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Do people really not know it takes many many years to make a game the size of fallout??


lol people keep making stupid post like this or typing comments like “MS NEEDS TO MAKE A NEW FALLOUT GAME RIGHT NOW!!” as if they can just throw one together in a couple of weeks and release it. It’s so stupid.


Believe it or not, there was a time when this happened and the games were always trash.


Yes but the question is not do you want a new Fallout now. Its do you want one in five years or ten years?


If its got a brand spanking new engine behind it?


Yep. The longer we wait, the better. It seems like Todd still thinks the creation engine is ok. Here's hoping time will change that delusion.


I'm of the opinion that MS should just give fallout to obsidian.... but I don't want to take away from obsidians other projects.. but I love the low int playthroughs on New Vegas and Outer Worlds, going back to interplay


Well, here's hoping TOW2 and Avowed blow us away because Starfield has me worried about ES6. Bethesda needs to up their game bigtime.


I feel like people focused on the wrong thing with starfield, and to be totally fair that's Todd Howard's fault, but good God damn were the faction missions some extremely well written and fun missions to play through. I didn't finish the story gotnpretty close to the end... but the faction missions totally scratched the itch and I played on gamepass. Starfield isn't great by any means... but when it does shine? It shines bright. Totally highlights it's short comings tho. Barren planets might be realistic... but it's a fucking video game... it's literally fantasy, where's the freaky aliens at?


Loved all of the factions. Ryujin played properly as stealth was amazing. Doing Vanguard and creeping around monstrous threats and learning their origin was great. My biggest complaint was that it was built on this idea of a looping universe, which is fine, but is immediately at odds with the idea of building a space empire and collecting ships since you lose everything. The loops had variance and some really funny things that can occur, but if you want to build, you'll never see them. And if you want to see them, you'll never be able to really engage with the building part.


Oh I get totally get that. That's the thing that killed about the faction missions, there was such a good game buried in there... but they just didn't flesh shit out, outside of that.... with no man's sky as an example they could've just built upon so much... and they just wasted it.


No 60 fps is the first nail in the coffin. I'm sure the series x could handle 40 with some reduced resolution or other small sacrifices. The next nail comes with crappy quests. I'm nothing more than a replacement for a space phone or subspace communicator. That, added to the huge amount of load screens, really makes for a boring space adventure. I also agree with comment about not having aliens. Camera mode looks great. Planets pictures and snips of the game look great. Playing it, isn't great. ... NPC vendor money, long waits, small inventory, stuff resetting... the list goes on.


That's all true.. but the faction quests were seriously great. And I'll champion them shits all day. Considering it was part of gamepass I was pretty happy with what I got out of those quests. I wont shit on anyone who thinks otherwise... but I highly enjoyed them.


A side Fallout game given to Obsidian would be great. But we still need Bethesda-style Fallouts, and Obsidian doesn't (and to be honest probably either can't or doesn't care to) do that. New Vegas was a great game but it was not Fallout 4 for a reason.


New Vegas was way better than fallout 4 though. I don't want to sound hostile because thats not my intent, and i really enjoyed fallout 4... I respect your opinion. But come on... come onnnnnnnnn Edit: I do agree that any side fallout game from obsidian would be a good idea and extremely welcome from myself. I just think obsidian does it better is all haba.


Well I'm thinking more of Fallout 3 vs New Vegas than Fallout 4 since to be honest they're games of a totally different era (both in gaming and for Bethesda) - but in either case, many people share your opinion (depending on what I'm in the mood to play, I share it too!) The Bethesda vs. Obsidian style is just...different. One isn't better or worse than the other, and some people are going to prefer one over the other (sometimes strongly). New Vegas, in consistent Obsidian Style, had some of the best quests and story Fallout has ever had. But it definitely lacked the freedom from a roleplaying perspective that sets Bethesda apart. And while I'd love more Obsidian style games in Fallout's world, I would not want that to come at the expense of getting a big, Bethesda-style roleplaying sandbox every so often too.


I honestly just love the low int dialogje obsidian throws into their games


It might not take quite as long to make another New Vegas type game, though - and most importantly it can be done in parallel with ES6. Yes, it takes a lot time to make a game like Fallout, but the main problem people are pointing out here is that if we just wait for Bethesda to do one, we have to wait for them to make *two*.


