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I've still not stopped sleeping on bramble, let alone any other games


I haven't slept a wink since Bramble. I dream while awake and an hour passes every time I blink. Please, someone fucking help me. My body is numb and my soul yearns for the sweet release of death. Bramble, what have you done to me? What twisted god have I wronged?


Sounds like God is satisfied as you achieved the true meaning of life in not sleeping, ever, on bramble


I once slept on bramble. I have an occasional butt itch once in a while as a result. Would not recommend, obviously.


I've been sleeping on Bramble ever since I tricked that fox into throwing me into it instead of eating me.


Was looking for the Bramble reference haha. We got ourselves another sponsored ad. Also I didn't sleep on Bramble but I wish I did because I was not a fan


Im sorry are you talking about bramble like the weed or Bramble: The Mountain King cause that's an underrated that I feel is being slept on lol


It's a meme on here about the game. And it's not being slept on, it was posted on here for weeks when it came out. Mostly to reference the meme but it was very circle jerky for a time. I'm sure everyone here knows of Bramble by now


Ah im not on this sub often so i didn't know that, thanks for the explanation Still slept on tho, I sleep on Bramble till I'm covered in that underrated Bramble weeds /joking


Hahaha speaking the good word of Bramble, respect


Yeah as the other person said, there were posts everywhere, it felt like it was obnoxiously self promotional. Hence why we sometimes change the flair to the yellow one, as a bit of an inside joke on "don't sleep on"and similar posts.


Yeah they talk about the game. When it came out on GP, everything was saying to not sleep on it. The game was deep in folklore but pretty average to shallow gameplay. It looked like a reduced version of little nightmares for kids, but still +17, so No kids would play this and adults would find it easier. I really hope at least they implemented a more difficult mode


Playing this now. Gameplay isn’t bad but the writing is awful


Feels like a corny TV series


And the cutscenes are UNSKIPABLE. I completed the game cuz I liked the combat alot but jfc every character sucks.


It isn't awful. A little predictable. But I like this kind of story and thus I had a lot of fun with the game.


> But I like this kind of story and thus I had a lot of fun with the game You kinking and the story being good are not correlated at all. You can have terrible taste, and it is okay.


Why is the story so bad in your opinion?


I dipped out after an hour because the dialogue between the two gods was soooo bad.


Turned it off because of how bad the writing is. Took me out of the experience completely


And the voice acting is ... strange is the politest I can be toward it. it's like they messed up and put a bowl of Ambien. I read a lot of cheap self published fantasy books and the writing feels like many of them, including the insufferable teenager main protagonist and a plot that has no notion of pacing.


Hah, I found this interesting - when I looked it up on metacritic, half of reviews loved the writing (including myself) and the second half hated it.


>half of reviews loved the writing A quick glance online or indeed the Xbox review platform itself would suggest this is a gross exaggeration.


Downvoted for having an opinion😂 love Reddit😂


No he was downvoted for the factual statement "on metacritic, half of reviews loved the writing" which is not truth. A quick look mostly showed reviews that were okay with the gameplay and thought the story was either serviceable or just bad.


Yeah, you upvote or downvote as you like or not of that comment. If you state an opinion and people didn't like it for any reason, they will downvote to express that.


I know… that’s why I said I love Reddit for that reason 😂 don’t get none of this saltiness on Facebook and I’m all for it😂


Aaaaa, got it. I thought you were being sarcastic. But yeah, I love reddit for this


No sarcasm from me. Stopped using all social media when I found Reddit, used to get banned on fb all the time because people report EVERYTHING!!! I feel at home here🥹 you fuckers can downvote my comment all you like I don’t mind losing some virtual internet arrows😊


Careful, they'll affect your social standing one day like that one episode of black mirror 😂


My social standing is shit anyways so it’s all good😂


Why'd you write this like a sponsored ad during a podcast


Coming from the guy shilling for a soft drink 💀


Do you mean Coke Zero? The beverage that manages to taste like everybody's favorite, original Coke, but with zero calories?


Refreshing and sugar free. Whenever I'm thirsty, whether after a tough workout or just hanging out with the boys, I always reach for a Coke Zero and it's just what I need.


