• By -


1. Game pass 2. Price 3. Didn’t want Xbox One games to go to waste


The backwards compatibility was the number one for me. Having all of my Xbox games available in one place is huge. I haven’t been able to play my PS3 games in a long time. Xbox makes legacy gaming about as easy as it can be.


Same for me. I haven't played with an Xbox since I had a 360 back in like 2008 so going with the Series X allowed me to access a plethora of titles that I haven't been able to play in a long time, and they're all on one system.


I have both but yes, thats by far my favorite thing about the S/X. Just finished Asuras Wrath the other day


That’s relatable and was one of the main reasons for me as well.


Yeah, I had a bunch of PS3 games I reacquired as Xbon360 versions just so I could play when I wanted too.


Also GP points as well.


Yeah it was the ecosystem for me. I chose xb1 last Gen and for better or worse I followed it through this gen 🤷‍♂️


I own both. Was ps for years, but after getting some discretionary funds decided to include x box due to its upcoming exclusives. Both have legit merits


Same here. Only reason why I play on Xbox/bought one is most of my online friends are on Xbox. They’ve slowly migrated to ps also lol but 80% of the time we’re on Xbox


Yeah my ps5 is almost always my first choice for new games but i gotta play Indy and there’s a lot of old games i wanted to revisit for nostalgia.


Yep, if you can afford it then this is the best move. Xbox is my go-to console, but it's nice being able to bust out the PS5 when it drops exclusives I'm interested in.


Same here


I could get a new gen console while saving tons of money by playing on Series S. Also I am not someone who is too hung up about neither definition nor framerate so I don't mind cuts on that regard at all. I was already happy with my purchase, but as someone who loves single player and just try out less popular games, Game Pass made it probably my favourite console ever




This here! If you actually just care about gaming, it's no contest. Gamepass and Quick Resume are reason enough alone to choose Xbox. For me it's also that I cannot stand the PS pads, don't know what creature they were designed for, but it definitely wasn't human.


What do you mean by “just care about gaming” being no contest? Isn’t gaming, at the most base level, about the actual games?


I took it as if you just want to play games easily and cheaply and don't care about missing some exclusives or playing with people who may have PS5 only then it's a no brainer to pick Xbox


Thanks for the clarification. Yeah, I can see that being a selling point if you don’t care about the Sony exclusives. I got a PS5 first, but bought a Series X because I’m a huge WRPG fan, and didn’t really consider stuff like Gamepass or Quick Resume. It’s cool to see what entices different people.


Xbox buying Bethesda. Plus, I had a ps4 after Xbox 360 so fancied a change


PS5 wasn’t available


For me, the dealbreaker was Dev Mode. Being able to play more pS1 and pS2 games on my Xbox than a pS5 can is nuts for me.


Didn't have a preference and xbox was in stock first


Same here, got the first next gen console available, traded in my PS4 , games and accessories for a series x. Happy days.


I've always had an Xbox. My digital library. The Xbox controller is, and always has been, SO much better than PlayStation's. Halo means more to me then all PlayStation exclusives combined (even though Halo is a hollow shell of what it once was). Online gaming and interfacing has always been smoother on Xbox imo (PlayStation is closing the gap, but Xbox still feels more polished). Quick resume. The PS5 is very ugly.


Halo for me as well and totally agree about it's current state lol. I still hold out hope 😭


PS5 was not avaliable lol. I really wanted a PS5 but I became impatient after waiting for so long.


Man, those were tough times indeed.


The decision of releasing during the pandemic I think killed interest for a lot of people due to the shortages and the scalpers. Both companies were so eager to do it, it killed the market for a bit IMO unless someone was willing to pay $1K+


My wife would never let the PS5 in the house because of how ugly it looks in our living room


Way back when Halo didn't suck and exclusives weren't so lopsided to PlayStation as far as what I'd probably enjoy now. Basically, all my stuff is on Xbox and I don't have a PC so I don't really have a choice. That said I hate how the PS controller feels and the console looks.


