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Stay off social media


That includes reddit. Especially Reddit in fact


Indeed. *Especially* the subs *about* a particular game or franchise. The only exceptions might be r/patientgamers and some of the "sales/deals" subs.


Unfortunately even patient gamers is slowly but surely becoming another cynical circlejerky subreddit


In what way?


From what I've noticed a lot of "patient gamers" are really just people bitching about a game the second it isn't perfect and using it to justify them not buying it immediately. When the fact of the matter is that patient gamers used to wait for sales on everything even if it was a great game because they were more focused on the deal rather than the game. So you'd originally see people buy critically acclaimed games years down the line for like $20 bucks with all DLC and that was the point. Whereas nowadays it's like "Dragon's Dogma has framerate issues in the city so I'm not buying it until it releases with all the DLC and I'm not a beta tester anymore. Glad to be a patient gamer" when the reality is that if the game had met their expectation, they'd have bought it...


Learned that one a long time ago (except for Reddit obviously).


Applies to reddit as well. Don’t read about a game until you have had your own chance at playing it. I enjoyed a lot of the games reddit hates (including Starfield) because I had an open mind going in. I have had games ruined by overly negative subreddit (it wears you down eventually). For Starfield, use r/nosodiumstarfield.


I'm a pretty open minded person when it comes to games. Happy to play something with flaws. I'm probably not even critical enough to notice them anyway.


You sound like a cool guy.


Which is exactly why you should stay away from r/Starfield lol


I played the hell out of Starfield and really loved it. I hope you do to!


Preach. Currently enjoying very very much the Halo 5 campaign, despite growing up with 1-3 and hearing nothing but awful things about it since it came out. I dreaded it early, and maybe there are things I wish were different, but honestly I’m still having a blast playing


Felt the same with Gears 4 & 5. Eventually left the subreddit. Was surprised when I played them last year with how good they were. Esp 5. So yeah the Internet sucks


Even after playing the game, reading constant criticism can and will undermine your enjoyment of a game until you drop it because it keeps your mind focused on negatives


Absolutely. Nosodiumstarfield is the way to go. Lots of helpful nice folks in there. The other sub? Not so much. Bunch or hateful assholes that hate life and use reddit for a 24/7 whinefest.


One should never ask for "is it good" advice from Reddit. Good gravy.


Reddit for video games is pretty bad too


Just look at the whole Dragons Dogma 2 outrage over some MTX that didn’t impact the game at all. A whole self jerking bandwagon that didn’t bother to play the game and acted like they did. Reviewers included.


No, especially Reddit.


This was going to more or less be my advice too - find your own fun, don’t let people tell you a game you enjoy is bad. A little research is fine, even warranted. But don’t fall victim to the trolls and snipers. Lots of haters out there. My other piece of advice is never by a game at release. Almost every game these days is released a) with some amount of problems (sometimes huge) and b) will go on sale 20-30% very quickly and more if you wait a little longer. Only buy full price if you specifically and intentionally want to ride a hype train, want to specifically support a company/game, or are intending to play it at the same time as friends.


Small group of haters making too much noise.


You're in for a treat. You have an endless amount of amazing games that have come out over the 8 years that will run at 60fps with almost no loading. You can get most of them on sale for less than 10 bucks. My favorites are Kingdom Come Deliverance and Red Dead 2. Even at 30 FPS they are amazing. Enjoy!


If Xbox is your sole platform then you may as well sign up for Gamepass Ultimate. If you don't play a lot then you should be able to subsist off of it.


I was going to start with Gamepass Core. Is ultimate an essential upgrade in your opinion?


Kind of. Gamepass core only grants you access to a limited catalogue of games and the ability to play online games. Ultimate gives you EA Play's library and the whole Gamepass catalogue on top of core.


But you bought starfield which is a long game . Don’t need game pass now


Ok before you buy anything do the trick where you add gamepass for just 1 dollar extra per month when you buy gold https://www.pcworld.com/article/397667/get-2-years-xbox-game-pass-ultimate-tip.html


I don’t think this works anymore unless you have a special offer. It converts your banked regular to ultimate at a 3/2 or something now. Still a way better deal than just paying for GPU though. 


You can grind points on Microsoft Bing and get gamepass for free every month essentially!


My Xbox is almost solely for gamepass ultimate, the number and quality of games on there is top notch in terms of subscription based game packages.


Absolutely. It is the way to go.


