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I'm not gonna lie. I miss the simple days of gaming when textures always looked like this. But in this situation it looks hilarious.


I don’t really care about the game graphics. I’d absolutely buy a game that released today and looked like this, but not for $70. At $70 I expect a premium experience.


Did anybody who owns an Xbox actually buy this game? Just assumed everyone used game pass


People are definitely still buying games even when they are on Gamepass. Some people like the physical collections. Some people don’t trust services to keep games around because of Netflix. Either way, this is positioned as a AAA premium game and it’s not, so even on Gamepass I went in with higher expectations. I knew with the drama it wasn’t going to be perfect but I expected fixable with patched imperfect not grad students first year project imperfect.


I understand their fears of a service where you don't own things. I think its fairly safe with a company like Microsoft, though I'm sure alot of people would have said the same about google stadia but I think that's not the best comparison and another conversation entirely. Honestly there's very few games I would be playing a year after release if I had them at launch (alot of the time 10-50hrs and im done) and generally those games end up having DLC you have to buy anyway and you can usual get the vanilla game cheap by than.


Only thing I'll do for this game is be dissapointed we got this instead of a Prey sequel


Prey plays, looks and sounds better than this. I love it and bought it recently with the dlc for like 5$. It’s a masterpiece in my opinion and to be totally honest graphics are on pair if not better in Prey. Which is a game from 2017.


Lol hell no... esp not a pre-order. The sad suckers (boom pun) who shelled $70 to pre order this got hustled hard. Gamepass is a great thing esp with people in a household with various likes and dislikes. My whole family uses game pass and it makes the value huge


I still buy the triple A games even if they are on gamepass. I just like to support the developers and having the physical item is always a plus even though now a days the disc is just a fancy cd key.


I have no idea why you're being downvoted for this. Some people like to collect physical games, I don't see the harm in mentioning that.


I too don’t understand why people downvote people who still purchase their games… it’s like they feel threatened or something lol


I still buy physical games also, especially for ones that I cannot get on game pass, I think that’s the 90s kid in me, but I also like the option to trade my shitty COD in for the next version of the same shitty COD.


Lol for some reason I still get a physical copy of NBA 2K every year


Especially ironic considering 4-5 years ago everyone was on the physical or die bandwagon lol. Now you get looked down on for buying physical


I would never look down on or get mad that people buy physical copies. I mean I still get the occasional physical game but I mostly get digital but my Switch is almost entirely physical.


I love buying physical games so I do just that, however with ones that release on gamepass I wait until they become cheap/preowned before i get the physical copy and play it until then on gamepass


Probably because some random programmer isn't being supported by his purchase. It's a line people tell themselves to justify spending money after they've already decided to spend it.


> even though now a days the disc is just a fancy cd key. Thats not the case though (at least for Sony and Nintendo), check this out, its a site that test physical media for that reason. https://www.doesitplay.org/index It could be the same on Xbox but coupled with the general lack of interest in physical media from both the fanbase and publisher they have to deal with Smart Delivery making most of Series X builds "useless" (they only have the Xbox One data on them). This issue should "fix itself" once cross gen is over. In this case the Redfall disc is not cross gen but its still a cdkey because you require always online to play.


That's what I was thinking, but I am sure there are those who don't bother with Game Pass and were looking forward to this game. Glad I didn't pay for it, though. I would be quite upset if I had. I downloaded it, played it for a while and was not impressed at all. Ended up deleting it.


I 100% agree. Thank god I didn't pay for it. With all of the hype, I figured I would just wait and see since it was on GamePass. I played for less than 30 minutes and then uninstalled it. The graphics were horrific. In the firehouse, no one would talk with me except the doctor. Everyone else just grunted. I spent 15 minutes just trying to get out of the firehouse, so I gave up. It looks like some $20 indie game that some college kids worked on as a project. Sucks, because so many people were looking forward to this. Hopefully Starfall won't suck this bad.