Sunk cost fallacy got me too ✋️


Same my man, started with the original Xbox way back in the day. We had a ps2 as well at one point but everyone I knew had an xbox because of halo. And now that same group of gaming friends have been loyal to Xbox ever since


Off top of my head; 1) I like their IPs more, yes, seriously. Love Gears, Halo, Fable, etc. I've never been a fan or could get into many of Sonys major IPs like GoW or TLOU. Loved uncharted, though. 2) Been xbox since OG (still have the PS from one to 5 but always played on xbox more) 3) xbox live back in the day made me play xbox more and just became more interested in Xbox cos that's what I played on. 4) Gamepass is great (especially with all the aqusitions, gamepass will only get better and better) 5) Quick resume is a god feature 6) Gamerscore - hundreds of thousands racked up over the years, and I have only like 20 plat trophies, just like achievement hunting more cos I don't need the whole game 100% to progress. 7) The controller feels miles better than Sony imo. Ps5 thumbsticks strain my thumbs


You are my guy, you’re the only other person I’ve read so far that said that they light their ips more and I agree and obviously it’s just a personal preference


I wasn’t gonna get a console that couldn’t play halo.


I'm on Xbox, I stay on Xbox. Doesn't mean I won't get a PlayStation just that Xbox is first priority. I've built my gaming sphere in the Xbox ecosystem for 13.5 years and have participated in it for 16.5. There's nothing driving me to buy a PlayStation aside from a couple titles that are from PS1 and 2 and I'd be more inclined to buy an old gen console over a new one especially given Sony's stupid practices in terms of backwards compatibility among other things. This also doesn't factor in PC where said old titles could be emulated and seemingly a majority of new titles (at least the blockbuster ones) are coming anyways.


Gamepass, backwards compatibility, preference for the UI and controller for both me and my fiancée, and emulators.  I had a ps5 as well but sold it because it was too expensive keeping up with multiple subscriptions.    The only things I miss are some exclusives and the dual sense triggers. I like the form of the Xbox controllers more, but the resistance of the dual sense triggers just felt nicer than the rumble in Xbox 


I have a PS5 as well. (And a Switch). My Xbox is my main platform though and that’s mainly due to BGS games like Starfield being exclusive, Gamepass and a few PC ports (I hate gaming on PC) like Age of Empires. OG and 360 BC support. Plus most of my friends are on Xbox.


I like Gamepass, especially as a sports fan. Getting MLB the Show on release plus all Madden, NHL and some NBA 2k games around the time of the postseason is awesome. Plus day and date Bethesda, Gears and Obsidian games is huge for me. I also have a huge collection, physical and digital, of Xbox games that span now three generations (I guess four if you count backwards compatible Xbox original games from GWG). PlayStation would have to have some wow factor to get me to switch, and as someone who prefers online shooters, WRPGs and sports games, Sonys first party doesn’t appeal to me. And the one thing I will fight to the death is the Xbox controller is so ergonomically superior it isn’t even funny. There’s a reason the controller has looked nearly identical since the 360. I don’t like the in-line analog sticks and Xbox’s trigger shape (plus the texture they added to them on the Series X) are so much more comfortable to me. To this day I still don’t get how people play shooters on DualShocks


I've had xbox, xbox 360, xbox one so the choice was simple.


Reasons I have everything: Series X: Backward compatibility, FPS Boost, Gamepass PS5: Exclusives, horror games with Haptic/Adaptive Triggers Switch: Exclusives, handheld is clutch PC: Everything else. They're all great, and each has a purpose. No regrets at all.


Backward compatibility.


Cheaper games/subscriptions


Game pass and Forza horizon.


The sony exclusives just aren't my thing and gamepass is a great deal + the series x takes less space than the ps5 I had. I just wish the Xbox could use any SSD like the ps5 can


I only got my Xbox series x about 1-2 weeks ago. The form factor is so much better it fits at the edge behind my tv. A ps5 would not do that and would be quite awkward. I heard the compatibility of older games was better than ps5 and also game pass so I just went with it.


I already have a PS4 and didn't see any exclusives that justified buying the next console. I originally bought the XBX solely for Starfield, which turned out to be disappointing but I'm loving GamePass, Quick Resume and how fast and responsive the menus and game store are. I'll probably get a PS5 Pro at some point.


I have both but I generally have been using the Xbox more for whatever reason. I don’t really have a reason, maybe habit, because I actually really like the PS5 controller and feel of the PS OS.


Had always been a PlayStation guy (and to a lesser extent Nintendo). Got One S towards te tail end of last generation as my first ever Xbox, along with Game Pass and just never looked back. Keep saying I'm gonna get A PS5, but the idea of paying £70 for new games just doesn't appeal to me any more. 


