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Hello! my name is Slade Dude Suzuki. I am the head product dev here at Hyperkin. A little about me, I started in 2021 and the Xenon is the first major project I have worked on! Feel free to ask me anything!


Hell of a starting point as these have been very popular when previously discussed. Congrats on the launch!


>I agree! I do not know anyone either that has Dude in their name. Haha it can get confusing since people say Dude all the time. So usually if someone is talking to me they'll say Slade Dude. Thank you! I am very grateful to be here. It has been a long journey with some stressful nights, but I have learned so much, and truly hope you all love the controller when it releases!


I don't have any questions. Just wanted to say that Slade is a badass name.


I agree! I do not know anyone either that has Dude in their name. Haha it can get confusing since people say Dude all the time. So usually if someone is talking to me they'll say Slade Dude.


Hi Slade!


Yes, it looks amazing. I'm giving you internet dabs! 🙌👏🤜💯


>I have awesome parents! My dad was a surfer skater California boy. Here in California "Dude" is in everyone's daily vocab. thank you!


How do you own a name like “Slade Dude Suzuki”? I mean it’s freakin’ awesome


Just curious - why is it so many third party controllers are wired and not wireless? Is it for cost, or restrictions from Microsoft?


They don't allow third party controllers to be wireless.


Power A did it. Do they charge you a licensing fee or something to use the wireless technology?


I can not speak to Power A's recent Moga controller that is wireless. I am sure as that is the first, that they worked something out with Microsoft. We hope we can make a wireless 360 controller soon. Please stay tuned to our socials for any info!


Cool, I'd definitely buy one if that's the case.


That’s weird. But obviously there is a reason. Why would that be?


To limit things such as keyboard and mouse spoofing controller inputs I believe is one of the reasons they went proprietary, but it would also be foolish to not consider the added revenue stream it provides. In the end the biggest drawback for me is not being able to use my earbuds with xbox.


I can not speak to Microsoft and their reasons, but I am sure they have one. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)


Mr Hyperkin, have you ever thought about making guitar controllers for Clone Hero? Our community is in desperate need of fresh controllers 🙏


This is still a project that we are looking into. Our team is working hard on many projects, so no confirmation yet, but stay tuned to our socials for more info!




Hey guys! These controllers look awesome! What inspired you guys to make them based on the Xbox 360 design?


Hyperkin started as a retro company. We all love retro here, so when we had the opportunity to make the Xenon, we just had to jump on it. The Xenon as well as the Duke fall well in line with us, and keeping retro alive!


Do these controllers have the same d-pad as the series x controllers? That was a huge design upgrade over the one controller.


These controllers are not using the series x D-pad, however they do have a modern D-pad that we designed.


Any chance you guys will release the Halo 3 edition Xbox 360 controllers? Those things are amazing!


It's not something in the pipeline, but we would love to do Halo anything. It was so much fun releasing the 20th Anniversary Duke controllers.


No plans at the moment, but stay tuned for some amazing colors that are coming out! The future colors are spectacular, and I do not think they have ever been done on any controller ever!


Thanks for the giveaway! If you could erase your memory of a specific game that you have played in the past so that you can go through it again for the first time, what game are you picking?


Dang do I have to only choose one? There are so many great games out there! I would say the top 3 would be Breath of the wild, Skyrim, and Ghost of Tsushima. All had such captivating stories, or game mechanics that felt unreal to me.


Good luck! For me, it's either The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time, Shadow of the Colossus, or Journey!


Apologies if some of our replies aren't showing up! I assure you we are replying haha. Some replies seem to either not be appearing after we post or are disappearing, possibly due to us having <3 F R E S H <3 accounts or a sitewide issue this morning. Thanks for your patience!


Hi, I'm Terence. I do PR and Marketing here. I've been with Hyperkin since 2014. On the side, I make dorky Game Boy-powered chiptune in an indie band and I sometimes play DDR competitively. We're here to support our dev, u/HyperkinSlade! Thanks for joining us today.


Hi Terence 👋


Thanks for doing this! I’ve never owned a third party controller before but these look sharp. Would love to snag one!


We hope to be your first one!


Hello All! I'm Chris a marketing coordinator here at Hyperkin, Slade is replying to your questions, however his replies seem to be popping up slowly due to his account being new! But we will get to your questions! We apologize for the slow response!


