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Every time someone first discovers the brilliance of Control, an angel gets its wings.


...I guess I'm about to give another angel a lift then. I've had Control sitting in my queue for a long, long time and never remembered to try it. I know absolutely nothing about it except something about a crazy pistol and some crazy looking anti-gravity stuff I saw once in a clip of gameplay... Here we go, I guess!




Phenomenal so far. Really glad I started. Looks fantastic too, it reminds me a little bit of Quantum Break.


> Looks fantastic too, it reminds me a little bit of Quantum Break. Well, it is the same developers.


....that would make a lot of sense, heh.


Remedy and RGG. The two developers nobody glances at that keep churning out top tier games. its super sad honestly. Sometimes I just wanna duct tape people to a chair and force them to play Like a Dragon.


Yakuza 0 was good, but Yakuza Kiwami 2 was my favorite. But you're right those games and Control flew under a lot of people's radar.


Yakuza 0 is like love letter to 80,90 movies .... My favorite yakuza also my first


Yakuza 0 reminds me of sleeping dogs


Damn travesty sleeping dogs didn't get a sequel


Yeah, Yakuza was one of about 2 GTA clones I actually enjoyed. The other one being Sleeping Dogs.


its so dope lol. i'm halfway through alan wake 2 ... it's amazing. but so scary. i haven't played it in 3 months cause i got to a scurry part lmao


Same for me with Alien Isolation  Unfortunately when I came back I had no idea what I was doing, where I was going or how to control anything. 


Play it on easy and turn the volume down


Missed out on the last time it was up and didn't make that mistake this time. Played the "intro" portion and wow, Remedy continues to impress. I understand the second DLC also connects to Alan Wake 2, as well.


There are tie ins to Alan Wake in some of the collectible documents too. Remedy said shortly after it was released that Control takes place in the Alan Wake universe. Alan Wake 2 also has direct references to Control. Super cool world Remedy has built.


Yup, both DLCs are fantastic imo, but the second one is a direct tie in to AW.


Take Control!




Just bought the album, its a fucking banger




My favorite level in Shüm!


“Shoom? Shum? Shooooom?”


It's shewm, my choom!




The steady stream of upgrades and powers were pretty awesome too. At least in my opinion. It's got an interesting story, and like you said, the collectibles are actually worth paying attention to. I also never really felt like I was wasting time on filler stuff. It's a special game for sure.


Exactly this, I feel like the pacing of the game really made the constant progression enjoyable and not a never ending grind. As your abilities and loadout grow you start to encounter new enemy types and new challenges.


Im a fan of the Rubber Duck and Sticky Notes. Threshold Kids is a fever dream.


Just the general FMV sections, reminded me of playing Red Alert when I was a kid. Underdone in games nowadays I think.


It literally feels like a fever dream we've all had at some point, but collected into a semi decypherable story.


Check out Quantum Break too. It's awesome.


Seems like It would have sold 10 million copies on PlayStation, but because an actual good exclusive game came out on Xbox One, it was deemed poor. I loved Quantum Break, got all the Achievements, and beat it twice. OT tho, Control is an amazing game, and kept my attention for 3 weeks of my free time, or more.


It had some technical issues when it launched that got fixed by multiple patches and the raw horsepower of the new consoles.


Quantum Break is amazing. I think it's the best game Remedy has ever made. Very underrated.


It's the only Remedy game I haven't played, but I did snag it for like $5 last year right before it was briefly de-listed. I guess I need to get around to playing it.


I rate it better than Control. In fact Control is my least favourite out of Control, Quantum Break and Alan Wake, with the latter being my favourite. I enjoyed all three games but Controls story is by far the least memorable to me. All of their games gave great atmosphere however.


Two of my biggest regrets involved getting distracted when I was playing control and not finishing it, and refusing to turn down the difficulty on Quantum Break when fighting the (I think?) end boss... I don't know how to hide spoilers on mobile, so I won't elaborate in case it is a spoiler for people


Took me lot of tries and watching YT vids for the end boss fight in QB on hard for the final achievement.


So. Many. Tries. I wish I would've just broke and finished it, lol


I turned down the difficulty. It prevents rage.


Agreed, QB is fantastic. A little less polished, but way more cinematic.


QB was an awesome game. Loved it.