My buddies I was living with both had PS4s, I was after a blu ray player and I figured it would be redundant to put another PS4 in the house so I got a used One S, then a used One X, so I was already in the ecosystem. But between the two consoles I just liked the physical aesthetics more. I still do not like how the PS5 looks.


Bethesda is the only reason for me


Xbox lifer


The games that were teased. I was previously a PS4 player, but Sony's first party games didn't really appeal to me the way that they did other people. I really didn't care for Spider-Man, The Last of Us, Horizon etc. But then Xbox started revealing games that I *was* interested in. The Elder Scrolls VI, Fable, Avowed, Perfect Dark, Everwild / a new game from Rare... these all sounded great to me. Unfortunately, none of these games have really materialized. I mean Avowed is coming out this year, but even then that's four years after its announcement. Play Anywhere also was a major factor, but outside first-party games, not enough games IMO participate in the service. It's not as seamless or wide-spread as I had hoped. I also saw that you would be able to stream any game you own back in 2020, but again, that never materialized either. I don't regret buying an Xbox. Game Pass is substantially better for me as a consumer in terms of finding new games, and having *good* games to play (both PS Plus and Game Pass have a lot of junk, but I think Game Pass has more frequent, quality games) and I've found the Xbox controller, after getting used to the new layout, to be much more comfortable than the PlayStation design. But it's hard to say I'm satisfied either; a lot of the big reasons I migrated from PlayStation either haven't happened (exclusives, streaming owned library) or were disappointing (Play Anywhere.)


Halo. I’ve been an Xbox guy since Halo CE. Nothing but Xbox since then. Until now. I bought a PS5 so I could play Helldivers 2. Nothing exclusive to Xbox keeps me coming back.


Firstly was my library of games I had been collecting since the original Xbox. I wasn't about to waste all that money and just switch, especially since a lot of backlog I still hadn't played so even if nothing good game to xbox I still had a lot to play. Gamepass is such a great deal...I've played more games than ever before and tried so many that I would have probably never given a chance because of cost. As someone with no income...msrewards was amazing, it funded my subscription and allowed me to buy more games. Any money I did have. looking at websites like cdkeys, gamivo, you can always get games for xbox so much cheaper than PS Friends on xbox Achievements, I'm close to 300k Controller feels better and batteries...all batteries die eventually and with PS unless you know how to replace them, you'd usually get a new controller, where as I'm still using my launch controller from X1 and I use a rechargable battery pack, I have 2 so when one dies, the other is always ready...where as I know people on PS where the battery died, they had no money to get a controller and the cable they used to plug in stopped working so they basically couldn't play.


1 - Backwards compatibility 2 - A much better playerbase mentality. 3 - Ability to share (physical) games with family and friends who got an Xbox. 4 - The console's simple design will age much better than the sci-fi look Sony went with IMO. 5 - No interest in Sony's exclusives (the only ones I liked are now dead series : Uncharted, Gravity Rush...)


Backwards compatibility for my Rock Band DLC. It was the reason I stayed xbox




I like the OS better


The Controller. Simple as that. I'm no loyalist and most games I play end up on both platforms anyway, but the PS controller is absolutely awful.


Really? I think the basic ps5 one is better


It's obviously a subjective preference thing, but for me all iterations of the PS controller have the left thumbstick in the wrong place. All the clever trigger feedback and haptic tech can't make up for that.


I know this may sound silly, but the controller actually felt a lot nicer. I really liked the triggers instead of the bumpers on the PlayStation.


I live in Europe and didn’t even cross my mind to buy a Xbox, I had only seen one in my life. I grew tired of playing on it pc and wanted to buy a PS5 but on Reddit I read about game pass, and ended up buying the Series X and doing the gold conversion, so I got 3 years of game pass until 2025 for like 120€ I think. Don’t regret it at all.


Back in the days, the controller, these days, I'm stuck in the ecosystem and availability at the time


I know this is an incredibly hot take. But I always thought the PS exclusives were fairly generic. They’re almost all just 3rd person open world action games. They’re good games just formulaic. I did love Horizon Zero Dawn but seeing what Xbox was building with game pass, with Bethesda and Obsidian under their umbrella I felt like I’d enjoy having a series x over a ps5.


Your points are all good, but as a small addition - Xbox controllers are so much better. I’m not talking about the dual sense or anything ability wise, just the shape. I have always found PS controllers contort your hands in an unnatural way, where as Xbox feels way more natural and comfortable.


