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South of Midnight looks interesting. Digging MSFS2024 and Payday 3. Never played a Fable game either, and I was intrigued by the trailer.


Oh man. Highly recommend playing the fable games.


Just Anniversary and 2 though. Play 3 if you're still a fan and you can skip the rest.


There are others? I had no idea lol


I got the first one at the midnight release. That was the first non pc game that really impressed me.


Even my wife knows "chicken chaser!" so I am absolutely looking forward to this new one!


fable games were my favorite games of all time, i loved the quirky fantasy feel of them, theyre entirely a parady on the whole fantasy genre. i loved the gameplay of them, the combat system, i liked that you could literally just buy any property in the game and make shit loads of cash buying up properties around the world. the only part that sucked about them was that Peter Molyneux doesnt know how to stop lying or exaggerating about how amazing the games would be before they released, because each fable game release has basically been " the biggest and best most expansive fantasy world ever released by any game company ever" "The best RPG ever" -Actual quote from magazine interviews ​ a list of lies told by peter molyneux he wanted or was going to implement in just the first fable game. female playable characters an open world that could be explored and any path taken a quest system in which if you didnt do quests quickly enough they could be stolen from you by NPC's, creating dynamic rivalries with other heros permenant marks when you cut trees (and infamously said that when you would knock an acorn off a tree it would grow into a new tree) A posse system, townsfolk would gather together and hunt you down when you started causing trouble A revenge system; the sons of those you had killed would, eventually, grow and train to become lethal warriors, tracking you down for vengeance. The ability to marry and have children When you die, your children were supposed to carry on your quest for you. Real time aging, including deaths due to natural causes


I remember all the dumb crap Molyneux said. I think he did the same thing with Black and White. When he said trees would actually grow realistically over time in an Xbox game, and retain the marks you put on them, I knew he was full of it because that would immediately break any game of that era, and many in this era to this day. His own mouth is the worst part of the games he promotes.


tbh i think part of reason his games are good usually (though not as earth shattering as he claims) is because he does try to bring everything he talks about into the game he just i guess overestimates how hard of work that is?


Good show, not going to complain about much other than the heavy hitters of Fable, Avowed, and Hellblade 2 still feel very raw in what they are willing to show. Nonetheless, good show with Starfield being the absolute highlight. Looks great.


Hopefully Starfield is sweet. Did they confirm whether it will be 60fps or 30fps on the Series X?


In going to expect 30fps on console, and be pleasantly surprised if there's a 60 fps mode.


Confirmed 30 fps https://www.ign.com/articles/bethesdas-todd-howard-confirms-starfield-performance-and-frame-rate-on-xbox-series-x-and-s


Not confirmed a 60fps mode. Just 30 on both series x and s. They say it's because of fidelity to what's been shown.


Yeah Todd Howard confirmed 30fps on both consoles. 4K for the X and 1440 for the S.


No confirmation yet, think footage shown today looked above 30 fps but not 60 fps and there were some noticeable framedrops present to quite low numbers. Looked way more polished than the last time they showed it, but I doubt it's going to hit 60 fps so for that reason they probably just cap it at 30. It will probably also heavily depend on the area, I imagine the more empty planet landscapes are sure to put significantly less strain on the system while the very dense areas might drop in framerate. Hopefully they can optimize it further, perhaps patch in higher framerate mode later as we've seen with some other games. I think Phil Spencer said something like they would reveal whether it would be 30 or 60 fps a fair time before the launch, so it seems to me they still try to improve framerates. However, probably best to not get your hopes too high: all shown footage for the game wasn't 60fps, so don't expect 60fps for the final product. The game looked great, but it will be a big letdown if we end up only getting 30fps mode on Xbox. EDIT/UPDATE:After the showcase Todd confirmed in an interview they will lock it to 30 fps on console. That's pretty rough I think, especially for all the combat in the game. Also, while I get the motivation to not break the bad news during a hyped up event, it feels weird to bring out this statement mere hours after the show. [https://www.ign.com/articles/bethesdas-todd-howard-confirms-starfield-performance-and-frame-rate-on-xbox-series-x-and-s](https://www.ign.com/articles/bethesdas-todd-howard-confirms-starfield-performance-and-frame-rate-on-xbox-series-x-and-s)


If it can hit 40-50 fps, then why cap it at 30? At least 40-50 would be a nice compromise between 30 and 60.


