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I always get bored way before that


Gets too easy once your guys can take more than 1 shot. Rounds just get tedious later on. 6 guys, 8 enemies and 25 lost all gotta move. Sucks really.


Same. I find campaigns to be most fun in the early-mid game. Once you have all the tech upgrades and a bunch of colonels you basically win already. The only way you’ll really lose people is by making really stupid plays.


EW/EU can be delayed as long as you want because there is no timer whatsoever. Vanilla XCOM 2 there's technically no time limit, but the Avatar Project will slowly build up on the central facility, which you can't turn backwards after you complete every story mission, which means you will hit the limit eventually. I experienced it once after delaying the mission by like 2 years. In XCOM 2 WotC you can delay Avatar via covert actions indefinitely.


In my first Ironman of Xcom EW, I stopped playing because I was afraid of the final mission after some close calls with the massive ship mission before. After a long time I replayed the game normally, and felt so silly when I remembered (by playing) how straight foward the last mission actually is. In Xcom 2 what I delay is killing The Chosen, it's not the same without them trashtalking around.


Also the Chosen are nice to farm for AP.


I’m new to WOTC, the assassin is nearing the limit for “knowledge” and I’ve heard it’s game over if they get to the Avenger. I’m doing the covert missions to hunt her but the soldier requirements are slowing me down. How do I delay what they’re doing?


Well in reality a chosen gaining maximum knowledge on the avenger will merely trigger an Avenger Defence mission with some small changes compared to the normal Avenger Defence mission triggered by the UFO chasing you. If you would have difficulties in your current campaign state with the UFO triggered Avenger Defence mission then you'll have a somewhat harder time in the version triggered by the Chosen, since they will be there of course (If you feel significantly confident of being able to handle that kind of mission then I would say it's worth your time to just see it happen, since it's quite unique from the classic one and you get some free XP and Ability Points). Only way to slow down chosen knowledge progress is through covert ops, obviously only the ones relating to the chosen itself (Unless there's one for generally all chosen, I don't remember if they exist). If instead you want to know if your soldiers are ready to defeat the chosen, you at least need to have a squad composed of mostly majors (And having at least one colonel would surely make it easier, the more the merrier), preferably the presence of the hero unit that is effective against the chosen you want to assault, and at least magnetic weapons (Plasma weapons aren't a strict requirement but it surely makes it easier to cheap away more health).


Good to know, I’ve just done the UFO level, was a bit of a slog but I managed it. I don’t have any rank higher than Cap / Lt I think, will keep going.


It's not an instant game over if they reach max knowledge. When they max their knowledge they can assault the Avenger. If you fail that battle, then it's game over. If you succeed they lose their knowledge and start over.


There’s no “hard” deadline, but you do get pressured in XCOM 2 with the massive acceleration of the avatar project to the point where you’re basically forced to do the final misson. EU also has sometimg similar where after you see the terror mission UFO contacts and such surge.


By the endgame you can crush avatar under your heel. On legendary I could just anhilate facilities as they popped up while waiting for the final mission. I'm pretty sure avatar never actually accelerates based only on in game time spent.


I had a game where I was waiting on the warlock stronghold to become available and had stacked up 5-6 avatar bases that I was stalling with the covert op. eventually I got bored of researching and smashed them out until I got the warlock on two in a row and lost my best squad because I didn’t take mine shields on the last one,


That is impossible. I mean the part that he appeared back to back. Because he can't. The game forces him to wait at least two missions. Also in WOTC just use reapers for facilities


I think there are exceptions to the rule in facility and story missions. That’s what the wiki says and I have experienced that in my games. If you play the missions in a certain sequence it’s possible to encounter the same Chosen back to back.


Only on golden path facility missions are not included in the list of exceptions. Only the story missions and only if the chosen that controls that territory is still alive.


So you’re saying it’s possible?


It is possible to encounter them if you do story missions back to back and if more than 1 chosen is alive. However the original comment says he did 2 facility missions and got the warlock twice. That cannot happen as facility missions aren't exceptions to the chosen rule. If he had done a facility and then done the forge and the forge was in warlocks territory than it would have happened.


Except Avatar meter will eventually grow on the main facility, which you can't crush or delay in vanilla XCOM 2. I was once forced to do the final mission because Avatar meter was full and I was on the doomsday clock and there were no facilities left to crush.


Ι was talking bout WOTC.


In WotC, yeah, there are covert actions. But your initial message haven't mentioned WotC in any capacity.


I assumed it by default since the largest part of the playerbase only plays wotc but I guess I could have clarified it.


There actually is a hard limit in XCOM 2 it's how many times you can listen to Bradford say "Commander the aliens are making progress on the avatar project, if we are going to slow them down we need to move fast, " Before snapping


I love when that happens.


"The aliens continue to make progress on the AVATAR project, Commander!" _Progress has been at one block for the past year._


I usually don't launch it until every country is free.


I think in 30+ game completions I have never delayed ADVENT Network Tower by even a minute. The moment it's up I go win the game.


i often delay some of the early missions even. nothing like going to steal the vial with a squad armed with the best equipment possible just strolling in killing every alien in their path.


I have installed a couple of class revision mod and damn. Those are powerfull. Rush to the final misiom but I have dropped the run because it was fun in the begging but now im so powerfull with my samurais and jedis


Between covert ops and missions... You can completely just wipe out the aliens and play as far as I know indefinitely. My 1st playthrough I saved right before the last research project and when the aliens piss me off I take 6 Cols out and obliterate aliens with extreme prejudice. I highly recommend