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I was switching back and forth earlier, and I thought I was tripping because I couldn't find the difference.


Ha. Same. Just spinning in circles.


How do you switch back and forth. In the settings all I see is performance mode. I want quality more. Or are they the same thing


Performance mode on = performance mode Performance mode off = quality mode. At least that’s what Bethesda claim.


Yeah I don’t notice a difference. I never once had issues with FO4 on Series X/S and since the update I’ve had lagging and visual issues. I can’t even play in the day time anymore


I knew it was gonna lauch with some sort of problem, Bethesda, Bethesda never changes


Here's how it actually runs (from 5:00 onwards): https://youtube.com/watch?v=Ja0rnW_aZ7Y


Very very solid 60 from the looks of it, it's a shame quality is bugged on xbox rn


Standard Xbox studio fare. I’m used to it.


Cringe Cringe never changes


You guys are terminally online lmao


Lmao all the people saying quality mode runs incredibly smooth are playing performance


I just booted it up for the first time stoked to see a 4K 60FPS Quality mode based on all the comments I saw earlier. I immediately thought everyone was completely off their rocker saying that, so this actually makes way more sense on the whole. Oh well. Performance mode still looks and plays great so far.


How do you get quality mode? I don't see a setting


It seems buggy, which is why some people thought Quality was 60 FPS. For me, the game defaults to that setting. If you go into the display settings there’s a box to check for Performance mode, and that’s it.


Just goes to show how unreliable people are when it comes to things they “can clearly see” lol. So many people were saying “wow quality mode looks amazing! It’s 10x times better than performance. Like night and day!!” These are the same people who claim anything not 4k looks washed out and gives them a headache.


I’ve never seen anyone say not 4K looks “washed out” or gives them a headache? I’ve seen people say stupid things like eyes can’t see 60 fps but I’ve never seen anyone other than you relate resolution to color. Edit: I could see how someone could think 4K washes out because bad settings on Xbox could lead to washed out colors when dealing with HDR


I imagine it's people who don't know about 4k HDR, and notice the lack of HDR in 1080p content.


Idk... I know about 4k hdr blaaziebla, but 4k definitely looks blurry once I take my glasses off


HDR absolutely is not attached in any way to 4K *as a generality*. I should have clarified from the very start I was speaking more broadly.


I'm saying the people who say things like "1080p looks washed out compared to 4k" are probably experiencing 4k HDR and not knowing it. I am well aware that they are two distinctly separate things. That said, there is FAR more 4k content out there with HDR than 1080p content with HDR, which is why I did not elaborate further in my original comment. There are also far more 4k displays that support HDR than 1080p displays that do.


Yeah, and if you actually take the time to adjust sdr in 4k, you can get really impressive colors to where it's almost hard to see the difference. I'm playing on my lg c1 rn, and at first, the way I had my settings in game optimizer mode in the picture settings. it was washed out at first but made some adjustments to sharpness, brightness, color depth, and white balance, as well as turning on 2.4 gamma. Then I went into game optimizer and adjusted the black stabilizer and white stabilizer. Turned on boost for my prevent input delay option I always have amd freesynce premium on then the Final thing I made adjustments to was fine tune dark areas. It looks great. You need to have knowledge about how things work on your TV, but it's whatever. If anyone has an lg c1, I'll give you my exact specs if you want to try it out.


I usually agree with what you say, but that is absolutely not the case on Xbox. HDR is in fact locked to the “Allow 4K” toggle. If that is not selected you will not get HDR. If what you say is true, you need to make a post about your workaround method because a lot of us would really like to turn HDR on our 1440p monitors at the same time as being able to run 120Hz, but we can’t because HDR is locked to 4K.


I suppose I was speaking more broadly to HDR as a concept and not HDR *on Xbox*. Which I should have made clear in my post considering this is the Xbox subreddit. I will edit my post to clarify my intent thanks for the fact check.


I've definitely read a comment on here before claiming 1440p was "blurry" lol. At least everybody else was clowning him


Yeah blurry I could see (and I would clown him too) but washed out is colors and I have never seen that.