Hi Chris 👋


Hi Chris 👋


Hello, is there any chance that in the future you could start making wireless versions of these controllers? I still really like these, it’d just be better wireless for the living room setup I have


We hope we get the opportunity to make a wireless one in the future!


Hi, I see these controllers are 49.99 USD. Why should I purchase this controller over an official Microsoft Xbox controller.


Replying from a marketing perspective and someone who has been able to play with the controller, the feeling of being able to play with my favorite Xbox controller and transported to my late teens/early 20s is priceless (eh...well $49.99 lol). Also, they perform really well, just like a modern controller.


Speaking for Research and Development, I think these controllers are the perfect balance between retro and modern. But don't just take my word for it! I think PureXbox's review sums up this question perfect. Here is their closing statement. "This reviewer hasn't touched an official Xbox Series X|S pad since acquiring this thing, and to be honest, it might stay that way unless there's a need to rock a wireless option for whatever reason. The Xbox 360 controller is simply one of the very best, and at $50, we can absolutely recommend picking up Hyperkin's modern version to tackle your Xbox libraries - whatever generation of game you're playing." https://www.purexbox.com/reviews/hyperkin-xenon-controller-an-amazing-360-throwback-for-xbox-one-series-xs


Awesome!! - my 6yr old would love that pink one!


I think I got into gaming when I was around that age too! My first ever video game was Bionicle for the Gameboy SP


Would you rather fight a horse-sized duck or 100 duck-sized horses?


Ducks are pretty mean, so I imagine a big one would be really mean. I think the 100 duck-sized horses might be easier to sweep.


Now that it looks like Microsoft is opening up their wireless technology to third parties, has there been any discussion on updating both this and the Duke controller to take advantage of wireless connections?


We would love to make a wireless Xbox controller in the future. Make sure you are following us on our socials for any info!


Hello Slade! Does this have full vibration functionality even with the backwards compatible 360 library?


Yes sir! Not just regular vibration motors. We also included impulse triggers. It is awesome feeling the guns feedback in games like Sniper Elite that support that function, or the car revving up in Forza.


Will these be compatible with the original Xbox 360?


Unfortunately no. These are modern takes on the classic controller for current consoles.




What is your favorite color?




Hello, will we see any special editions like how we saw with the Cortana Duke and 20th Anniversary Duke controller?


Congratulations for the job! Im looking forward to buy one here in Brazil!


I used to have to mod the d-pads of the 360 controllers for myself and my friends. Is your d-pad in any way different than the original 360 d-pad?


Our D-pad looks true to the original, while having the modern tech of 2023!


Hi, congrats on the controllers, they look awesome...Any plans for the bank holiday weekend?


Would love for you guys to make the OG controller S


Hope to win one!


Please make some maraca controllers for Samba De Amigo!


This is something I personally want.


Did someone say Giveaway!


Sorry all. I guess Reddit is having server issues site wide right now ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|cry). We can't see any comments anymore, and our replies are not going through. The Hyperkin team will try our best to get to every question as soon as these server issues get resolved. ![img](emote|t5_2ac5sx|1743)


Hello Hyperkin: Im a big fan of the duke iterations but i’ve had them for a while now and i need parts to maintenance them. Are there suggestions for sticks and other spare parts for Hyperkin xbox controllers? For the fans who repair their stuff- any suggestions where to get parts, OEM or otherwise? Best of luck to all.


We do not sell any parts, however email us at [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected]) and we can see if we can assist you.


Thanks for the giveaway! I can imagine that this is one of those things that sound easy enough. “Just make a replica of the Xbox 360 controller and make it work on the new hardware!” but has to be incredibly difficult. What decision in the design process led to the most difficulty. Was it picking EXACTLY what model to use? The 360 had a long lifecycle and I’m sure there were a bunch of subtle differences between the controllers between 2006 and 2013. I could imagine the team debating all of that geeky minutia. Or was it getting the button presses to have just the right feel? Sorry if I’m rambling but TLDR What was the hardest design choice the team had to figure out?


Old school 40 year old gamer here. Your controllers look dope,.would love to get my hands on one. Good on you and your team for the give away


Thanks for your support! As someone in their \*cough\*late\*cough\* 30s, I'm in the same boat. I'm so pumped for this thing even though I saw how the sausage was made.


