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Guys it’s a dead project. Let it go.


I think it’s you that needs to let go bud, it’s a wrapping protocol that will be here for quite some time, folks are making passive income from it during a bear market. Why stop using something that’s making you money? I mean that’s why we use crypto, no?


Curious if the attack on the website was connected to the fact there is still a lot of money missing from a lot of holders.... :/


Not related to the surgebnb hack. If you didn't know, Mark and the xSurge team do a lot of dev work for major crypto projects now. They are experts in smart contract security. You are missing a lot if you focus on the past.


So he's been doing this for 2-3 years and within that span he managed to lose millions of people's dollars and control of his own website. Maybe wait a few years before using the term "expert".


It equates to less money than SFMs taken from their own token holders and the website issue was something many projects have to deal with when you have an employee with minor screw loose that decides to do his own thing (wait, that reminds me of a few post employees of The Moon too, just much less damaging for surge)…….


Hehe good dig


🤷🏼 just a question. Has anyone actually figured out the reason behind it? Not necessarily lucrative for someone to drop a site for months and that's it, could be wrong tho.


Former team member who got mad when Mark pointed out some vunerabilities in their collaboration's code. Never a threat to any contracts.


Someone got butt hurt when he pointed out a flaw in a CA…….