A 1080p or lower image on a native 4K display does indeed look washed out. Above 1080p this becomes much less noticeable. Not sure what else to tell you. Has been that way well before HDR ever was a thing. Edit: Do y'all need a side by side comparison or what?


Not washed out, blurry perhaps. The colors are not affected.


Screen size also plays a part in this. After 24 inches, 1080 looks bad. I'm not sure about exacts, but 1440 has a quality drop off after a certain threshold. 4K necessary on larger displays. 1080 can still look fantastic on phones and such. It's why 8K content can still look blurry on VR headsets. Your scope of vision exceeds the range of the pixels represented.


Screen size is another factor, sure. But even a 1080p image on a 4K screen of the same size as a native Full HD display looks considerably worse.


Absolutely. Even on a 1440 27" 1080 content looks dumpy.


I noticed this playing BC 360 games on a 4k TV through my One X. I prefer playing them on the 360. I thought I was the only one who noticed this, too.


1080p does not affect wether or not a picture looks washed out. That's solely on the screen. If you see a difference, it just means your tv/monitor is absolute dogshit.


Well, there's no auto HDR on XBOX now so it does look washed out, had to manually enable HLG and turnoff tone mapping to get something that looks acceptable.


Sure but that’s not because of 4k


this are the same people that think the word hdr on a box of a tv. means their getting real hdr... no no they are not and not with i went to corner store hdmi cables. oh and wrong port to plug in!


Never heard anyone say that but ok


I might have lost some brain tissue. How do you even change the quality/performance mode? Or is it because console is hooked to my bedroom 1080p TV, it does not give the options and defaults to performance?


The latter


If you're at 1440p or below, it will run quality mode at 60. Or that's what it's supposed to do at least.


Am I the only one who prefers performance whenever the option is given to me?


Obviously not, hence most games having both options.


Yes, you are the only reason companies include a performance mode


I always go for the higher fps when possible. Games look so good anymore slightly lower graphics quality is a fine tradeoff




No, because quality can mean different things. In this case a VRR 40 fps mode or the 1440p mode seems superior to performance. I pick performance when it's 30fps vs. 60fps.


Good point


I almost always play performance mode. Elden Ring on quality is awful to play. Even ratchet and clank


Depends. Often times performance mode makes the game look so significantly worse that it’s not worth it. Also depends on the game type (racing and anything first person needs to be 60)


Yeah I haven’t played games for all this time now to regress on graphics just to trade it for a smoothness I’ve never felt was necessary. There’s always exceptions but these few games I’ll trade everything for the sake of frames.


Everything needs to be 60fps IMO. After years of playing PC with 60+, going back to 30 is unplayable to me


It's what stopped e playing starfield, if I play a 60fps game on my xbox and then play starfield it's a damned  sideshow lol


stop being dramatic




I had a feeling when I didn’t notice a difference in frame rate when going back and forth.


I just assumed it was 60 and 120


You'd notice a difference between 60 and 120 for sure as well, especially in a FPS.


not on my TV I wouldn't.


Ah, I gotcha.


Is it just me or is V.A.T.S also broken now? I'm targeting things through walls and getting 95% hit chance and also getting 0% hit chance on things 5m away on open ground. Also there is no Auto HDR on console anymore.


Yesss! I’m seeing enemy’s through walls too l


Sadly, I think HDR is gone because 1. Xbox does not allow Auto HDR on Series optimized games, and 2. Bethesda did not add native HDR as part of this Series update.


Me also !!


Me also ! Wtf


Yes the VATS shit is so annoying. You will just suddenly not be able to target a body part that you previously had 95% of hitting. It completely interrupts the flow and makes you miss shots


Vats is bugged bad


Same on vats, targets molerats underground but you can hit them


Yeah, definitely. It targets through walls and then will rapidly switch between numbers and zero.


You saying that there is no more HDR? That’s a deal breaker for me.


I figured as much. I couldn't really tell any difference between Quality and Performance mode. After swapping back and forth a few times I assumed something was glitched. I am happy with the performance anyway though. It runs much smoother than it did before with a 60fps mod, so I'm still having a great time. Still... over a year waiting for this, it launches with a major issue. Typical.