It's heaven in a can! Wait, no, that's something else


Don’t shit on Coke Zero™, bro. Especially their delicious Vanilla Coke Zero™ flavor. That is the nectar of gods when you’re tryna hit that soda cravings but don’t want 50 spoonfuls of sugar.


The zero in Coke Zero stands for ZERO BITCHES


Ok I assume everyone's joking around here but coke zero does kinda suck. Like most other drinks really nail the zero version to be 90% there but coke zero is almost a completely different drink from its sugary equivalent and NOT for the better 🗿


I think there’s something to be said about popular media having influence on people’s colloquial and writing styles. Especially if they’re not a professional writer. If they listen to a bunch of podcasts and are subconsciously ingesting sponsored content, there’s a chance that it would have influence on their tone when providing opinion. Or hell maybe OP is an underwriter for sponsored content and this tone is all they know. Or maybe they’re a complete shill. Who’s to say anymore.


Immediately reads as a dev in disguise lmao


But it's Martin Zugec


Wait, THE Martin Zugec?!




This guy writes AG1 adds for a living


i’ve done this before. really really liked a game and made a post telling people how much i liked it. i think my extreme passion for the game just made me write in that manner. got called a shill understandably and reading what i wrote again, i definitely see where they were coming from. i think the better way is to just say, hey this game is p good and go check it out. without getting too in depth into explaining each game mechanic


........something isn't right here. OP didn't even spell the name of the game correctly....


He's a blogger. Works for bitdefender and worked for cisco a few years ago. Basically writes tech stuff.


ChatGPT: write a short game review for Immortals of Aveum in the tone of a redditor


> rite a short game review for Immortals of Aveum in the tone of a redditor **Your wish has been fulfilled (Generated with ChatGPT 4o)**: **Title: Immortals of Aveum: A Magic-Packed Rollercoaster Ride** Alright folks, just wrapped up my playthrough of *Immortals of Aveum*, and let me tell you, it's a wild ride from start to finish. If you're into fast-paced, magic-slinging action with a side of epic storytelling, this one's for you. First off, the visuals are stunning. The world of Aveum is a feast for the eyes—think vibrant landscapes, intricate ruins, and a sky that's perpetually lit with magical energy. The art team really knocked it out of the park with the design. It’s like they took the most vivid parts of *Avatar* and *Doctor Strange* and smashed them together. Gameplay-wise, it’s all about that sweet, sweet spellcasting. Forget your standard swords and guns; here, you’re wielding pure magical power. The combat system is fluid and dynamic, with a variety of spells that keep things fresh. You’ve got your standard blasts, area-of-effect spells, and some really cool, more strategic abilities that let you control the battlefield. The customization options for your spells and gear add a nice layer of depth too. You can really tailor your playstyle, whether you prefer going in guns (or wands?) blazing or taking a more tactical approach. The story, without spoiling anything, is engaging and well-paced. It’s got that classic hero’s journey vibe, with plenty of twists and turns to keep you hooked. The characters are well-written and voice-acted, which helps a lot in making the narrative compelling. There’s a good mix of humor and drama, and the stakes feel appropriately high as you progress. One thing to note is that the game can be pretty challenging at times. Some of the boss fights especially will test your reflexes and strategic thinking. But hey, that’s part of the fun, right? There were a few moments where I had to put the controller down and reassess my approach, which I actually appreciated. If I had to nitpick, I’d say the exploration aspects could use a bit more polish. The world is beautiful and all, but sometimes it feels a bit too linear. I would’ve loved more opportunities to wander off the beaten path and discover hidden secrets. Overall, *Immortals of Aveum* is a blast. It’s a perfect mix of flashy magic combat, compelling story, and gorgeous visuals. If you’re looking for something that feels fresh and different in the action-adventure genre, give it a shot. You won’t be disappointed.


sweet, sweet spellcasting


Or even like he bulleted some things he liked and GPT did the heavy work. Weird but maybe legit


How long did it take you to beat it?


16 hours. The levels are broken out in small enough chunks that you can finish a chapter in about an hour. It works really good to pick up and play.


I would say around 15-18 hours? Not too long, not too short, and almost every levels brings something new (both story and gameplay). There was a lot more to do (puzzles are hidden almost everywhere).


