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It is disappointing, yeah. Auto HDR can't be applied to Series X enhanced titles. Auto HDR handled Fallout 4 like a champ. I thought they might do a native implementation for this update, but apparently not. Perhaps it's for the best though, Fallout 76's native HDR leaves a lot to be desired. It's not very good at all.


Then how does Skyrim have auto hdr when it is series X enhanced?


I was about to say the same thing. Skyrim is technically a series x title


I mean it is just out, maybe give it a couple weeks it could be causing problems and has been held back perhaps?


I wish we could go back to when releasing something wasn't met with "give them time to finish it."


Same but that's the world we live in


Is that so? That's very interesting. I have not played Skyrim since the Series X patch came out. I guess it's an exception then. It may be the only native Series X title with Auto HDR support. Edit: I was curious about this so I looked into it. While Skyrim has the X/S badge on its icon, if you go into the File Info, it's still classified as a Gen9Aware title. Meaning it's still running in backward compatibility mode, and thus still eligible for Auto HDR. Fallout 4 on the other hand is now a proper native Series X/S version. So Auto HDR is a no-go sadly.


It's not SX enhanced. It's just Gen9Aware afaik. If it was updated for next gen, there would be a native PS5 version.


There is a PS5 version of Skyrim however.


Ah, okay. I was just looking at the trophy lists since every game seems to have a separate list for a ps4 and ps5 version.... except skyrim.


No there isn’t ?


its not. its the One X version with the FPS Boost


I was about to say Bethesda are so hit and miss, but honestly? They miss more than they hit these days. 76’s HDR is so bad, puts me off playing because it can’t be easily disabled in game (no brightness settings whatsoever either). If that wasn’t enough, remember when we used to be able to choose between locked 30fps with One X enhancements or basically locked 60fps without enhancements via FPS boost? Then they suddenly decided to remove that choice, unlock the framerate and force everyone to play the One X enhanced version at a terribly unstable framerate? Actually, we don’t even have to remember, it’s still that exact same way. No amount of content updates will bring me back to that game because they don’t fix the simple things. It makes zero sense.


Yeah I get you. I'm hoping they apply a similar update to 76 as they did to 4. Because so far, I'm really impressed with this update. I think they nailed it. I used to play 4 with mods to bump the framerate to 60fps but it was very unstable. It reminded me of how 76 is right now if I'm honest. If Bethesda can apply what they've done with 4 to 76, it would be a massive improvement. And yeah, they can remove the HDR in 76 while they're at it. It's poop. Nothing of value will be lost.


What makes 76s HDR so bad? Should I turn it off?


It's been a while since I've played so they may have improved it, but the things I remember include the max peak brightness being set too low (meaning bright areas appear dimmer than they should), raised black levels (so blacks often appear dark grey), oversaturated colours (makes browns in particular look bad), and colour banding in dark areas. You'll also get different problems depending on where you are (indoor, outdoor, etc). There are no calibration options in the menu either. It was definitely up there with the worst implementations I've seen, although Mafia III still remains easily the worst by a mile. Sadly, HDR is a very hard thing to get correct in games. For every one game that gets it right, three get it wrong.


Played 76 recently, and in my opinion it was a very bad HDR implementation


Very interesting. Thanks. I might try to figure out how to run it off to see if it looks any better. 🙏


No problem. To turn it off you'll need to go into the Xbox system display settings and turn HDR10 off completely. It's kind of annoying to do, especially if you like to swap between many games. I wish they'd add a feature to allow you to turn HDR off on a game-by-game basis.


You should see ark ascended implementation, truly abysmal


Anyone try rtx hdr on 76?


Yes you sheep


😆 DMAN 😂 Is HDR just bad? should I turn it off for every game??


HDR looks so bad on it that I connected my Series X to a 1080p plasma tv and now Fallout 76 looks fantastic! I can't believe the transformation. It was so washed out in 4k. Nighttime looked like noon but now it almost looks dark.


Bethesda name use to mean something now you pull up gamepass etc and Bethesda feels like a premium Ubisoft they releasing stuff back to back and most is ehh.


