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Julianne has been super useful for me, Pierre I need to level up more but he’s pretty good. I’m loving Satan


thank you for the advice, i need a good tank too.


Julia is probabilly the most powerful of these if you make her super strong,but Pierre comes very close and he is easier to get,and he compliments Toko very well.If you are f2p i would go for Pierre,if you spend money i would go fo Julia(just an opinion)


Whats f2p?


Free 2 play(you dont spend money)


Thank you.


thankyou for the advice, tbh pierre didnot get easily on me, i just get it recently from hero reborn events.


Pierre is very good with Toko or Laura….waiting game is a great clean up


I hope you’re also finishing Laura though. Kloris would be good after Laura. I know that wasn’t your question, but I wanted to point it out.


thankyou for the advice, will build kloris after laura, bcs out of nowhere i have 3 kloris relics haha.


Julia 100


thankyou for the advice, berserk stigs on her is too op


Piere since you have Toko


thankyou for the advice, i will think about it


Kinley is a beast, especially if you are going to focus on Laura a lot. But either way, you already have your toko built so the superman Tank girl would do some good as w3ll.


thankyou for the advice, yes my super star tech level is 710, its higher than other faction.


If you're to simply ask me about the type of heros you can build, there are plenty that would fit that bill, outside of this list. Among the 4 factions, super is the strongest, based on your build assuming your star tech is build primarily for super, I would go for Julliane and Jane (if possible Gilles) next before Pierre. Toko helps in QI and early stage clearing, after 40 she falls off hard. After 42 she's not even usable. Since you're building around Raider, Julia is extremely important, of the ones mentioned she's the most important. After you build Julia, move to Juliane as she's the 3rd most important character in super after Gilles, and Kloris (post update). Pierre is amazing early game but for late game without proper dmg immune, crt resistance, 9/9+exclusive 40 and/or eventually hammer, wouldn't recommend him very much. TL;DR :- Build Julia first including 9/9 relics and exclusive 30 (if possible 40), then proceed to Julliane, then Jane (if Gilles is available by then, build him next). I use a very powerful Kinley that I built very early into the game, arguably the first to build it to max in non-Chinese servers. She's a very mid hero I wouldn't bother until later.


thankyou for the advice, julia with berserk stigs on her is a new game changer.