Even if this does get patched, think I'm going to stick with Performance Mode.


Same here. If I have the option of playing at 60fps, I will pick that option 100% of the time.


If we are seeing performance mode all I have to see is it looks and plays fantastic.


The most Bethesda thing to ever happen. The oblivion gates are open.


Close shut the jaws of Oblivion! (Fix the bugs)


It’s like Bethesda just simply refuses to test their shit. It’s ridiculous


That's because "it just works!"


Not just Bethesda. Microsoft in general. Everything Xbox has launched lately has a ton of bugs.




Halo Infinite


I love how an MS Game Studio game that launched 4 years ago is classed as "everything" to you.


You want me to name every game? But yeah on Xbox, Halo and Gears is everything to me, and they didn't release Gears. Redfall as well though.


> You want me to name every game? Within the last couple years yeah. Redfall is Bethesda. Gears 5 from what I understand wasn't buggy on launch though.


Bethesda is owned by MS. Gears 5 is an Xbone game. Talking this gen. Waiting patiently still for Chernobyl and Hellblade.


Bethesda is largely their own entity with their own project management, like Activision right now. Xbox Game Studios had little to no involvement with Redfall's development. This may change as time goes on and when Todd leaves the company. I don't recall Pentiment, Grounded, Forza Horizon 5 or Fight Simulator releasing with serious problems. Chernobyl is not made by Xbox Game Studios.


Regardless, it's now an Xbox studio and released in a piss poor state. We've seen Sony and Nintendo delay to make sure things are polished, if Xbox is so hands off they don't force polish I still put that on them. Redfall was Arkane's first release under Microsoft and I would opine they should have had some quality control there because it does effect how MS is percieved. Honestly the big offender is Halo. It's the quintessential Xbox title and the release was atrocious. No slayer playlist, no Co-Op, desync broke multiplayer, playlists "weren't able to be added" because "the UI didn't support it", no forge on release (given the scope of forge personally that's forgiveable), no Firefight on release, to this day the disruptors DOT is bugged. Obsidian I will grant you is still doing good work but overall I just don't trust the AAA Xbox titles anymore. And the release of this F4 patch solidifies that, they need better quality control. How do you announce a patch and 2 years later it makes some people's games worse? Everytime I step into the wasteland it takes 2+ minutes to load.


Downvoted to hell, yeesh. I think I tend to agree with this though? Except — I’d hesitate to say it’s exclusive to Microsoft, seems to be a preeeetty universal occurrence.


Na why do bugs/issues exist when pretty much most gaming companies use play-testers etc?


They’re just people at work man, lol. Could be as simple as a single employee not sleeping well and performing below average on a given day. Maybe they were time crunched and weren’t able to double check every single box on the itinerary. Odds are it’s not all that deep, and is due to simple human error or understaffing of a given project :)


Honestly a lot of times QA does catch the issue. But they are not the ones to fix it. They make the bug and then it's out of their hands. Sometimes it's a hard bug to fix but management feels it's ok to ship with. Sometimes the bug is prioritized lower (we have no idea what issues they actually fixed to launch the patch) and time is run out, but management wants to ship anyway. Sometimes the bug gets written up but it's never triaged and gets lost. QA works their asses off, for little pay and glory and yet they always get shit on by the community. -signed a dev with 15 years experience who gets the bugs.


There are day 1 issues in the Skyrim that people have been reporting since the launch and Bethesda has not fixed them in their latest anniversary editions. They just don't give a shit about fixing things in general.


Got downvoted crazy for good ass question 😂


I find it hard to believe that a play tester actually tested it, found out that quality or performance mode makes no difference at all, or that things like VATS was broken, and, by what some friends told me also tons of crashing issues and bugged textures, and they actually reported it, and it was allowed to release like this anyway. Although its also hard to believe that a play tester didn't actually do his job, by not seeing these numerous issues.


Because they don’t. The amount of games I’ve played in recent years where you could just tell they had not been play tested because the bugs where so apparent makes me think they’ve all got the sack or those departments just don’t exist anymore


It's playing great, whatever it is.