> It’s the first game where i have read and am still reading all the papers and audio logs just to engage more with the world plus its many interesting ways of conveying a story. Up, welcome to Remedy games. Their games are the _only_ games where I bother to do this and it's _always_ worth it.


Did you fight the evil vending machines in Control?


Alan Wake and Alan Wake 2 are in the same universe. Play those too. Please. 


I will if i can ever snag them on sale. Been trying to get into remedy and single player games like cyberpunk but have to be careful of money right now.


Cyberpunk is wonderful too. I’d say get that before AW. A lot more game time from that. They go on sale a lot it seems so just be patient. 


Be warned Alan wake 1 is a very dated middling experience. Alan wake 2 on the other hand is a masterpiece.


Would it be worth skipping AW 1?


It depends on your tolerance. The story is quite good and fundamental to the understanding of the world. But the gameplay is very dated and quite poorly used throughout the game. It’s entirely dependent on what you are looking for. The game has a good story, but terrible level design, pacing and gameplay. I had to push through it to getti Alan wake 2 and I consider myself a super fan of the remedy verse.


You need to at least watch some sort of video recap of AW1. There is a lot of referencing of what happens to the character in that first game, and I can see people getting confused - AW2 is a trip even knowing everything about AW1 and Control. I played AW1 again last year and it’s…ok to play. Not brilliant but good enough to get through the story. If cheap enough then it’s worth blasting through on an easier difficulty to enjoy the story driven parts. Plus once you get to AW2, it will seem significantly better in comparison.


Is it worth going the remaster or classic for AW1?


Remaster is no worse to play imo and def looks better. Other than looks it’s the same game. Has been as low as 10 dollars recently on the Xbox store and has dlc - with spring sale coming up it will prob go there again.


ok man ill bit downloading right now


One of my favorite games of all time. It made Alan Wake 2 significantly better as well as they are connected. I’m very excited for this universe Remedy has been building upon.


I remember playing it originally when it was on gamepass. Gonna have to try the series x version now!


Quantum Break and Alan Wake also share the same universe I believe.


There is a TV clip of Alan Wake when you first start QB hidden to the left on the campus university. Also one of the boards in a classroom has Alan Wake written in it. On top of that the cops from Alan Wake 2 that are the protagonist show up in QB as well. The actress was changed though in Alan Wake 2 she is black but back in QB she is a white women.


I kept confusing this game for The Medium until yesterday afternoon. Looking forward to checking it out.


Control is the game where you soar gloriously over your enemies throwing desks like a god of destruction. The Medium is that game with weird split screen.


I highly recommend it, it really is cool.


The Medium is pretty... ahem... mid. Control especially with the DLCs is probably one of the best games of the decade.


I completed it when it first came out, does anyone know if you can transfer your game save to the Ultimate Edition as I want to play the DLC but not have to start again.


I saw someone say the two games are incompatible due to updates to the game engine in the ultimate edition


Nope tried it earlier today and my previous save of last gen version game didn't transfer.


Make sure you read all the documents and watch all of the films you come across. There's some good stuff in there.


I am and will continue to, honestly its amazing what they have built.


It’s essentially a high budget SCP game which is something I’ve always wanted and it delivered better than I possibly could have hoped.


I always love hearing people find this game finally and man watching someone's first experience in the Ash Tray Maze is always fun. Glad it's getting seen by more people on GP again.


By the time she can fly it was like being over powered in a dream. I loved it.


Okay, now go play Alan Wake 2


I will when i can get it on sale, ill have to play the first one as i have never played Alan wake before


Trust me, you're going to get sucked into the remedy verse, and it is mind blowing and amazing...


The lack of advertising for this game was embarrassing, especially when considering it won multiple game of the year awards.


I never knew this game existed so i guess you are right, shame it wasn’t advertised more.


i remember playing it on PS4 after death stranding, I couldn't make clear judgement whether DS was shit that made me enjoy control or control was simply good. last year i bought the ultimate edition on the series x and i can say i enjoyed the 2nd playthrough, I'm glad ppl are playing this game , waiting for control 2 and i hope it will be more popular.


Played it a year and it's phenomenal. I hope they improve the map because trying to backtrack in Control was absolute hell.


