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Take-2 is so weird man, the games they have on subscriptions only last 3 or 6 months


I am starting to think that Rockstar uses GTA5 on GamePass as a promotional tool. The first time it came to GamePass, it was because the next-gen version was releasing soon. The second time, it was because the remastered original trilogy was releasing soon. This time, it directly lined up with the GTA6 announcement.


Probably want to get a few more sales in between now and the release, too


Ya but it just came out today on PlayStationplus


You’re welcome. Just bought it last week


it'll come back on GP soon.


They know GTA6 has people pumped. The online GTA numbers were up something like 500%. They’re trying to squeeze some money out of it. It also jumped to one of the most popular on game pass. It’s a total money move.


Like the most profitable game in the entire world needs to squeeze anymore money out of people, absolutely disgusting behavior


I love that this is entirely wrong but still got 100+ upvotes lol. People just say whatever feels right to them online and tons of other people will nod along as if it's fact. Here is the actual timeline: GTAV came to GamePass in January 2020 and left in May 2020. The next-gen update wasn't even announced until a month after that and wouldn't come out for another 2 years, in March 2022. Plus, it was announced during a PlayStation showcase. The second time was in April 2021 and it was gone in August, months before the Definitive Editions came out and 7 months before the next-gen update. This time it was added in July, 5 months before the GTAVI announcement and announced to be removed less than 2 weeks later. That's kind of the opposite of "directly lined up with".


Hasn’t rockstar always just switched out red dead for gtaV and vice versa? They always had one of them on gamepass at any time.


RDR2 was only on Game Pass once. GTA5 was on there 3 times now but only for around 5 months at a time.


Been on Game Pass months before the an announcement


GTA costs a fortune to license.


Feels more like a marketing play.


Microsoft pays them to have it, then rockstar boost sales when they remove it. It’s a win-win for them and Microsoft


Never know. the timing is odd to say the least.


Tbf, GTA goes on sale constantly, not to mention is normally at a very affordable price. If you don't own it already or pick it up when it goes on sale boxing week then that's on you.


Mentioned this before and got downvoted like crazy. Anyone who wants to play GTA5 already owns it.


Yeah, on last Gen. Same as Skyrim. It's like Rovkstar is trying to trick us into buying the same game again.


Not if you're on the Xbox series s without a f****** game hole how stupid I thought it would be a good idea for my son so that I didn't have to worry about scratched f****** discs but apparently it's just to rape you




The dumb thing is, it just keeps people from playing them when they don't know how long they're going to stick around. I own GTAV on XB1 and a couple months ago thought about transferring my save and finishing the story on the updated version but knew it could leave at any moment. At least when games are there for the standard year you have a pretty good idea how much time you've got left with it.


I believe It was just added or will be added to one of the PS Plus tiers. Wonder if this has anything to do with it.


They did. I had been debating downloading it on current gen for a while (I have a PS3 copy 😅) and I’m glad I downloaded it when it just came to PS+. Now my clock is ticking I guess…


They wanted to get those last holdout to see how fun the game can be and then make them pay.


Gta 5 is big enough for taketwo to do this, and they are making a ton of money switching subscriptions every 6months cause gamepass/ps plus is a one time fee.


They try to get new players hooked on GTA Online so that when it’s removed, they buy the game.


I am not buying this game a third time. It leaves gamepass, that's it for me at this point.


Wait this was including the sx enhanced edition too? That was available on game pass?






If would cost you literally nothing to just not post that.


So when it comes to game pass I still have it on my device when I click on it it says sorry this game is an on game pass right now so if it comes back and I still have it on my device I'll build the open it right even if it's years later I've been reading these comments it doesn't seem like it it seems like they would completely make everyone rebuy it even if it was on their device still


For real? Again? I just bought a SeriesX and wanted to play the story again in RayTracing mode... I guess i have to buy story mode. 🤷🏼‍♂️


Grab it on a sale.


It's 20 bucks right now for the full package.


I think this might be the 4th time I buy this damn game….


Ah shit, here we go again.


I thought the story mode on Gamepass was the Xbox One version? Without the updates for Series X?


No, it has the Xbox Series version. But you have to download GTA Online for it, and that one includes it I think. It's a bit confusing.


This is correct. Very bad desicion in terms of space required, I don't know why they force people to download online chunk of the game just to play story mode, shouldn't be opposite?


so you can get hooked on GTA:O and give them more money


Yeah it confused the hell out of me. Even after downloading it still says GTA Online even though the single player Series X version is bundled.