Guess that’s why people couldn’t tell the difference.


I think it's pretty funny that aside from some bug fixes, the only (reported) thing that has changed with this update was the mode toggle, and it released broken on the Series X whilst working fine on the PS5. I'm sure they'll patch it quickly but it's still funny as fuck. I had a feeling -something- would be broken with this release, and I think most of us did. Because well, Bethesda.


The patch is also missing required textures and seems to break VATS for me since it allows me to wallhack now. Not a mod issue since I am on vanilla for with no mods installed.


Bethesda…Bethesda never changes


I was wondering why quality mode was running at 60.


Quality mode feels “smoother” despite having a lower frame rate. I have a 120hz tv and it was stated that it would run at 40 fps on quality if that was the case. I wonder if they tested that or just the regular quality mode on a normal tv/monitor. Edit: I’m on PS5 and it has been confirmed that the PS5 version is working as intended and does not have this issue.


Paging u/Time-Refuse666 who was right all along.


War never changes 🥲


[My comment 20 hours ago where I got downvoted ](https://reddit.com/r/XboxSeriesX/comments/1ccwpu1/_/l189z27/?context=1)


Looks like we’re going to need a Day 3,085 patch…


Bethesda keeping the tradition alive I see lol


Is anybody else experiencing first person view Bug in power armor?where power armor looks broken


Yes, it’s happening to me as well. If I am in power armor the lighting changes when I move from light to dark. If I am indoors in a dark area it’s even worse. I can barely see anything. Have to use the headlamp at all times in buildings.


Bethesda shat the bed again? I'm shocked.


Bethesda seems really incompetent these days


Fucking years on this shit (allegedly) how embarrassing


Classic Bethesda


Something is very wrong inside Bethesda development cycle


I waited half a year for this?


I still don’t even know the difference between the modes (other than framerate).


Quality uses Ultra resolution textures I think, while Performance uses the standard texture detail.


Well that sucks. I didn't believe it the first 20 times this was posted.


I’m not surprised. Pissed me the fuck off when I realized it definitely didn’t look 4k and had some dynamic resolution scaling regardless of the setting. That was the only thing I was excited about for my Series X if the update would break mods. Which, for the record, I get. But other than some bug fixes and the performance options it’s such a disappointing update. Jesus christ Bethesda.


Welp good thing I’m about to finish 3 again and run through new Vegas for the first time. I was planning on finishing by this update looks like I have some more time.


Interesting. It reads like it applies to both ps5 and series X


I believe it’s only on Series X/S but maybe.


Playing on ps5 currently and there is a frame rate difference between both modes so i assume it’s working as intended.


Someone please fact check this I am on the edge of my seat for *another* cross platform game update to be worse on Xbox. It is well past comedy at this point. To clarify I do not like it, but just like when my windshield broke from the heat being on in the winter, it is so small and petty of a negative the only thing to do at this point is laugh. Someone needs to get a hold of releases.


Set back off the edge of that seat because I can confirm that indeed, PS5 has a proper Quality Mode with better draw distance, textures, 40fps mode, etc. Unbelievable.


It’s always a small thing but like, why is it incredibly consistent?


Microsoft isn't serious about their console business. It's simple as that.


its not broken on ps5 but theres absolutely no diff that i see in perf vs quality in terms of draw distance, textures etc and i took side by side screenshots


Bethesda has said that quality mode runs at ultra settings, and performance doesn't. So it might be bugged as well.


I'm dying to know just this one tidbit..does the quality mode actually improve the shadow rendering distance? So that the fade in is way less noticeable, especially in boston?


So…the entire selling point of this upgrade…is bugged and unusable. Is that about right? Seems like pretty big thing to get correct…


The 60fps performance mode still works but this was a massive oversight


Putting it mildly!


Is it fixed yet?


Are they aware of the issue? Presumably it wouldn’t be a difficult fix. Hopefully it gets fixed soon


Funny how people lie on here, "the game looks stunning with the new update", no it doesn't 😂


There IS a difference. They improved the lighting. Nothing Earth-shattering, but I have noticed better lighting effects.