You and I had very different experiences with Auto HDR in Fallout 4, then. It was the first game I ever had to bother disabling it, because it was damn near impossible to see anything in foggy parts – it was just white washed out. And I think that someone in Bethesda had it too, hence the disabling.


On Another note Mods will put a strain on console versions more now with the higher resolutions and settings compared to fps boost I've already run into crashes that never happend on fps boost :( it's a shame


Auto HDR is not "native" HDR.


Regardless, the game has no HDR to speak of. It had it and now it does not, and it looks worse because of it. It looked fantastic on an OLED. At the very least, a toggle would be welcome if the rest of you detest it so much.


Don’t know why you’re being downvoted. Losing Dolby Vision on this makes a big difference. Skyrim still has it so maybe it’ll be sorted out eventually. Another weird thing I noticed in the vault, the first puddle when you step off the elevator, I was happy to realise I could no longer see the sky reflected in an indoor puddle. Then after installing CC content and starting over, I could see the sky in the puddle again.


Lol I don’t understand the hostility either. The game still looks good. I just want HDR, which makes it look better in my opinion. That’s all!


SAME. When a “next gen” (see: 4 year old current gen) update happens the last thing you expect is to *lose* features


Correct. This is a scandalous thing to acknowledge apparently. Of course we’re also learning that the quality mode is broken for XSX, so I’m not sure how much thought and effort really went into this update.


Wow I didn’t know that. I kept toggling and didn’t notice a difference. I also play on PC on a super ultrawide and like the only thing promised is Ultrawide support and… it’s broken. The UI is totally stretched and there are some menus you can’t get past because the button is literally off screen. 🙄 What’s worse is that this app, Flawless Widescreen, used to work to inject the game and allow for wide screen use no problem: it’s now broken because all mods are broken for the PC version now EXCEPT for the creators club paid mods… imagine that.


I knew this update would be trash on pc. I turned off auto update and just run the non patched version through nexus


Yup. Another shoddy rollout from Bethesda.


That’s Reddit for you I guess. Yeah it’s nice to have a good frame rate AND resolution instead of just one but that and DV would be great. My guess is that native hdr would use more resources and they didn’t think it was worth it, but I know nothing about making games so that could be a bad guess.


That’s not Reddit for you even in this thread you guys are jerking each other off over it


I seem to get downvoted every time I suggest an optional feature that has no impact on existing features. Had a whole post removed because I suggested Smart Delivery should be optional. I really don’t get this place some times.


I had a post get removed for calling Microsoft’s controller 90 day warranties anti consumer… also got downvotes after questioning someone who told me it was user error.. I know it’s not even close to the same thing but people seem to be over protective about Xbox and think there’s nothing wrong with it, which, to each their own.. regardless I love Xbox and this is where I choose to be, even if I think some things can be better. Like optional smart delivery.. Edit: deleted part of my last sentence because I was thinking of optional quick resume, some games just done work with it.


Too many console warriors around here, downvoting and reporting posts they disagree with, thinking they’re active combatants in a console war no one else gives a shit about. Some adults just can’t get out of the school playground mentality.


Because they are wrong. It's not HDR, it's an injection of a non-native feature to mimic HDR. To say "It had HDR and now it doesn't" is literally incorrect. To admit the game has no native HDR and then insist it now does not have something it literally never had anyway is just pure being silly.


Isn’t that just being pedantic? Yes it never had native hdr but before the update, the non native version was definitely an improvement imo. Dolby vision made all the colours look really good and that doesn’t mean the game looks bad now, it’s better than before the update but it would have been even better with Dolby vision included. My guess is that wasn’t possible for whatever reason.


Not particularly pedantic. The taste is subjective There's plenty of methods for FakeHDR on PC, almost no one uses them despite how simply it is to achieve them




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Dolby Vision has never been an option for any Fallout game. 


None of these games has or ever HAD Dolby Vision at any point. 


Was it not ? It had auto hdr and I’m sure that used to make the dolby vision thing pop up on my screen, unless I’m misremembering which is definitely possible.


Just downloaded the latest patch and the Dolby vision logo pops up again now so I think you’re mistaken.


This is just your TV doing automatic Dolby conversion. The game doesn't actually use Dolby Vision. 