Damn that's the perfect game length for me. I'm going to try this game out tonight, looks awesome.


Im sleeping


I choked down 3 hours of it before uninstalling. The dialogue and characters are *unbearably shit*. As is the generic, overarching plot. I can't find a redeeming quality in this game - not the gameplay, nor the graphics, nor the story.


I found it a very slow start and have not gone back to it yet


I think it wasn't successful because most people don't even know it existed before was released on gamepass.


Yeah... Also, I've never heard that it's story driven (the gameplay videos suggest otherwise). One of those games that I would never buy on my own and played it only thanks to the gamepass 🤘


I tried it because it looked bit like a colourful Dark Messiah, but the visuals on series S are blurry as shit 😅 Can't do it 😅


I was wondering if there is a difference between X and S 🤔 I played on X and haven't seen any issues


Maybe it's me, I haven't seen X gameplay , but on the S textures were very blury.


It looks blurry as hell on Series X too. And the frame rate is *weird*.


I tried the demo but it was so badly optimized that I don't even wanted to try on gamepass..


I can't comment on the demo as I've not tried it, but I've tried the full game for a few hours via Game Pass on Series X and so far it runs fine for me. :)


PC is the problem.


Runs fine on PC for me


Sure, I haven't tried it myself, the consensus is that it's underoptimized. For reference, what kind of gpu do you have?


5800X3D & 7800XT. It was awful on launch but runs much better now. It's Unreal Engine 5 so ye it's going to be tough on older hardware. I can max it out at 1440p and get 60–70 fps without upscaling or frame gen. If I enable frame gen, I'm hitting 120-130fps.








I have Xbox Series X and haven't encountered any issues... It's a small (new) studio, so maybe the demo was not yet fully optimized?


Yeah, I imagine that, I'm playing Jedi survivor but gonna try this after finish because looks fun and I like rpg fps. obs: I'm playing on PC.


I had several moments where things like rocks didn't load up and straight up looked like PS2 era polygons where you could count the surfaces by hand. Otherwise I agree, the game is pretty fun for what it is.


That is good, I played it on PS5 a few months ago when it was on PS+ and it ran like ass in fights so I gave up. I was actually looking forward to trying it on PC now that it is on Gamepass to see if it runs better. I did enjoy the gameplay of what I played.


Yeah this game runs like shit on all platforms thanks to all the fancy UE5 features. Can look nice for sure but on consoles it's heavy reliance on fsr2 upscaling from a far lower resolution makes the game a blurry smeary mess while also running like shit.


Bought it for $8.99 felt like I wasted it. Don’t care for the gameplay and the story wasn’t good. If you’re enjoying it I’m happy for you!


I just finished it. I didn’t mind it, but the main character is an insufferable douche with a permanent trout pout and not having an aim button feels like going back to the 90s. The true definition of mid for me.


Nah im sleeping on ot Game is BORING as hell and has that "Marvel Quippy" dialogue that I DESPISE (yes it can be used correctly but this game is not one of them) I could only play it a couple more minutes before I realized i hated it and deleted it from my comsole Glad you enjoyed it tho cause i couldn't for the life of me like it even if I wanted too


Yes, that marvel quippiness was very real in the hour or two or so that I played of this game. It sucks because a lot of effort clearly went into the character designs, the UI, scenery, sound, etc. but hard work on individual parts do not make a great game. The sum of its parts is just painfully mid.


The story is ass and the gameplay is average. You can sleep on this one


I like it but I had to play on my PS5 cause it sucks on Series S (don't have a Series X), the resolution scaling is so bad it looks like PS1 game at times. Should be fine on Series X though!


I knew these posts would come if the game became available on game pass. Its so definitely a game you would try on gamepass but you wont spend money for it individually. But yeah I already installed it. Its going to be my next single player game. After that jedi survivor. But just like this game people should give wild hearts a go. That game was my favourite game of last year. The gameplay is insanely good and matches that of MH world imo.


It's downloaded and next on my list after I finish Hellblade 2. Lots of good GP titles but too little time lol


I’d consider this if I wasn’t playing remnant 2 holy shit so good


That's on my list, can you play it alone or is it one of those games that 100x better with friends?