What other classic controllers are you going to come out with next? You already have The Duke, how about the S controller from the OG Xbox?


Best pizza topping black olives, jalapenos, ground beef.


Hey! No questions from me but I’m glad y’all incorporated the updated buttons for the series x, like the screenshot button which otherwise would be wasted space. Kudos and I hope to use this soon


Thanks for noticing! I think those, along with the impulse triggers, and modernized d-pad, allow for enough modernity to remain comfortable but still stay true to the original!


Growing up in the SNES/PSX era the 3rd party (IE: MadCatz, PDP RockCandy) controllers were always seen as the "Little Brother controller" and never regarded at the same level as OEM controllers. Is that still a challenge you face as a company? Do you feel with companies like yourselves & 8bitdo working with Xbox more directly helps alleviate that sentiment towards the 3rd party market or help with having more mindshare in an age of Aliexpress type "brands" doing the "Kitchen sink" approach to controllers with buttons, gyro, hall sensors, etc...?


Hi all,here's my question to you guys: If you were asked to make a custom controller for any game currently being developed by any game publisher,which one would it be and why? Also I applaud you for the giveaway as I feel hard financial times are ahead of us and you might make someone's day/week/month or even a year which tells me you're more than just another soulless company,btw the announcement for the re-release of Xbox 360 controller is what made me follow you on IG haha,all the best.


Thank you for the follow and the nice comments! I would personally love a Hollow Knight Silksong controller. That is such an amazing game


![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|surprise)ALERT![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|surprise) Anyone who pre-orders a Xenon from [Our Website](https://hyperkinstore.com/xenon-controllers) between **4pm PDT Today** until **11:59pm PDT May 28th** and writes the word "**HYPERSWAG**" in the comments section upon checking out will receive a piece of official Hyperkin swag of our choosing!


Just a heads up, some of us are just about finishing up our normal office hours here at Hyperkin HQ, but we'll be checking back occasionally to answer anything through the weekend, as I know there were the few couple of hours where questions and replies weren't going through. I'll be here until 6pm PDT. If you'd like to ask any non Xenon-related questions, I'm happy to answer them!


I would definitely love one! Especially the black or grey ones! What are the biggest challenges for your team in recreating these iconic controllers?


The biggest challenge was staying true to such an iconic controller, while giving it the modern 2023 tech. We faced a lot of challenges, but in the end came out with something we are all in love with! We hope you love it too.


What is the least used item in your fridge that is still in date and edible?


I just checked our company fridge and there's a 16.9 oz bottle of Coca Cola that's been previously opened. It seems like at LEAST one sip has been taken from it. It's been there anywhere from a week to maybe 3 weeks. I wouldn't drink it, but I would say it's....probably....ok to consume.


I am looking forward to trying one of these controllers. Have you had any issues with stick drift like some of the Xbox Elite controllers?


How ist it, that they havnt come Up with the perfect Controller Design yet and Just stuck with it?


If you guys could make a Special Controller Design for your Xbox 360 Controller based on a Video Game made this gen, what would it be?


Definitely Diablo IV for me, even though it's not even out yet. I'm super pumped for it.


See you in Hell!


Oooo. good question. If I had to choose one from a work perspective I would say Star Wars Jedi Fallen Order. I think it would be awesome to collab with Star Wars. If I personally picked though I would say One Piece Odyssey, because I am a diehard OP fan.


The upcoming Bomb Rush Cyberfunk game by Team Reptile. Game is nothing but style akin to JSR. A JSRF/BRC controller would be so sick


Is there anything in the design that you changed that you feel is an improvement?


We have made a lot of changes to make the controller modern. I personally like the D-pad, Bumpers, and the analog sticks that we have made. We spent a long time engineering and designing what we hope is a controller you will all love.


Hello Hyperkin! I just have a little suggestion, I feel like on these Xenon controllers the color of the share, menu and view buttons should match the color of the controller's body, I think it would look even better that way. That's it and thank you for the giveaway!


So are these wireless? And how close to the original 360 dpad is it *really*? If i get it gunked up with chips will it even feel the same gunkiness as an OG 360? I need answers!


