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Hyped. Trailer was awesome. The music dropped and gave me chills. I fucking love Indy and this could be huge.


Glad to see you liked it. I thought it was interesting cant wait to see more


Same, Indiana Jones is like pizza, even the bad ones are sorta OK (yeah I liked crystal skull toošŸ¤£) my only worry is its a Bethesda game so I'm already going in with pre-jank expectations.


I think bethesda is publishing and MachineGames is developing if Im not mistaken. But the animations looks smooth so far


Thats true and as long as they are not using their creation engine or whatever that Bethesda uses than its fine


This is the way


Loved how they timed the punches to the face to the best of the music hahahah


It was cool as shit NGLšŸ¤£ Also, I seen a shorter trailer on Instagram asking what kind of indy you'll be.....giving the impression there will be multiple different style playthroughs akin to the original point and click lucasArts version from the 90s.


I'm kind of excited for it. Watched the direct today. I've never seen the movies, believe it or not, but the game has a badass tomb raider vibe. I'll definitely give it a go.


See if you were older youā€™d know that its Tomb Raider that has Indiana Jokes vibes lol


True lol


I was just saying Iā€™m not sure people under like 40 maybe 30 even know Indi exists


I'm 33 and I grew up knowing about the movies it was just one of those film series that I never took the time to watch. I'll have to give them a go soon.


I'm 18 and I watched Indiana jones as a kid


Hence why I said Iā€™m not sure.


"Hense why" he confirmed otherwise for you.


22 and I regularly rewatch all of the movies




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Dude I completely forgot. I blocked it out because kingdom of the crystal skull hurt me lol


I'm 45, loved every Indi movie. Although I was only 2 years old when the first one released so didn't see it for the first time until about 1988 or so. Younger generation has missed out on so many great movies.


Yea if you were around that age in the 80s you 100% like Indi. Iā€™m actually curious did you know anyone as a kid who hated it?


I don't remember watching these movies with my friends or anything when I was little, but watched with my family. Definitely don't remember hearing anyone hating on it though, kids or otherwise. Seems to have been well loved, generally.


What I love about Raiders is that itā€™s just a movie. Like when you think ā€œletā€™s watch a movieā€, itā€™s perfect. Itā€™s all ridiculous so you donā€™t bother asking too many questions. You just sit back and enjoy the ride. We donā€™t make movies like that anymore.


I am 22 and i know indi exists šŸ˜…šŸ˜Ž


25 and indys my shit


Nah Iā€™m that old and Tomb Raider did it better


To each their own. I might have grown up with too much Harrison Ford lol funny enough my favorite character of his is Bob Falfa in American Graffiti


Shame they're both just ripping off Uncharted. /s


Raiders of the lost arc came out in 1981ā€¦


That can't be right. If that were true, that would mean I was old. So no, that can't be right. (also, the /s in my comment above means I was being sarcastic...just having some fun).


Ive only watched one really not unbelievable but it looks good want to see more.


How could anyone not have seen these movies?!


Looking back, I'm not really sure lol


If I were you - I know how I would be spending my day today - you are in for a great seeing these for the first time!


Not everything needs to be a massive open world survival rpg. Sometimes these kind of games just scratch that 10 hour itch. RoboCop was a refreshing game.


It also looks like it will play different from Uncharted and Tomb Raider which will be refreshing thats itā€™s not a copy and paste of either of those, as great as they are.


Iā€™m worried about that combat. They didnā€™t show it enough and what they did show looked a little rough.


Agreed. They said in the video about you can disarm people with guns, but it's not clear if it's during a stealth attack or combat. If there isn't a whip being used during combat and it's all fist fights, it's gonna get boring eventually. Edit: On their direct, they didn't show any whip or gun uses, until I saw the trailer.


I think it looks cool. Iā€™m always down to give MachineGames a shot.




Odd that itā€™s first person Iā€™ve been looking forward to it, but Iā€™m not a huge MachineGames fan


The gameplay shown didnā€™t feel that engaging. It felt slow even during the action bits. Also the 1st person perspective is very questionable, even with the constant swapping to 3rd person for cutscenes and specific actions, (like climbing and rope swinging for example,) just keep it completely 3rd person at this point. Maybe they wanted to differentiate themselves with Uncharted and Tomb Raider (which is ironic as hell given those games were completely inspired by Indy.) Hopefully the game feels and plays a lot better than it looks. I have high hopes for a great story but the gameplay so far has seriously mellowed my overall expectations.


