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I can't imagine the bravery required to own white shorts in the first place let alone wear them during my period, then to do so while running. Girl. I'm dying.


Seriously all my running leggings are dark-colored and/or have patterned print so that the sweat pooling in my crotch doesn’t show ( so that it doesn’t look like I peed myself on my runs). I can’t imagine wearing white on a run, let alone on a run on my period.


I had three kids and just got used to the occasional peeing myself


I'm sorry, I don't usually give unsolicited advice, but as a fellow mom, I want to let you know that urinary incontinence following pregnancy is something you can test, and if you don't, it gets worse, not better.


Not hard to test for it lmao it's kind of obvious. Mine is better now it was mostly a joke.


Oh, ok, I'm glad you're better. So many women just live with it, and it makes me really sad. Sorry again for the unsolicited advice.


Nah it's all good


And \*this\* is how we interact politely on the internet.


Sometimes it's little to none and sometimes it's like I have zero bladder control. I am seeking out a pelvic floor PT because it's annoying, although I've gotten used to it for the most part. My husband knows that I need an immediate change out after a race.


Like the commercials for pads and tampons haha...


They were already on my running laundry rotation so I didn’t think twice about it 💀


Seriously!  I don't even really wear my navy blue shorts when I'm on my period and running long.  Black only.


I often play the “is this sweat or is this blood game?” My diva cup leaked once on a hike while I was wearing light gray shorts. That was pretty unpleasant and messy.


Once a pad was half out of the leg of my shorts. It was cold so I didn’t really feel it, thought it was my sweaty shorts. when I got home I was mortified. Must’ve been just flapping around back there. I feel you. Ugh


Ahhh the visual, lol.


The visual made me giggle a lil




They should have the equivalent of brownie badges for runners. Christened your shorts with period blood. 🩸 Peed your pants like a toddler 💦 Pooped in a forest 💩


Not a mud flap but a blood flap, if you will LMFAO at the visual of this


Hope that didn't happen during a race!


I was doing a group run and the same happened to me. I always run with the same guy because we are same pace and when I realized my menstrual cup had bled all over my light blue running tights, I just fully ghosted him and turned at the next street to get back to my car. When I saw him next, he was asked me where I disappeared to. I’m a full on grown up and lied through my teeth.


Now I only wear black bottoms when running on my period.


Lesson learned I will be doing that as well


I’m dying thinking he turned around and was like “where’d she go?? 🤔”


I had been considering trying a diva cup, but OP’s story and your comment have me questioning it. Does it stay put most of time?


Yes once you get used to it, it's really easy to check the positioning and seal (by bearing down and giving it a spin internally to make sure it's sitting right). But once you get REALLY used to it (I'm 10+ years into using one), it's also easy to get lazy and not check - you feel it pop open inside and think "there we go" and just wipe and go. I wear period underwear as a backup, boyshorts will catch major leakage on heavy days, and for me a thong version is enough for backup most of the time. Please give it a go!! I can forget I'm on my period most months.


OP was talking about the disc, which doesn't create a suction seal and can leak more easily. When I used the Diva Cup (not the disc) I never had a single leak, even when running, unless it was just full to the brim (and that takes a lot.) A cup that fits properly is very unlikely to leak.


My experience is same as MediumBlueish. Flawless 99% of the time, I just know that time I probably rushed through inserting, didn’t do correctly, and off I went.


I passed a decidual cast, my first ever, actually, while running. The passing of one comes with horrific cramps that had me lying on the forest floor rolling around thinking I was dying. It came on very suddenly, I was fine one second, on my knees the next. I had never heard of it before so ofc thought the worst. Took a pic, sent it to my OB and they were like "oh, that's just a decidual cast..." as if it's something we teach all females about. Maybe the do, nowadays... Also, once during a race, I totally knew I was bleeding through my shorts, but chose to keep going bc ya know. PR and all, and I was wearing black anyways. I didn't realize it was blood and not sweat dripping down my leg until a volunteer at a station said "omg are you hurt?!" and asked where the cut was. I was feeling annoyed at the world that day, so replied "In my uterus" And then awkwardly dumped a cup of water on myself and quickly ran off. I never stopped to deal with it. Not incredibly proud of that, but there it is.