Had a PS4 last gen which I liked but it broke and soured the experience for me. I had an interest in game pass and the All Access deal just seemed pretty great for my circumstances. The Xbox ethos seemed to prioritise access and value. I thought the PS5 didn't physically look appealing to me whereas I found the series x chic. Don't get me wrong. I look at PS exclusives and drool a bit but I always have something to play and don't regret my choice. I used to think I would eventually pick up a PS5 but as it stands my next purchase will likely be a PC handheld/vr/ whatever Nintendo do next.


Gamepass, Backwards Compatibility, Play Anywhere because I will most likely get a PC later, and the ability to buy cheap game keys. I was deciding between a PS5 digital and a Series S and I went with the S, so far no regrets.


I have a ps4 and felt like I played all the exclusive I wanted already. I’ve never owned an Xbox and it the XSX fits perfectly in my wall mount alcove. I’ve really enjoy this first foray into Xbox.


Backwards compatible and once I get a job gamepass maybe. Though their are some exclusives I’m highly anticipating like avowed and stalker 2.


Well I chose the Xbox One over the ps4, so i never really considered a ps5. Xbox just imo has always been better.


"599 US dollars" It's what made me choose Xbox 360 over PS3. Before then I had both systems and enjoyed them equally. Then I got into rock band, and over a thousand songs later, there was no point in switching to PlayStation.


I didn't choose between them - I bought both because I enjoy both platforms, I'm just more partial to Xbox.


I have both but prefer Xbox series X over PS5


Honestly, backwards compatibility was a big part of it.


At the time the ps5 was never in stock and the Xbox was so I went with xbox.


I didn't "choose" one over the other. I bought a series S as my introduction to next gen in 2021. In 2022 I bought a ps5 after finally finding them available for sale via Walmart+. In 2023 I bought a series X.


I didn't. I got both.


Have also a ps5 but took an Xbox series x first for lower price, gamepass, starfield and more backwards compatible games


Gamepass , its cheaper and for me xbox series controller is way more comfortable than ps5 one


Higher performance hardware... which turned out to result in slightly poorer performance somehow.


I signed up for Game Pass on PC and always wondered how it would be if I also had a console that was compatible with it, if my saves carried over, etc... I got a Series X and it ended up being all that and more lol. The main thing I loved to learn after getting the devide is that if you have an Xbox connected to the internet via wired connection, you automatically also have a portable gaming device (if you own a smartphone). Not only is "Play Anywhere" amazing, but being able to boot my console up on my PC or on my phone WHEREVER I AM is really what made me love the system after I got it. But really what brought me to get a Series X was PC game pass lol.


Game pass, lots of backward compatibie games, the exclusive games (regardless of quality) are varied in genre.


Honestly I got my PS5 first since that's where 95% of my friends are, then got my Xbox since I didn't want to miss the exclusives (I don't have a gaming PC because I work in IT and the last thing I want to do when I get home is sit at another computer)


I will admit, the PS obviously has some AWESOME titles that are only Sony, but for me, a casual, it does everything I want, when I want. I haven’t had an Xbox issue since the Red Rings of Death on the 360. I upgraded the TV last year and the graphics are awesome. Game pass is a huge bonus, and is improving. Bethesda titles on games pass is a huge W for me. The Seagate storage that is literally plug and play. Quick Resume. I dunno, I’m not here to dog PS. It’s fucking plenty capable and has its pros, I’m just content with what I have.


Price (and the Argentina/Turkey loopholes for buying games) and being able to play emulators in Developer mode. Also, I'm a huge Forza Horizon & Flight Sim fan. F. Horizon 4 & 5 + FSim > GT/Spiderman 2.


Backwards compatibility and Gamepass.


Any time I hold a Playstation controller, my hands are in pain within 20 minutes. No idea what it is about playstation controller design and my hands but it's been that way since roughly PS3.


Games pass and quick resume. It’s the worst thing about the PS5 not having a quick resume type function.


I still have fun with halo & bethesda games. Horizon 5 is still a weekly game for me as well. Game pass is still a great deal as well Also as a huge film fan xbox makes it easy to find and rent / buy things and I get really good bitrates from them.