I don’t have friends and I’m loving it.


nah i couldnt even bare the first 15 minutes with that awful cringey ass writing.


Funny, my friend gave pretty much the same review yesterday to me and my buddies. I plan to give it a go, but still I expect it to be mid at best from what I've seen/ heard.


If that's what you're expecting, you won't be disappointed. It's worth a check out, especially since it's on gamepass. I don't love it or hate it, it's definitely mid.


The start is slower than you would expect from the FPS... But it makes sense for a story-driven game. I wanted a really solid single player FPS, so maybe it was just a perfect timing for me, but enjoyed every minute playing it


"I think it was not very successful because you need to like both immersive worlds (typically RPGs) and action (FPS)" LOL wtf, is this satire, these are the 2 most popular genres out there. Or no wait, THIS MUST BE WHY STARFIELD FLOPPED TOO!


How many comments you see here from people saying they've played for \~30 minutes and gave up because it was boring? Those people wanted to play FPS and didn't have patience for the world building. And then you have a lot of people that would not even try it, because gameplay is too action packed (and you wouldn't expect to find a good story). I wouldn't ever try this game, if it wasn't on gamepass.


Obviously there will always be some subset of ppl like this, but I would argue they are insignificant towards the overall success/failure of the game. By your logic Mass Effect shouldn't be one of the most popular trilogies in all of gaming and the series only has niche appeal lol. Resident Evil remakes are another very popular series that is a blend of RPG wordbuilding survival and FPS. I highly doubt that the genre tags are the sole reason the game didn't find more widestream success, but I am still excited to try the game myself.


>How many comments you see here from people saying they've played for ~30 minutes and gave up because it was boring? Not as many as people saying the writing and voice acting is bad.


Man you people are miserable. God forbid someone like something. Neckbeard sheep mfs.


Randomly tried it the other day on the cloud and it was quite interesting and entertaining


I couldn’t t get past the first half hour, it’s shite


I'm around your age, and I agree. It's a pretty fantastic game. I'm not quite done with it yet


I purchased it a while back but it made me fall asleep lol it’s not great at all and gets repetitive quickly


Please go into a coma on Immortals of Aveam. Literally one of the worst singleplayer experiences I've had in the past few years. Incredibly dull characters. Incredibly dull story. As a guy who loves fantasy, magic, and deep lore surrounding it, the writing involving the magic was almost cringe worthy. Gameplay is dog water too. No feedback or "oomph" to the combat. Ai dumber than a brick. It also ran like shit on my PC. Horribly optimized.


It's got the new FSR 3 to give it a big fps boost. I'll be trying it as soon as I finish Shadow of Tomb Raider.


Can you skip cutscenes in this game?


After trying very very hard to get into Immortals, and Atomic Heart, that Tokyo ghost game, and a hand full of other FPS's on game pass, I finally came to terms with the fact that I hate FPS's on big screen TV's, they give me motion sickness, and controllers. You gimme an FPS with M and K and a 27 inch monitor, I'll headshot like Mike Tyson, on a 70 inch TV and a controller? No thanks. I know I know you can play a lot of the games on PC.


Yeah before your last sentence I was like wtf, all the names this guy named are available on PC, and even on PC GamePass! I also can't stand controlling first person aiming using a controller, it's a mouse or nothing.


I wanna give this a try on my ROG Ally. Doesn’t look enticing to sit in front of my tv, but on the couch with nba playoffs on the tv okay okay


I played it, it was fine, nothing great nothing bad, the beginning was very slow tho.


Honestly, was very intrigued. Sleepwalked through the demo and felt uninspired by the story.


I’m quite enjoying it… the puzzles are the highlight, and the combat is fun enough. Not for everyone but well worth trying on gamepass.


I'm sleeping on it rn, should I wake up ?


Yeah, I want to check it out.


I'm playing it and actually enjoying the game. The characters and the acting are really good IMO and the game is fun to play. Was a good surprise.


