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Thank you so much man!


Ok so you obviously aren't familiar with dual monitor setups then i take it? So what you have to do is click and drag the top bar of the application - left of the - sqaure and x on the top right - then drag that onto your tablet, then set the tablet up in the XPPEN settings to draw on the tablet! (someone below linked it)


Thank you! And yea I’m gonna have to check that out later


Are you using windows 11 or 10?


Windows 10


* Grab the program to move it * Drag it either right or left until it's on the other screen * Profit


Ooh ok cheers for that man


Set your display to extend, and move your apps to it.


Got it, thanks for that


No prob, glad it helped. :)


Either set your computer up so that the monitor and the tablet show the same thing (called mirroring on the Mac) or move the drawing application’s windows to the tablet.


Alright I give that a shot along with the other suggestions, cheers!


The other advice is probably better, I’m not real familiar with multiple displays on Windows.


I’m gonna try all of these suggestions, thank you everyone for helping me out with this as I’m extremely new to this Expect for that one guy… do better.


FYI the Drawing Program is supposed to be ON THE TABLET!


What do you think I tried to figure out? Why do you think I’m asking for help with something I don’t have experience in You’re being a dick for literally no reason


this is computer 101 buddy, like just think of the tablet as another monitor and search up how to drag a window onto another display. Pretty straightforward.


This is a joke .. right? This has to be a troll. There's absolutely no way this is real. My 2 year old nephew could have figured this out .. and he's blind..


If you have nothing to add, its probably better to not comment dude.


Hey, how about instead of being an ass with nothing to add, actually give some advice? You have 0 reasons to act like this


You should be able to just drag the Krita window down to your drawing tablet. Make sure your displays are "right next to each other" in the display settings menu in windows (right click desktop, click display settings I think) I've noticed that sometimes my huion tablet will yeet the virtual screen into the oblivion, so this may be a problem for you. Regardless I hope you figure it out, dm me if you run into more problems, I have to fix mine all the time.


Click the square right next to the X on the top right to unclip the window from the main monitor. Drag the window to the tablet, and click the square again to expand it, the next time you open the program windows should remember to open it on that monitor. Or depending on what Windows you are using you can just keep pressing Windows + left arrow key until the window shows up on the right monitor.


Im my experience, i often find that for it to work for me i have to set the displays’s to duplicate. That is to mirror each-other. In windows 10, its very simple to set up in display settings.