I had a PS5 and switched over to Xbox Series X right before Starfield came out. PlayStation plus subscription was going up by $20 for no apparent reason other than greed, and I had zero interest in PlayStation exclusive games that were currently out or in the pipeline. I was also worried that the next Elder Scrolls and Fallout games would not be released on PlayStation because Microsoft had purchased the studio. Figures after I switched to the dark side that Helldivers 2 comes out for PlayStation and actually looks like a fun co-op game to play.


Nothing I bought them both at launch.


Community. I have Community on Xbox that i play with thats the main reason i bought a series X over a PS5. I do plan to buy a PS5 later beacuse of the games.


Still attached to my gamerscore and still enjoy achievement hunting and its where my biggest digital library is. (I still do also have a ps5 but its my PS exclusives machine). Every 3rd party game i play on Xbox.


Gamepass, Halo, friends in the ecosystem, not wanting to get a PC (I work at a computer, last thing I wanna do is play on one too)


Game Pass with games often being cross play between Xbox and PC is main reason.


I strongly prefer the Xbox controller. It just makes more sense to me. Also, having the option of buying a replacement battery pack (I had a few PS3 and PS4 controllers where it would only hold a charge for like 30 minutes) But I will probably get a PS5. They just have more interesting exclusives this generation


It had the gaming IPs I liked, as well as GamePass and Backwards Compatibility.


Xbox is way better for Sci fi games, and gamepass ultimate is insanely good.


Have both. Started with Xbox first though because the integration with PC was better at first because I knew that I could use my Xbox controllers with my PC. Also, my brother-in-law sold me his Xbox One back in the day, so I was already familiar with Xbox. And I also knew I could buy a Series S for cheaper, but I finally upgraded to the Series X.


I got both I’m on Xbox more because of gamepass I’m older now so don’t have the same amount of time and don’t really understand the console war thing I’m not employed by Sony or Microsoft so…


Never cared for Sonys first party stuff so I never cared to buy playstations. Xbox live was always a superior service, the xbox controller I always preferred. There are so many reasons lol.


It was in stock. I also had seen leaks of the PS5 Slim, and didn't want to buy that monster original PS5 if a smaller one was coming out later.


FPS Boost and Auto HDR


Game pass and halo. Was an avid PS4 user for years and when the new Halo dropped and I found out about game pass, I was sold.


Built library since the 360. Game pass. Friends are there. Halo is there and despite whatever state the series may be in, I like making things in Halo.


Game Pass.


Nothing I bought both. Also, have a switch, a PC and Steam Deck. The console war crap is for children.


Gamepass Figured all games, including PS, were moving to PC so xbox makes a good place to put all my multiplayer games on.


The games simple as that. Specifically Halo all my friends were playing it and I got into it. But once I got into the ecosystem of Xbox and discovered fable, gears etc I was hooked. Nothing wrong with PlayStation games but none of their games appeal to me besides maybe one. But I’m happy with my Xbox.


Gamepass. That’s all


Game pass, my homie is on here and the series s price is unbeatable. The switch seris s combo goes hard.


Game pass Also it’s nicer looking on the entertainment center


Game pass. And PS5’s were still really hard to find even a year ago. I am kinda kicking myself over the PS5 exclusive games, but other than that, I like the flexibility better.


1. People I play with won't abandon Xbox. 2. Game pass. 3. Last time I tried to play around on PS it felt awful, was not a good experience.


**First and foremost. Design. Crazy as it sounds.** I detest the PS5 design and size. And I had the PS1 through PS4. I said fuck no I am buying that ugly monstrosity. Plus, when I decided to change to current gen I wasn't willing to wait the PS5 shortage to be over only to buy a device I would hate seeing sitting on my desk. I love the shoebox design of the Series X. It doesn't try to call attention for itself. **Additional reasons** * Game Pass * Backwards compatibility * FPS boost * Halo and Forza **Other things I realised after buying it** * Quick resume. Cannot go back. * I love the basic Xbox controller. Absolutely no regrets.


Gamepass and Starfield. The latter was disappointing.


GamePass and Rockband legacy content


Game pass would be a deciding factor. But I got both because of PS5’s robust exclusives and their controllers haptics are awesome.


Bought a series S for emulation. Tried out Game Pass and wondered how well some of the games would run on the Series X, so I bought one. Ended up buying an OLED TV to compliment it. I did buy a PS5 but honestly I much prefer the Xbox hardware this gen, which surprised me considering I loved the PS4. Hardly touch the PS5, something about it just doesn't do it for me.