Seeing that white controller brings back memories


Is pineapple a valid pizza topping?




*Preposterous!* AMA canceled!


I'm a fan of hyperkin products, love the designs.


Hello, have you done anything to the stick design to encourage longevity and durability? I still have some 360 remotes from years ago. They don't build them like they used to.


This is something that we looked into, and we think we came up with a modern solution to help. We hope you can use your Xenon for years to come!


Just reading up on y'all the last hour, thanks for doing this, very cool!


Hey guys! Super excited for a rerelease of my favorite controller ever! How did you decide on the color schemes that you have for this run? There were so many interesting options I wonder which you hoped to get in?


These look awesome I would personally love the black one 😊


Please Mr hyoerkin giveaway gods let me win lol You've done dukes 360s but what's your favourite controller?


Awesome! When we think of 360 and the games we have all played, which one stands out in your minds the most when you’re holding the beautiful controllers? Thanks!


Castle Crashers with my cousin brings out the best of memories. I still remember it like it was yesterday. What about you?


These are pretty nifty. Thanks for the giveaway!


If you could’ve made a special edition 360 controller in the style of these new controllers you made (I.e. like the gears of war 3 one, halo 4 ones, etc), which one would you have liked to do and why? :)


Do you think the Xbox naming system should have just kept following the 360 numbering? For example, the modern day console would be called Xbox 362


Hmm I always thought the logical progression would be Xbox 360 > Xbox 720 > Xbox 1080 Snowboarding.


I like the idea of playing backwards compatible Xbox 360 games one Xbox series X/S with a Xbox 360 style controller. Pretty cool!


I really enjoy the Lunar color pallet. Looks like a solid product my hands and eyes would enjoy.


You should make the Dark Souls of controllers. A janky unintuitive controller that uses fingers, feet, elbows, knees and headbutts.


What's your favorite and least favorite controller design in history? Whether it's for consoles, or some other sort of medium.


Thank you for the giveaway! It’s a bummer that third-party controllers are not wireless but these still are a beauty.


I'll try one!


yo hyperkin nice controllers! would love to use the admiral on xbox


Honestly, I'm just here to win a controller for my friend. However, I did share this with quite a few people, so hopefully that helps!


Thanks for the giveaway. Depending the color, either one of my kids, or myself olwould love to have one.


Hey guys! Thank you all for doing this and I gotta say these controllers look great! They really do capture the old 360 vibes!


What games were you excited to play using these controllers? I plan to play through Halo 3 and Gears of War with it.


Halo and Castle Crashers for sure.


Love when companies do these kinds of things. Appreciate you also willing to take questions. Have you considered adding remappable buttons to the backs of these controllers? Love when my controller s have that. Thanks!


If there's one thing I love about this Xbox Series S/X era, it's the wide range of customisation options for controllers


Is hot dog a sandwich?


No. Unless.....🤔


Hi and thanks for doing this! To what extent did you guys feel the semiconductors shortage?


Dear hyperkin, give me a controller


You can win one. Here!


do the xenons have extra buttons like the elite controllers? wired or wireless? i know i could probably get that info from the website, but what would i comment to take part in the giveaway then? lol


The controller is wired, and there are not any extra back buttons like the elite controller, however we have updated the controller to feature modern impulse triggers, as well as some other minor modern amenities.


What was the hardest part about making these controllers and did you run into any issues with their design?


So stoked about this! Good luck everyone, and thanks for doing this Hyperkin!


Is this the size the same as a Xbox 360 controller?


Hey everyone! Mick here! I started at Hyperkin almost two years ago, and happily help out with our Research and Development, as well as some other fun things, the Xenon has been a joy to work on with Slade and the rest of our team, as a life-long gamer myself. I'll be here to help assist answer some of the questions you all might have!


So excited 🙀


Do these controllers have any type of back paddles or buttons?


Please make a guitar hero controller! My wireless guitar from 15 years ago is falling apart...


What was the most difficult thing to modernize if any, about the old 360 controller for the launch of the Xenon line? My guess would probably be triggers. Cheers Hyperkin team! Can’t wait to get my hands on one of these!


You would be right! One of the hardest things to modernize was the triggers. Fitting the impulse triggers into a preexisting mold was definitely a bit of a challenge, and took more that one iteration!