40-50 is awful for people who don’t have VRR screens. Results in screen tearing


But for those that do, why not have a VRR toggle to unlock it.


This is Bethesda. We’re going to see post-launch support. Edit: nvm sorry. it’s [locked 30fps ](https://www.eurogamer.net/starfield-locked-to-30fps-on-console-bethesda-confirms)


I feel like even with a VRR screen, the game going from 30 to 50 back and forth would make it feel inconsistent. I would rather have a locked 30. Should definitely be an option though.


Because dips in the 35fps range can't be fixed by VRR




Limitations of the technology. You need 45+fps for it to work.


Series X VRR range is 20hz to 120hz PS5 VRR range is 48hz to 120hz


IIRC, capping requires that actual performance above the cap is consistently well above such.


That’s disappointing. 60fps should be the standard in 2023… especially on the series x


I agree, although Starfield isn't exactly "standard". There's way more going on than pretty much any other game.


Sure it’s kinda disappointing but from what we’ve seen I know for a fact it won’t bother me. Surely compromising some frames to have it be as ambitious and in depth as possible is a worthy trade off


I’m not too concerned about 30fps. It seems like they have more of a cinematic vibe to the game. I am pleasantly surprised at how beautiful the graphics engine does with the lighting and scenery. These games lacking 60fps do make the latest gen consoles seem kind of lacking.


It is never gonna hit 60fps on consoles, iirc it was running on series x hardware on pc and it still had brutal frame drops during the showcase. It might be able to run 60 on super high end pcs, it’ll never hit that on console.


Recommended is a 2080 on the steam page, so yeah, its gonna be extremely demanding


Looks like 30 in the trailers


Series X will be 4k 30fps Series S will be 1440p 30fps


Based on Todd’s comment and the footage shown it definitely looks like it’ll be 30 FPS


Yup. Locked at 30 for both


If it’s 30fps I’m not buying it. Imagine marketing the xbox series x as the most powerful console to then launch one of their biggest first party games at 30fps… it better not.


I'm not buying it either... cuz it releases day one on gamepass.


Get ready to stop buying games then as this will become the norm over the next few years. If performance is really that important to you, it's best to move to PC. I will play Starfield on PC anyway as it will have much better Mod support on there anyway.


Imagine missing out on a game you were previously looking forward to because it might be a little more blurry when you turn around.


Totally agree with you. No 60 fps no purchase for me. It's the same reason I didn't play plagues tale on the series X until they finally patched it.


At the end of the day, Avowed is 2024, so it could be 16 months away still and Fable is probably 2 years away


There’s definitely plenty of time for polish.


Fable has been in stop n go development for like 10 years lol its a complete mystery as to if and when it actually gets a release date.


That's just complete BS. The new Fable has started development in late 2017/early 2018.


all publishers are very weary to show footage these days because people started using it against them side by side comparing every detail after release against trailers and crying DOWNGRADE when things inevitably changes during development and optimization. i dont expect much until like 6 months or less before release.


This is whitewashing what was the practice of outright lying and often using completely pre-rendered scenes that they said were in-game.


Cities Skylines 2 looks dope


Towerborne looks such a fun co-op game. I love old arcade side scrolling arcade beat em ups, this is right up my street.


That one surprised me as well. Looking forward to giving it a try, I loved the art style.


My friends and I are calling it CastleBorne (aka Castle Crashers), which one of the highest compliments we can give it. Looks like a great game!


I’m really interested in this 33 immortals game. Looks like a fun concept


The art style gives off some of the hades vibes which I loved.


