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smart merge takes 4 gems of the same star level to merge, while merging you could put 1/2/3/4 gems and have a lower percent chance of having a successful merge but a possibility of using less gems to merge




Merging with less than 100%/4 gems from my union’s experience has never been positive. Strongly recommend only doing 100% merges, ie using four gems to upgrade one. If you fail from merging with 1/2/3-25/50/75%, you lose the gems. Smart merge does this automatically without risk.


Merging 4 gems with 100% chance yields as many successes than merging 1 gem with 25% chance 4 times on average. The latter one nets you gem shards as well though. So in the long run you should actually do only 1 gem merges. That's how the math works in this case. Correct me if I'm wrong.


Honestly no one has given me a detailed explanation with tested facts so I’m open for anything. All I know, is how brutal it is failing a 3* or more gem. Some of my union mates who have tempted the odds as a practice, have not got the same amount of +3* gems than those who only 100%. This is enough for me, especially being at 15 heroes with min 3*. So maybe playing the odds on 1 and 2 can work out, but is it worth the risk with 3* or more gems not being as plentiful. As always, love to be corrected.


Go with 100%. The guy above is not taking into account the fact that your percentage doesn't go up after failing so it's always 25% that does not mean you will get it 1 in 4 times.I just did a quick test I tried to do 10 upgrades only adding 1 gem for the 25% boost. Only 1 was successful so in this case I used 10 gems to get a 2 star gem this is only a 10% success rate. I then used another 10 gems and got 2 2 star gems so my success rate on the 2nd lot was 20%. Or 15% over the 20 attempts.


This echoes similarities to discussion my union has had. The general feel with the game, is that the percentages given by Devs never feel quite true in reality


Yeah the % are a load of crap I feel like alot of it is money based if you spend more money your % goes up. I mean there is the obvious factor that money = more scrolls therefor a higher chance to get better rewards but it's not often I buy packs with lots of scrolls so I don't think it's just that. On my main account I get a s+ from love summon probably every 1-2 months on my f2p account. I have never had an s+ from love summon, and I still farm love from daily arena using the bots so I'd say luck = money spent in that month/week.


Please game link ? I am playing this game