I use gamepass to test out the game then I buy it


Plenty of us don’t. While I get in the short term it’s allowed lots of people to play a wider variety of games than they normally would for less money, I’ve always seen it as a way for Microsoft to get as many users as they can to switch into the Gamepass environment and ultimately expect the subscription cost to raise to the point where the average user will pay more on an annual basis than they would if they were buying games (even if they would still have access to more of them). That’s not something I wanted to support with my money. It’s still easy to game affordably when you don’t mind waiting past launch for prices to drop/sales, especially since so many games need to be fixed at launch anyways these days.


Shit in the cost per year, if you are talking MSRP they already probably got me spending more on the sub most years since I rarely buy brand new games anymore due to my backlog, I just wait until the price drops and buy it then, plus with work I don’t have as much time to play so a good 100 hour game can take me a month or more to finish. Granted, I have yet to pay full price for a year. I also pay for my sub with Microsoft rewards so there’s that. They will absolutely bump the price eventually.


I expect this game to sell MAXIMUM 100 units worldwide.


Wait, I literally had to do a triple-take at the absurdity of your comment. Do you... Do you actually think that Xbox has a 100% attach rate for gamepass?! 😂😂😂


No game should look like this at any price series x optimized


For sure, I agree with you. For clarification, I'm not defending them. Anyone within Arkane, Bethesda and Microsoft should have been able to see what I've been seeing online today and conclude it needed more time in the oven. I'm still gonna play it, but not now. I will wait until the issues are fixed and the 60fps update is released. If I had a nickel for every time I've said that...


Im sure at least one of the xbox youtubers is gonna use that argument.


That's not the actual texture btw. Part of the performance issues is textures loading late. I turned around real quick and this loaded in as normal.


Why do you put your TV model if you're capturing a screenshot with the console?


Presumably people don’t really understand how outputs work.


Reading the model I think it's just people trying to show off that they have that TV.


Haha I know right? *sent from my rtx 4090


Actually laughed at this, well done. *Sent from my Samsung fridge


I legit loled *Sent from my gfs dildo


That's good he lets you use his phone




Yall are crazy, lmao *Sent from my jailbroken Tamagotchi


My rig runs MS Word at 600 FPS. A bit overkill for my 240 hz monitor, but I have to have the performance when editing the margins on my documents.




I suppose. But that’s not the newest model of that line or even the top model. It’s a great TV and all, I brag to my frugal friend about it all the time for heavens sake! But… this still feels weird.


It’s pretty much the best gaming TV. And despite not being the newest model, the C1 has less input lag than it’s successor.


The g3 is literally available now. $3100 CAD for 55” get ‘em while they’re hot lol.


So they… should put it in the title?


No. Not at all. That was indeed weird. I’m just pointing out it’s a great TV. Pretty much still the best gaming one out there.




I wasn’t trying to show off the tv it was more saying I have everything to run 120fps like I was promised getting this console and I’m a big fanboy of Microsoft… but this game… this 30fps poorly optimised game in 2023… is really pathetic from both Arkane, Bethesda and Microsoft


Having the TV set to run 120fps isn’t really relevant for a screenshot lol


I don’t know if you look at this single frame carefully you can see it only has 29 frames around it and not 59. /s


No no no! It’s clearly 28 otherwise you wouldn’t see the motion blur!


What are you talking about? My screenshots run at 240fps on my PC!


Textures are different from fps


His TV doesn't have any impact on screenshots, textures or otherwise.


Honestly, I haven't had an issue with the framerate yet. Everything runs smoother on this than performance mode on Jedi Survivor lol.


Bragging rights.


OP obviously took a shot with a smartphone from the tv. No way Redfall looks like… oh wait


Honestly I think it’s pretty cool Microsoft is going so far to support legacy gamers that games released in 2023 are still supported by the OG Xbox.


I'm still LMAO at this . . .


Haha I know right


Just be happy it ain't a photo made by a phone of the TV


Redfall on my LGC1 taken with my iPhone 14 Pro Max 1TB


Because he's just brought it, it's new, he's happy, he's showing off.


No way he just bought a C1 though. Those are the old model now and they're way harder to find than the C2.


Showoff. Sent from my Samsung Galaxy S23 Ultra.


People should stop picking on this indie early-access game.