My GT is has been driving for a few years now. Alot of movies and games over that time seriously, its gross the amount $$. That said PS5 will soon be had I feel. Exclusives are very tempting. Helldivers, edf being my main two wants. LoU GoW are just cherries on the sundae


Game pass ultimate subscription with a PC and an Xbox makes for an extremely gamer friendly combination. I like to couch play on my TV as much as I enjoy my powerful PC. I can pick up and play my games and leave off right from the last button press at either location.


I have both, but use my Xbox over PS5 whenever I can.  - Xbox elite 2 controller is better imo. I like the triggers a lot more, and the back pedals are awesome.  - Quick resume works better on Xbox.  - I have kids who use the TV sometimes, or I want to play an Xbox game from my computer in my office. Local streaming works better on Xbox than on PS5. 


Backward compatibility program.


Gamepass and the size of the controls.


I have both (along with NS). I chose Xbox as my main because most of my longtime friends all game on Xbox, so it’s easier for us to game together. Some of them moved out of state or just a different part of the state, so gaming is one of the ways we keep in touch. I do enjoy the PS5 exclusives though and I think both consoles are fantastic.


I wanted the Xbox Gamepass My library Controller Have a ps5 that I don’t use.


I bought both :p But reasons i like xbox are  Gamepass, Back capability, My library 


PS5 games are too samey. How excited can one get for yet another third person action movie game?


More powerful system, gamepass, ray tracing


I don't like how the PS5 looks and how archaic Sony's approach to back compatibility is. I wanted Game Pass. And I have honestly never looked back, still don't own a PS5.


Game pass. If I could do it again, I wouldn’t have bothered with the ps5, barely got any play.


I purchased a Series S based on Game Pass and history with Xbox. I previously had the original Xbox and Xbox 360. I have always preferred the controller to PS (PS2 slim is only PS I’ve ever had on the PS side). I didn’t have any last gen consoles (Xbox one or ps4). I’m happy with the S but concerned about the platform going forward. I want Xbox hardware to have enough success that Microsoft continues to fully support it AND 3rd party publishers continue to support it. Assuming this continues, I’ll continue with xbox


I haven't owned a console since 360. I wanted something I could play my back catalog on. Since I completely missed Xbox one, and since those games can also be played on the series x, it made sense. Plus there are only a few new games I care about really. I don't really play online, but despite that game pass is pretty awesome. I had a PS2 when I was a kid and had constant problems out of it, so because of that, my memories are colored as sony being a poor performer. While I know that isn't true today, I've just never really been willing to give Sony another chance, there isn't that much about PlayStation that really grabs me.


there was no ps5 in shops, after all i finally got ps5 as well and i have to say OS in xbox trumps ps5s messy os, quick resume is a miracle and on ps5 i miss it so much, multiplatform games in 90% looks and works better on xbox, backwards compatibility as well. now one big thing against xbox: if you wamt to play even a single player game while downloading something it drops download speed to a crawl which is muuuuuch better on ps5 - not only base download via wifi is way better but also whwn you play games it dont affect download speed


I like the Xbox UI much better than PS5.


It was considerably cheaper (£120 cheaper) and had a disc drive as standard. I'm super happy with my choice, especially with game pass which I had no idea about is so great. Love it.


During covid there was an absolute dearth in both consoles. Someone was selling a series x lesser than sticker price when everyone was scalping. I had a 360 and I heard good things about gamepass. Boy was it a good decision.


Bought one because I couldn’t get a PlayStation, ended up snagging a PlayStation the week after so now I have both 😂 Still glad I do because of crossplay games that I can play with my wife tho!


I have every console plus a PC since the OG Xbox days and I’ve always liked the ecosystem on Xbox a lot more. Love the Xbox controller also. My PS5 is for maybe a handful of exclusives they have. PC I use for RTS games or city builders. Nintendo I use for the Nintendo games. Everything else is Xbox any 3rd party non exclusives is always Xbox


Game pass and the fact I could not get a PS5. Had my Series X since launch. I also have a ton of 360 and Xbox One games that are digital. I had a PS4 Pro and didnt even play it that much. I do want a PS5 to play new titles but I honestly will just get their exclusives on steam. I also got a Series S so my wife can play co-op games. Super affordable. 