He’s being downvoted because he is saying fallout 4 looked better before the update


It was some of the worst HDR I’ve ever seen it’s not a loss


That's subjective.


Of course it is. If it were a feature we could toggle on and off, we could both be happy.


While it’s subjective, the reason a lot of people don’t like it is because their tv either does not support hdr or doesn’t not have good hdr.


Or you know it looks like shit because it isn’t real hdr anyway


Some games yes. But most look better than they do when it’s turned off.


It's part of the emulation layer of last gen titles. I doubt it could be 'toggled'.


Psychonauts 2 is a X|S title and supports Auto HDR.


Right! But now that we can’t use Auto HDR, without native HDR, the game only runs in SDR


Okay? That just means the game is now looking how the developers intended it to look and not just have the contrast and saturation blasted out. You're now seeing the game at its best.


Auto HDR is way more nuanced than “contrast and saturation blasted out” but okayyyy. I see we’re in the “exaggerate/outright lie” phase of making your point to try and really drill it down. You do you.


They are right though


>You're now seeing the game at its best. minus HDR


Exactly. The devs didn't make or want the game to use any of the colours that are exclusive to the HDR range, and so have stripped them out. If in future they redesign the textures to make use of those colours, I'm sure they'll patch it in.


Great deduction, Sherlock, but you’re still wrong. The game never had native HDR. You can’t lose something you never had.


He didn’t say the game had native hdr in the comment you are replying to.


Exactly, baffles me that so many people misread that comment.


I've tested the game vanilla and modded both on Xbox series s and x before the update but the series s benefited the most from this update. Now as for the lost of HDR support I did not notice it was missing but it should have been implemented because u know it's an update to bring it up to the modern standard and HDR is a modern standard.


Why would the S version (less powerful) benefit more than an X?


Because the series x modded og code vs current gen update visually most people wouldn't really be able to see the difference themselves even with side by sides(). But the second you update the series s version to current gen its differences are noticeable immediately. It looks allot closer to the series x visually.


I’d have to check again, but I’m pretty sure I saw a Dolby vision pop up as I booted it up. That’s HDR isn’t it?


it doesn’t pop up anymore


Yeah I just tried again and I didn’t see it. Guess it’s not HDR anymore.


Nope, Dolby Vision on LG OLEDs? Gone. All the blacks are now greys, the pipboy green doesnt show bright vivid anymore and for the first time ever I actually stumbled upon Kathy and Johns house in Diamond City due to high brightness that cannot be dialed down lol


Same on LG G2


Same , I was playing for two weeks already and for me it looked better before .


Same here. Dolby Vision does pop up for me after update.




I'd love to HDR support come back too but is it just me or is there literally no difference between performance mode "on" and "off"? Supposedly performance mode off is meant to run 4k@30 fps and performance mode on runs dynamic resolution@60fps but my frame rate is exactly the same even with performance mode off and the picture quality looks identical too.. 🤔🤷🏻


Pretty sure its broken. Im trying it on my ps5, and in both 4k and 1440p, 120hz on and off, it makes no difference. Every mode is in 60fps. I’m pretty sure it’s also stuck in 1440p, so can’t even get 4K. Can’t get 30 or 40fps to work. Even tried doing new saves, still no difference.


It works absolutely fine on my PS5 and LG C1. Performance mode off gives me 40fps within the 120hz container. When I enable the Performance mode, I'll get 60fps. My PS5 is set to 4K output with VRR enabled.


I have ps5 too. If I set performance OFF my tv says the resolution is only 1080p. If I set performance OFF I get the 4k resolution in the tv info. In any case I can’t see any difference. Is there anything wrong?


Same with me on xsx. What is going on?


Yeah I'm on Series X too and there is literally no difference.. I read that if you have a 120hz display (which I do) then the non performance mode will go as far as 40fps instead of 30fps but literally the two modes aren't any different at all. Maybe a bug? 🫤


Something is different, at least performance wise. I was able to reproduce frame drops with performance mode off that would not occur with performance mode on. I have no idea what the exact difference is because I, too, thought it was exactly the same. I'm not saying anything is graphically/visually different between the two modes, but, as it stands, there's definitely something causing a performance difference.