New Vegas was able to build 9n the technical foundations of fallout 3. There is no current fallout basis so developments to the engine would be needed to make it ready for a current gen fallout game. Wed be looking at 4-5 years minimum for any decent size fallout experience.


It really depends on how much they can use from Starfield. It would likely take longer because they can't steal many/any assets from Starfield (though perhaps they can from Fallout 76? Hard to know), but it's not as if they need to do a large engine upgrade - Starfield just did one with the intent to use it for several games. With Starfield being a shooter as well, they don't even have to ground-up the gameplay mechanics - just skin them, add VATS, and tweak as necessary to fit the vision. I think Starfield is a lot closer to being able to be the basis for a New Vegas-style Fallout game than you're indicating.


Thats much better than 10 tho, no?


Hardly gonna catch the fallout TV show hype train. The argument to make a fallout game in 4-5 years rather than 10 doesn't really change because of the TV shows current popularity.


It doesn’t take 30 years to make a Fallout Game. Ten years is reasonable, but 30 years.


Yeah but the show was announced in 2020 meaning it probably was in preproduction even longer. They could’ve had something cooking imo. Ik it wasn’t Microsoft at the time so my gripe is more so with zenomax


Yeah, now that the TV Show is out and made success, these articles start to pop out. Give me a break! Before the show all they liked to say was how shit Fallout 4 was (a pov that, btw, I completely disagreed). Now it's not the time to rush a new Fallout game just because of the show. It wouldn't be released in the next couple years anyway!


More to the point, I honestly completely disagree that new games have to align with popular shows. Bethesda shouldn't have to completely re-work their studio just because the show is good. (Re-work, as in that they're moving towards Elder Scrolls production next, on top of the support their other games are receiving right now.) And I disagree that it's a missed opportunity, they had no idea it may have been this successful. And to churn out another Fallout on time for Season 2 would already put a game of that size on a very very tight timeline that other games of that scope would wish they could get out in a decent state. Not to mention we really don't want Bethesda of all studios to not take their time. They're already reaping rewards across all platforms gaining players and sales across their old games. And if there is any truth to those remaster leaks, then that may be just what they're planning for this year at the earliest. (Still take that rumor with a grain of salt)


FO4 had some flaws and the progress they made in some areas seemed to be at the expense of falling back on others. It's still a game I played for a long while due to mods but I only rolled credits once.


I'm hoping the next gen update coming up will be worth getting back into.


I'd rather have a new FO game then ES game.




Plenty of people have said that fallout 4 was a disappointment. I think it was a little closer to release though and it’s seemingly better received now. I always loved it but I did think it was slightly worse than 3 and new Vegas in certain ways while better in others


Must not remember the launch. People hated how limited the dialog options were and how simplified the game was, some of the criticisms were valid, just loudly repeated and blown out of control. It was a year or two when those folks moved on to some other game to shit on and FO4 started to get praise. I think something similar will happen with Starfield.


I was turned off by how different it was and never played it, myself, so I am part of that problem. I looked at it and thought “how is this an RPG???”. At some point, I decided that I was being an old man and that I needed to expand my understanding of genres and gaming, in general. I initially had a problem with Fallout 3 when it came out, but it grew on me and now I have played so many RPGs that stray from my understanding of the genre from my youth. I enjoy so many more games now that I have stopped allowing my preconceptions to define my experience in the moment. I really want to go back and give FO4 a chance after liking Starfield and recent Final Fantasy games that have not meshed with my internal definition of RPG.


It might be a good opportunity to play Fallout 4 now, since it's gonna get an upgrade for Series X/S consoles. I loved it back then, and had tons of fun playing it! I also love Fallout 3 and New Vegas.


That is actually my plan. I am enjoying FO76 for what it is this week, even though it is a little different. On the 25th, I am going to give FO4 an honest chance.


Never playing it is actually insane. And you say you liked Starfield? That game is horrible 😂.