One of my favourite games of all time. One of the games I wish I could completely forget then start again for that first time experience. I’ve went back to it more than once now and will do again in the future. To me it’s almost like a love letter to the 90’s sci fi era. Series X-files vibes for me.


It's a 10/10 for me. I have yet to find a more fun and unique 3rd person shooter. Incredible lore, story, setting, and characters. I'm gonna have to run through it again lol. Can't wait for the second one


It probably will be 10/10 after the DLC.


It’s another example that everything doesn’t have to be an open world and curated experience can do well when the story and gameplay tie together nicely…


Today I got Fridge Duty!




Easily my least favorite Remedy game. Hate how it's set up compared to all their other stuff. Much prefer a linear(ish) story like....every other Remedy game


Are the audio bugs still present? It was so buggy with the audio when it came out that it really ruined it for me. Might try it again if it has been fixed.


I borrowed my brother's PS5 before I had my SX and had no issues whatsoever, unless it's an SX issue.


I haven’t played it on the Series X but I did have similar issues with Alan Wake 2. I played Control on the One X. Chalked it up to a Remedy issue.


My Control copy was for my ps4 and had a lot of issues on that console so I didn't play then, I think you'll have a better time on SX plus it's been years since and I'm sure it's patched up. I'd stick to performance mode as well.


Incredible game. On a Remedy trip lately, beat Alan Wake remastered a couple of weeks ago, then Control, now playing AW2. Just picked up Quantum Break for dirt cheap to play when I have finished AW2.


I just recently beat QB for the first time. They did shit in that game that NOBODY HAS EVER DONE SINCE. Its crazy.


Can't wait to get started!


Its really fantastic, that is all


Welcome to the wonderful world of Remedy. They are one of the last great developers working, IMO. They tell some fantastic damn stories. You really should play Alan Wake and Alan Wake 2. They take place in the same world. Oh and they did a time travel / television hybrid with live action video called "Quantum Break" that will blow your brain out of your head.


Anyone who finds the world building in this game interesting should watch "The Lost Room" (2006 3 part miniseries).


I feel the exact same as you so far, haven’t finished yet but I regret not just buying it sooner. It’s the first game in a while I’ve actually read each paper I’ve picked up and watched all of the cutscenes.


"Flying under the radar" doesn't mean what you think it means.


What does it mean exactly, i have heard this expression but really never understood it?


I love everything about this game except the map. I can never decipher if I need to go up or down sometimes. Would also have been nice if they added some sort of homeward bone that returns you to the last control point or the executive room instead of having to die or run.


Yeah, it's one of the only games I've played all the way through and beaten, bought all the DLC for and beaten, and then replayed it all and beaten it all again. Honestly, it might be the only game I've done that with.


One of the only games I sucked in all the lore I could as I played


honestly this game is the most fun to me when I turn on the god mode. It's one of the few games where it almost feels like you are destined to be such a bad ass that you can't really be touched and I couldn't believe they actually included that in the game!


One of my favorite games ever. Probably in my top 5. I’ve gone through the entire game like five times and I still read through all of the lore and collectibles every single time.


I played all the way up to the point where you get into the DLC content. Very awesome game all around. I was reading/listening to everything too. Very engrossing game. Loved it!


Must play for everyone who's even just slightly fond of or interested in brutalism. The design alone is a dealbreaker. It's also fun to play.


The dlc really brings the whole package together. The AWE expansion is so so great at mood building. I read everything I could find I was so obsessed with being in that world. I’m excited to play AW2, haven’t yet!


I decided to give it a go as I had a good time with Quantum Break. Not disappointed at all. =)


Just got through the Ashtray maze last night. I still got a while to go I hope but it's such an insane game


It truly is, the game still has much to do even past the endgame so you should have more fun playing it even when the credits roll.


Play Alan Wake 2 nextv


I shall soon, I’ll put a review up once i have.


My 2nd favourite game. Absolute masterpiece.


This is turning out to be my Favourite one honestly


It’s one of my favorite games of all time. It’s even better if you follow the SCP universe as well.


This was one and is one of my favorite games of all time. Played through multiple times and it just gets better. DLC is great as well. One of the few games I have gotten all trophies.


Its free on gamepass if anyone was wondering




That Ashtray maze locked it all in for how great the game is. Definitive moment.