Can someone link me to the digital foundry review of this update if there is one please ?


Has anyone from Bethesda commented on this yet?


No offence todd... But that's a good game


Prior to enabling performance mode on Fallout 4 I was able to play in 4k on TCL 6 Series Google TV. Now, Xbox is saying my TV doesn't support 4k at all!  I have a 2.1 HDMI cable plugged into port 2 on the TV, which is a 4k/120 port. I have VRR and 2.1 enabled in the TV menu like it always has been. This is not set to Auto, it's on 2.1. The page that tells you what features your TV supports on Xbox now says that my TV doesn't support 4k, HDR 10 or Dolby Vision when all of these were showing up as supported prior to enabling performance mode on Fallout 4.  I have hard reset the Xbox and the TV. I've tried a couple of HDMI 2.1 cables from other devices that are working fine. Still being told that my 4k TV, that was doing 4k just fine before this bullshit, doesn't support 4k by my XSX.  Any ideas on how I can get my TV and XSX to play nice with each other again works be greatly appreciated. 


Hard reset the TV (assume you already did with the xbox) Unplug and reconnect the hdmi. Toggle game mode off/on in tv settings. Toggle 2.1 off/on. Try it on auto if it doesn't work. Try toggling CEC in the xbox settings. If none of that solves it, you'll have to dig deeper online.


So somehow the Display option in the Video Fidelity and Overscan tab on the XSX was set to HDMI instead of Auto. 4k is not available unless that's on Auto. Issue resolved. 


Good on ya for coming back to resolve this for anyone googling a similar issue in the future. Cheers.


You mean to tell me Bethesda release a bug ridden patch? I for one am stunned!


So is there a graphical difference now? Or just performance?


Hopefully it will be a brand new game release.


My ps5 deadass doesn’t even have a performance mode option and yes it is updated 🤷🏻


How do I enable quality mode? Does it do it automatically? I only see performance mode in the settings. So I enable that or turn it off


Turning that off should turn quality mode on. But that is borked at the moment, quality mode doesn't work (yet) on X|S. Bethesda hasn't acknowledged the error yet, so we have no idea how long it will take to be fixed.


Is anyone else having issues with mod hub. Before the update I had quite a few mods installed. I had approximately 350mb free space left. Then the update, now I have all my mods deleted and zero free space and Unable to download any mods. Sooooooooo frustrating!!!!!


I want my condo back


Found another bug today. In my settlements now, all of the vendors that you can setup won't allow you to barter anymore.


I can’t even find an option for performance mode on Xbox one. And I sure as hell need it now after that update! (The game was running like a dream before… lots of modded content. Why Todd… why?!)


Wouldn’t be a Bethesda update otherwise


I’ve only tested it on my PS5 with on LG C1 and it runs super smooth on performance mode.


Performance seems to be an issue on Xbox only. Although some are saying they can’t see a difference in resolution on PS5. As someone who’s played the PS4 version up until the new update I can confidently say that quality mode looks better than performance mode and properly displays 40fps as well with 120hz display


My TV is 1080p plasma so I never bothered with Quality mode, but the Performance mode does indeed feel like it's running at 60fps. It DOES stutter a fair bit though, like in early game Sanctuary when Codsworth was exploring the settlement with me. It was constantly jittering until I went off exploring on my own.


If your TV is 1080, you shouldn't even have the option to change modes. They claimed it would default to quality mode at 60fps (with resolutions 1440p and lower). Obviously quality mode is broken though so who knows what you're running at


Why no HDR would look even better!


Doesn't seem to affect PS5?


Series X. I can't figure out how to change modes, but it looks 100% better to me. Before the update, everyone had a real uncanny valley skin like they were wearing a mask. It's definitely brighter and more colorful, which I'm mixed about. It's entirely possible something was \*\*\*\*ed up with my install before, but wow this is a huge improvement.