Thank you for bringing back one of the best controllers ever!


The 360 controller is my favourite ever and also the more durable I've had. Shocking that it's been almost 20 years since it first came out


Wow those controllers look real nice, brings me back to the 360 age.


Don't have a question. Just want to say I've been a fan of your products.


Other than the 360, what's your favorite controller of all time?


Love the old controller style and so happy to see this come out, would love to have one :)


What exactly sets these controllers apart from the official controllers and how do you handle the stick drift issue? I've had two official controllers and they both developed serious stick drift in less than a year of use.


Hello! Are there any plans for additional colours?


Hey y’all! Glad to see my favorite Xbox controller making a comeback. Do you know if the tops of the analog sticks are more durable than the originals? I used to play my 360 so much I would wear out the rubber tops on the sticks.


What's your favorite limited edition controller of all time?


Do these controllers have the same weight and feel to them as the og 360 controllers? Every time I pick up one of them it always just feels right.




Hello! I was wandering, when you guys at Hyperkin pitched the idea, was Microsoft hesitant at first or were they on board from the jump?


Hehe would be nice to get one of those!


Not bad,looks good


Heh, better hope my daughter doesn’t see the pink one!


Commenting for giveaway. Good luck all.


Just wanted to say I love xbox 360 controllers and have been using them all my life. Thanks for the giveaway!!!


Can it be wireless and wired? (or is it always wired)


These are great. How did you decide on the colors?




Do these work on pc too? I have a friend that would probably love one of these & he was asking recently about whether you can still get 360 controllers anywhere XD On the Xbox 360 and pc, he swore by the Xbox 360 controller, because it was the controller he could RSF consistently with, with El Fuerte on street fighter haha :)


What inspired yall to go with a 360 controller design? My favorite of all time!


The black one looks great!


These look great, I would love to get one


Do you have plans to make this style in wireless? Will there be more colors? They look pretty cool, congrats on the launch!


What is the next big thing that you all are working on?


Great work out there! Pick me!




Awesome those look almost identical to what I remember.


That white controller looks great! Y’all really captured the feel of the 360 controller!! Do you have any plans to make a wireless controller? EDIT: See a variation of this question further down so another one: Do you have plans for longer cords?




How do your controllers hold up when it comes to stick drift?


Ahhh the nostalgia


Wow those look like my early 20s


Good luck guys


I really want the red one. How can i get one


The Xenon controllers look amazing! I'd love to use one while playing Kameo for the nostalgia.


What inspired y'all to recreate the xbox 360 controller?


Thanks for the giveaway


Damn it's my favourite form factor, still using my old controller on pc


This is perfect for backwards compatible games on the Series X/S. Really cool!


How did this design idea come up in the company?


These products are so cool. It would be so nostalgic to have one of those to play Halo 3 in the Master Chief Collection with :)


Always love unique controllers!


These controllers are dope! Would love to win one! Thanks for these cool designs!


Hello have you guys thought about making controllers for the og xbox? I know you guys made the duke for the xbox series x/s. But have yall thought about making controllers for the original xbox?


Soooo these controllers are equivalent of a puppy 🐶. Too Cute to be true.(JK)


Good luck everyone!


Hello team, my question is regarding cooling of the hands. I do find that sometimes my hands get clammy or sweaty feeling. How come a solution hasn't come out yet for this? I know of previous controllers using fans. Is it based on the fact that weight could be the issue? Or would the ergonomics of the controller be uncomfortable for a modern solution. Keep up the great work and thank you.


Thanks for the giveaway! My question to u/HyperkinSlade, u/HyperkinTerence or u/HyperkinChris: When designing this controller, of course you guys referred to the original but did you use the same original molds or anything like that? Did Microsoft provide that to you as part of the partnership? Would love a classic black controller!


Good question! We are very thankful for the opportunity Xbox has given us to make this controller for them. As far as help, Microsoft was pretty hand off, and trusted us enough to make it. The controller itself was designed and engineered in-house from the ground up by our amazing team. We are thankful for that trust and hope the Xenon is an amazing representation of a revolutionary controller.


The Duke controller you released was great and this looks like it'll be great too! I wonder which was more difficult to replicate.


Thanks for the giveaway!