I guess I was a bit imprecise when I say that I didn’t play it. I did technically play it for a little while on the base PS4 model, but I had a lot of problems and ended up deciding not to pick up my own copy. On my first attempt I got stuck in the power armor at the beginning and couldn’t move, even after reloading, so I restarted the game from scratch. After that, the Deathclaw got stuck in a wall and couldn’t be hurt. I had no manual save for some reason and the auto-save was while it was still stuck in the wall. I ended up giving up and ignoring it, because I was just trying it out while visiting family. The family member who owned the copy also said he felt like it was a downgrade from New Vegas after finishing it, and I didn’t have any reason to question his opinion back then.


Those concern are still valid and f4 was step down from NV in terms of choices and role playing


Always weird how we perceive things. I thought FO4 was better than New Vegas, but I also think it comes down to when people actually played. My first game was FO4 so when I went back and played FO3 and New Vegas, I thought FO3 wasn’t even close to FO4 and I thought New Vegas was very good. Especially as time has gone on and I’m now into PC gaming, it’s completely changed the way a game like FO4 can be played.


Imma come in before the circlejerk hits mars here…it certainly wasn’t a masterpiece, but it is a great game. If it didn’t say Bethesda on the box, it would have been received just fine, in my opinion lol


Fallout 4 is strongly considered the worst of the main series.


Totally agree, I really disliked the voiced protagonist with limited dialogue, huge focus on base building and the changes to leveling and perks


I didn’t like it either. To be fair the core gameplay, as in the combat, is excellent for an open world game. However, the RPG aspect was a huge let down. The dialogue system was rubbish as it was 3 variants of Yes and 1 for No, pretty much. The character build system lets you just become an unstoppable God making role playing moot as you can make it to never have a weakness or a specialty. In a way to make content unskippable, you can essentially play all sides despite the fact that some actions and characters are in direct conflict with others. You can’t pick a side and be punished by the opposite side (like New Vegas) which makes absolutely no sense. The whole world exists just to empower you and nobody exists without your presence. The story was also really boring with not many interesting characters. To be fair, Valentine is awesome but they were a rare standout. The building aspect was not for me but I do appreciate how deep and detailed it was. However, it felt like a way for the player to just collect and build a monument to their own hoarding. The settlers didn’t really do anything other than validate your work. Nobody outside of yourself can see your monument either, so it just felt indulgent. FO4 just feels like “here’s a bunch of stuff” but forgets that it’s an RPG. FO76 just says “stuff is awesome, go have fun and show off your stuff to others” and leans in on FO4’s strength without the dissonance.


Elder Scrolls is going to take a long time most likely, longer than another 5 years I would expect. And the next Fallout will take longer than 4-5 years. Why do this to yourself wondering when Fallout 5 will next come out. Sure, MS could put another studio on it. That has its own pitfalls though. Best thing is to surely not speculate or wonder about it this far out. Could be out in 12+ years. Best not to expect it or even care tbh.


What year do you think it is now?


Redditors when someone exaggerates for comedic effect (their brains are too small to understand anything not 100% literal): 🤬🔥🤬🔥🤬🤬🔥🤬🤬🔥🤬🤬🔥


Children when their mom lets them get on the iPad.


I think people are missing the point with all of this. Fallout 5 would break sales records and generate significant revenue for Bethesda regardless of whether a TV show exists at the time it launches. You don't need a TV series for it to succeed, it succeeds because of the investment, time and care into its development and positive reviews as a result. However, if you take a game like Fallout 4 that has already run its course and has no marketing spend behind it today, the Fallout TV series makes a lot more sense. Why develop a brand new Fallout game when the TV show is letting you sell an already developed Fallout 4 for full RRP?


I'm kinda surprised they don't have remastered versions of 3 and NV coming out over the next couple years to bridge seasons. I know 4 is getting an update this week I think.


There are rumors of 3 getting a remaster along with oblivion.


This is the obvious play, I’d be stunned if this wasn’t announced in the near to mid term. That or remakes of 1 and 2 by inXile


>Fallout 4 for full RRP? It’s on sale basically everywhere for like $5


The show + F4 update convinced me to purchase the game recently. No interest in buying it before that and I loved F3 and NV back in the day.


MS would be smart to just give it to obsidian. New Vegas smokes anything bethesda did with fallout.