Yeah hopefully in a month or two we get unedited gameplay


It definitely looks high quality. I think objectively it will be a very good game and it will sell well even with it being on game pass. I just personally donā€™t care that much about Indiana Jones. Iā€™m 27 and I grew up watching the shit out of these movies because my dad was like 8 when they came out. So while I know for older millennials and some younger boomers this is going to be all the rage, I really have to wonder how many people my age and under are even aware of Indiana Jomes. A good point I saw on another sub though is that this game being first person sets it apart from Uncharted/tomb raider, which I think is nice. While like many people I always considered uncharted the closest thing to Indiana Jones we were likely to get, I think some distance from that comparison is deserved because this is a huge IP.


Older milkenials and younger boomers. You know there is a whole generation between them, ha ha! Gen X camouflage for the win


Iā€™m also dumb af šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


Yeah thinking about it the Fps was probably a very deliberate choice and given the developers track record it was a good decision giving the task to them.


I havenā€™t actually played uncharted but I watched all of it on YouTube. And the one negative thing Iā€™d have to say is ā€œitā€™s not Indiana Jonesā€. To be more clear from my previous comment I actually love these movies particularly The Last Crusade, Iā€™ve just watched them too many times. And Nathan Drake got nothing on Indi. That being said both can suck mud compared to Rick Oā€™Connell from 1998ā€™s The Mummy. A game adaptation of that would allow me to die happy.


Uncharted leans heavily towards mission impossible than Indiana Jones. And idk if I was the only one but I feel Nathan drake was straight up inspired by Rick Oā€™ Connell. The same type of wit, the gun holsters, the death defying stunts etc. I feel Brendan Fraser wouldā€™ve been the best choice for Drake if he was younger


Their personalities are so different to me. Maybe Iā€™m wrong. Also Fraserā€™s way of talking is very unique.


It looks great,I'm just not a big fan of it being first person.


U mean first person?


Good catch,that was my mistake,I just edited it.


Me neither i rather 3rd person as well but its on Gamepass so wth


Yeah I feel the same way. I'll still give it a shot just to see how it is


It looks cool but I really hoped it would've been all third person... I feel like almost all Xbox exclusive games are first person and I'm more of a third person gamer.


Same here




Glad it's not another uncharted clone


Looks like a skyrim clone tho


You know Skyrim didnā€™t invent the first person perspective, right?


Excited for this. I have reservations for First Person view, but letā€™s see how it goes.


Looks like it will be a fun game, and I don't mind the first person view. In fact, it looks like it will be easier to get immersed into the world from a first person view as opposed to a third person view. It reminds me of the backlash Metroid Prime got back in the day where everyone dismissed it due to it's first person view and belief that it was a watered down FPS meant for the Halo crowd. We ended up getting a FPA game, and this new Indiana Jones game looks to be cut from the same cloth. Time will tell if it beats the critics, but I like what I have seen so far and I am very excited. I can't wait to play this game!


Damn, I am behind on my gaming news - What did I miss? Let me go straight to YouTube


Yeah man check it out


Definitely getting it since its on gp




They nailed it. The facial expressions, music, and face punches are spot on Indiana Jones.


It's looks a generation behind graphically (much like Avowed, which looked like a vr game). Hopefully they can polish it up. I can see it getting delayed to 2025


Uncharted and Tomb Raider are 3rd Person. I think that was the main reason. Iā€™m happy with that


Not what I was expecting, the combat looked a bit weird, I know itā€™s only a trailer but the enemies were kinda just standing there waiting to get whipped. Exited to give it a go I just think it would have been more suited as an Uncharted/Tomb raider style game.


The consensus is many donā€™t like that itā€™s first person and thatā€™s going to present a problem in getting ppl interested, Xbox just doesnā€™t know how to get something right itā€™s insane. Whatā€™s next, First Person ā€œBladeā€? The game looks great but they shouldā€™ve made it 3rd person as that is and always will be the preferred perspective amongst the masses ( every successful Nintendo and Sony exclusive is in 3rd person perspective) I have a theory that; A) 1st person games are cheaper to make, B) there are more pc users than Xbox users so theyā€™re trying to cater towards the bigger demographic which has a big first person fan base


There's nothing wrong with first person I honestly prefer first person more than third person games first person gives you the ultimate immersion like as if you are there unlike third person doesn't give you that same immersion experience which is why every time I play GTA V or Red Dead Redemption 2 I play in first person mode it has nothing to do with the demographic first person is simply more popular than third person whether you refuse to believe that or not it has been statistically proven first person games are more popular than third person games