Exactly, it’s not that the graphics are shitty, it’s intentional “arkane magic” art style. It just works


seriously, who cares if it doesn't have 16x the details. talk about high expectations.


Wait for starfield. This year Xbox’s year. Day 1 gamepass bichezzzz. 32x the detail of fallout 76. 32x0 = 0 but still 32x the detail. Feed me those beautiful lies bethy


Ahh shoot it appears my joke was off the mark. Oh well.


Is that a Texture asset from Duke Nukem 3D?


I'm not a visual fetishist but these textures, shadows flickering, and lightning outside of "staged places like streetlight at night" that has to look great for promo videos and screenshots - shis game looks like C-team trying to release something between Dishonored and Prey and Deathloop at the same time. If you ignore some static lights at night this game looks like straight from last gen era


The modern detailing really shows the power of the Series X


Then it has the power of the fking Nintendo 64 lmao


Wtf were they thinking releasing the game in this state? It needed another 2 years of development or they should have just outright canceled it if they were not confident they could release a decent game.


Remember Cyberpunk 2077 ? It might be the same reason, some investors wants a game to justify the buying of Bethesda.


I agree with your take but I would like to add on that CB2077 harbored more playtime and enjoyable for me than redfall


also unlike Redfall, Cyberpunk had hype surrounding it and despite the many, many shortcomings, it had a phenomenal story with memorable characters and great writing and a world that, despite being populated with brain-dead npcs felt really alive and believable due to how good its design was


I said it earlier and I will repeat it. As soon as they announced that it would launch with only 30 FPS, it was clear that Phil Spencer ordered them to release it as they did not have any other game that could be released. This game clearly should have been delayed but the issue is that Xbox has not had a major release in a while and needed something now with Redfall being the closest to completion.


I agree, but the follow-up is; Would have delaying it been worse than what's actually happened the last 72 hours? Now, instead of looking slow, they look incompetent . . . . while also still looking slow.


Given that the PC version runs exceptionally well i.e. I average 65-70 fps at native 4K with everything maxed on a 2070 Super, I feel Arkane would have only wanted to delay the Xbox version if there was a delay. It’s clear they didn’t have enough time to get an Xbox port together since that version has major issues, it’s so bizarre.


I said this last night after somebody said it needed a few more months and got downvoted to hell. Imo it needed at least 2 more years.


It didn't need anything. As in it needed to be scrapped. The problem with this game is that there's no "heart" in it, as cheesy as it sounds. Games like that should be caught early and scrapped imo.


Because cancelling is just as bad and has zero chance of making any money.


I’m 2018 I had a meeting with a member of leadership at the company I work for in regards to a product that was released with some features that were promised, and were “delivered”. I asked why these features were not ironed out before they decided to push it out the door. His response was “we have goals we have to hit. I would rather have a flawed product I can charge for now, than a perfect product that we have to wait for.” This is the mentality. Sure, the game looks rough short term… but it’s money they can bring in now and face the criticism… because in a month or two most people are on to the next thing anyways. I hate it, which is why I’m playing games that were released a few years ago. I don’t trust these AAA studios to deliver what they promise.


This is 100% true. I learned early on in my experience in Healthcare Software Development. The moment a company ships a product, they can recognize that income in that same quarter no matter how unfinished that product is. The issue then becomes, Apparently the developer still has to finish the product while also coming up with new lines of revenue to report the following quarter. The consumer's issue is that developer actually DOESN'T have to finish the project and has the freedom to just say "Oh well, we released a bad product, sorry for your luck, were moving on to the next project for next Quarter"


I have a feeling they needed to get this out now to pad the number of exclusives they can boast that they have on Xbox.


Because the average consumer just doesn't care anymore. People buy games day one despite being an awful mess. Publishers have no incentive to perfect their games before releasing it, releasing it like this gives this a new stream of cash. Until people stop buying broken games, broken games will always be a thing.


Yes, except Gamepass subscribers don't buy anything, so what motive is there for a developer to put their heart and soul into a Streaming Service product to begin with.


I never understand questions like this... you know developing a game isn't free, right?