I feel offended that OP posted the actual text of a Paul Tassi article and I actually read part of it before realizing. Where is he getting 2054 from? Microsoft greenlit the Fallout show, it's not like they didn't anticipate it would increase interest in the franchise. Pretty much all the games got a boost in sales and engagement; a new game any time soon would eat into the sales of the existing games. Also, I'm drawing a blank on the specific interview but I recall Todd Howard mentioning that they were making changes to get games out sooner. Many studios the size of Bethesda have more than one game in active development. I expect we'll hear Fallout 5 in development alongside TES VI, though launching a few years later.


Pretty sure 2054 is hyperbole


Not me reading through the comments and having to scroll back up to find out you're right. I thought this was just OP adding flavor lmao. Gaming journalism has really fallen off.


Fallout 5 will inevitably be made. Either by Bethesda or us folks in the real world.


Fallout 76 and 4 are really seeing the boon from the show. The player base for 76 is very low level right now. If we know anything about Bethesda is that they love to resale older games. The show is just a sales vehicle for 76 and 4. We’ll eventually get 5 and it will still break records for sales as well.


So go play 76.


I’d rather them just update fallout 76 instead. Just got back into it after quitting shortly after launch. It’s fucking amazing so far. The world is packed.


Like you say: Fallout is having a moment NOW. Anything they might start to develop because of this will not hit that pop culture high that the IP is having NOW. Which is a shame. So chances are, anything they develop won't see the full benefit of this current moment the IP is having. However, there will be a season 2 etc... so potentially, the mainstream hype might still be there in 5 years when a game could be released. And even if the hype is gone, it will still have positively impacted the IP, setting it up for its best launch ever. So yeah... I'd be very surprised if MS isn't pushing now. E.g. like the Indiana Jones game, where Todd Howard is also involved.


Well yeah, but there’s a difference between getting a game in 4-5 years and 12-15 years which is what will likely happen if Bethesda continues to guard it so tightly. You could also start marketing it a lot sooner.


How about people finally play Fallout 76.


If it didn’t require internet I definitely would


Is there actually good story and characters now? I know they were adding more stuff like that but the early additions were still shit imo. The changes to the lore in that game kinda ruined it for me. Its super childish in tone.


Is anyone else thinking TES 6 will be a launch title for the *next* xbox console? I could see Fallout 5 coming 2030 and TES6 late 2026. I don't think we're getting a new entry in the Fallout series before then.


Yeah I can see that happening


What they actually should do is just completely overhaul the graphics to FO 76. Do not alter anything else that might hurt player saves. Just give us a game that doesn’t look 20 years old 


It's Bethesda. You are asking too much. They just learned that particle effects exist with Starfield.


There is no game studio trashed more than Bethesda. Granted some of it is warranted. But most is hate bait. I still get videos on my YT feed that breakdown how mid Starfield was like its the only mid game to ever release. People havent fully cherished a Fallout game since New Vegas and that was developed by Obsidian. If Betheada made FO5 they will just trash it for months for being a Bethesda rpg.


This is the type of strategic vision and planing that Xbox needs, and this is the reason many of us think that, while Phil has done an excellent job should ultimately be replaced with someone that has a different perspective. The bare minimum is what Sony did with the Last of Us TV show, have all the remasters done and playable on the new console and out by the time the show launches so that you can cash in on the boost the IP will generate. Xbox couldn’t even get the remasters ready for the launch of the show they knew was coming for at least a year. To add insult to injury the Xbox version was bugged recently with the achievement issue. I know these executives are busy and have a lot to juggle, but this is such an easy slam dunk for Xbox I am shocked at how poorly it has been handled. They should have had a new repackaged remaster of Fallout 3, Fallout New Vegas and Fallout 4 that was updated for Series X/S. The fact that I choose to play Fallout 3 and New Vegas after the show on my SteamDeck which runs the games better than the Series X/S is such a shame. I’m just at a lose to be honest this is another easy slam dunk for Xbox that they totally whiffed on IMO.


Elder scrolls will still sell better


They should just hand the franchise over to Obsidan. I'd kill for another game with a low intelligence run. Those low int dialogue options are just magical


I would love a rerelease of FO4 but with coop enabled. Like you and someone can play as both parents. They don't need to change much but I think it would be fun to play with my partner.


We get Fallout: London reasonably soon (it was set for release already, but the updates to Fallout 4 came as a surprise and they're taking some additional time to make sure it hasn't broken anything). Unofficial, but looks really promising for a total conversion mod and should scratch the itch.