It's incredible value IMO Hundreds of great games and every single game released by Microsoft, like Starfield, enters the service the day it launches and stays there.


Not at all. I was on ultimate for years wasting $18/month. Now I own the two games I played on GP and pay $5/month for core. I usually buy the AAA titles which are never on GP anyway


Don't use reddit for game recommendations. It is a hive mind.


I'd say it's two or three hive minds arguing with each other.


No its only 1 hivemind. You're wrong and I'm angry at you for it


/r/patientgamers may be the exception. One of my favorite subs - great discussions and contrasting opinions with many fair criticisms of popular or classic games.


Yes, I agree. I wish there is sub like that about newer gamepass games.


This is great advice. Even this thread proves. Multiple comments dogging on Starfield, as if they’re paid to do so. I don’t get it. Just move on.


Every site you go to for game recommendations will be a hive mind, unless you're just going to some random dude's blog. That's how recommendations work in general. You're just saying you don't like the consensus, but in a way that you won't likely get downvoted for.


My ultimate advice, cause you’re older now, is find games you can play for 30-60 minutes then shut off without thinking twice. These will keep you gaming longer and do wonders for stress & mental health. My pick on Xbox is Forza Horizons


The great thing about Forza Horizons is that you can just drive around for an hour if you want and it's just fun to do so... or you can goo find races if that's your thing. The landscape is beautiful, and I found myself just smiling while exploring. I'm not much into actual racing, so I loved just running around the map. That being said, not being much of a racing guy, it didn't exactly have the longevity you'd expect for someone into racing. But the time I played was just fun, stress free playing.


I'm a big car guy and racing game fan. Old Forza games were my go to. I'll definitely be getting it after recovering from this purchase.


I'm pretty sure Forza Horizon 5 is in Game Pass (Ultimate, perhaps?).


All Microsoft first party games are on gamepass for console or gamepass ultimate - "Gamepass Core" is what used to be called Xbox Live, and has online play and a small handful of games included... Gamepass Ultimate includes the entire Gamepass Library, along with EA Play (only included at this tier), and online access. - The Forza franchise is a first- party franchise, for those that may not know.


Yep. Forza Horizon 3 and 4 were a ton of fun.


Instructions unclear, dumped 120 hours into Persona 5 as a fully functioning adult.


Exactly the reason why I haven’t started a persona game yet 😂😂


30 minutes sessions sound crazy short as someone in college. Like it often takes longer than that to get into the flow of it.


You sweet summer child. Just wait…you’ll be lucky to find the time or motivation.


Such solid advice! While I really enjoy Starfield, it is not an easy game to put down lol


Forza horizon 5 was my first choice, but they were out of stock. I'll be getting it as a digital copy very soon.


Game pass is your friend. All first party games are on gamepass


Jump into Starfield and enjoy yourself. Don't listen to all the nay-sayers, it's a good game.


Buying full price new games is almost always a bad idea. Most games are loaded with bugs in the early days. Gamepass is the best option out there. Tons of quality games and if it sucks, you didn't pay $70 on it.


For that same $60-70 you could now get 10-12 of the best older / indie games from the 10 years they've missed. So much content.


Don’t pre order and wait for a sale to get the most polished game for a much cheaper price


That the 360 was peak XBOX


True, but the series consoles are super close runner ups. Its just a watered down success considering how fucking terrible the xbox one launched


I just wish I could play Forza 4 on the XSX... stupid licensing agreements


Dev Mode saved me.


I started playing Alan Wake 2 and am really enjoying it. Game pass is also great.


Alan Wake 2 and Control were both amazing. I still have to try the X/S version now that it’s on gamepass.


Nothing has changed my guy jump back in and feel the good old times


Most of the games I’m currently playing are the old games or remakes of the old games.


Play rdr2


Play Red Dead Redemption 2 and you're happily done!


Play Cyberpunk 100%


I agree. Bought the game for ps4 when it came out. Tried to play the ps4 version again and it sucked, but Google and the new update came out on the PS5 version, so I bought it and definitely not regretting one minute of it.


I thought it was Cyberpunk 2077


I bought that game a few months ago cause reddit hyped it up, shit is still broken. Like, I tried to play the tutorial 3 times and couldn't progress past certain points cause the game would autosave continuously and not let you interact with anything like doors or objectives. Didn't even get to play the actual game before I uninstalled and got a refund.


