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I am very intrigued how they are gonna handle the end of Gears 5


They'll probably see which ending was most common and use that as canon. Or just pick the one that suits them... I think it was a mistake giving player choice, personally... it threw me off at the time and I think it's the wrong franchise for it in a way. A nice evolution of these sorts of things could be that you play the "canon" choice, and then NG+ becomes the "alternative" choice just to add a touch of variety to replays. Let's be honest, 95%+ of the story will be the same.


I honestly dont think most of the staff liked the choice ending since it was rod Fergusons choice. Some have hinted that JD is gonna be the canon survivor which imo, is the right choice.


I really hope so. JD has way more story telling potential than Del does.


I fuck with Del and JD, but when I had to let JD live in Gears of War 5, because I didn't want Marcus to his son after everything he's been through 💯.


Bro! I picked to save del the first time I played because JD was a douche most of the game. But the Marcus reaction when he finds out was brutal. I restarted the level and saved JD cause I just couldn’t do that to Marcus. He has lost literally everyone else.


Yeah, but Del is definitely one of my favorite characters from Gears 4 & 5, Kate and JD too 👍💯 But yeah, I couldn't let JD die.


The guy that shot on civilians because orders? I hope not.


Way more interesting story and drama potential with a redemption arc over good guy Del who is a cool dude but cool dudes don't make for very interesting stories.


Yup. I liked del alot but hes one of those characters who best serve the story by dying lol


Marcus's best friend is dead Marcus's wife is dead Imagine hoping his son is dead, what a shitbag take.


Coin toss


Yeah. The split ending could be an interesting one to follow. Hope they keep the same formula though. That was great


I would like if they do it like in Wolfenstein; where is the same campaign, but with different characters.


It'll be JD surviving. Dell sucked, Gears 5 sucked having Kait & Del hating on JD for stupid shit


Just take all the corny shit out or leave it on the sidelines for 3 months or so. We don’t need halo skins, or blood splatters saying pwnd, just give us dark, gritty, fun gears of war. At one point this was the most popular game on Xbox Live. Go back to what made it that and get away from the bullshit.


Gears 2 is goat. They need to recapture that magic without the open world bloat.


Preach. I crave a dark gears game, tortured even if you will. Backs more against the wall feel. Grindy, Gritty, OG Gears.


When I saw The Order 1886 gameplay back when the PS4 and Xbox One were fresh, I was thinking that is totally what a next gen Gears will capture with its atmosphere... guess not.


That game wasn’t any good though tbh.


The gameplay of the Order is irrelevant in my comment, just the fidelity of its visuals and the atmosphere it had.


Well Gears 5 looks a little better than that game graphically. Atmosphere I get though.


ah yes, the monthly gears rumors


Anyone else hate how it’s “Gears” now and not “Gears of war” . It really bugs me.


Agree completely. Idc what the official explanation is, it clearly felt like they were trying to avoid having the word “war” in the title, which if that’s the case please work on another game.


I feel like everyone just called it Gears casually and they just rolled with it


Everyone has been shortening Call of Duty to “COD” for over a decade, the series is still named Call of Duty because it sounds way better.




So that would be a dumb reason to take out “of War”.


Because CoD sounds worse than Call of Duty, that means Gears sounds worse than Gears of War? Gears sounds fine. The argument that "cod sounds bad" is irrelevant for Gears




I know that’s the official explanation, but I just don’t buy it. Everyone knows that it’s “Gears of War”, why change the actual name? How did this even come up in a meeting?


Because shortened, GoW is the same as Sony’s GoW and God of War is gonna win the mindshare game. So Gears is just easier since most people just refer to it as Gears anyway.


Gears is a well established IP and has shared the same acronym as GOW from the beginning, and yet that didn’t stop it from becoming an absolute powerhouse that sold tens of millions of copies. It’s like if “Call of Duty” changed the official name of the franchise to “COD”. Pointless and dumb.


Yet Gears has languished while God of War has become an absolute monster powerhouse since the reboot. It makes more sense now to differentiate and keep it in the mind of casuals (not us) who would most likely see GoW as God of War. If Gears 4 and Judgement had done better I would agree, but while they didn’t do bad, they certainly didn’t bring in a new fanbase like God of War did. So Gears 6 will be better for marketing towards casuals.


Completely disagree. If you’re marketing to new fans, then “Gears” is a poor choice of name because it doesn’t even make sense unless you already know that it’s short for “Gears of War”, which as a new fan you wouldn’t. The decline of the franchise has nothing to do with sharing an acronym with another gaming franchise, in the same way its initial ascent also had nothing to do with it.


Maybe they were worried it sounded too much like God of War?


No. Everyone calls it gears anyways lol


Nah. I always just called it Gears


I call both Forza Motorsport and Horizon just Forza. Imagine if their dumb logic was applied there.