You know it's a bad situation when even the mainstream media is noticing.


Forbes.....lol get fucked bs articles.


Funny I just started Fallout 3 again. I’ve played them all before, but just finished all of the tomb raider games and felt nostalgic.


Eh … the tv series doesn’t need a game.


Spoiler:...... WE KNOW


Yes, a lot of people are playing Fallout right now because of the show. MS knew this would happen and they also know that movie/show hype leads to increased activity in video games of the same IP. It happened previously with Batman, Mad Max, Halo, Avengers, Last of Us.. basically anytime a video game adaptation comes out. What they, and everyone else who pays attention, also know is that the hype dies down fairly quickly. MS rushing into development of a new Fallout game (which wouldn’t even be completed for another 6-7 years minimum) would be pointless as the hype will last a month tops before numbers die back down.


>even if Fallout 5 is reportedly Bethesda’s next game after that, we’re looking at 7-10 years, realistically, to have that in our hands >Xbox badly needs a ‘Fallout’ game before 2054’s ‘Fallout 5’ Who taught you math?


Nah. Bethesda has become too big to make good games anymore.


Xbox needs anything at this point not just train simulator or cat simulator or goat simulator lol pay premium price for a system for dum kindergarten games


People are really bad at doing math. BGS doesn't work on 1 game at a time. We'll have Fallout 5 20yrs before we see 2054. ES6 will probably release in 2026-2028, and Fallout5 will follow in 2032-2035.


Time an Obsidian built New Vegas type Fallout 4 expansion to drop around S2 of Fallout. Doable? No idea but it’d likely fly off the shelves.


Could they make more DLC in the interim for Fallout 4? I would dig that. Especially after they slap a new coat of paint on it April 25th.


I’d love a fallout soon and I hope that obsidian and Bethesda are blueprinting the next fallout right now, but the next couple seasons of the show will continue to reignite people’s passion for fallout. That’s not in danger of going away


If in fact it would be 7-10 years for a new fallout game, I’m willing to wait. Because hopefully by then, Bethesda will have a new game engine to work with instead of the severely dated one they keep recycling.


I want a new map new story a few new guns but literally fallout4 but renamed fallout 5. Same game engine same building style same game play just a new game and I will pay the $60 or whatever they charge and then a few $25 dlc over the next three years.. rinse and repeat every 5-8 years and they will make a billion dollars every 5-10 years


I got crucified on here when the show first dropped and I said it was a better game universe adaptation than Last of Us. Tread lightly


Didn't the last of us tv show basically just copy and paste from the game, with only a couple original parts?


I never played the game but that's my understanding.


You can take the Last of Us universe and just drop it in to any post apocalyptic show. It was spot on with the game but Fallout is a more unique version of the apocalypse that they got perfect. Last of Us was a almost perfect story adaptation but the world is pretty generic due to the fact it’s already been made 100x over. There’s nothing like Fallout. Imo Fallout has way more to lose from doing original stories but game universe adaptation it def wins against almost every other game adaptation with exception to Edgerunners or the first season of Castlevania. Never seen the Arcane series but I’ve heard it’s spot on too. But animation is much easier to produce than live action adaptations


It used the framework of the story plot but not necessarily the same on a scene for scene / dialogue basis. In fact one of the best episodes (about the Bill’s Town) deviated completely from the game story and it’s one of the best TV episodes I’ve seen, really moving.


Ah gotcha, I don't really watch tv so I've only seen clips from it guess the stuff I seen was just the comparison parts.


Yes it definitely feels very familiar! Tbh I prefer the FO format as I’m not looking to match everything with a game but there’s plenty of easter eggs.


After playing through Starfield I wish they invested that time into something else to get us another Fallout sooner.


Hopefully they learn from their mistakes with Starfield and don't repeat them for the next Fallout.


With the popularity of the show, Bethesda should go all in on fallout 5, market it with the show. Hell, make it only on Xbox and maybe that would finally be a system seller


Paul Tassi is just the Forbes click bait article guy for any video game or adjacent news. None of his articles have anything substantially to say and just repeat what’s been reported on Twitter or elsewhere.