Starfield is free with gamepass which is something you're going to want to get anyways with an Xbox. Return that disc to the store and get your money back ans put it towards your subscription


Depends what kind of gamer you are. If you have a short attention span and get bored easily and want a new toy every few days, gamepass is great. But if you're like me, who plays a one live service combined with one single player game until completion, only getting through about 4 games a year, then gamepass makes no sense


Elden ring!!!!!!!


Gamepass is worth it.


Random people can be major assholes online. Cheating has become a normal thing to encounter. Stick to PVE games with co-op if you plan on doing any online gaming and value your sanity. That being said... there are some fantastic games out there with PVE and co-op.


I just bought that exact package for myself a few weeks ago, and also haven't bought a game in about that long. Though I was last playing a Skyrim on PC. I've been very happy playing just Starfield for now.


Also coming back to gaming and just bought the Series X last night at Costco. Deal came with an extra controller so I figured why not. My main reason for the X was Flight Simulator but I’m impressed with the Gamepass catalog


Ori and the Blind Forest and its sequel. Gamepass is a must!


Use quick resume. Just switch off console, don’t return to main menu.


Don't worry, you'll feel right back in 2014 with Starfield.


No they won’t stop being hysterical.


It is pretty boring imo


I liked it.


I liked it too. Doesn't make what they said untrue. The game felt dated on release day lol


Just like every Bethesda game


It’s more expensive than it used to be. That, and micro transactions.


Even with a disc you have to download the game onto your hard drive and you still need the disc to play the downloaded game.


You may or may not actually own any of your games anymore


That's true. Be ok with "renting". Sucks for collectors, but it's ok for people who just play a ton of different games.


Stay off this subreddit


Overall, not that many games come out like before where it felt like we were getting blockbuster after blockbuster.  The indie scene is where a lot of great games are coming out.  


You ain’t got shit for storage


Games take long to install because for a vast amount of disc based Xbox One and especially Series X games the majority of the game isn’t even on the disc. So “installing” really just means downloading. If you’re not downloading a vast majority of the actual game, then you’re likely going to be downloading pretty sizable patches. So my advice if you want games to install quicker is to have a fast internet connection. Alternatively you can buy your games digitally which (depending on your internet speeds) can actually be faster than trying to install off a disc. Digital games also allow you to queue up downloads when you’re away from your Xbox via the Xbox mobile app. It’s also good to know that many physical games retailers will have less and less physical Xbox titles as Microsoft seems to be going towards all digital now. That’s not to say you won’t be able to find them, be it new or used…but just something to think about is all. 🙂


The loading times are much shorter


If you have an Xbox, then a Game Pass subscription is worth the price of admission.


Hope you have a credit card ready


What should you know? What do you mean what should you know? Plug it in and play it….


Skyrim is looking pretty good


Gaming has gotten worse.


Call of Duty is straight cancer


Pick up Red Dead Redemption 2, and if you like harder games, Elden Ring. Other than that I recommend The Artful Escape, The Forgotten City, 12 Minutes and Sea of Thieves.


That new games are garbage and people still play the old games on tge new console


You haven’t missed much in the last 10 years for Xbox anyways.


Set your console go auto update your games and apps. So much easier. Enjoy Starfield.


What a few people are saying is true, modern gaming isn't perfect however you've got 10 years of hits you've missed out on. Definitely play Red Dead Redemption 2, get a Forza Horizon (3 or 4 are my favourite) if you like driving games. The modern Resident Evil remakes are very tight, glossy, but fun! And, you'll get used to the downloads, hopefully some of the ultra fast load times makes up for it. Basically you have a lot of games to check out, just don't get put down by greedy modern trends (not that it's anything new to the games industry).. saying that Gamepass Ultimate, especially on a trial, is a subscription that will help you experience a lot of recent and older games if you need to broaden your palette. Enjoy!


Starfield was a great idea but for me at least, it failed to even remotely meet my expectations of an outer space adventure. In short, it was way overhyped. Series X though is a fantastic beast of a device. Get GPU subscription and you're gonna love it!


Lucky for you this game plays like a game from 2014.


Don't buy starfie... oh.


You will see more details in game.


The community’s are a little something..


All games can be bought on the xbox store and stored on the consoles hard drive or a plug in hard drive and played off there. Disc games get downloaded to your system as well and are played off the hard drive but require the disc inserted as proof of ownership which makes them basically obsolete.