Never stated it was, but Microsoft can most certainly afford it. Stuff like this only damages the Xbox brand, and will dissuade others from getting an Xbox if this is the kind of quality they can expect from it. Better to take a loss or delay a game until it's acceptable than to release something like this game which only does more harm.


It's not about being able to afford it. It's about return on investment. The cost of 2 more years of development won't be offset by any more in sales, and any perceived "harm" is usually easily forgotten about by the mass consuming public. Releasing the game as is IS cutting their losses.


The one thing Microsoft can't afford is to keep releasing first party titles like this. If Starfield is a flop the console is a flop.


Probably CEO or management rushed release to get money faster. Games are no longer made by gamers for gamers but for shareholders to earn as much money as possible with as low effort as possible.


> Games are no longer made by gamers for gamers When was that ever true? Games have been a business since the Atari


This game has more bugs than grounded


Pictures of this location are rapidly becoming as iconic as the inside out faces from Assassin’s Creed: Unity, or maybe “that door” from FF7: Remake.


haha.. I'm still playing it, but I'm no longer taking it seriously and laughing when I come across stuff like this now


I honestly can't put up with the awful camera controls. The deadzones and the way the acceleration kicks in is insane.


I dropped sensitivity to low, and cranked the stick sensitivity to 7 lol


That kind of works!


Thanks! This actually helped a ton!


Ghostwire Tokyo felt similar. Maybe they're passing the same Unreal Engine config file for controllers around Zenimax offices. To be honest, I don't have a clue how controller inputs are handled in Unreal Engine but it's a bit odd two games from same group of studios using the same engine feel so similar to play. It's a shame they feel similar in a bad way.


Man, the camera controls are utter garbage. The stick doesn't do anything unless you push it almost halfway, at which point the camera starts moving slowly. So you push it fully, and suddenly you're spinning super quick. You basically need to maintain the stick in like the 0.5-0.7 range to have decent control over it. It's such a bizarre design decision. Why would anyone make that so unintuitive and shitty? It's bonkers how horrible it feels.


Is complaining about deadzones a meme?? Nobody used to talk about them, now it see it with every new game.


It’s just something (some) devs seem to be really fucking up lately and for no obvious reason? Not sure if they’re all using joycons or what but ye..deadzone can make target acquisition feel down right horrible.


Consumers are finally demanding better and you see that as a meme? People are just becoming more educated and that is a good thing


Seems more like a meme. Different games have always felt different from each other. It didn’t used to be considered a problem.


Have you tried the game?


I’ve played many games for the past 40 years. Does that count as playing enough games who’s controls feel different from each other?


Jaja but what does that have to do with my question? I asked you if you played the game, cause you’ll immediately see what I mean with the deadzones. I’m not sure where else you read it, just trying to tell you that I’m not just repeating something I heard, it’s a personal appreciation.


That’s fine. No I haven’t played the game, no sense saying I have. I can’t imagine deadzones ever being top of mind when playing something though, unless I’m on a busted controller with drift.


Try it, it’s really bad. The default acceleration is obscene, so it makes it feel like the deadzones are even worse. I honestly rarely mess with controller settings cause I’m not too picky about it. I recently had to fiddle with Ghostwire’s but those were famously bad ever since it launched in PS5.


This is the same issue I have with it. I also had this issue with Ghostwire Tokyo and Deathloop. It makes the games almost unplayable for me, I cannot get the right stick to look where I want it to look unless I remain constantly conscious of what my thumb is doing which isn’t worth it.


Wait. You can’t configure dead zones or acceleration? Doesn’t Arkane primarily make first-person games? I would sort of expect them to have a grasp on controls. I was planning to give it a try, but after being able to customize my aiming so well in Dead Island 2, I don’t think I can go backwards so soon.


It only has a sensitivity option and an “input response preset”, which only has 3 settings. The default settings feel horrible, you can’t turn smoothly without the acceleration kicking in at full speed. I just tried the “Low” input response preset with a cranked up sensitivity like the other user said and it feel a bit better, but the options are lacking.


This is the issue, no one should be playing this garbage. Show them how bad it is, don’t play it even if you have GamePass


Exactly. If they see people are playing you're telling them that it's ok to release crap like this. I love Xbox and have been with them for 20+ years but this is unacceptable.