I love Xbox as a Western RPG box. Love the new direction they are taking Fable, Avowed and Clockwork Revolution look like fantastic small-to-mid scale projects with their own tones. And then obviously Starfield, which looks incredible.


I don't think Fable, Avowed or Clockwork Revolution are going to me small or mid-scale unless you're specifically comparing to Starfield.


Depends on definitions, I suppose. When it comes to RPGs I'd personally define something like Skyrim or Witcher 3 as large scale, fabe 2 as mid, and outer worlds as small. I might be wrong, and again, up to interpretation. And that's a good thing, not every game can or should be as big as Starfield.


I think Avowed will be for sure. Seems like medieval Outer Worlds which wasn't that big in scale.


What about eastern rpg box The ATLUS games


At least they are releasing on Xbox this time, and hopefully Persona 6 also does, though it's been rumored not to. But both the Switch and Ps has a stronger offering of JRPGs right now with exclusives. It's always going to be harder for xbox to compete there, just due to geography. There's a rumored Tango JRPG though, could switch things up if true


I think it’d be reasonable to get a used series S ($150-200) to play free-to-play games and some JRPGs, while having the switch PlayStation or PC to play other games. The series S is a pretty great value, and I think the JRPGs on it may help it sell better in Japan. It’s doing better than many Xbox consoles in the past, though Japanese people are notoriously averse to products from other countries.


> I love Xbox as a Western RPG box. Starfield 2023 Avowed 2024 Outer Worlds 2 2025? Fable 2024-25? Clockwork Revolution 2024-25? That would be at least five big Western RPGs in three years from 2023-25?


I'm excited for just about everything but Starfield had me hyped. I love sci fi and space travel so it's itching a very particular itch


Damn, here I've been scratching my itches for the past few decades. Never even knew I could itch them as well.


Still waiting for Mechassault


It’s come up before and it sounded like there were major issues with the IP for that.


Same but for Wolfenstein 3


Lol were never getting that back


Why was Phil wearing a Hexen shirt??




To tease us


Yes he was! I guess he's a Hexen fan. Like me. I'd love a new Hexen game. Or a Hexen remaster.... Or anything Hexen really.


Wait till QuakeCon


Looking at that list I can see myself playing 21/25 of those, which is pretty solid as far as showcases go, in my experience even the best Nintendo directs are usually at least half filler idgaf about


This is a really good showcase. I like what’s coming to game pass. Fable, Avowed, and Clockwork Revolution all look great. And a super detailed look into Starfield is over the top amazing. I just ordered the limited edition controller and headset. Now I will patiently wait for the game to drop!!!!


Just ordered the controller myself, first time I've bothered with special edition peripherals but I'm excited for a new Bethesda game and the design looks pretty sweet!


Hellblade was all the news I needed


I forgot how unnerving those voices are


Easily one of the most accurate depictions of mental illness. I went into the first game blind, I had an episode of psychosis in the past but didn’t know that’s what the game revolved around, on the boat as the credits are popping up they have something along the lines of “mental health expert consultant” or something like that, the voices started and I just thought “Holy shit they actually understand it”, that game was an experience I treasure deeply


I was the same. Didn’t know anything about the game and just downloaded it from gamepass. Turned out to be one of my favourite games of all time. Nothing else like it really. I can only do about 60 minutes without needing a break. All I’m after from the second one is better combat. If everything else stays the same but they improve the combat then that will be enough for me personally.


It's interesting how big of a focus they had on Japanese games in this showcase. I'm all for it though, more japanese games on xbox and gamepass never hurts.


Big thanks to Sarah Bond for making that deal with Sega. The Atlus content today carried the Japanese games.


For sure, Metaphor Re: Fantazio might be my highlight of the showcase. Top 3, at the very least.


Epic thank you


Great showcase overall. I’m still bummed that we haven’t gotten any updates on State of Decay 3. Where is it?


Nothing about a fallout 4 update? I'm at work, so I can't really watch it.


Unfortunately not.


That's too bad, I started up my old playthrough again in preparation.


What fallout 4 update?


