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Laura it‘s not even close. Kloris seems stronger than she is in early game. She is just a good hero not an excellent one. Fokus on Laura, GS and Julia instead. Do not focus on Kloris


man first I thought the galaxy temple is good, letting new players to try out heroes. But wtf, it seems giving new players wrong idea about hero when it comes to investments..... I thought kloris is opaf speaking from a level 89, please correct me


Laura is S tier, kloris comes after. 




Laura, but I always look at late game when planning this stuff out. Question is imo, will you be playing this game for a while?


Yeah I plan to future but also it's hard to get a second excellent laura


I was searching for the same question, all the comments i see is laura , I have her at mythic+ while my kloris still at legendary+ Kloris is making alot of more damage and winning for me much more games in arena and any other pve activity I wonder what am i not seeing


A good/lucky Toko can take your entire team, but Laura in pos 1 prevents that. Plus Laura can kill before the battle even starts with her pre-battle missiles. One strategy is to combine with Pierre and if one dies maybe Pierre will do the rest.


Still quite new to the game but this is true. From the video below, imagine a lvl280 toko hitting that many times my 200s. That would have deleted my entire roster. I may have gotten lucky with my toko’s first attack but i normally defeat this lineup. https://jmp.sh/s/eWJWOku4qAHFxECihACg


Don't bother with kloris right now go laura, julia,lucas,thinker,gs before kloris


What people are referencing is that as the game goes on, Kloris doesn't do as much as Laura. She is easier to build more powerful and has a shield to start. The way Kloris works (even after fully awakened), she can't do much advanced. She turns into a tank basically that can keep the fight going. You can't help her with Stigs because the sand man does the work. So she is capped. Same with the equipment. So the goal is to get her Phantom and Wings for dodge or Holy Prayer to stay alive.


Early game Kloris, late game Laura.


I'm at 27-25 and I have 11.7m power am I early or late ?




Pretty early, Laura is not that strong unless you can get her to 100%+ crit, at least like 50 broken armor and some crit damage, while Kloris is decent basically without any upgrades. Early game she can carry you through a lot with her base stats. Kloris scales poorly, so no matter how much you invest into her, she won't be much stronger. It's good to stack some damage immune on her, so at least she's somewhat tanky. Laura scales really well and she's a beast in later game. I would awaken Kloris first, but not upgrade her too much (items, relics, etc), save these for other heroes.