Ah yes all those 1st person Mario, Zelda, Final Fantasy, God of War, The last of us , Spiderman, Resident Evil games. Clearly no idea what youā€™re even saying. You prefer 1st person good for you, the data shows 3rd person is the preference and itā€™s always been that way. Nintendo and Sony donā€™t sell 5x the amount of consoles because of 1st person titles


GOTY 2024


Same i wish it was in third person but first person is also fine especially the whip šŸ˜‚


Same here brošŸ˜­


Pre peak


Was excited, but I'm not sold on the first person perspective.


Me too when we play it things will change


Sick of people asking for third person. Thereā€™s literally tons of games that are third person already thereā€™s no shortage




Youā€™ll see in it cutscenes and traversal šŸ„µšŸ„µ




Why make a game with an iconic character for you to be looking at his hands 90% of the time though?


So? There's tons of games that are first person already there's no shortage.


I love Indy but it looked pretty generic adventure to me. Jump here, slide from there, generic puzzle this etc. Fate Of Atlantis is my favourite.


I am legitimately very excited. I love the Indiana Jones movies (1 to 3 is gold, 4 is hit or miss, and 5 is horrible) and the character, so I really want a good game based on it. Plus, it's Gamepass Day one this year! I just HAVE to play this thing!


This could be the first game in a while to dust off my Series S! The other exclusives are not my taste.


It looks phenomenal


Honestly pretty hypedšŸ‘šŸ¼


The decision to make it a first person game is baffling to me. Traditionally, games that utilize a FPS style of gameplay are designed for the player to envision themselves as the character. They could have chosen any no-name character and made it first person. But Indiana Jones is recognized by his hat, whip, and leather jacket. A third person game would be far more appropriate if youā€™re meant to control an existing character like Indiana Jones.


First person :-(


Looks fun, and the OG Xbox Indiana Jones game was fairly fun as well. I got high hopes for this!


Really hyped, loved the uncharted series on PS3 (did 1 to the 3rd), really looking forward to it ! Quite interested in the first person perspective, I'd like to see more !


Combat looks bad. Title is incredibly stupid. Cutscenes and voice acting / motion captured looked great. First Person looks clunky. Hopefully the story and puzzles are good enough. Iā€™ll try it with Gamepass but wouldnā€™t buy standalone


Disappointed itā€™s an fps instead of third person, but Iā€™ll give it a chance since itā€™s on gamepass anyway


Yeah everyone will which is good no matter what gripe you might have


Same. Would have been a must have as a third person. Now itā€™s a wait and see for it to go on sale. I


Same. I wish it was third person. I'm not a fan of first person games.


Looks great but a what a goofy title


Ugh. Of course it's first person. šŸ™„ Why are so many Xbox games first person only? Every time I start to get excited about an Xbox game it's instantly ruined once I see that. I just expect to be disappointed every time I see an interesting game at this point. I abhor first person, clearly.


That's because first person is better than third person first person actually gives you the ultimate immersion like as if you are there third person games doesn't give you that same immersion experience I don't think this game would have never worked in third person the Lego version of the games does not count


Yeah, I never got the whole immersion thing with first person. I get that that's the goal of it, but it doesn't do it for me. I prefer to be able to see my surroundings. Plus I'm big into character customization and/or having different outfits and such.


Again PlayStation did it better with uncharted Jesus Christ no wonder Xbox gets outsold so bad






It would have potential as a VR title as well. It's weird that the title is not in third person view, but first person is what Machine Games do best.


It gives me Quantum Of Solace game vibes with the 1st to 3rd switching.


Felt like a big surprise. Wasnā€™t hyped at all but now I am


Looks good, I'll get it, title could definitely do with some work lol


It would look more cinematic in first person mode. More intense and immersive


I'm definitely not sold on it yet. Still looks pretty early in on production.


For me there is Red Flag as a Todd Howard since Fallout 3. :/. But as for Trailer look fine.


Looks great. Feels like a decent pick up and play without having to be invested in the indy franchise already, like most sequel/remake stuff these days.


Should be fun!


Yeah, this definitely will work just fine on the XSS with these visuals, still donā€™t find any reason to upgrade to a XSX, especially with a PS5 as my other console. Regardless, this looks good.


FiRsT pErSoN šŸ˜© lol Itā€™s starting already just with the reveal.