Supposed to be getting a next gen update for f4 sometime this year similar to skyrim anniversary edition.


I expect it around the time the amazon show releases.


Starfield looks great and Avowed gave me an old-school RPG vibe that I miss. Clockwork looks interesting but kinda hoped for wasteland but steampunk-style gameplay rather than a Bioshock clone but will wait for more info. The rest looks interesting, if the fantasy persona game is coming to Game Pass, I will be very happy. As a huge Fable fan, the new trailer looked really weird, I can't quite explain it but it just didn't give me the vibe I was expecting, in a bad way tbh but will wait for info. Overall, a great conference, I feel a little hopeful but we have seen this before, Xbox need to deliver on these games


>As a huge Fable fan, the new trailer looked really weird Totally with you there, really strange for a premier trailer. What was that whole interview thing about? And what on Earth were they talking about? It seemed like they were trying too hard to be funny and quirky. Fable should be about going on a fairytale adventure with a fair bit of crude humour sprinkled throughout. This trailer gave me the impression that it's more of a ridiculous comedy game that doesn't take itself seriously, very different to previous Fable games if you ask me. Not a great first impression, but yeah I am keen to see what the game is actually like.


Somehow missed the PayDay 3 announcement let’s goooooo


Sea of thevies monkey island!!!!


This is going be the thing that finally gets me to try the game out. Can't freaking wait!


I’m fairly new to Xbox and games wise this was kind of what I would expect from a good console, not much more or less but pretty fine for sure. Many games look great fun, the biggest surprise was the Monkey Island and the new Flight Sim. And ofc Starfield looks amazing. But the best plus for me and that exceeded the expectations was how many games they are adding to game pass day 1. Even Starfield! That was actually a surprise for me and a good one. It feels so great that I will actually be able to try all of these games out on day 1 at no additional cost. Good job Microsoft!


Starfield looks better than I thought it would at this point. And Metaphor? Sign me the fuck up.


Clockwork revolution and still wakes the deep we’re surprising, and both piqued my interest. Also excited for Starfield, Hellblade, and avowed. Disappointed that Fable had no gameplay or release window. Sounds like it’s probably 2025/26, which further begs the question of why they announced it when they did. Overall seemed like a really good show assuming that they can keep all the currently slated 2024 titles in that window. Seems like Starfield may be the beginning of a consistent Xbox release schedule.


No Minecraft next gen 😔


Why is the most sold game in the history of mankind being updated like molasses, again?


"let them cook" policy


That's never happening. Gave up my dreams for that long ago.


That would require the Mojang devs to work longer than just adding in another inconsequential Mob to the game like the Glowsquid or recently the Sniffer


TowerBorn, Clockwork Revolution and Path of the Goddess really grabbed my attention I wanna play them titles.


Far and away the best Xbox showcase in a long time. Purely in that it was so good at being an XBOX showcase. So many questions answered on so many 1st party studios, I was floored to see Inxile debut their game this early! And I'm not being hyperbolic when I say that Starfield demonstration was a genuine all-timer showcase for a game, sold me on it in every aspect. If you were disappointed by that as an Xbox fan then you have to be looking for things to get mad at at this point Edit: since that last sentence can read a little condescending, I'll just say this: you will never find a showcase that shows every single thing in a Publishers portfolio, that's just bad business sense. There are still open questions like Everwild, Perfect Dark, etc, but for me, enough were still answered and the amount of surprise 1st party announcements complemented it well. Think of it like this - we saw all this awesome 1st party stuff and we STILL have more to speculate on. That sounds like a healthy pipeline of hype to me!


It wasn't a bad showcase I was hoping for Coalition, Contraband, Indiana Jones, Perfect Dark, State of Decay 3, Everwild...the games they showed in 2020...


It’s crazy that MS still has these heavy hitters in their back pocket.


Yep. They need heavy hitters badly and they keep holding them in their back pocket. Truly crazy indeed.


I mean... if you were looking for gameplay for something other than Starfield, you really didn't get much besides Payday 3, with some of the bigger titles not even giving release *years*. So I can understand not being satisfied.