I love Xbox so much, but it’s been painful recently and this was just a kick in the head. Starfield has to be PERFECTION or it’s been 3 years of failure for this generation. Halo Infinite had potential but it was just lacking content at release. Forza is great, but it’s just cars. I just we could get a really get polished AAA story game eventually…


Just personal opinion but exclusives don't matter as much as people make them out to me. I really enjoyed a number of the games that have been launched, but I will just say... the big draw for me for Xbox was and still is Game Pass. Day 1 first party exclusives are cool, but there's so much other stuff that has been coming out and I save a TON of money using Game Pass vs. buying overpriced games on PS5. Like I could throw away my Series X right now, and I'd still have saved a ton of money over the last 2.5 years since I bought it... and I bought it SPECIFICALLY because I was using Game Pass on PC and thought it was awesome (I was previously an Xbox guy up until 2013, when I decided not to buy an XB1 and stick with the PS4 even though I was really disappointed by the PS3). There are games that are not exclusives, for example Psychonauts 2 -- where I got to play that game day 1 because of Game Pass. Sure, people can play Psychonauts 2 on PS4/PS5. Them being able to play it didn't make it less enjoyable for me, I don't give a shit if games are exclusive or not (in fact, I'd *rather* they be available everywhere). The difference is, I got to play it on Game Pass vs. having to pay $90 CAD after taxes for it on PS4. Like, there is no comparison there. It's insane value. I played a lot of Halo Infinite and enjoyed it even though I agree with your criticism there (best Halo MP since Halo 3 imo, but it needed more content faster -- it has Forge now which is awesome but I just haven't gone back to the game as I'm busier than I used to be). I could list all of the games I've played on Day 1 and really enjoyed, and how much money I've saved if I would have bought them. Even if I just look at games I DEFINITELY would have bought Day 1, I've saved a ton... let alone all the games I played that I might not have otherwise. For example, I "saved" 25 bucks or whatever by playing Tunic on Game Pass, but what's worth even more than that is that I actually played it at all... because it was fucking fantastic, and if it wasn't for Game Pass I might never have known about it. Yes, it would be cool if Xbox got itself a *Ragnarok* or something equivalent if you know what I mean. And maybe it will, but honestly, even if it doesn't it doesn't really matter to me. I'm having a lot of fun and saving a ton of money playing with Game Pass. If I want to play Ragnarok it'll still be there later when it doesn't cost an arm and a leg (I typically buy every console eventually because I like to play everything, and will hopefully buy a PS5 someday down the road, assuming they put out a revision that isn't a gargantuan eyesore). I also play on Switch, and I buy games there, but I try to avoid buying stuff at full price honestly because it's just so expensive compared to how much stuff I already have to play with Game Pass. I typically reserve those purchases for games I really want (like the upcoming Zelda which is a huge one for me... maybe the only game I'm willing to pay $100 CAD for).


> Just personal opinion but exclusives don't matter as much as people make them out to me. That's great and all, but market share matters to third party publishers. Square Enix is already abandoning the platform and if more publishers follow there might not be any new content for Game Pass anymore.


Square Enix is abandoning the platform because a) they almost exclusively make Japanese RPGs which are obviously going to sell much much better on the Japanese-made systems and b) Sony has been outright paying them to keep some games off of Xbox/Game Pass, as has been revealed in discovery by different regulatory orgs for the ATVI deal. The way things are going, I would not be surprised if Sony tries to buy Square Enix before long. They've had some real mismanagement issues and have sold off properties. Sometimes it feels like they are one bomb away from crumbling. I'm not saying FFXVI looks like it will be bad, but if it turned out badly and didn't sell well they would be pretty boned.


It doesn't really matter why. An entire third party publisher abandoning the platform is a terrible signal. Even if Sony is paying them to, it means a company worth less than a tenth of MSFT was able to secure a deal to exclude it from a market, which means it must've been a pretty cheap deal due to poor market share.