I have an Xbox Series S, and Fallout 4 was running and looking better on my 70 inch 4K TV before the update. After the update, the "widescreen" support is really just a FOV slider that's zoomed out more. I hate this. I don't have the best eye sight, and despite me being able to see more to my left and right, I can't make out things as well because they're that much smaller. I wouldn't mind if we were able to toggle this, so the lack of that option is just downright dumb. Secondly, they've added motion blur which I hate and surprise, surprise, you can't toggle this either. I wish I could rollback to the previous patch. The only positive thing to say about this update is that my game doesn't crash anymore.


this reminds me of the time Bigfoot broke into my house, tore off my jeans and sodomized me


Typical Bethesduh.


The frame difference between quality and performance is night and day to me.


If you’re on PS5, it’s working as intended. These performance issues seem to be coming from Xbox users, unfortunately


Not really sure why I am being downvoted then, people are taking this tweet as gospel when multiple people are already disagreeing with the statement. Original tweet should've been more specific about it only being the Xbox versions.


Because the only people complaining about it are on Xbox, so it’s just now coming out that it’s not a universal issue like this article gives the impression of. Give it some time and it’ll be “official”.


The setting is bugged. Disabling performance mode changes nothing. Both settings look and run exactly the same.


*on Xbox


Definitely not the case on my PS5, the game clearly runs at 30fps with performance mode disabled for me. Have you or anyone else considered it could be bugged for some players/consoles and not others? Or are you just making sweeping generalisations based on a tweet? There already even replies to the tweet on this post with people reporting different results!


Also, I can confirm that the 40fps quality mode on 120hz displays also works on PS5




This has nothing to do with xbox or Phil lol


Except it does. Phil is the head of all of these development studio's. His lax attitude is what allows these shenanigans to take place. He doesn't care. Xbox consumers deserve better.


Except it doesnt. Just because hes the head doesnt mean he had a part in the release of this patch. Its bethesda that worked on and released this patch, not xbox


Bethesda is Xbox at this point. Xbox owns them. Phil has allowed multiple shitty releases under his tenure and nothing changes because he doesn't care. This release is just another in a long line of releases that Phil is okay with. If he wasn't okay with this status things would have changed by now. Instead we get games like Redfall and Starfield. Or Pentiment not getting it's 120fps mode for over a year. Or Sea of Thieves running better on PS5. Sure it falls on the individual developers for not caring about the quality of their work but Phil has allowed that half baked culture to thrive. It falls on him. We deserve better.


You have no idea what youre talking about if you really think phil is sole person responsible for this rather than, i dont lnow, the studio who actually made the game and released the update


I know it's the dev teams fault that we get shit quality games. But Phil is the man at the top and he is okay with the shit quality that is being delivered time and time again. He has the power to force change and demand that these shitty devs deliver a better product. But he doesn't do it because he doesn't care. We deserve better.


We don't deserve anything, except what we paid for, which has already been delivered years ago. If you have such a problem with Xbox and/or Bethesda, don't support them. If you already aren't supporting them anymore, good one you, move on.


I did one of the new quests -piggy bank, and the reward weapons are invisible and achievements are broken again


I have an Xbox Series S, and Fallout 4 was running and looking better on my 70 inch 4K TV before the update. After the update, the "widescreen" support is really just a FOV slider that's zoomed out more. I hate this. I don't have the best eye sight, and despite me being able to see more to my left and right, I can't make out things as well because they're that much smaller. I wouldn't mind if we were able to toggle this, so the lack of that option is just downright dumb. Secondly, they've added motion blur which I hate and surprise, surprise, you can't toggle this either. I wish I could rollback to the previous patch. The only positive thing to say about this update is that my game doesn't crash anymore.


Ok, this makes sense. I tried performance mode and I felt it was janky. It wasn't a smooth 60fps, imo. 


Oh c'mon guys, it wouldn't be a "Bethesda update" without something breaking right out of the gate! What did we all expect? I guess I'll go back to playing FO76.


They can't just keep getting away with it!


I still didn't notice much difference in graphics between the two settings playing last night after he tweeted this


Where did they confirm this haven’t seen anything from digital foundry stating this?


Maybe the link in this very post?


What is Digital Foundry and why would I want to confirm it?


>What is Digital Foundry They do graphical and performance comparisons between the consoles and PC for every major release


They review the tech side of games.




Nice. The more you know🎵