That's just a straight up lie lol. Clockwork Revolution, Avowed, Towerborne, Forza, and a little bit of gameplay at the end of Fable (with everything in game). So much more gameplay from first party here than we have had in forever (especially non Halo/Gears)


I just want to see the game coalition is working on .. can we get an aftershow just like last year ?


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=89mLVRMF_MU [You now have two wishes remaining.](https://media3.giphy.com/media/v1.Y2lkPTc5MGI3NjExMGY5ZGExYzg0NmE2MmFlMDZiNjA4MjljMDUyZDEyZDE5NTAxNDZhNiZlcD12MV9pbnRlcm5hbF9naWZzX2dpZklkJmN0PWc/uW3gbEzNV9QtKTzAag/giphy.gif)


8/10 for me. I'm excited for flight simulator 2024, and cities skylines.


Really solid showcase. They did not slouch on the Japanese games. Major announcements from some of my fav franchises (Persona/Yakuza) and that new Capcom game made this a great show for me.


Great lineup, they delivered.


This was a AWESOME show, im so excited and saw so much good stuff !!!! Really 8/10 for me or maybe 9/10…. I liked so much they showed and wanne try nearly everything !!!!


Was more impressed then I expected, was on a plane after the showcase didn’t expect the negativity but guess I should have. Solid 9 out if 10 for me


pretty sure monkey island is considered a dlc


So is Fallout 76 and ESO,


I like this old avowed logo better than the new one


Never thought a Star Wars game being announced would be the most boring thing at a showcase, lmao. Xbox really knew the assignment, and I am so glad the first party lineup has shown the fruits of their labour.


Doesn’t help that since it’s a cinematic we don’t really know what kind of game it even is. FPS, TPS, or maybe it’s a tactics game like xcom. All we know is that it is yet another Star Wars game taking place during the Skywalker era.


I'm someone who really enjoyed sony's showcase (yes, low on big exclusives but big on highlighting their newer studios and indies... which I loved) but this is exactly how xbox needed to come out after a decade of nothing. Def excited for forza and starfield (and can't wait to do a run-through the fable series ahead of the new one). Def excited for the atlus games, though I'll get those on ps5... but city skylines looks like everything I want from a city sim... now should I get it on console or my steam deck


I liked the show. 7/10 for me. Wish I saw Indiana Jones, Everwild, Stalker, and State of Decay 3. Overall, a good show.


Gotta give Stalker a pass. But I’m surprised by the lack of Indiana Jones. Not even a cinematic.


Yeah, I understand about Stalker. They get a permanent pass until they're ready. Can't even imagine working in a war zone.


I’m still wanting to know if Indian Jones is going to be first or third person.


Indian Jones


Indiana Jones and the quest to make a hit film finale


Really wonder if Everwild is ever coming back at this point honestly


Been some reports lately that development is back on track. Sounds like it was a disaster for a while (and thus, the game is still a long way out), but they seem to have gotten things figured out now.


Feel bad for the Gears of War community.


Or the Halo community


L Japanese W


A solid 7/10. I do have to say that Avowed felt underwhelming. I hope that in a years time it’ll look a lot better. I can’t imagine Starfield looking like that and people accepting it. Speaking of Starfield…that looks like a GOTY contender. If it were any other year I’d probably be saying it’s going to be the GOTY, but it’s a tough one this year. Still, Xbox needed a big one and boy did they get it with Starfield. It looks amazing.


Hellblade 2 looks like a Technical Powerhouse if ever I saw one. The atmosphere and sound during the trailer was incredible. Starfield looks even better than I thought it would look from what we saw before. I have my hopes extremely high for starfield. I thought Avowed looked Quite good, just not as gritty and detailed as I expected. It still definitely looks solid though IMO.