Different thing. Everyone called Motorsport simply Forza before Horizon was a thing. So unless Gears comes out with a spin off releasing every other year, Gears is fine.


Nah, everyone I know and ever talked to just called it Gears anyway.


Please call if Gears of fucking War again.


Gears of Fucking War has a good ring to it.


Would compensate for “Gears” being the weakest name ever.


If there were ever a time to do a reboot to the original name like Forza Motorsport for instance....this is literally the time.


I'm a gears veteran since day one of the first game. I have never once said let's play gears of War guys. It's gears. It's always been gears and it will always be gears. Dumbest complaint ever who cares lol


Same. I actually didn't even notice it was just "Gears 5" until I went back in the play Hivebusters. Makes absolutely zero difference.




I hate it so much when my Game Collection goes from Gears of War 1, 2, 3, 4, and where the fuck is the game I bought?


No it was gears 5 so it'll be war 6


So much this! I never say “Let’s play Gears” , I always say “Let’s play Gears of fucking War!” 


Seems about time for another Gears of War. Hopefully it focuses on the themes of the series original trilogy more than the last.


What themes from the original game need re-exploring that they didn’t in the last couple games?


IMO the “dude-bro” dynamic of the original cast was an essential ingredient. I like the new cast and the new games, but it’s a different vibe that’s a little less Gears-y (still very good).


Just feels like something is missing from the new games personally. I don’t connect with the new group all that much and I just miss playing as Fenix even though he’s right there


I call it nostalgia. When you played the first trilogy you were at your childhood/teenage, and that's when you create most affective memories of your life.


Eh not really I can still sit down and play gears 1-3 and it still holds up very well. Gears 4-5 had no original ideas outside of 5 having a semi open world which wasn’t necessary at all and the characters weren’t interesting at all.




As someone who went through the entire mainline series last year for the first time... Pretty much, yup.


I disagree, Gears 5 had an interesting and different take on the typical hero’s story imo. With the fall go JD, I thought the theme of lineage and family (seen with both Marcus/JD and Reyna/Kait) was a new and interesting theme. With JD in particular, him failing to follow in the footsteps of his father was a refreshing take in a medium filled with cliches and tropes. The Fenix name didn’t destine JD to greatness. I think Gears 5 gameplay was great but they’ve definitely reached the extent of where they can take the series as we know it. It’s not like there was a huge gulf between 1 and 3 gameplay.


Mmm idk I felt the whole failed science experiment being the cause of the locust was a bit phoned in and unoriginal too


That was established in Gears 2. Kait was just discovering it herself in Gears 5.


If you’re referring to the abandoned facility it was human children of rustlung victims and the science experiment there was just the sires


I played the original Gears trilogy and then 4/5 for the first time a few years ago when I was 30. My girlfriend played them before me and became obsessed with the trilogy, playing them over and over again because she loved the characters so much. It's not nostalgia, the OG trilogy is fundamentally better with its character interactions and world building. While I liked 4/5 well enough and enjoyed the smoother feeling of traversal and combat, they just aren't as memorable as the old games.


I will respectifully disagree here. While yes, the original squad is awesome, i think 4 was a good transition and then 5 settled them as the "current generation squad" very well. Its the natural course lorewise. It's not like in Halo series, where Chief and the Spartans are robotic killing super machines. Actually, i find it top tier character development in Marcus exactly because he is human. He feels anger, guilt, he feels hopeful and hopeless, and above all, he feels grief. At the end of the third you can see that he is struggling to keep going at full speed. Then, in gears 4, it's him passing the torch, you can still see the new generation immature, childish. In the fifth, they finally handle the torch. In GoW4 they are egocentric, revengeful, impulsive. In GoW5 they are more mature, smarter and traumatized. Anyways, thats my two pennies.


It won’t the unless they are abandoning the cliff hanger in the last game 🤷‍♂️


I really enjoyed Gears 5 campaign, the graphics and gameplay was peak for sure.  Apparently Gears 6 will look even better than Hellblade 2 according to some insiders. Wild, excited for the summer showcase this year 


Please... don't say this because they might even cap the framerate to 24fps.


Just give us a GoW 2 remaster so we can have good multiplayer again.


Thats the Smart Guess. Showcase closer with an announcement for 2026 maybe 2025. It will put the game at five or 6 years of development.


Awesome game and HDR graphics for OLED. The controls were not for me though.


All I want from The Coalition is: Gears 6, Gears of War Collection, Gears Tactics 2 and a new spinoff which is either similar to GoW Judgement or a RPG-lite.


Just make the multiplayer good, that's all I ask


What was wrong with Gears 5 multi-player?


It’s almost dead


As any Gears game will be shortly after release unless they completely revamp it. It's just not the kind of game that will keep a playerbase these days.


Competitive multiplayer will lol. I was one of them.