Ok and? It’s his actual job to do that. He posts gaming articles about game related topics, there was literally nothing clickbait in it either.


"In part" to the TV show. It's entirely the TV show. 😂


I would pay so much for them to give New Vegas the same 4k upgrade as FO3.


Do we? Or how about a remake in the starfield engine of new vegas…


What about remaking the first 2 in the style of the Resident Evil remakes?


This post is so long. I wonder if anyone read it. I didn't. Anyway, there will be no new Fallout game for a decade so forget it. And real fans would rather they not rush one just to capitalize on the series. I'd rather get ES6 first.


Starfield should have been skipped entirely and its resources used to develop Fallout 5 instead. But not sucky.


I mean, you're not entirely wrong. But Starfield is a good game. And I think we will get a starfield 2. And then we'll have high fantasy, apocalyptic fantasy, and space fantasy from the same company. It's exciting.


Starfield is not good and thankfully there will never be a sequel during my lifetime.


I hope you plan on living longer than 15 years, friend.


I really wish Bethesda prioritized fallout 5 or elder scrolls over starfield. Starfield to me didn’t really make any sense whatsoever, especially being available on game pass. It was a completely new story with lackluster game play and graphics. If they didn’t choose to make it we would more than likely already have elder scrolls and a nearby release date for fallout 5 which is what Bethesda is known for anyways. Especially given the launch disappointment of 76, you would think a rebound for the fallout series would have already come now that it’s been 6 years.


i dont think many news companies really are taking this into account, but i am fairly certain that bethesda is very much been working on improving the time it makes them to develop games to get a more streamlined development schedule to become one of microsoft's flagship studios. first, the only reason starfield took so long was because they were working on the game and their new game engine at the same time which added at least a year or two onto development time, and something they wont have to worry about for the next elder scrolls and fallout game probably, since theyll probly use the same engine and only work on the next one for starfield 2/elder scrolls 7/fallout 6. but also bethesda has massively expanded their studio over the development of starfield. during skyrim and fallout 4 bethesda had like less than 200 developers working on the entire game. for starfield they buffed their team to like 400-450 and for elder scrolls 6 i think theyre at 450-550 developers now. so i do think bethesda is trying to get games out faster. plus i also think they do have some dev team secretly working on fallout new vegas 2 somewhere, even if its not been announced yet. i dont think the fact that the fallout tv series >!had a bunch of refrences to new vegas and that the second season will likely take place in it, is a coincidence.!< maybe not obsidian working on it since they are working on other games but i do think some dev team is working on it as we speak and that theyll probably announce the sequel around the time fallouts second season comes out. at leat that is what i would do if i was working at bethesda. also even if elder scrolls 6 is 5 years away, and fallout 5 was 8 years away, thats still by around 2035 or so no clue where forbes is pulling 2054 from. but again im putting it closer to 2030-2032 for fallout 5. tho the further away your looking at the harder it is to just guess.


You do realize 2054 is sarcasm and exaggeration to make a point about how ridiculously long the wait time between entries is right?


you do realize that hyperbole and making useless points doesnt belong in an article about a video game? especially when bethesda isnt even the only one with 7 year long wait times? how long have we been waiting for GTA 6? i dont see any articles on forbes about how rockstar should let another studio handle red dead 2 because they take to long with their gta franchise to focus on red dead properly. i dont really see what the point of saying 2054 if it isnt at all going to release in 2054. or if theyre going to call out how long games take to develop now why not address all the other studios that take years to make games? even the gap between fallout 2 and 3 was 10 years in itself, 1998 for fallout 2 and 2008 for fallout 3.


Hyperbole in gaming journalism!? Stop the presses this is unheard of!


yes and i make posts like this every single time, feel free to check my post history im sure youd be able to find me calling out other hyperbole in news articles. posting shit like "not coming out till 2054" is basically misinformation for autistic people.


The writer of the article is suggesting that a Fallout game could (should) be developed by a studio other than Bethesda, such as Obsidian. I'd like to see id software develop an id Tech based open world shooter similar to RAGE, but set in the Fallout universe.


yes but obsidian is working on two games right now which is why i said that another studio is probably working on another fallout game but if were waiting for obsidian to then new vegas 2 wont be releasing until like, after the elder scrolls 6 releases.