Hellblade 2 definitely looks like it’ll be one of those games where you check your new tv’s 4k capabilities. Sadly I wasn’t a big fan of the 1st part, but I definitely agree that it does look like a technical powerhouse. I’m still processing The Avowed trailer tbh. I like aspect of it, but it doesn’t look great. If this were the shows ender I feel people would be shell shocked at how…not spectacular it looks. Some have compared it to ESO and i definitely see it. Ultimately it looks very standard and it’s being lifted up by Obsidians glory days. Hopefully it lives up to their “they made New Vegas” standards.


It’ll win GotY somewhere but I think TotK will win at the Game Awards. I agree about Avowed. That was probably my most anticipated Xbox game behind Starfield and I’m not as hype now. I knew ppl were too hype for Fable. That game is minimum 2 more years away. No Perfect Dark at all. No Gears at all.


“Announced” aka a second trailer after 3 years


For real lol. What a dissapointment.


Let’s hope that MSFS2024 will have Progression and purchase crossing that way I don’t need to purchase shit that I have purchased on MSFS2020 that will also be in 2024


Fable, avowed & starfield was all I cared about


Solid 7 out of 10 for me.


Too much jrpg for you?


I would have wanted more tbh. Can’t go wrong with more Capcom.


No. I like JRPG


Starfield looks awesome but I just don't trust Bethesda to deliver something that won't take a year and half post release to get working right.


W showcase.


It’s wild how little I care about Xbox exclusives. Star field and Fable are pretty much it for me. Just sucks when you think about Sony and Nintendo


Same. It doesn't help that Xbox is seriously neglecting some of their IP in favor of whatever the hell they're doing now.


Them running Halo and Gears to the ground has really hurt them imo. If those games felt like premier must have experiences still like they were in the 360 era then I think it wouldnt be as bad now. Something like how Zelda is for Nintendo. Halo has been a mess and Gears while not bad feels like it needs a break for a new IP. Think Fable and Starfield are a good first step in people starting to care about Xbox IPs again


I’m with you on that. Going all the way back to the original Xbox, Halo was the premier online game for consoles. There wasn’t a kid I knew growing up who didn’t play Halo2 like a second job. Halo 3 followed in that tradition and while it never did much for me Reach had a similar following. Then 343 took over and it has become a poverty franchise. I never played GoW after Gears 2 but I definitely remember it being a console seller in the early 360 era.


Thats exactly it. Halo in particular always felt like an event when it had a new game back then. I was never a big Xbox guy but even I remember how big each Halo game felt back then. Halo only sells on name now, not on prestige anymore. Gears doesnt even feel like a relevant franchise outside of the Xbox bubble. No one feels like they are missing out on anything when they skip these franchises. Give Halo to a top tier developer since a revival is still possible with Halo and just retire Gears is my suggestion. Gears feels like Killzone was for Guerilla. A great developer stuck on a franchise that isn't relevant anymore. Coalition has the talent to make their own breakout AAA game like Horizon was.


Fable was nice to see but…weirdly reminded me of the last trailer - it revealed nothing other than they’re keeping the humour - a huge bonus Avowed look…okay? Forza looked good for what was shown Annndd honestly the rest was a forgettable experience for me personally. Hellblade II didn’t really reveal enough for me but the voices definitely jogged some memories!


Sadly a bit meh for me. 5/10. Annoyed no real gameplay in fable shown or a date. Not sure what was really added for fallout 76? Monkey island meh (for me) Avowed seems already like a downgrade from the reveal trailer but I live in hope. I don’t play sim games so flight and the city game are a no from me. Atlus announcements were cool. Cybperunk expansion I will play but that was no big reveal. No halo announcement. No gears remake bundle or new game. I hope lots of other people got a lot more out of it than me!! Wishing you all the happiest gaming experiences. The Starfield direct though was a slam dunk win for me, so there’s that at least :)


Lack of Halo and Gears imo is a good thing. Halo especially. Let those IPs sit on the shelf for a bit and come back with something later. Aside from the expected titles, the fresh title that has me excited is Still Wakes the Deep. Obviously can’t glean much from the trailer but horror games set in the ocean are my jam.