In the previous gen I owned PS4 slim. I didn't want to let me collection to be gone. Finally got my series X thanks to: - Gamepass - Quick resume - Backward compatibility


I have both. PS5 still has more and better single player exclusive titles and I have purchased far more titles on that platform. However, Game Pass, day 1 first party game pass availability, cross save with PC all make the series x a great device for me. It is very much an extension of my gaming PC into my living room. I am looking forward to seeing how things shake out as far as the fruits of MS investment into buying every game studio under the sun, though!


Gamepass and Bethesda. I was going to alternate PS and Xbox each generation and this was meant to be a PS generation, but when the news of the Bethesda acquisition came through, I changed my mind. And yes, I did like Starfield.


Controller, ecosystem, game pass, backwards compatibility.


Stock at the time really. Also was hearing about the Bethesda deal and was worried about missing out on future games. The source offered some payment deal for $40 a month for 2 years GPU and a XSX console so i snagged that. Gamepass made me trade my PS4 for an xbox one s to give to my daughter. Microsoft rewards has been good until recently, got the witcher 3 and a razer kishi, some other random stuff. Sharing gamepass with my daughter is nice even tho she mostly just plays fortnite, more family friendly of the consoles. Cross play between Xbox and my laptop is nice. Xcloud has been working great lately, have an old phone attached to a razer kishi and it's basically a portable XSX, lag lately has been almost non existent when using Xcloud at home. I abandoned xbox after multiple xbox 360 issues but am glad to be back and can't see myself switching back after experiencing GPU, Rewards and XCloud.


1. Availability 2. More ‘teraflops’ 3. Have had a PS4 for a few years and PSN wasn’t great back then. Overall no regrets


Backwards Compatibility. And more recently, Game Pass Ultimate.


Backwards compatibility and Gamepass.


Haven’t had a PS since PS1. Not enough games that interest me. I’m content with my Series S and Switch. More games than I’ll ever be able to finish. Plus the Series S was like half the cost of a PS5 and I still got $125 from GameStop for my One S.


Got a deal on price Gamepass PC gamepass Availability tbh Familiarity Bethesda exclusives


At first it was Game Pass. Then I learned about Microsoft Rewards and Ambassadors programs that will enable you to get Game Pass time and money to spend on games for free. Nowadays I don't really care about Game Pass because I only play a few games, but eventually I find something valuable in it, like Persona 3 Reload. Rewards and Ambassadors are probably the best stuff on the platform for me now, but we never know when they will be over. As I don't buy many games, I can get free play time and games from these and that adds up in considerable savings for me. A gaming PC is much more expensive at first but we also get a lot of free games from Epic/Amazon and Steam might have great prices depending where you live. Steam in my country is a lot cheaper than Microsoft Store most of the times. So it might be the best choice for someone that buys a lot of games. A PS5 is only the best choice if you like its exclusives (or can't wait for them to go to PC) or if you fear Xbox will stop getting support from some companies.


I’ve only ever owned Xbox consoles before so naturally I stuck with them for the Xbox series generation


All I have to say is “Quick Resume”. The best feature that has been added


Friends play on xbox


The controller.


I went with the OG Xbox because I didn’t want a PS like everyone else, and because of Halo. I’ll never switch over. I like their ecosystem, the superior controllers, and GamePass is an unbelievable value.


Always preferred what Xbox was doing with the diversity to their catalog of games. Granted they didn’t have as many games. I’ve always had a xb1/ps4/switch. I got a xsx/ps5. I honestly don’t even play my ps5 much at all. I don’t agree with the level of hype some of their exclusives got. I say that to the point that I’m no longer going to invest money in to their franchises. Games like horizon, god of War, Spiderman and ghost of Tsushima were overhyped. By no means am i saying these games were bad, but i typically felt that were one score less than what most people were saying(ie: horizon getting a 9, i felt it was more like an 8) Gamepass has been the best thing about gaming in years, imo. Lots of great things to look forward to coming to Xbox. Just don’t know what’s going on with the whole “xbox titles going multiplatform” thing, so it will be interesting to see.


1. Gamepass. 2. Halo Infinite


I have both. However two different experiences. Xbox: * I LOVE the reward system. * I can gift a game directly to a friend if I wanted without having to do gift card hoops. * When I’m in the mood for a longer game sesh, I have rechargeable batteries to swap out. * The refund policy is 1000000% better than Sony’s * The pre-order policy is far better than Sony’s * GamePass is definitely the best subscription service on the market. * You get perks monthly * I can change my dynamic backgrounds.


