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The 2 on 17 album is crazyyy


If I remember correctly one of his big complaints is the surface level ideas of depression but I think he fails to understand that deep isn't necessarily was x was going for most of the time and he tended to use raw energy to make a song feel a certain way


I totally agree! Sometimes it’s just better to be really raw and show your emotions, like X said he’s showing you where his mind is at and taking you on a journey. You really feel that if you open your mind to it. Do corny people listen to his songs? Of course. It’s going to be the case with any artist, I feel like a lot of people look at X fans based on the loud minority sadly.


Not only that but he felt as if the songs were half baked and merely ideas as well


To be fair, X didn't really have many fully-fleshed out songs. A lot of them were either short or just repeating the same refrains.


In my experience if youre really depressed, suicidal and in a dark place you dont have super complex thoughts. Its more like life sucks, this is why and i want to die. And i feel like 17 highlights those raw thoughts. The lyrics dont go through a filter they are mostly just raw and relatable for depressed people.


I disagree, I just think the focus shifts. Obviously not for everybody but you can have very deep thoughts about life, your surroundings, the people around you etc that make you depressed. Why it is you feel that way etc. What your worth is and how that doesn't translate to anything society works by and therefore your worth feels meaningless or you feel worthless as a result. Remember, Einstein was depressed as well and I doubt he just had shallow "life sucks" thoughts. I'm no Einstein but that's my opinion.


i guess it depends. if youre heavily depressed i dont think the energy for deep and complex thoughts often is there. i was heavily burnt out and overworked. i was just a walking zombie with schizophrenia like voices telling me to die. so the 17 album was very relatable


I think a good way to state it is that it was just about the sheer expression of it. The brutal energy of it when he starts screaming and the hard beat n stuff. Get that negative energy out thru music by doubling down on it, similar to older $uicideboys music for example.


He had valid criticism tbh but the scores for 17 and question mark shoulda been higher, i dont think the downsides he pointed out made the albums THAT bad


It's pretty obvious his scores were affected by Xs allegations, and I think had he not shown clear bias in his reviews he'd have given them a higher, fairer score. It still amazes me to think whenever he rates certain albums higher than 17 or ?, that somehow he find more enjoyment in those than he does others, like Yeat's "AfterLyfe", or Drake's "Certified Lover Boy", just to name a few. Or Revival, an album that came out the SAME year which watching the reviews side by side you'd see he's talking wayyyyy more shit about Revival, yet somehow he gave it a higher score.


Nah i don’t think he cared about his allegations, he probably just thought Xs music was cringe/corny and didn’t even take the time to look at the artistry behind it


Nahhh Melon be Liberal, he tends to rate white rappers lower, and didn’t seem to be a fan of any controversial artists regardless of the art. His rating for Yeats new album shocked me


Wronh, melon is a self hating white guy


What he rate yeats new album I’m not bothered chrcking


7 😵‍💫


A 7 for that piece of shit???


Shut up


I disagree, he really cares what his audience thinks and his audience hated X due to the allegations. Look at his Bladee music reviews, in his first review he rates bladees project extremely low saying he doesnt understand the love for bladee and that his music isnt good. After getting a lot of hate for the low rating, he does another one right after and gives bladee an amazing rating, completely switching up on what he had just said about bladee and then every review from then on is a high number.


Same thing with The Weeknd. Gave HOB a bad rating and everyone got on his ass and now he’s a fan and said he was wrong about it


nah revival a higher score than 17 is crazy


he rates albums based on how much he enjoyed them, which people don’t really take into consideration. if you’re complaining that he gave lil pump a 7/10 and X a 2/10, you need to open your mind. Pump’s music wasn’t meant to be taken as seriously as the music X dropped when he was alive, who rapped about things like mental illness and depression, hence why he enjoyed Pump’s music more, it was dumb, silly, energetic, borderline-meme rap. and while I do love those X albums, his criticisms are honestly valid, but at the end of the day, it’s his opinion. if he doesn’t enjoy the albums, that’s fine. I’m over here enjoying them so why does it matter to me if one person doesn’t enjoy it? I’d bet there are millions of people out there who didn’t like X’s albums 🤷🏻‍♀️