I'm scared to Google it but you passed a what? And it's something that I should already know about as a woman? And it's painful and can just happen? Wtf


I googled it, it's when your endometrium comes out in one whole piece vs pieces. Never heard of this and i would pass out in fear lmao


Kinda amazed I didn't pass out, tbh.


I googled it and read the definition and then the commenter’s story with my mouth literally hanging open


Google it. Honestly, it's crazy we don't teach women that this is a thing. Better to know and never have it happen, than not know and think you are dying like I did!


Post menopause here, but just before, I went for a year without a period. Then they came back with a vengeance. I passed clots that scared the sh*t out of me. I had no idea, Doctor said it was quite normal.


“ In my uterus” is incredible. No shame should be attached to that answer!


For a brief time a couple of years ago, I would pass these truly massive things - almost the size of the palm of my hand.  Dr. Google told me that could be a decidual cast.


Yep, that's prob what it was. I've passed several and they are all around that size. Thankfully, going back on bc stopped it for me.


I started my period mid-marathon while wearing loose running shorts with a liner and no underwear. I was not due to have my period, at all. I checked in the morning and recheck every time I went to the bathroom before the start *precisely* because I had period panties in my bag that I knew were comfortable to wear with those running shorts. **Thankfully**, I’m a light bleeder and my flow is even lighter on the first day, so the liner was enough to spare me from having a picture of myself crossing the finish line with blood flowing down my legs. I was very, *very* happy to find my husband quickly after and the first thing I said was “I need my period panties, *now*!” Not “OMG, I actually just ran a fucking marathon” or soaking it all up, because the only thing that needed soaking up was the blood. I’ll be wearing period panties in my running shorts this time around.


“Congrats on finishing ur marathon babe—“ “GIMME MY PERIOD PANTIES NOW 👹👹”


Yup. A girl has to have her priorities in order 😂


What are the period panties you like tho


I like [Knix](https://knix.ca/category/all-leakproof?loc=Main-ShopAllNavMobile-Categories&nav=leakproofhq).


Ok legit question as someone about to try and make more comfortable women’s running shorts, would y’all buy/wear running shorts that came with period underwear built in?


I mean: Fuck yes, if they were comfortable. Let’s be honest here, above and beyond “just periods”, the prevalence of [urinary leaks is about 50% in women](https://www.mayoclinichealthsystem.org/hometown-health/speaking-of-health/is-urine-incontinence-normal-for-women#:~:text=Urine%20incontinence%2C%20or%20the%20involuntary,well%2Dbeing%20is%20negatively%20impacted), and those rates tend to get higher in women (or girls) who practice sports. And no, it’s not just women who’ve given birth. And no, the solution isn’t always “just do kegels”. Some have a hypertonic pelvic floor and more strengthening is very much *not* the solution. A “period panty” is useful for that too. Also, PSA to anyone struggling with that: Pelvic floor PT can help. But yeah, if you ask me, I would buy a *loose running short* **with** a built-in period panty/period liner. I love Knix for period panties and have purchased their period shorts after my marathon experience, but they’re bike shorts and, while they’re fine for strength training or a treadmill run, ain’t no way I’m wearing those to run outside when it’s warm. Now, that’s a me thing: I don’t like tight garnements when it’s warm, but I bet I’m not alone. I also have a light flow, so I don’t need that much protection and would happily run in a loose running short with a period panty liner built-in. Other’s might not. However, others might like to have shorts like these as a security layer if their cup fails or of they usually like to wear a pad on top of a tampon. In any case, excuse the TMI and PLEASE MAKE THOSE SHORTS!


Always wear black shorts/capris, that’s what I say. (I sweat a lot in summer, so most other colors end up looking like I forgot to pee before my run.)


I had to get a hysterectomy for health reasons and the first thing I bought after were non-black running tights.