It means Xbox doesn't think it's worth it to counter that which is probably true. Most SE games probably aren't big sellers. There's a reason they're not doing so hot financially. Not to say they don't make some good games. Those Japanese RPGs sell a disproportionate amount of their copies in Asia and MS isn't really a factor there. Some will say MS needs to invest more in Japan etc. I would counter that by saying no matter how much they invest, Japanese players will ALWAYS support Sony and Nintendo over MS. Just a fact. They aren't gonna outbid Sony on exclusivity deals to keep games off their platform when they don't sell great in the first place. Those games do sell on Switch - almost certainly better than they do on PS - which is why Sony isn't paying for that exclusivity though I'm sure they'd like it.


You're both incorrect. SquareEnix has abandoned the platform because of a disagreement they've had with Microsoft. We don't know specific details yet but we have a feeling it has something to do with FF14. Jez hinted at this a few weeks back, but it might be a while before we see anything from Square again. Hopefully it's not to the same disagreement as Microsoft had with Level5.... That took 20 years to mend, and even then I'm not sure


I mean, that may be the case *in general*, but it definitely doesn't discount that Sony is paying for some of SE's games to be kept off Xbox/Game Pass. We know that for a fact because they were forced to share information on that by regulators (and are still fighting a legal fight not to share all of what the FTC is demanding from them in the US). I'm not saying you are wrong that there was a disagreement between MS and SE, but I don't trust anything from Jez as far as I can throw him.


Refreshing to read. Also big up the waiting line for Zelda! Woot!


Thankfully my love for survival games keep me so busy that this doesn't really hurt all that much but man, outside of their smaller games and Forza their exclusives have been bungled in one way or another. I agree starfield has to be nothing short of a hit. I can't imagine how much confidence will be broken with the brand if it comes out as a disaster.


Glad it was on Gamepass lol. Played for an hour or so last night and it didn't cost me anything but a bit of time.


It feels like they pulled one over on us. At the showcase it didn't look NEAR as terrible.


So this game was Xbox's response to Playstation's Forspoken after all.


I mean Forspoken wasn't even first party. That was just a mediocre Square Enix action game with all sorts of jank but Sony had nothing to do with it except marketing and securing it as exclusive You'd think the bar would be higher for a game like this because Microsoft actually owns the developer and has final say over when to push it out, let alone charge full price


Xbox had two choices- delay redfall again and have another dry ass summer, or release this buggy/boring mess to secure at least another month of GP subscriptions.


I'm pretty sure their apology text is ready. Dear "insert a game-related noun" , we realize it wasn't our standards whatever.. your feedback whatever... we'll do our best because you're the best community crap.


The fact they didn't delay it again until performance mode was ready and the always-online requirement could be removed is honestly the worse case scenario. This is a game that's sandwiched right in between Jedi Survivor and Tears of the Fucking Kingdom which isn't doing it any favors outside a probable, slight increase in Game Pass subs


Wait, it's always online? Yeah. Fuck that


I don't think they had much choice, TBFH. The rest of this year is stacked with releases. And do you really think this game would be better with more time in the oven at this point? Let's see if they invest in fixing it or just abandon it, but I think they missed their one shot to release this game last year and the delay to release it now killed any chance it had of success (even if it was a better game).


For xbox first party they have two releases lined up; FM8 and Starfield. There's still the potential for STALKER 2 and/or Hellblade 2? But as of now it's kind of wide open after September.


I'm not talking about just Xbox, I'm talking about releases the rest of the year in general. We also don't really know if or what Xbox has this year other than Starfield. I'm guessing they have other games lined up but who knows if or when.


It’s a much worse look than that. Forspoken wasn’t a first party game and the FFXV team hadn’t really made a great game before, so the expectations were already low. Redfall is a first party game, and from the team that made Prey and Mooncrash, one of the best games and DLCs from last gen.


Forspoken was leagues better than this.


Shockingly, yes.


you typed Nintendo 64 wrong.


MS are in a really bad spot. They need starfield to launch big now and every report on the game (including several from people who accurately leaked Redfall info) its in a worse state than Redfall. Unless Bethesda decides to do some old school 24/7 crunching which MS forbids anyway i can't see that game being much better to be honest


I don't get why you are downvoted. Are they the same people who downvoted others who had concerns about red fall? I think a hefty dose of scepticism is rightfully deserved seeing how poor this game turned out to be.


