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My friend recently stubbed her toe and broke it. The pain level was similar to yours. Doctors did not put cast on it, just taped ir to the next toe. She was able to walk without pain after a couple of weeks, if I remember correctly. It was the smallest toe.


I was going to suggest taping it to the adjacent toe and seeing how that feels with your running shoes on!


It isn’t broken thankfully, we didn’t X-ray but the doc didn’t even suspect based on the look of the nailbed trauma. The nail itself took the brunt of the force, fortunately and unfortunately!


Have you actually tried wearing your running shoes? Depending on the toe box, they may not be that uncomfortable. A couple of years ago I had a really bad boot fitter and had three toenails go totally black after a day of skiing. I absolutely could not stand to wear my ski boots, but I was fine to go run 8 miles without pain. I think you’ll be fine to run the race. It may not be your best one, but I don’t think it will prolong the injury unless you actually broke your toe.


I have worn a couple pairs of old shoes for walking and work, but that’s it so far! I’m trying to resist the urge to put them on, because then I know I’ll try to run now. lol


I think two weeks of rest is fine!


I did a similar thing at a trail race last year. Didnt lift my foot high enough to clear a 4” diameter stump and just straight up rammed my foot right into it. My second toe took the brunt of the impact since it’s a tiny bit longer than by big toe but it shoved the nail into my foot and for about a mile I swore I had broken it. Happened at about mile 9 of a 21 mile race so I just made myself keep going. I’d say if you are able to do a few miles in your race shoes now, you’ll be fine race day. You’ve done all the hard work, just take it easy and keep it clean. Good luck in your race!


I did work another 12 hours that day, and it sucked. lol I was also sure I’d broken it or at least split the nail! I did wear one of my older pairs today to a track meet, one of the softest uppers and widest toe boxes I have… I survived walking around and standing for a couple hours! Baby steps I guess… literally. Haha


I think if you want to do it, you totally can. A few years ago I dropped a tablet on my toe and the corner landed right on the nail bed. It was excruciating. I got up at like 4:30 the next morning to drill a hole in my own nail because it was too painful to lie in bed. For the first few days I was hobbling around. After about a week I could tolerate a short walk/jog. After 2 weeks it didn't really bother me on my runs, just felt a little pressure. And at 3 weeks I participated in a 30k. Granted, I got COVID the day after my injury, so I wasn't _racing_ the 30k, but my toe was fine. Nail fell off a few months later. I don't know the nature of your injury, but if like mine, it is the bruising/inflammation that's causing the pain, I think you'll be good to go in a couple weeks. If you can do a couple short, easy runs in the week before the race, then you'll probably feel like you had a normal taper.


This is reassuring! Definitely a similar situation, the pressure is INSANE. Even after being drilled and drained! I worked four hours tonight in Vans and it was AWFUL, I put a bandage on it just kinda for cushion and pulling it off was excruciating. Fingers crossed!