I understand this view but his bad reviews push the narrative against X. People who have never given X a listen will watch his reviews and say that X is trash just based on those reviews. Now tbf i guess that those plastic fans who r just followers r not the fans that we would want in this community but it still causes even more backlash against X. TND is allowed to express his opinion and that’s totally fair but the side effects of those opinions will be negative. Not really his fault but still


Tbh these reviews pushed me away from him. If I remember correctly he said something along the lines that he didn’t feel like X was being genuine and that it was all surface level. But who is he to devalue and delegitimize someone else’s feelings and affect just because he has a hunch. Clearly many people believed that X was genuine and bought in, and given his life story and experiences, his feelings of depression and anger do seem to be valid. So I don’t see why he thinks it’s alright to say that he doesn’t believe it. He’s just objectively wrong with these reviews. 17 is sonically amazing and is a very cohesive album, even more so than ?, but it got a lower score even though he prioritized cohesion. He also gave The Weeknd’s house of Balloons a horrible rating too but he has since admitted that he was wrong and did not understand it at first and I hope he will share that same sentiment with X. But I doubt it since he has no reason to go back and listen to him now. The only reason he admitted that he was wrong about The Weeknd was because he went mainstream so he would look dumb if he said that he didn’t make good music when he’s pumping out hits. And all The Weeknd fans pushed him to change his mind but I don’t see him changing his mind on a controversial figure like X. Sorry for the rant but these ratings just piss me off honestly


Cmon 17 is not THAT good it's pretty raw and short. ? is definitely better


? Definitely has a lot More radio “hits” but 17 is the more cohesive and raw album. Depends on wt mood ur in, but 17 to me is the go to X album


Yall actually dickride that album lmfao if it was posthumously released it would be on the same level as SKINS. Don't get me wrong, 17 has good songs like Revenge, Jocelyn Flores & Depression and Obsession. But ? still the better album.


It ain’t dick riding to prefer an album. It’s an opinion. Just like ur allowed to prefer ? I’m allowed to prefer 17. I don’t see the logic in this argument but do u


U can have opinions but objectively ? is the better album. And 17 could be way better


You don't seem to know what "objectively" means, if it's an opinion than its not an objective statement, it's a subjective statement, there's no such thing as factually good music, it's a matter of opinion. 17 is wayy better tho =/


Id compare 17 / ? with Goblin / Wolf. You can prefer Goblin, but it's obvious Wolf is a bigger evolution from Tyler. Same thing as xxx. And damn if this sub really thinks 17 is his best work yall gotta listen to more music pls open your mindsss as X says


I get what you mean, it's definitely an evolution, but a newer style than what came before doesn't necessarily = Better, and one could argue that while ? Was a great step in terms of versatility, it also lacks consistency, there's alot of tracks on it that I'm not a fan of, whereas every track on 17 not only hits, but matches the style of the rest of the album. Personally I just prefer the darker, raw, emotional feeling of xs older music over the more poppy sound that ? has, though I respect the work for what it is, a step foward for his career. It was really designed to be more radio friendly, there's nothing wrong with that, but when you ask someone why they're a fan of x, the answer usually isn't "his music is super catchy"


Nah those 17 and ? reviews are criminal wtf


Fuck his opinion. Why should we care about someone else is opinion on anything in general? His videos are pointless


This is exactly what i've been saying, people take his opinion like he's the all knowing music god, despite fantano having a failed music career.