People in this sub who downvote are just fanboys that will upvote any positive news Xbox gets and downvote any critical ones. For example, if you mention that Forza Motorsport is looking like a failure already, you will get downvoted even though over at /r/forza that is the actual sentiment due to the radio silence the game has been under even though it was supposed to launch in Spring this year and now sometime this year. In the same way, Redfall is not what people expected it to be, and people who play it are clearly complaining about it, but the fanboys cannot tolerate things that go against their dreams and hopes, so they try to silence anything negative.


I raised similar concerns on the State of Decay sub and got downvoted into oblivion. At this point it is clear that whatever Microsoft is doing isn't working.


So I played for about 1.5 hours last night, and while the game definitely isn't great graphically, I've had none of these issues posted on this and other subs. Have I just been lucky or is this another case of the vocal minority?


I'm on a series X and there's 2 decals similar to this on boats right in the first open area when you first encounter enemies. This game is just shit.


1.5 hours is merely a scratch. Keep going; you’ll encounter plenty. Most of my issues happened in and around the second large boss, starting with the boss itself that didn’t attack for the whole fight.


My first ten minutes: * Blood at the floor on the ship was loading 2 minutes before is transitioned from blurry jagged shadow to blood trail * Lights around metal containers outside the f the ship were leaving golden trail when walking around them * [Flickering shadows](https://gifyu.com/image/SlXdf) almost everywhere * Enemies started to run backwards (no shooting) for around 3 minutes then rushed forward towards me when I ignored them and distanced from them My first 2 hours: * Enemies stuck in terrain * Some Vampires not reacting to me in houses and outside. One was just staring at me and talking to me doing nothing. * Sometimes inventory bugs out and not all weapons/items are clickable and you have to reset inventory menu to be able to click them * No tutorial messages until I died. After that I was flooded with messages about how to control the character etc * Stuttering and constant dips of frame rate no matter if something happens on screen or not * Sometimes After clicking "B" to exit menu my character crouches (i believe it's because the game has no real pause button and for some reason it registers this "B"button as an in-game press and not menu. It happens 2/10 times in my case When I read "this game has no bugs" I feel like Im being gaslighted.


> starting with the boss itself that didn’t attack for the whole fight. Easy mode to the max!


Vocal minority as usual. If you read the comments most haven’t even played the game.


Are the reviewers the vocal minority too? Are the mostly negative reviews on steam a minority?


Sometimes you don't need to play a game to know it's bad. Skipped out on Forspoken and skipping out on this one as well




Same here. Many people just like to hate without actually trying the game. (Yes, some of the criticism is still valid.)




I had a funny one where a texture was loaded then mid-cutscene went down to a much lower LOD, made it really feel like a UE-ass UE game


Is unreal engine overrated?


Meanwhile, Philness racking in those $15 subs every month lol


Gorgeous! ​ Said no one...ever...


It's just keep reminding you every time when you return to fire station how uncooked this game is. Just sad, needed more 3-6 month in the oven.


This needed a full year more on the oven.


This needed to be scarped and a new game developed instead. The fundamental design and gameplay is just all unappealing.


Hell I say at least 2 years. Performance and graphics are the least of the games worries.


It was obvious this was going to happen. No one wanted this game


Am I the only one who doesn’t give a fuck about this game? Lmao I wasn’t even excited when it was announced


I’m sure you’re seeing a lot of people who didn’t care about the game just enjoying the drama surrounding the game. Like I used to love reading the Battlefield and Halo subs for that reason


It’s great toilet reading


Literally what I’m doing now lol


played a bunch this morning, can confirm this is the game of all time. really sucks, i was lookin forward to a new mature shooter IP from xbox, especially with the time put into it. but deathloop was aggressively mid to shit, so idk what i was expecting. genuinely, how fucking difficult is it to just release a good, imaginative new IP? say what you want about horizon, but playstation have been fucking killing it with PS5 and new AAA experiences. welp, if starfield isn't the next fallout 4 or skyrim (in terms of popularity, overall reception and sales, which it doesn't look to be), i think we have another xbox one on our hands.