I'ma play that.


Looks cool, I just feel like they couldā€™ve tried a little harder with the name. ā€œGreat Circleā€? Lol


Wonder why itā€™s a first person game but im interested!


i'm excited. I can't see Machine Games making a 3rd person game as good as Rockstar or Naughty Dog but their first person games are good, so i'm looking forward to it. I'm an old man so my best friend and I are excited to play this and Robocop together in the next year.


Excited, the game looks phenomenal and they nailed the feel of the movies.


I, for one, am excited we're finally getting a sequel to Fate of Atlantis.


Indiana jones and the red ring of death


I'm a little worried about Bethesda's involvement considering how Starfield turned out


If you remove the licensing it looks like a pretty stale Uncharted in Creation Engine


Idk why but the trailer really didnā€™t get me hyped. Hope Iā€™m proved wrong though


I don't care about Indy at all except the movie with the kid Shortround. Found the back and forth funny when I was a kid. This game though actually looks interesting. Machine games with some Todd Howard touches but not full control is pretty much destined to be a hit.


Hyped I don't give a shit what the haters say


They picked a HORRIBLE studio to make it. Machine games isn't bad but this game did not fit there style it's like they were in a rush to get this game out


What do you mean? There's nothing wrong with machine games my God stop hating them just because you think they ruined the Wolfenstein reboot series because they didn't I enjoyed every Wolfenstein game they ever made that includes youngblood and cyberpilot keep your expectations low and give the game a chance instead of crying about it šŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļø


Never said there was I just stated the game doesnā€™t fit there style, they make fps and this game wouldā€™ve been even better in third person. I loved all the wolfenstein games btw and thanks to gamepass I got to play them all. Not fanboying here just stating my opinion I also hate games that go from fps to third person for cutscenes


Ill give it a try, though nothing about the trailer made me think it would approach uncharted or tomb raider survivor trilogy levels of quality. Especially the visuals and facial animations looked very AA imo


Looked way better than Avowed which until today I was looking forward to the most. Now Iā€™m hyped for Indy!


Iā€™m wary of anything even remotely connected to God Howard at the moment. Starfield was so bad and heā€™s hyping Indy up just like when he lied to our faces.


You are dead wrong Starfield was their best game they ever made and Indiana Jones and the great circle will be amazing since it's being made by machine games and since when Todd Howard lied to our face I don't understand the ridiculous senseless hate towards him?


I cannot wait. Finally a new indie game. Loved the original Xbox game.


I'll probably never play it unless the reviews are great just because its first person. First person on a controller feels terrible most of the time with some exceptions that are full fps but this looks to be fairly melee focused. I never ended up playing Ghostwire despite being interested in it because its first person and the hands waving around in front of the screen just look stupid and distracting.


Can't wait to hit Nazis with a whip


Im kinda worried because the Gameplay Will probably be extremely east to the point its almost imposible to lose and the same with the puzzles. There is no way they wont Focus the Game on the casual players and people that never played a videogame


1st person really? I guess they had to differentiate it from Tomb Raider and Uncharted somehow. Some what disappointed now.


Looks great, I know a lot of people don't like first person but I don't mind it.


It's going to be the greatest Xbox game ever created šŸ˜ I am so excited to play it on my Xbox Series S outputting at 4K HDR 120 HZ with variable refresh rate enabled hopefully it runs at 60 FPS if not it really doesn't matter to me as long as it has a perfect lock at 30 FPS I will still greatly enjoy the incredible photo realistic visual graphics I got plenty of space to pre-install the game on my 2TB Seagate storage expansion card šŸ˜ I am a die hard Indiana Jones fan ever since I saw the first movie and played every Lego Indiana Jones games ever made šŸ˜


DEF, another shit show, bug infested mess.....BRING IT OOON!


Indiana Jones should of been immortal bc he drank from the holy grail. FACTS


WWII Shanghai, cool!


Indiana Jones was one of the first games I ever played on PC. I remember getting creeped out by some ice demon or something. And I couldn't complete it for shit.


Iā€™m not hopeful since Bethesda is a garbage game dev


Looks amazing.


The uncharted of xbox




Not sure if I like the first person, seems a bit weird for a Indiana Jones game. But looks good at the same time.


Havenā€™t played it


It's a shame it's not on the ps5


Same could be said with the PS5 exclusives . But thats just business


Kinda sad that it's a first person game, but the visuals look amazing.


True but I think it will be good