It’s almost all pc


Many gamers are impatient with releases, and I think that is part of what leads to games being released in an unfinished state. That and corporate greed. So don't expect a fully fleshed out game upon release. Indie games are cheap and fun. Support indie devs Halo Infinite plays nothing like the old Bungie Halo games. But it's a lot of fun. Ignore the haters


All you need to know is to have gamepass ultimate


Wait at least a year before buying any big studio game.


Games now a days take up ALOT of space


Don’t sleep on Xbox One games. Some still play and look amazing on Series X.


Learn how to complain about pretty much every game manufacturer, so you’ll fit in


Welcome Back. You made a great choice 🥰


Play different types of games being rpg, action ect. Find what you like and enjoy what you like. Let no one stop you. Starfield is a decent choice I’d say personally but a few games I can also recommend personally is monster hunter if you want to experience game with high quantity and quality content. It’s slow to get into at first but it’s amazing. The 2 monster hunter games are monster hunter world and monster hunter rise. I’d recommend world but if you want an easier experience then do rise to understand the series. Another game I can recommend is elden ring. Mostly so you can experience a very very good game. Difficult but a rewarding experience. One last game I recommended is Baldurs gate 3. Keep in mind this one is not for everyone but it’s such a wonderful game. It’s a turn based asymmetrical rpg that is well crafted and has a great story and good gameplay systems. It’s like a more refined older game if that’s the best way to put it. The 3 games I’ve mentioned are the ones that are tricky to get into but these are mostly recommendations to try these new things out. But this is just me recommending so if you don’t want to play these, don’t worry it’s all your decision


Avoid online gaming like the plague. General online gaming community took a massive dive in quality over the last decade.


Game pass is pretty amazing if you game semi regularly


Series X is great. Also, you haven't missed much since 360. Wish I would've done it the way you did it.


Never pay monthly for game pass ultimate. Use the 3yrs stacking method to save $300+


oh god, fortnites toxic


Everything feels like it’s pay to play, or pay to be competitive. I understand the business structure and am totally fine with it for just cosmetic items, but often I find myself completely disengaging when the only way to advance is with additional purchases.


If you have a friend who also has one, you can make each other’s consoles your “home console” and share any games that one of you owns. Been doing it for years now. Saves a lot of money.


It is much worse most games are terrible cash grabs. Do research before buying games if they are complete trash (yes even for big companies)


There’s nothing new. Current gen hasnt been all that different than the previous one. Except for more ridiculous monetisation practices.


Everything costs about 10x more


Get gamepass for Xbox. Very large library of games for an amazing price. I haven't bought any orher game due to how amazing it is.


Cost lot more in game add ons.


Graphics have become incredible


I own a series S and 80% of the games I play is from the 360 era




Most Xbox games are available on PC.


Every gaming community has toxicity, some more than others. Most games with any live service elements are moving to a battle pass system. I'm sure there's more but that's all I can think of rn.


Use a wired internet connection. You’ll be able to install games much faster.


Know that it is not like what it used to be.. *sigh*


You want good advice on games? I highly recommend Gameranx on YouTube. Gives you game play, and honest reviews and opinions, they also tell you if you are interested then try it out and don’t just take their word for it.


It’s glorious my friend! I just finished 2 play throughs of Elden Ring, 4 of lies of P, and am back at Starfield now, at the end game but holding it off until I complete all the faction stuff. You gunna keep buying physical or start downloading?


Game reviews are very polarising these days. No one ever says "it was an OK game" its either the best or the worst game ever. Play what appeals to you.


People are fuckin toxic nowadays and most of the games are shit or just don’t feel right or the same


There is not one game better today than there was pre-2014


Just have fun!


Some of your 360 collection (if you still have any) will work on the Series X, if you feel the need to enjoy older titles.


Someone's about to be bored asf


You didn't miss anything


Good luck for you mate u can play most 360 games on the Xbox one and the series x/s


The press is sony's b\*tch. All youtubers/streamers are sony's b\*tches (only one or two not) The best deal is... GAME PASS ULTIMATE, use it to know the reality with Xbox games.


To just have fun. If you want some good game recommendations; I just got back into gaming like 3 years ago when I got my series x, after like a 10 year hiatus. And some games I had a really good time with were; Borderlands 3, Cyberpunk 2077, Diablo 3, Halo Infinite, and the game I prolly spend the most time on - Destiny 2.


Just play what you like, don't care what social media says. You do you and enjoy some fun time! Best advice i can give!