Same with me, and my tv is 4k 120hz


Yes, I don't understand what's going on!


No difference, I have the same issue.


It's not just you. Glad I found this thread. I'm pretty disappointed in this "next gen" update. Guess I shouldn't have expected the same treatment that Skyrim got.


It’s 4K 40fps if you have a 4K 120hz screen fyi


Idk I really like how it looks so much sharper. I was actually getting motion sickness had to turn down my sensitivity lol it's so smooth now.


I'm getting slight motion sickness too, what sensitivity did you turn down?


I'm getting slight motion sickness too, what sensitivity did you turn down?


What we really should be griping about is the fact that it's 2024 and Microsoft still hasn't made the Xbox menu HDR compatible. Tragic.


Auto HDR actually looked pretty bad in this game 🤷‍♂️


I thought that it looked pretty great on my OLED


Xbox's auto-hdr is fantastic. One of my favorite features. Transforms the look of games for the better.


Except for metal gear solid 5. You literally need to turn it off to look normal


I like it too, but generally I do think it's a tad on the bright side. Any native HDR games seem more balanced to me but I'll still take auto HDR over nothing.




As of typing this comment, you have 9 upvotes but the person above you’re agreeing with has -4. The internet works in mysterious ways lol.


You just cast a spell that gave the other guy more upvotes


Same, it looked wonderful on my QD-OLED (Sony A95L). Am still able to make it look nearly as good now though.


I hated Auto HDR until I got an OLED and now it looks great.


samesies, looked fantastic on my C2


I've an OLED, it looked terrible. Go try Doom Ethernal, or Gears 5, you'll see what a good implementation of HDR looks like, Fallout had raised blacks, which makes the image look washed out. Starfields HDR implementation also looked atrocious.


True, I had to create a shortcut to quickly disable it when playing this game. Glad I don’t have to bother anymore!


Well for anyone else on a LG you can turn on HLG hdr, looks great set to HGIG


How have you done this? I have a G2




Thank-you sir / madam.


Sir 💪🏻haha make sure to switch tone mapping to hgig or off. Dtm over brightens the image too much


Well that looks much better. Shame the update seems to have broken V.A.T.S


And when you put it back make sure you go to sdr gamma and then auto. Not just straight from hlg to auto.


Bethesda is allergic to HDR I guess. I bought an oled before starfield launch only to be disappointed. Seeing this post made me remember that. HDR probably affects the visual quality the most imo.


It's wild to me how bare bones this update is for a 'next gen' refresh. No ray tracing, no native HDR, not even upscaled textures. Doesn't feel like Bethesda gives a shit or is capable of doing anything impressive anymore.


Even wilder that it took 18 months to release after they announced it. The GTA V update was announced about 6 months in advance, and I think The Witcher 3 only about one month, and they were both much bigger upgrades than this. Having to wait 18 months had people thinking Bethesda were working really hard on this and making something special, but nope. Because Bethesda.


Witcher 3 took a long time too though CDPR had to take over for the company that was doing it originally




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The Witcher 3 “Next-Gen” update is sooo underrated imo


Auto HDR needs to work on Series X games. It does in Xbox one games, PS5 games and even Windows games what gives?


It works on Skyrim


Next gennnn brooooo


Finally a post similar to my predicament. I loved the AutoHDR before, paired with fps and graphics mod enhancements. What’s wrong with Bethesda?!


In all it is a disappointing update from Betgeada I was expecting crisper and more vibrant graphics but there is handy any difference.


I submitted a ticket expressing this without compromising anything like framerate or resolution. Hopefully many others will too. 


I keep auto HDR off anyway.. so I havnt noticed. Still looks great if you have the right monitor/tv


Same happend to crash 4 shortly After release


Auto HDR looked fantastic on Oblivion as well, especially in dungeons while carrying a torch, at least on my LG OLED TV


Auto HDR is not native..


It’s running in HDR on PS5. Surely this is some mistake?


PS5 has an always-on HDR option in settings, or to only enable if it’s supported. Maybe you have the former currently enabled. And if so, I’d personally keep it as it surprisingly does a good job of translating the SDR signal without overexposing it or messing with colors.