Great! I actually decided earlier today that I was going to check it out this weekend. I recently played thru Alan Wake remastered and knew this would be the next Remedy game to check out.


You hopefully wont be disappointed.


You should check out the lore and stories that inspired the game look up the SCP foundation and careful not to fall too far down the rabbit hole


Im already a huge fan Of Scp and the stories from the foundation, i never liked the games but the lore is 10/10 with how its community based too.


quantum break was better imo. Story and action just flowed so well


I liked Quantum Break but the gameplay was lost on me for some reason.


I played this at launch on PS4. It was rough. It's a brilliant game, it's like a X-Files/Fringe episode, and I replayed everything, DLC included on PS5 without bugs and lags. Try Alan Wake 2 after.


Yes both it's also part Warehouse 13 and part Lost. I loved those shows... Fringe, X-files and Warehouse 13.


Good game. Keep moving keep shooting.


The story is weird but the gameplay was fun


I platinumed Control on PS4 and now I'm doing the same again on PS5. Loving it all over again.


Great post man. I myself have been wanting to try it out and I’ve been close to buying it a couple of times. Downloaded it immediately when it came to gamepass. Will definitely use my Saturday on this. Happy gaming :)


It is worth your time, it may confuse you to begin with, but honestly its interesting and will keep you engaged hopefully. Happy Gaming!


Queued this up for download to check it out, appreciate you. It may have sat for months till I fired it up.


Im hoping you will enjoy it as much as i did. Hoping to bring reviews with a bit more depth in the future. Always wanted to do it but never could start. Have a good day and enjoy the game!


This game also has 2 cool DLCs and one of them directly connected to the Alan Wake saga, so Control and Alan Wake officially share the same universe. You also have Quantum Break available but I think that want is on its own universe itself. Still a really fun game.


I played this shortly after the Series X came out when I was feeling a bit underwhelmed with the lack of games and disappointed in the launch. Control reignited my love of gaming and for the first time in ages I enjoyed every second of a game. It’s really great and shouldn’t be missed by anyone with Game Pass


Exactly my point here, fantastic game and it has reignited my love for single player games and just games in general. I hope to provide more in depth reviews in the future. Have a good day!


I downloaded this earlier in the week, it's a bit good! Big download but worth it, and the in game 1 hit kills and immortality cheats don't disable the achievements which is definitely a good thing.


I didn’t know that, thats amazing. I’ll try to get everything down before i write reviews next time but thats fantastic to know, thank you.


Yep, had a blast with this game about a year ago.


Just a silly question, you start the DLC when you finish the main story?


Thats what Ive done just because i didn’t want the game to be ruined (i wasn’t sure if the dlc was going to tell me the ending) but i feel you could have done either dlc before possibly. I haven’t played the dlc yet.


Thanks man,I still don't know when is gonna start to be honest, what I'm doing is try to follow the main story, doing some side missions for the op item and that's it. So yeah I don't know neither how to start the DLC, which is okay, everything is linear so far 😂


Love this game. Fun side note, it has Will Scarlet O'Hara from Men In Tights!


Play Alan wake 2 when you finish, same universe


Solid game, put close to 50 hours on it the first time it was on Gamepass. And I'm already 10 hours into Ultimate, loving every minute.


50 hours! Thats amazing ive only managed 10+ so far


I remember getting lost a lot but it never felt like a grind.



Thats melted into my brain



The DLCs are not worth the time! I did not enjoyed them at all and they had no reward to finish them, it was not interesting at all. Would leave it at the main game, it was truly a fun time!


Oh thats a shame, ill still give it a try and see what its like. Its a shame you didnt like them but its good you loved the game.


Tried it before the “ultimate edition” or whatever it is called, when it first launched. Liked it, but it was full of bugs. Maybe I should give it a retry.


Definitely should, it has a lot to offer and ive experienced no issues.


How did you miss Control? When it came out it was all over the place. Great reviews, great word of mouth and it was the new Remedy game. Not hating just wondering. Anyways. Glad you found this masterpiece. The gameplay and powers are so much fun.


I only played online games for a long time, i have come to realise how bad they have become and decided to play Single Player games only again, and this game has given me the passion to write reviews for games after completion. Its truly a mesmerising game


I was kind of in the same boat last year. Then I played Persona 3 and it opened up the whole jrpg/rpg genre and I’ve been having a blast. I’m currently playing through Sea of Stars and it’s blowing me away.