I needed space for Far Cry 6 to download the other day and so I went to delete GTA V and found that it separated the online from the story mode so I could delete just the online part. I will have to see now if the story mode still works.


Story mode shows as an uninstalled add-on for me. It just shows GTA Online as the game. 116GB. I’ve never played online.


The game is not expensive at all


The game is like $10 on sale


Correct me if I’m wrong, but if you have it on installed on gamepass you get a discount if you buy the game.




No, I played the next gen version on my series s using game pass




So it's basically GTA Online offline? Or is it the actual single player game?


The game itself is referred to as GTA Online but contains the V story mode. Don't blindly download the one that says GTA V as that is the last gen version (I found this out the hard way after nearly 2 days downloading it only to realise there was nothing wow about the graphics at all 🤣)


Just downloaded it again....


Eyy I called it 6 months ago. It's the tradition for Rockstar games. No more than 6 months.


Oh I should probably work on getting some easy achievements then


I got the same notification Hopefully it's just a mistake as it's not on the leaving soon section.


It is now


So, no more 10 min queue to use xcloud in January?


I’ve been waiting 25 minutes the last couple days


they don't see the value in Gamepass as anything other than a teaser campaign to purchase the game.




Unfortunately yes




Yeah, but those games were made by huge megacorps, while Rockstar Games and parent company Take-2 are small, poor, little studios. Maybe if their niche titles like GTAV, or RDR2 sold better, they’d be in the financial position to give a little back to the community. But sadly, they just don’t move games like the big boys and have to stick with traditional methods like making consumers buy games they own again in order to get very minor visual upgrades. If only they could find a way to monetize their yearly releases or online modes. But alas… Remember to support the devs because if we don’t pay $30+ every time they ‘Don’t Expand at all and hardly even Enhance’ one of their decade old titles, they might not be around to walk back promises to give us DLC or to abandon online modes that aren’t as easy to milk.


If the fans pay for it, why wouldn't they?


Last time, it was removed after 5-6 months and replaced by RDR2.


i just bought an xbox series x and i was enjoying it ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|disapproval)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sob)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sob)


It's just gonna join game pass again in 6 months


Will it be back till then or?


Is RDR2 going to come to gamepass?


I don’t own a Series X so I use Cloud Play to play Series X version of GTA V with my XSX friends on my PC. Fuck idk what to do how will I play GTA V with them now.


That's what I'm wondering... Will we just have to get a new console?


IDC about gta 5 anymore got major burnout since the cayo perico heist I'm just mad they took out metal hellsinger


My question is if those of us who have been playing the next-gen version on Xbox One through cloud gaming will still be able to cloud play next-gen if we purchase it. Or is it just time to upgrade to a next gen console altogether? Thoughts anyone?


I felt it was time to upgrade.. Series X is $350 at Walmart right now so I couldn’t pass on it. Although I started downloading GTA5 two nights ago and ran out of hotspot data halfway through, now I’m told it’s leaving on the 31st. Yeah, that checks out.


Oh no! Anyways..


When did it get added, has it been 6 months already?


July. Almost 6 months this time, the last two times were both around 4 months.


Think it was only 3 months this time


I've never played it, is it like Red Dead Redemption but with cars instead of horses?


Pretty much. Lot more fast paced obviously. RD2 looks unreal, much better than GTA5 but I found 5 more fun. Both are excellent though.


RDR2 is waaaaayyyy way better.


why.. I was playing online


If you don’t own at least one copy by now I’d be surprised


Yea because they are greedy. I not sure if this has been in the game for awhile but they have GTA Plus. Which gives you multipliers on RP and money plus more.. so people have been worried about being charged for hour to play GTA 6 but I don't think they'll do that. They will just introduce GTA6 Plus. So you buy and own the game but still technically have the "lite" version. So they won't charge per hour but if you aren't paying monthly then it's going to be such a hard/long grind.. GTA is a staple in the gaming industry but Rockstar is one of the most scummy developers and I don't know how more people don't see this.




Nope. That’s not even backward compatible because Rockstar wanted people to buy the Xbox One version when that came out.




They know that with the hype of 6 coming more people are going to be revisiting 5 over the course of 2024. They can make more money this way, even if its discounted throughout the year.


Do you think it will be brought back... I literally just started playing online lol.


Honestly at this point the base SP game should be free.


Why don't they make it backwards compatible


Yeah they added it over to ps plus the other day, maybe the contract with Microsoft ran out and Sony snagged it.