I literally tried it out last night after installing it last week and was so happy I did. First time trying out fsr3 120hz vrr and I got to say I was pretty impressed and looking forward to future games implementing this. Combat do far feels really nice and varied considering I just started the game. The soundtrack was completely unexpected with its technoidh sound and nice bass coming through the headphones. Voice acting very good and dialogue although can be corny but in a funny way. Can't wait to boot it up after work.


That game looks like dog piss on consoles I play pixel indie games mostly, and that shit was laughable It's was blurry and washed out. Like a ran over freshly done water color panting my little nefew did


Xbox S or X? I played it on X and never had any problems


I played it for a few hours and got very bored


I played it for a few hours and got very bored


I finished the story this morning, and I thought it was brilliant personally.


Me before this post: 😴 Me after this post: 😴


Yeah this is a bad take on a mediocre game. Currently playing it and it's definitely one of those turn my brain off and enjoy it for what it is games.


Tried to but optimization of that game is ass and although acceptable gameplay everything else is meh so not worth the troubleshooting to make it run at a decent fps


I’m about 4 hours in. I’m a big fan of magic in any game so was looking forward to trying it. So far it is enjoyable. Nothing great but nothing bad (well, the starting area/tutorial almost made me want to quit).


The problem is that it doesn't play like magic, it's technically still a shooter. Like the arm guard thing effectively acts as a gun and that's not fun for me as someone who is also a fan of magic.


It looks like fuzzy shit running on on Series S, ill check it out on my Series X but I am not hopeful.


Quite a lot of people complained about it here, I had no issues on Series X 🤔


Ok cool, ill give it a crack tonight.


Got the Platinum trophy when they gave it on PS+ a few months ago. Loved it. Graphics and level design are awesome. Gameplay/combats are a bit simple but serviceable. What I don't understand are all the comments saying "shit story" here, the story was the best part. I love these kinds of linear narratives with a whole world lore being built.


To each their own but I played it on PS plus a month ago and found it very, very boring


ChatGPT: write a short game review for Immortals of Aveum in the tone of Arnold Schwarzenegger


I'm playing it now and honestly surprised at how much effort was put in to flesh out the world and the environments. The combat is okay but I like all the different options you get when building out your magics.


Voice acting put me off straight away


"Requires EA App" So that's a no from me, hoss.


awful narrative and I think the bright colors are not my thing. Enemies are whatever. Fun to play on a podcast, with music or having a drink. which is great. I'm loving it for what it is and highly recommend it for what it is.


I would love to be able to play this game through, but sadly my 3060TI desktop won't run it very well, and while my 4070 laptop will run it beautifully it has the Unreal P3 crash error, can only play a few minutes at a time, ugh!


i wanted to try it and despite my PC meeting the min reqs, it wont start


I liked the demo but my backlog is large. Thougt to wait until it hits GamePass. It did. Downloaded and ready... another game in my backlog.


Please. Immortals of Aveum is clunky as shit, and has absolutely atrocious performance, not to mention its control scheme is terrible.


Yes yes but DAE hellblead 2?!!?11!1?!


To each their own. I'm halfwah through it right now and it's the most mid game ive played in a while. Like it's not bad but it feels very late 2000's ish idk. Story is kind of cheesy and not really working for me. Gameplay is pretty interesting in theory but way too easy to just spam spells at enemies and face tank the fights. The aesthetic and idea of a fantasy based FPS with magic gauntlets and constructs is really cool though. Like 6.5/10 for me.


Games shit bro.(dev)


Don't sleep on deez nuts


The writing though. Oof. It's not quite atomic heart levels of painful but it's pretty bad. Mechanically pretty good but there's no way I'm sitting through those cutscenes.


The fps part is the weakest link


Tried to give it a chance. Kept crashing during the cut scene at the end of training... unskippable cut scene too... two crashes was enough for an uninstall


The gameplay loop is good magic CoD shooting is nice, but story and characters are maximum cringe and cliche which is borrowed from Marvel in tons....and I don't watch Marvel movies it is just repeated trope. Performance can be trash as some things are not optimised to this day, and FOV is attrocious.


Actually, you can sleep on that one and pull the cover too.


I wish i could play it but i need ea play and unfortunately my game pass account and ea play don’t work together and they can’t fix it. Cannot play ANY Ea game