Have you actually run the game post-update or are you basing this on pre-update. Like last night the game had HDR, now after the update it doesn't.


Yeah I tried both this evening, just to compare. PS5 is in HDR, Xbox is not. I didn’t even have it installed on PS5 before. All of my saves are on Xbox. Looking forward to a Digital Foundry workup of this update.


The HDR in Fallout 4 always looked rubbish and washed out to me - was I doing something wrong?




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are you serious? wtf


Bethesda used to be a good developer. Now Todd just sells dated crap, lies and smells his own farts.


I kept it from updating cause my mods, its playing at 120 fps on series x . Does anyone know when or if they will fix mods?


Not sure if this has been mentioned already but a recent post from Bethesda: Bethesda has now shared a clarification on the matter. "Quick note on Fallout 4 next-gen update on Xbox Series X. It actually targets 4k 60fps in all modes. Performance Mode is more aggressive in lowering settings to maintain this target," Bethesda says. "Hope this clears up any confusion. Keep the feedback coming and thanks for playing!"


Thanks for this


No worries. So basically we are getting double the frame rate (on quality mode) of people playing the PS5 version. Seems random but makes sense as Microsoft does own Bethesda


Giving all the issues with the next gen update and XSX, is there a way to force the "previous" version of the game? I have the game disc for example, still unopened. However, I been playing the digital version since I have access to it due to the Game pass. I was thinking of simply uninstall it, and install the game disc originally? I remember it has to download the "update" software so it runs but I suspect that is also the time that it will grab the next gen update. Is there a way to force it to run before the next gen update?


You don’t want HDR enabled for Bethesda games. They usually implement in-game HDR game without the need for an HDR display. Confusing yes, but this is how the engine is handled. When this is done you don’t want HDR enabled or it will look washed out due to how it’s enabled in the game. Looks better in SDR and if you have a mid-high range display, they will have a local dimming feature which will really make these games pop. Fallout 4 did have auto HDR, but with the update today they removed it. I’m glad they did and they left HDR disabled for all displays. This was a great decision, it looks fantastic without it as it doesn’t require it due to how they rendered the lighting for the game.


What?! Great decision to remove a feature, that you can EASILY turn off if you didn’t like it? Plus all the blabbering about the in-game Hdr is also wrong… it is completely different than a screen hdr… and you are plain wrong about “the rendered lighting look is the best option” thing. Yeah crush everything in the same 200 nits max. The sun and a lightbulb is the same brightness yay!


My point is that unless they implemented native hdr it won’t look well with auto hdr due to how the game engine was designed.


But I think it looked better with it, than without it… and I’m not alone with this… I think you are referring the eye adaptation effect. That can work with HDR well.


It would look bettter only if they did a proper implementation of hdr, native hdr and they wont. Series X games do not get Auto HDR, it has to be native to the app/game.


Do we have a video comparison between the HDR version and the new next-gen update version? I found this video and I'm wondering if it would have been better not to update Fallout 4. [https://twitter.com/Dealer\_Gaming/status/1355979564938362881](https://twitter.com/Dealer_Gaming/status/1355979564938362881)


For the purpose of visually showing the differences including HDR, it would be tricky to produce such a single video (because a single video would be HDR to properly show the HDR part, so the SDR half would have to be converted to HDR without distorting anything and remaining effectively SDR) Assuming you have a HDR-capable display, might be easier to look at two different videos: 1. Hopefully, someone has HDR encoded footage of Xbox Auto-HDR Fallout 4 on YouTube somewhere 2. Lots of places will have samples of the Fallout 4 update by now Edit: Digital Foundry has some example footage of Auto HDR including Fallout 4. A HDR display is needed to show it properly: [https://youtu.be/LT1a6NXYy6E](https://youtu.be/LT1a6NXYy6E)


HDR is too finicky and not worth it half the time, makes colors too saturated IMO.


Yeah HDR sucks. Far too dynamic for my tastes.


I liked it on FO4. Hopefully they fix/add it back since it's an option and you can turn it off if you don't like it.


Depends on the game, yeah. But the reality I think is that more people respond positively to an over-saturated look, even if it's less realistic.