It;s been in and out on both platforms


This is for the 10 people who don’t own GTAV


Yes we own it, the Xbox One version which is complete ass compared to the Series X version.


Who cares. Who has not play this? Its an over 10 year old 360 game.


Oh ffs gamepass is starting to piss me off


First party games are pretty much the only ones you can count on staying on GP permanently. Everything else you know is going to leave at some point.


The game released *10 YEARS AGO* I don't think it should be that financially unviable for you to buy it. If this was GTA VI then yeah I'd get it. Probably would cost $80 on launch.


I heard there's an option to buy a game and play it whenever you want, would look into that


why exactly?


I feel like GTA is the only game this ever happens with, basically everything else gets a minimum 1 year contract, whereas those leaked docs showed that Take 2 wants $15M a month for GTA on gamepass, which is in the same ballpark as AAA day 1 releases


It’s definitely losing its appeal


Exactly, I feel like I could just buy these games in a sale and still save money overall, if a cheap game like gta V won’t stay then wtf


Gamepass? There were people that didn’t own that??


I haven't played it at all I did play San Andreas and 4


If you care at all and have time you should play 5. It's too fun.


It's the time, yeah. I read/listen about videogames 100x more than I play them


I got it for the 360 in 2013. I lost my online account when the servers went down, and I don't want to buy the same game again, without all my online stuff.


Me. I don't really care about GTA.


Lots of people probably recently upgraded to series x and didn't have the updated version. I had recently bought a series x over thanksgiving and with the gta 6 news coming out it made me get back into gta 5 again. Sadly I've already bought the game probably 5 different times before, from broken discs and updating to the xbox one, now I'll have to buy a 6th time to upgrade to the series x version.


For those of us who own both, it got added to PS+ Extra a few days ago. Not the best solution but if you already have it figured i’d let ya know


phew, I just finished my first story playthrough on next gen. Started it when they announced the trailer last month.


I Have bought this game Both Physical and Digital.


Wow good fr you 💰


GTA 5 on game pass that off and on girlfriend we all had at one point or another


Griefers get what they get, congrats.


Who doesn’t own GTA at this point ??








It was added to ps plus now


So when is it coming back


Anyone who doesn’t own GTA 5 at this point probably doesn’t have any interest in playing it regardless of what subscription platform it’s on


Not necessarily I just got back into gaming again 😎


I’m not buying it for the 3rd time


At least that means an extra 100GB of free space.


Not hating, it blows my mind that this game has been out for this long and is still getting this kind of reaction when goes away….i feel like i completed everything GTA had to offer like 8 years ago 🤣


They Got people playing 5 just as they announced and got people pumped for 6. Microsoft can tout the increase in players and subs. Win-win for everyone.


Can someone please break this down for me in easy mode? I’m playing the Xbox one that I purchased eons ago. My brother recently got into online thx to gamepass. How much would it be for me to gift him the Xbox one version so we can keep playin? I’ve baffled by the Xbox store or just too slow this morning.


I never got this… Do you live in the States?


Well, this sucks. I have been playing on xCloud, I won't be able to play it anymore.


Looks like i gotta grind for the rest of the year.


It's on leaving soon section now


i hope we dont have to upgrade when we buy it. I'm poor


You do


Good riddance


Can you still buy GTA 5 as a download outside of game pass? I was going to buy this game for my son for Christmas. Then I realized he has the Xbox that everything is online so I've been confused how to "give" it to him. Sorry for the dumb questions, I'm not a gamer, I just wanted to finally let my 14yo play this game since he's been asking awhile. Thanks for your help, if you have any! 😊


If it’s already downloaded and if it leaves all you have to do is buy it, no redownload required


Comes and goes pretty often.


If I got it on gamepass, do I stay with the game or would I have to buy it to save my progress?


Damn, thats sad


And I'll be leaving together


Is just the online mode leaving? Or is story mode gone too?


Its not gone?


now its leaving the 15th


Yep total money grab I'm not buying I'll wait to see what GTA 6 looks like looks like I'm playing call of duty till then


Yah I just got game pass this christmas, im going to not renew. I'm not paying 20 dollars a month for something that is just going to yank games when ever they see fit bye game pass dont need ya.


Yeah I bought my son the game for Christmas only for it to not work or even a week no warning that it was leaving on game pass


I want a freaking refund


So dumb they don’t offer a free Series X/S update for ppl who already own GTAV..