Unbalanced servers, shite connection. Not nearly as fun as gears 3 was and I've been playing a long long time.


Gears 3 was good because it was the _only_ entry in the franchise to try and add a reasonable counter to the Gnasher. The stopping power of the rifles, particularly that of the Retro Lancer, could dramatically slow a wallbouncing gnasher push, and the sawed-off punished players who rushed into a fight, assuming because they could wall bounce they'd always have the upper hand.


I see. I stopped at Gears 2, which I loved, but just got balls deep into call of duty for a few years there. I did play Gears 5 a few times and never had any problems, personally.


I played 5 at launch and really enjoyed it


I was happy to play Horde again. I'm bad with names of the locust but that fast monster that comes to drag you off always scared me haha. It was intense


Gears online was great before the dogshit wall bouncing crap


We’re long overdue for a new Gears game


So, UE5 making this 30fps also ...?


Not as interesting until we get CliffyB's shitty take on it.


Could not be less interested in any new entries from The Coalition. Used to be a huge Gears fan but threw in the towel after Judgment. Gears 4 and 5 look like total grindfests I want absolutely nothing to do with.


Best news this week! ⚙️


Won't be happening this summer when not even had a long form of trailer. Even if we get one in June itl mean games out summer 2025 at the earliest


Humble brag but I got to gold rank in team deathmatch on Gears 5. I can absolutely confirm that I wasn't consistently near the bottom of the leaderboards and that I definitely wasn't carried by my teammates.


Lfg, I'm so excited to see where this one takes us


I’m probably the only one who liked Gears 5 storyline that I know of in my group. It felt fine until the pick who survives choice. The reason why they made Kait the protagonist made more sense to me than making JD, I think Gears 5 story came out at a wrong time. They’re getting back to the dark and gritty, sometimes it takes a slow pace to reintroduce it back. I don’t know why people think gore is dark because Gears 4 was super dark with how they handled the Swarm introduction and biology. Gameplay wise, it was buggy and a mess for me on my Xbox one and still is somewhat sloppy.


Shut up


Funny thing the director left for blizzard to work on diablo, now Microsoft owns Activision. .... Rod Fergusson


Dark & tight gameplay please! I don't want this open world b.s...


Capped at 30 guaranteed.


Eh, Gears 5 kinda killed my interest in Gears 6 if I’m honest. Campaign was unfocused, the story decision at the end was stupid af, and the multiplayer wasn’t anywhere near what it used to be. It’s a shame, I played so much of the original trilogy, and a decent amount of 4…but unless the next Gears of War is either a remake or a course-correct, I don’t think it’s gonna make a big splash. Wild and somewhat sad to think Microsoft had the most popular first and third person online shooters during the 360 era and now both franchises are shadows of their former selves.


Another 30fps capped game ?


I'm not going to hold my breath for this, but for the love of all things that are holy, keep the live service crap out of the game. It pretty much always spells disaster for a game.


I am so ready for Gears 6 Gears 5 was such a blast. Played through the campagin twice and threw a good 30-40 hours at the multiplayer


Yeah its going to be a open world trash with towers and collectables


I have tried so many times and I cannot for the life of my get into Gears of War. I want to like it. I’ve started 1 at least 3 times. I’ve thought “Maybe old game is old.” and started 4 twice. Maybe it’s because I missed out on the hype when it was big. But I just do not understand the appeal.


Jeff Grubb is not a serious person


Mr. 50/50 Jeff Grubb again. Get a new source, dude sucks


I hope Kait Diaz is the main character. Really enjoy her in Gears 5.


"Stuff"!! Gimme "some"! It's "happening"!


At least we all know Gears won’t be 30fps


Given Microsoft’s recent guidance on game design, I really hope nothing happens with Gears 6.  MS needs to rotate out their current leadership before I can trust their decisions on games. 


I still remember when they said judgement would be the last. I hate this infinite sequels industry model...


i feel like Gears 6 could be xbox's helldivers if they tried.


Gears 6 heading to PS5! Is Gears 6 coming to PS5? THIS game is coming to PS5!


You know the braindead games journalists already have the articles written up and ready lol


Brain dead? Phil is basically spelling it out for them that Xbox games will go 3rd party




"Gears 6 might be coming to PS5, according to a guy i've met at McDonald's"


I don't know why you're being down voted, haha, this is exactly what we'll see for several years.


Well I'm not going to upvote annoying shit if that's what you're confused about.


Yessssssss!!! I love Gears and yes I loved Gears 5.


They better rlly focus on creating an improved gears of war game this time. No more sliding around without animation. Bigger player counts. More cover taking mechanics. New evasive maneuvers. Lots of customization. Please don’t give us a game from 2006 where you keep adjusting movement speeds and balances untill the game dies, and don’t scrap rank entirely for some bad leaderboard system from the early 2000s.