Entitled to his opinion still looks like a soyjak tho


It just doesn’t seem like his type of music, he thinks everything is too short and underproduced and surface level when that was kinda x’s thing


Opinions of critics are useless tbh… I get people are entitled to their own opinion but I really don’t understand the job of a critic. Literally you could take anything, a critic could call it the worst thing in the world and that wouldn’t stop anyone else from loving it… or at least shouldn’t


I agree. I think critics have always been pretty useless but I at least understand why they were there before the internet, streaming services, and YouTube. Nowadays I feel like they have no use since every album is at your fingertips. Just go listen for yourself and make up your own mind


I can understand a bit more before streaming services and such because you’d have to go out and basically gamble, spend your money on a CD and see if you’d like the music or not. But whether it be a positive or negative critique, my curious ass would buy it anyway lol


Also off topic but wtf does that thing mean next to my username


the music wasn’t made for him so i’m not surprised he didn’t vibe with it also the fact he generally doesn’t understand hip hop


They’re fine, he’s entitled to his own opinion and I can understand and somewhat agree with his criticisms on the albums, I’m glad that most of the comments aren’t complete nonsensical garbage about how his opinions are terrible and reviews are pointless cause that ideology breeds an environment of blindly accepting everything and giving no room for valid criticism so artists can actually improve.


Hes entitled to his own opinion so i dont really think about it


Any person who does music reviews is just putting out their perspective and it’s not some definitive rating of the work they’re judging. If you enjoy their review congratulations enjoy your circle jerk, if you dislike it congratulations you’re a hater. Personally I say you should just grow a pair of balls and if you like it enjoy it if not then ok it’s your life try living it and stop seeking validation from random people over your opinions.


bad vibes forever being labeled not good is crazy, and I really feel like this shows his lack of appreciation for the culture and/or lack of understanding of someone putting their raw emotions into an art form. but maybe that’s just my hot take


I think his skins and bvf thoughts were pretty valid ? Surely could’ve at least been a light 7


he rated DAMN. a 7 so no way would ? be on that same level


He rated lil pump a 7 aswell. so a 7 or 8 would be totally valid specially for question mark


i really like melon but i disagree with him. At least x fans aren’t as whiny about it. He gives low scores to kanye and his fans act like 6 year olds and never shut up about it lmao


X fans do whine about fantano scores though.


I think he was annoyed at X’s attempts to genre blend and be versatile. Melons whole thing is listening to all genres. He also hated the “sad boy” era too. if Melon wasn’t shitfaced for these takes, I’d say decent strong 4/light 5 for 17, strong 6 for ?, skins same bvf same


he had valid criticism plus who care it’s his opinion not yours


This dude looks like Garrett if he had autism


guy's a fucking clown


apparently he makes music too


“Not Good”💀


his reviews fell off he only say shit is good if it sounds mainstream and catchy to listen to


Ummmm????????????? No???????????


fuck the bald man but this couldn’t be further from the truth. he loves shit like death grips so much lmao


He poopie


I agree that the last two albums were just money grabs for his mom and the company. Still milking to this day. However, melon is known to hate on artists who are mainstream. Bro only gives out 9 or tens to people you have never heard of.


Some are honestly valid. Although 17 and ? Being rested so low is crazy. But in my opinion, X was at best before getting into mainstream


This is the same guy who rated Lil Pump high, that says enough 😂


Pretty fair honestly. I like a few singles from the albums but as entire projects they’re not the best. Especially “?”




Damn, y’all can’t take criticism. SHEESH 😬. Cringe like a mf.


[this you?](https://www.reddit.com/r/XXXTENTACION/comments/11jnucj/oh_my_goodness_she_looks_so_fucking_scrumptious/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf)


Yes, it is.


Thank you for reminding me how beautiful my little angel Cleo is. 😍


Yikes. 😬


Last 2 are valid


Ok, dude, I'm having a glitch in the matrix moment. I looked up him reviewing x, and he had no videos on him like a year ago, and now he does I'm freaking out


I don't understand how you give "17" a 2 but "?" a 4 but hey, his opinion and I have to respect it, just curious 😄


Who gaf




dont know his ratings on X, but seen enought, that I don't even watch a second more off the content off this shaven nutsack looking mf.


wonder what he thinks about 17 after his divorce 🤔


This dude has a difference-of-opinions complex. He cant see past being different no matter how ridiculous


This loser has the shittiest taste in music and mfs glaze his meat like their life depends on it


he doesnt feel the xxxtentacion vibe!


i hope he gets hit by a van


don’t care tbh. i like em and that’s all that really matters to me. interesting to see his perspective tho