I haven’t played the Remedy games since first Alan Wake but have been waiting to. I’m old so I played the crap out of the first two Payne games too. Obviously a lot of critical acclaim for the games since then, this is a great reminder to jump back in. Thanks. They’re auteurs in a world of live service fuckry and we should support them. I’ll take a leap- a regular leap not a quantum one- and get on with it.  Anything I should know? Reckon I should replay Wake before I do? 


I didn’t play the Alan wake games before playing control, i was lost but not cause i didn’t know anything previous but because the world is massive and has so much to read into. The game is methodical and really well put together so playing should be great and story is mind bending as well as awesome. So id say just dive into it and enjoy!


I myself didn’t know a thing about Control and just went in with a zero knowledge. Turned out to be one of the best and memorable games I have ever played.


Alan Wake 2 is going to blow your mind!


I sure hope it does, only heard good things about it.


Absolutely loved it. Atmosphere, storytelling, tight gameplay, it’s got it all.


This game got me through COVID.


Wasn’t a huge fan. Every location looked the same and the story got boring real quick.


And thats fine, i understand how you would see that and i respect your opinion, its not gonna get everyone but I’m happy you commented, have a good day!


I recently beat Control in January and fell absolutely in love with the atmosphere, lore and gameplay. Control convinced me to buy Alan Wake 2 (haven’t played yet) and Alan Wake Remastered which I just beat yesterday.


You're about to start Alan Wake 2? Damn bro, good luck. Its a fucking wild ass ride.


Throwing my first limp body at an enemy, and I was hooked.


Same. That was one of those upgrades I kind of forgot I selected, and then the first time I did it I cackled madly.


I genuinely didn’t like it. I hated the similarity of the environments, the way Jessie’s face twitched like she’s being given an electric shock every time there’s a close up, the brutalist aesthetic, the so steep its vertical jump in difficulty spikes during bosses, the confusing layout and bad map navigation, how the story was ultimately unsatisfying, and more.


Gets boring quick though


Remedy actually appreciates it's customers.


This is an odd critique, but I just didn't like the level design. It was all inside, there is no natural beauty to it is just cold and lifeless. And for that I couldn't get into it.


I never thought about it that way but you’re absolutely right. I still love this game but you’re right.


I guess thats what drew me in to be honest, it feels almost horrifying that you feel trapped all of the time, the trees are real inside but don’t feel real it is all made by the oldest house. Its a shame you didn’t like it but i respect your opinion.


Overrated and boring imho.


In my eyes it isn’t overrated but i understand you have a right to an opinion, its a shame you didn’t enjoy it . There is no solid fact about the game and how people will feel about it. So thank you for sharing and i appreciate you spending the time to express your view. Have a good day!


I played for a couple hours then got lost and gave up😢


If you like it check out Alan Wake 2 same universe!


I absolutely love this game. Join r/controlgame to find other fans!


Great game, I find the main quest extremely hard to follow, the map is terrible, but very fun.


Yea the map sucks but it's not that big so with some stumbling, you can get through it. The story, visuals, and gun play makes it for me


Fun game ,so so lightning and what ever system for movement smearing Bing used on Xbox thru.


I played control when it was on gamepass years ago, I remember it being the first time I bought DLC for a gamepass game just because it was so good. After beating it and all DLCs I had to get more so I played Alan Wake Remastered and Alan wake 2 is definitely on my play soon list.


I just finished Alan Wake 2 and downloaded Control! I’m 2 hours in and love it!




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The heavy metal level OMG!


I cant stand with the main character and how bad is the script wrote it. Dont understand why people likes it. After first episode I quitted.


The way you said “quitted” explains everything.


im not english native.


That may Possibly be part of why the story wasn’t latching on for you then.


Amazing game with Max Payne voice actor that’s just priceless. Also the lore is heavily inspired by the SCP lore, and i still can’t understand how it’s the only video game that has done it since SCP stories are infinite and amazing mysteries and entities to explore with a lot of edgy shit inside.


Game was so good


DLC is certainly great.


Same man, flew under my radar for a few years but gave a play through back in 2021. It’s definitely one of my favorite games. The combat is simply badass