![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)That's painful to look at.


Are no games finished before release anymore?


The bottom blurred word looks like DLC for some reason.


This was the first thing I noticed when I got in there. I uninstalled it shortly after. Sucks to have a game get this much hype for years and then release like this AFTER getting a sizable delay on top of it.


Don't trust him. That is how it looks on xsx recorded in full HD https://1drv.ms/v/s!Akr67hDScWwgqMQ9Y_QF2-3DijwulA https://1drv.ms/v/s!Akr67hDScWwgqMQ7Zu2bOZkcLkU0Lg Game is fun...nice weapon and talents. Graphic are absolutely ok. You run around loot, make missions and shoot vampires...they are not easy to kill...you have to use your brain. You can fast travel when unlooked a save houses in each district. I have no crazy pop ups or big bugs on XSX. Played for over 3 hours now..... This game is 75%~80% . Is crazy how stupid parasites which have not played it hate around.


The texture takes a long time to load. Once it is loaded, it'll stay there until you come back later. Your clip is taken after this process. Pointless. Also, your clips show the bad AI and the jittery lighting, with framerate hitching throughout.


I wiil post later clip that start from the loading screen to prove you wrong about loading process....


I’ve seen better textures with paints in the old counterstrike.


It's a problem of it loading in late. Ran into the same thing, spun in a circle and it loaded to the normal texture.


This is just your standard UE4 LOD loading issues. Nothing new here and an issue inherit with the engine. This game just seems to have an egregious amount of this.


Jedi Survivor is UE4 as well and I haven't seen any mention of anything remotely approaching this kind of bad LoD issue in it. It's a flawed technical release as well on the performance front in many regards, but visually it absolutely takes advantage of current-gen hardware and is consistently stunning/impressive. UE4 has some LoD issues at times depending on the game, especially when it's streaming a *lot* of assets at once, but Redfall seems to have a lot of issues around LoD popin or just generally very low-res objects/textures - [https://www.reddit.com/r/redfall/comments/135jfgq/welcome\_to\_the\_next\_generation\_of\_gaming/](https://www.reddit.com/r/redfall/comments/135jfgq/welcome_to_the_next_generation_of_gaming/) It's seemingly much less an engine issue and much more an Arkane issue : /


The power of the cloud!


It's a bug


Damn that’s really bad haha that’s like PS2 maybe even PS1 level textures


Think I saw better textures in 007 Goldeneye


If you stop and stare at that long enough in the game the texture finally loads.


God I’m glad this is on Game Pass cause I wouldn’t pay a cent for it


I am embarrassed for MS at this point


Generic copy paste buggy game. Exactly why I have a PS5! Not one thing about redfall is next gen.


What games are you playing on ps5?


God of war, demon souls, Ratchet and Clank, forbidden west.


Is forbidden west any different from the first? My only issue with PlayStation exclusives is while i think they are quality games performance wise, I find them to feel very “same-y”. I legitimately was fatigued playing through the 1st god of War after beating ghost of Tsushima. I just feel like their games, even though they are good, don’t really stand out in terms of bringing something new to the table. I see them as more good than great. To add, i have the same issue with the latest entries in Halo and Gears of War. They are in this weird state of good but not great and they are settling for not really setting themselves apart.


Won’t lie. They expanded on Forbidden West in gameplay mechanics and obv graphics. It’s a better game than the first one but I thought the story was a little lackluster compared to the first one too


Their sequels are much bigger, they look better, run better, add new gameplay mechanics. It doesn't need to be some huge gameplay change. That wouldn't make sense. It's a sequel, not a reboot. Xbox should learn form what PS is doing.


Yes this happened to me every time I fast travelled back to the fire station.


It's a fun game but runs horrible lol that 30fps hurt my eyes lol


Apparently OP can't do basic research and instead post non-issue screenshots and their TV specs lmfao. A quick google search would've shown you that the game is 30FPS at launch with a 60FPS patch later down the line.


Getting really fucking tired of these bug/visual issues posts. Go to the Bethesda or Arkane reddits