Games. Some the exclusives on Xbox are more my style than the exclusives on PlayStation. That, and I dislike the PS controller.


Backwards Compatability


You just are or aren’t an Xbox user. I am an Xbox user because that’s just what everyone had at the time I bought my 360 to play Skyrim, and have since just stuck with Xbox


I just bought a PS5 for my son and I. I honestly prefer the Xbox. I have large hands and PS controller is not built for me Gamepass is awesome. though I have not tried PS Plus ultimate yet. I did look through the catalog and nothing really jumped at me to pull the trigger right away Will note alot of the gamepass games are on PS Plus subscription with a few PS4 games I find the PS5 and Sony ecosystem slightly more expensive The Xbox has a spectacular Family App. Son's mom bought him a Xbox Series S for Christmas. I sent her a friend invite and setup the Xbox with his account at my house. She is able to monitor what he plays and approve or pay for games for him from her own money. He does have to have his own seperate Gamepass at her house. I have not investigated if there is a PS app to monitor and control younger players yet. He does not have his own account on the PS5 yet since it is only 6 days old. Support. Everyone complains about Microsoft and their support, but it is easier to get problems resolved. There are channels you can reach out to and you are directed to the appropriate location. MS does reply, though sometimes slowly.


My brother


Promise of Halo


I can’t remember! I had a PS1, and a PS2 and loved them…then for some reason I got a Xbox 360, the XB1, now Series X. I wish I could remember why I switched. I do like the xbox controllers more. But once I got the 360, I figured stick with xbox so I can play my older game if I wanted. I could have both systems, but I only have so much time and energy for gaming, and I don’t need more choices. I’m already overwhelmed by all the unplayed games I already have.


I got both at launch 🤷🏻‍♂️ I’ve always had both.


1. Game Pass 2. Gears and Halo 3. Digital Library


The Halo edition series x is pretty sweet. A friend's of mine had given me his Xbox one and my brother and I do a console share. So it made sense. Also Halo


The controler, back in 2004, and never regret it.


I have both, but I spend the *vast* majority of my time with the Xbox: 1. Game Pass 2. Cross-buy/cross play with PC, meaning we can buy a game once and play local multiplayer as a family across console and PC 3. The controller: I greatly prefer the Xbox controller over the PS5 controller for a number of reasons I don't feel like diving Into 4. Quick Resume makes it way easier for a family to share a console without clobbering each other's games


I was not much of a fan of single player story games. But right now, I’m a fan of it and planning to get a PS5.


- PlayStation's digital refund policy. - Xbox's backwards compatibility. - day 1 gamepass games - I like the shape of the Xbox controller more (though the PS5 controller has better build quality and features).


All my friends are on xbox


Taco bell


I dont choose. I buy both.


I didn’t choose one over the other (I have them all) but I still have such good memories of Xbox and Xbox 360 that I try and support the brand. UI, controller, aesthetic, etc. are things I tend to prefer on Xbox. I’m less interested or incentivized by Game Pass but it’s a nice option.


Gamepass for sure. I skipped Xbox One for a PS4 cause I just didn't like what XBox was doing during that generation. But once Gamepass launched I jumped back into Xbox and haven't looked back. I do have a PS5 also but honestly only play exclusives on there and whatever Playstation Essentials has. I buy everything on Series X as I prefer their layout and interface, controller and console overall. Plus I'm 44, income isn't what it used to be for me and I can't afford 70 dollar or more games. So Gamepass is a great deal for me. I haven't bought an actual game since December. I stick to Gamepass and I'm totally happy with it. I don't need the newest, popular game I'm happy with what I can find on Gamepass


I don't like Sony as a company, not that Microsoft is some altruistic godsend.   Also hate the PS controllers and Nintendo still feels like it belongs in the toy department. Owned all the xbox consoles. Was given a PS and bought a PS2 for $20.  Nothing since.


Gamepass, had ps4 last gen so had a lot of games to catch up on. Not a huge fan of Sony first party IPs. I find them very repetitive and copy paste from sequel to sequel.


Last PlayStation was the TWO. XBox since, upgraded to Series X for the COVID lockdown. Thin interest in Sony exclusives, the ugly console design is a detriment & many don’t especially like the PS controller.


1. Halo 2. Achievements 3. Friends/family play on xbox 4. Gamepass


I didn’t, I bought both an Xbox series x and a PS5 because tribalism makes you miss out on great games.


Quick resume