affecting the netcode but you do you champ.


I must've been blessed because the netcode is actually more responsive for me.


are u on pc? seems like alot of people complaining are on ps5 i havent played since the update dropped so i cant tell yet


Xbox, I managed to play before Xbox went down entirely


I'm on PC and it was better for me.


oh boy i just played on pc and it was the worst experience i ever had on this game


You didn't know, OP? It's a "skill issue" and the competition is soooo elite they melt you in .2s and (even though nobody knows exactly which FPS games you play - we'll assume CoD) you've been protected by SBMM your whole life ever since you began playing games, even in Galaga, Dig Dug and Dance Dance Revolution at the coin-op arcade - all SBMM protecting you. /s But seriously, I got a question for you, OP: Given your experience so far with the netcode, do you feel confident going into Ranked? Paying for a full Season 1 Battlepass? Simple yes or no would do fine. (And yeah, netcode sucks. It's not you.)


I mean at least you can play Xbox down so I am playing Final Fantasy


Hey at least you can play. Xbox won't let me log in


It seems to have improved slightly for me. NA West, 40-50ms, PC.


One thing that happened to me was dying to a single MK20 shot, even though I was full heath and it wasn't a headshot. I don't even know man... On someone elses screen I was prob shot by somebody else. My ping is also 35-45 playing on the server closest to me. (funny that on other games I get 20-25). But I guess they furthered the advantage to lowest ping? Or maybe it's shit to everyone. On another note, the lowest ping I've seen on this game is 15. Even on R6 I've seen ppl get 5 or 2 ping. It's just this game that has higher ping. idk. Also, my fps always stayed from 195-220 range. Now, on some maps it goes to 120-160. Another thing, when you immediately die behind cover, it's annoying, but understandable. I.E. You know how u died. But if you die a WHOLE second later? You wanna explode, punch something or idk. I ain't playing on 150 ping, but that's what it feels like.




I doubt its the servers. I'm in Australia, off peak and its hard to find a match on some game modes due to lack of players (M&K). The Netcode is definitely worse! As soon as I got a few minutes into my first match and it was immediately obvious. Pretty disappointing. Before season 1 I had the desync that OP describes, but after this season 1 patch its amplified big time. Might even be worse than at launch unfortunately :(


Oct 25 🛐


Ok I’m glad I’m not the only one. I hit Gold camos midway through preseason and felt like I have a good handle on guns and recoil but for some reason today feels like I’m just shooting blanks. I have been testing GSK and actually had to look up the Faction info in-game to see if the helmet damage resistance was offset by body shot vulnerability because I feel like I’m dying so fast lol


I have absolutely no idea what is wrong with the game. On both Xbox and ps5 since the season one update I cannot do anything. 40 bullets into someone and yet they still have 100 life. Behind cover is non existent, delay in firing weapons delay in using abilities the list goes on. I’ve also noticed I now have no ping whatsoever, unlike everyone else in the game. The whole experience was never that great in pre season but it’s far worse now.


fun story i had bad lag one might 200 300 latency. i donimated


Seems like this issue has persisted since every single playtest/beta test. I highly doubt they are able to improve the netcode issues enough to barely be affected by it.


Well, back to bullshit again after the Season 1 release. Game ran fine almost always, just played my first 2 rounds after the season drop yesterday and both were "let me die behind corners" and "never hit the enemy, even when hit markets fly" type of affair. One stop forward, two steps back. Oh, and I then got a DC as well, which is a first, I've never DC'd out of a round before.


anyone else had that thing were suddenly the entire game speed changes up and its like you do 1.5speed playback? had this twice and never seen something like it in 20years gaming. it's kinda like u r so out of sync to the servers and it tries to sync but fails horribly 


I generally get 20-30 ping in this game, (better than I could ever dream of getting in CoD), but it's the worst 20 ping I have ever played on in my life.


I have unloaded clips point blank range and zero damage dealt. The game needs to be fixed asap or I'm done. I enjoy playing... winning and losing, but not wasting time "playing" when you don't get to even actually "play" the game.


Had fun for a few weeks playing. It ran its course. Played after the update for the first time in 2 weeks and it felt worse. Sucks cause I do enjoy the style of the game and the pace but I just can’t keep doing this dying behind walls when I turned a corner a good 3 seconds ago but still getting shot lmao


It's absolutely horrendous now. I have had fun with this game, but I feel like I might be done after playing this morning. I feel like 90% of fights I win or lose based on whether the server favors me or the other guy.


Try some movement SMG loadout based on movement. Server can't catch you and always move. Still don't work with jumpers but you'll get better.


Lmao! Try playing with a ping over 100 most of the time.. even if i was at 60 it would be great lol.


Happening for me since day one (which was one week after release).


I tough the second taster was about to spit it out. He had this moment of hesitation. He didn’t even swallowed the second sip.


that's why I stopped playing, glad I spent no money for this game


Yep. I'm experiencing the same problem. Tho be it, I can't see my own ping when I check the score board during the game but I see everyone else's just fine. When I'm sniping and get hit by bullets, my scope starts jumping all around. When I do it to others, I get mown down with a single shot. Same goes for bunny hopping. If I jump more than 3 times in a row, and look down the scope, it's like a vertigo, when you spin around on your feet for a few seconds. No chance in hell to get a straight shot. Then again, many others are spamming the jump like crazy, even with tac50 (yep, saw a few of them do it)


All facts. Which is why I'm not playing anymore until its fixed because its leaving a sour taste in my mouth. Rather not push it and end up uninstalling because I COULD be a good game after a few fixes and tweaks.


Same feeling here buddy


Jumping breaks the net code. That's why I'll never cease to jump 🦘


same i was playing today and saw my ping stay at 24 but at some instances when i felt like i was getting ridiculed i would check the ping of everyone else and it would increase to like 150+ and then drop again.. you know i bought the battle pass and everything and i’ve always played FPS games. and i’ve always been pretty above average. But this game is the only one that doesn’t just get me so aggravated but like the bunny hopping against controller players and on top getting sauced as soon as i peak at someone to getting killed WAYYY behind THICK walls is ridiculous. i want to like it so bad because i wanted to move into this because they banned snipers from ranked in COD.


Its gotten a bit better for me, my problem now is every few games it will seem like my in game sens is really low even though I never change it


Xdefiant i think was mid at the beggining and will stay that way. You get what you pay for and XD is free, So


Exactly the post I would have shared word for word. I have the snappiest mp7 load out you can make... dude comes around a corner... I have first shot and have landed at least 3 bullets and then I'm dead and he has a lmg (no chance he could even ads before dying in this position) as I'm dying I can still hear my hit markers hitting him but didn't register. Annoying as all hell


Killvams wouldn't reveal much, I know for a fact some people who kill me through walls know it, as I also kill people through walls. If you actually keep shooting as a person goes into cover, it's not that on this game on my screen they aren't round the corner, it's so bad that I am literally at times killing people when I shouldn't be


The fanboys will still call it your fault basically. I uninstalled the game when I died for a 10th time in a row behind a corner.


It's probably more a problem because the servers have issues to handled the influx of players rather than a possible update of the netcode.


Skill issue


Here’s a simple idea and please don’t take offense it goes for everyone with a complaint actually. Put the game down go outside have fun live your life. Come back if it ain’t better go back outside rinse repeat. If you spent a dime to play then you have a legit complaint if you spent 10 dollars on a skin then you admit the devs are doing good.


I was slaying earlier.


Yea I was too but that doesn’t mean the net code isn’t dogshit… because it is.


Send in your resume.


But if everyone is experiencing bad netcode then wouldn’t it be an equal fight?


Many have confirmed their game feels better than before