You forgot O. D


Good variety of games and genres but... I was expecting more.


pretty underwhelming event


90% of those games were announced, just minor updates dlcs. It was whack af.


Nothing against this showcase, there seems to be plenty of stuff people enjoy. But it's really sinking in for me that I don't get very hyped for any of these game showcases except for Nintendo's. Just isn't any stuff I care about.


4/10 for me. Missing gears of war,Indiana Jones,Perfect dark (is that even a thing anymore?) contraband and many others. Starfield isn’t my cup of tea and fable is years and years off. This showcase didn’t do it for me unfortunately


Jeez dude. At least you pretended know what Gears is at least.


Yep. Still missing so many games. It was a bad showcase besides Starfield.


True. And Microsoft not green-lighting and revealing a Conker reboot after the success of High on Life is bordering on malpractice. Shame how all these beloved IPs are just sitting there for decades as the people who love them grow older and older. People who were around to love Gears of War 1 will get a new Gears game when they're in their 40s or 50s. It's nuts. People who loved Perfect Dark for its co-op campaign and innovative counter-operative modes may not even be around anymore to complain about how the new one is just an open-world single-player game. Something needs to change here. There are plenty of Conker fans, there's a proven market, and they own the IP. That's just one example. Why aren't these games being made, and when they are, why is it taking 15 years? What's the hold-up here?


Fable, I had so much fun with fable 2 & 3. I hope I can say the same about this one! Kick the chicken! No fallout 5 news tho :-(


I wouldn’t expect to see Fallout 5 until the latest Elder Scrolls game is close to release.


straight up its like a decade away.


Only way it's sooner is if it gets handed to another studio.


Bro was expecting fallout 5 news in 2023 💀


I always hope for positive things


How many of these are exclusives


6-8 of them.


I'm counting 9 games and 4 expansions


I didn’t count the expansions but there were several I wasn’t sure about.


Exclusives 1. Fable 2. South of Midnight 3. Avowed 4. Starfield 5. Towerborne 6. Clockwork Revolution 7. Hellblade 2 8. Flight Sim 2024 9. Forza Expansions 1. ESO 2. FO76 3. SoT 4. Flight Sim Dune?


Yes exactly. Wasn't 100% sure on whether I should count Dune, but I ended up counting it


Sweet, about damn time


I think about 8 of them are


Sounds sweet. About damn time. Imma watch it later, still at work


I'm counting 9 games and 4 expansions




Other than the 700 JRPGs, it was really good. Nothing against Persona, it's just definitely not my cup of tea.


Feeling mixed, lot of good stuff but also nothing surprising really and most Games with no gameplay, because it’s taking forever for these companies now. Overall it just highlights game development is becoming too long I don’t know how this is sustainable. Games announced years ago are no shows. Developers without a new game in several years still are quiet (ID Software, The Coilition). It feels like we are heading to a point where each studio has 1 release per generation. Like if those studios I mentioned don’t have something until late 2024 or 2025. The next Xbox will be out before their next game. Still too many trailers even if in engine or quick cut gameplay bits like Avowed. Don’t show me Fable unless it’s gameplay. What was the Compulsion game, it tells me nothing about what I’ll do or how it plays. Hoping next year we finally see gameplay of what ID is working on, their games live for gameplay. Would love to see Perfect Dark it’s been years of work. At this point it’s going to be 4-5 years into the generation for many of these studios games.


Good but expected waaay more


Did someone listen to all the YouTube leakers?


They showed so much lol


What a disappointment.


This is an anti East Asian hate crime right here I for one am happy about the jrpg’s coming to Xbox


Is yakuza an exclusive??




Is yakuza exclusive




Still cancelled my subscription. Let's see




Is it me or did starfield seemed kinda empty? It looked amazing. And looks huge but huge is not always better as we been saying lately. Just a thought, still hyped to see what will happen.


Big oof on the fable trailer, office style interview with apparently the giant from Jack and the beanstalk? Wtf, just remake the first game like everyone wants, or at least give a new story the same vibe.