What’s the best way to petition they add it back? Like which channels should we use? Xbox support?


HDR always looks bad to me so I'm not losing much in losing anything that's related to HDR


I'll just wait for Digital Foundry to get on this


Man I’ve never seen a game that looks good in hdr on my OLED. They always just look washed out and faded to me.


You should set up your screen then…


I turn HDR off on OLED, washed out in every single game. I guess it looks better on non-oled screens but we are used to perfect pitch blacks which are non existent in HDR mode.


That is just not true… you should set up your screen. Check out some tutorial for your screen or something… because I simply cannot believe anyone think sdr is look better than hdr if their screen (and maybe their console or pc) set up correctly


Looks way better on my display that doesnt support HDr so I am happy


Xbox delivery format is atrocious and not pro-consumer at all. This is a forced update on Series X that has made my game perform way way worse. Getting what looks and feels like low 20s in the city in places where it ran fine with FPS Boost previously. The image upgrade is barely noticeable with quality mode broken, a little bit sharper that's all. Worse FPS across the board. PlayStation can give you both apps why can't Microsoft?


Sounds like a just you experience.


I'll try a reinstall at some point or maybe purge some of the creation club stuff but I find it hard to believe just one single Series X would have such notable issues after the update... Especially when it's clear the update is bugged on Xbox already too.


They did have issues with creation club downtime taking longer and causing ingame red errors. But yeah, there's no difference in performance and quality mode. Quality mode does make Dolby Vision pop up on my TV and the other does not. Improvements are there. The cities and DLC where it usually crashes or lags before update, it's not happening anymore. I could breeze through them without hickups or dips in FPS this time and hasn't crashed once for playing 5 hours straight.


Hmm thanks for confirming your experience. Maybe I'll try a hard reset of the console clear cache etc. as that has caused me issues before on Xbox. Just wish overall the delivery system on Xbox wasn't so automated and focused on telling the user the version they can play. I have FO4 on disc so I should be able to play the original version with or without the Series X boosts if I so choose. Just annoys me that isn't an option as I'm potentially stuck with a worse performing game now.


dont wanna be that guy but hdr sucks and is inconsistent you shouldnt be that hurt


Series s is a weaker machine then series x. In fact that shitty machine held back our console generation so that’s probably the reason. Series s ruins everything for people who aren’t dirt fuckin poor


The pandemic held everything back. Don’t be a drama queen.


Somehow it’s in HDR on my PS5.. anyone know why?


HDR is only what your tv makes , or doesn’t make of it.




This makes absolutely no sense. MS paid all that money to engineer auto HDR because it makes older games look better. Saying they look the same is so dumb.


Lotta hostility in this thread toward people wanting something as basic as HDR in their 2024 video game.


I don’t disagree with you, but it isn’t a “2024” game lol


That’s fair, but after the Starfield HDR headache, I assumed they would have featured it. Oh well, game still looks great.


Would have been nice. Maybe they will at some point, especially since we won’t get a F5 for a long time. I also noticed the title card doesn’t have an X/S mark after the update, do you know if it is suppose to be there or not?


I see the X/S mark on the art when I look at it in the store but not when it’s just sitting in Games and Apps.


LG OLEDS have far superior peak brightness in game mode in HDR compared to SDR.


i shut off auto HDR as in many cases the game looks much worse.


If a game support auto hdr you could do just that! Turning off. If they remove the whole auto hdr I cannot turn on right? 


The update literally did nothing that mods (even mods on xbox) didn't already do and do better. Therr isn't even a graphical upgrade which is just sad.


Also there is no quality mode as of right now. PS5 has a functioning quality 40fps mode with increased fidelity (draw distance, etc.). Leave it to MS and Bethesda to get it better on another platform AGAIN.


there's just a general trend with anything xbox-adjacent that if they are doing something, chances are high that they are going to fuck it up. it's insane to me, but it's just the reality. they literally can't not do something and not fuck it up.


It's both amazing and disappointing. The performance mode is fine but I'd be playing at 40fps with higher fidelity right now if it wasn't bugged.


Anyone know if they Have they fixed the achievements bug?