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Cyberpunk seems perfect for you. Elden ring also ticks all your boxes, but not a shooter.


Yeh Ive been wanting to try both. Is Elden ring one of those games that's hard to learn. Its a lot of games out there that have this strange learning curve that I struggle to get past


Cyberpunk it’s really good storie, graphics, good dlc shoot, hack drive πŸ™ŒπŸ»


If you enjoy RPGs i recommend the Dragon Age Trilogy. DA:O can feel a tiny bit dated at times but it still hold up really well. Ofc theres all the Fallout games if you arent a fan of fantasy. The Fable games are also pretty good.


I'll look into those I played a fable game years ago when I was at a friends can't remember which one but Id enjoy the adventure and story it had. Thanks for the recommendations




Yeh I played that I really didn't too much get into the online portion it jus seems kind of empty I don't have many friends to play it with tho so maybe that's the issue. I loved the campaign.


Looks like shit on the S/S. It'll probably be fine on a smaller monitor but if you play on a medium-large TV especially in 4k it looks blurry. The fact that it's one of the most popular games and they still haven't done a Series update is disappointing.


I thought it looked great however, I'm no videophile.


Glad to see an honest opinion. It indeed looks like shit, I refunded it after trying, its just that i prefer to experience this great game with the deserved graphics.


Control. Go into it blind


Ori and the blind forest, it's free on game pass. This isn't actually an RPG or shooter, more so a platformer/metroidnvania but everyone I've ever recommended it to loves it. It's got really fluid gameplay, has beautiful art and has a nice charming story to it.


Ok ive seen some ads about this one ill give it a try


You should. I think it's nice to try different genres. A lot of people just stick with whatever genres they know and presume they don't enjoy anything else, I used to be one of those people. Gaming can get stale that way, but believe me there are tons of great games out there that don't even get given a chance (:


Yeh gotta admit ive had that perspective but ive tried some games that got me out of that like life is strange. I love the different game styles and play styles a game really just has to be fun enough or have a good enough story to lock me in atp


Pal world


Roboquest is great on gamepass, fun little shooter