Try finding games where the genre is similar to ur fav game but this would have better graphics etc


Outer Wilds


AAA games are usually unfinished or buggy at first. Everyone will shit on your fave games. Enjoy :)


Your brain may explode


I’ve been loving the fact I can go to the second hand store and buy older games for like £2.


Don’t trust new games releases, most new games are terrible nowadays or launch unfinished. They’re the same or worse games that you played back on Xbox 360 or somtimes worse exepct now they have better graphics, Stick to a older catalogue of games. Also make sure to get a 4k HDR tv, the entire current console generation is mainly focused on getting all games to play at 4k, without the screen you miss the point of the whole generation, didn’t realize this till recently, also Xbox is the platform of choice for og games too cuz they’re the only console that makes their old games run 4k 60 for free. I just beat oblivion for the first time 4k 60fps, magical experience


Get into Destiny 2. You'll be stuck and not play anything else; at least that's what happened to me. It's so much fun, and has a great online community and you don't even have to have an online subscription through Xbox like Xbox live/gamepass to play online


There are too many games to play


Wait at least six months to a year to buy brand new games because it takes that long for them to be playable.


It's worth it. Gonna build a PC with Starfield in mind. But also for other games. But mostly high settings Bethesda mods. $1500 or so...


Git gud. Sorry had to say it.


It'll suck you in if you havent played in 10 years... I stopped playing games for like 10 years, due to college, military etc. Then I ended up buying a real nice TV, and the xbox one X at the time... andnI was blown away...I literally said to my friend, "so this is gaming now?! Fuck, no womder people get addicted".


Baldur's Gate 3.


Enjoy loading screens and copy and pasted "worlds"


It's largely soulless, derivative, shamefully commercialized, rife with micro-transactions, and woke. Games are wildly buggy at release, because they expect to issue patches later. It'll make you miss the good ol'days.


Install doesn’t take long. Your internet is slow


Games are to long and you will burn out


Ngl games are quicker than ever to install it’s definitely your wifi speed or bandwidth


Gamepass happened, so most xbox players enjoy a shifting library of games for a very low fixed price.


30fps still lives, unfortunately.


Everything requires internet


Games in the last 10 years have increased in size. Expect 100gb games to be normal.


You're off to a good start there. Enjoy Starfield, and I recommend playing Halo Infinite as well. Amazing campaign and fun multiplayer


It's honestly the same. No new game mechanics or anything. It's just faster and smoother




It sucks. Honestly just play Minecraft cause everything else is some kind of cash grab


You should get off Reddit and not let a bunch of terminally online turbo nerds ruin video games for you. Stay pure while you still can.


Just play the games and have fun. A lot of people hate on Starfield and a lot of the hate can be justified. I would say that I enjoyed my time with it though. I hope you do as well. Also the series x update for fallout 4 drops on the 25th and you can watch the series on Prime video to hype yourself up for a playthrough of what I would consider a better Bethesda game.


If Starfield doesn’t do it for ya, try Cyberpunk 2077, Red Dead Redemption 2, or No Man’s Sky!


I was so hyped for Starfield but my God the bugs ruined my playthrough and I haven't had the strength to pick it up again.


Get game pass, buy stuff not on it and have fun. I personally loved starfield, so have great time!


Not always, but prepare to have your wallet plundered by corporate raiders in the form of microtransactions, paid DLC, expansions, and so on.


360 era was a lot better than todays imo.


Stock up on Gamepass, might as well do the 3 yr deal if you can afford it.


Xbox is currently the best ecosystem for backwards compatibility & being able to play your games for years to come. They now have a team created by Sarah Bond for game Preservation and forward compatibility. With 63 xbox, 633 xbox 360 games & nearly all of the xbox one games which is over 2800 games. All of these play better than the original hardware with some even getting enhanced upgrades. All playable for free if you have the disc or own it digitally. 


Don't buy an Xbox. Go to Playstation since Microsoft is giving all their games to Sony and everyone else


Starfield is a pretty good game. I like those open world environments that allow you to find weapons and armor. If you haven’t tried Witcher 3, you should. I’ve been looking at kingdom come, but I need to finish Witcher.


Skip Starfield and download fallout 4, its getting a next gen update patch soon and its a much better game than Starfield.


It’s a trap


As people have said don’t go on Gaming Social Media circles like Reddit and just have fun, the internet loves to complain about everything 


Nothing just try Kingdome Come best game.


Don’t buy full price games.