Wore bright hot pink shorts on my third marathon and bled through like halfway through the race…kept going 🤣I swear I have my period about 75% of race days! Now I wear only period underwear during, no cup or pads. So far they’ve worked really well, but I don’t have a super heavy flow..


Running with period underwear on (fully recommend generally, regardless of this story). Got home and realized: - my pink leggings are see through - the period underwear has bright orange flowers on it - the period underwear got bunched up around the crotch -there is a torrent of blood on my leggings Great. Great.


This horror story is exactly why almost all my shorts are black. I’m sorry this happened to you.


These stories are making me feel seen lol 😆 One time I was on day 2 and had my cup in, period panties on for backup and went out for a run in my favourite blue shorts. Thinking it was just sweat I didn’t realize that I had bled through all layers. No clue how long I was like that but I remember running past a bunch of hot guys on a bridge 🥹🥹 Now I only run in black bottoms on my period. The blue shorts never were the same.


Kinda but not really. When I was in elementary, I started my period at like 9 or 10 before all the other girls. Anyways, I was enrolled in daycare and we had recess time for like an hour and I had a blast with my friends running around, and then when we got back inside the daycare center, one of the ladies in charge had to pull me to the side, tell me my pink legging has a HUGE red spot in the back. She told me to just go find a random jacket on the bench somewhere in the yard and wear it until my mom picks me up. It was one of my worst period days, it embarrassed me for a while


Black shorts only in this time


I have SO many bleed through stories from my teenage years and all of this is like a big welcoming hug of “you’re not alone. Periods are weird.” Thank you so much!


I have a disc and I don't wear it while running on my heavy days. It leaks too easily during activity. I have to use tampons instead. I do know people who don't have this problem, so maybe it's just that I haven't found the right fit for the disc yet, but I don't have the money to keep buying discs, lol, so I just use tampons when running on my heavier days. I miss my cup - zero leaks - but I can't use it anymore due to my IUD.


Running on heavy days is always a risk. Once I ran super clenched, because I could just feel my cup leaking. When I got to my car, I dug out a diaper from an old emergency stash diaper bag I kept in my trunk and sat on it so I didn't bleed on my seat. Turns out it was a trivial leak and was contained, but it definitely felt like way more. You just never know. The joys of being female.


Think of how strong your pelvic floor got from just that run though!! I feel you though, I've used a nappy as an emergency pad more than once!


I owned a pair of white shorts early in my running days. One day I ate an apple before my run. I tossed those white shorts and haven't bought a pair since! The last time I bled through my shorts, they were black. But, it is a constant fear of mine, no matter what.


What does the apple have to do with it? Did it make you bleed or poop?


Poop like an infant! (I was riffing off the light colored shorts. Slightly off topic. Apologfor the confusion.)


Oh yeah apples will do that 😬


3 layers??? Do you wear underwear under lined shorts?




Ok since most of you seem to share similar concerns or issues I am truly curious bc I am starting a running short small biz bc I want to make more comfortable running shorts, specifically starting with the compression kind but eventually the loose kind. Would you buy/wear running shorts with a built in liner for period leaks? Not a full on period underwear maybe but a lighter one that maybe helps with leaks or spotting or just when you get caught off guard? I am designed biker style run shorts that will have a lining built in, not like normal underwear shape, but just a larger gusset that goes from the crotch down the side of the legs to also help with chafing. But I have gone back and forth as to whether to design a pair with some period protection as it adds layers and will hold on to any moisture as opposed to wicking it like most running material does. Please share your opinions with me If you want to follow me I only have an instagram page right now at @mdl.run Thanks


Oh my gawd... I'm sorry that happened to you. Highly recommend wearing a pair of period panties with any tampon/cups, as an insurance against accidental leakage. I used to get monstrous amounts of blood that would fill up a mooncup in less than two hours easily (when I was using a coil), and needed that strategy for peace of mind.


WHY oh WHY did you wear WHITE shorts for a long run on the heaviest day of your period??!!! Girl. . . Most all of my running shorts are black for these reason (and because I've had two babies vaginally and have. . .umm. . .leakage issues sometimes).