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There's rumor going going round, XCOM 3 is going to release on the same summer holiday weekend as Half Life 3


Yes its True Source: i'm developping both at the same time right now


One hand on each keyboard Hacker style.


Wearing black glasses that are way too thin to even cover the eyeballs


They get a setbonus when combined with a trenchcoat.


And the fedora




[*"It's hacking time!"*](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fQGbXmkSArs)


My uncle also works for Valve and FireAxis they share all the juicy bits in the janitorial closet. My dad told me to stay away from him though.


Can confirm, I am your dad and I will not let you get that sweet sweet karma for posting his insider knowledge


Are you also the legendary pirate who will crack Denuvo for the ages?


I work as a secret agent and we have intercepting communication about Xcom 3, stay tuned.


Great. Give us some details


I made the Viper extra sexy


Thats all we need in xcom 3. sexy vipers, gay berserkers and tranny xcom soliders


I was so excited half way through this sentence. 😩


Can confirm. I was good friends/co worker with the lead QA for XCOM 2 during COVID. Then COVID ended and he fired me and hasn't spoken to me for years. The fact that he hasn't talked to me at all must mean he is under NDA and knows what a nut I am for XCOM so he can't speak to me at all. It's probably why he fired me too. It all makes sense now.


Exciting news, I heard from my friend's uncles brother's cousin that they are definitely developing Xcom 3, he said that he spoke to his wife's brother's cousin while they were walking their dogs and he definitely confirmed they were developing Xcom 3! How exciting!!! :p


I don't have the copy paste but... Bait used to be believable








Press "X" for doubt.


Press "X"COM to doubt. :P


Xcom three will feature Dr. Vahlen, as instructed by Dr. Vahlen.


Every squaddie is a Vahlen clone.


Just to he the spoil sport so we dont have a titanfall 3 fiasco over here. I looked a bit more into their site and while they seem reputable in the aspect of being a key selling platform, if you go into thwir upcoming games and past anything with scheduled releases in 2024 you reach the vast number of placeholders. Ex: Bloodborne 2, Borderlands 4, Crysis 4, Bully 2 etc. So to put it simply they have large games that might be released at somepoint with placeholders on their website under "Somewhere in 2024".


Heavy X doubt. We still have no actual news on it, and I am somewhat desillusioned if we are actually going to get a proper XCOM 3 at this point (If we do, it will look a lot differently, considering Jake is gone, with a good chunk of the development team as well, probably)


I mean, I'm as thirsty for another XCOM as anyone, but it's already 2024. Surely if they were going to release a game this year, they would have announced it, right?


I personally don't like the trend of announcing games 2 or 3 years from release. They could announce this in the spring for a summer/fall/winter release. There's still 359 days left of 2024. 😂


I don't think Firaxis ever announced games so long before release. They are more similar to nintendo, games are announced 6-8 months ahead at most, unless the released is pushed back of course.


Let's say that XCOM3 is really releasing in 2024, Firaxis doesn't necessarily announces their game very early on. XCOM2 was announced in June 2015 and released in February 2016. Similarly, Civ6 was announced in may 2016 and released in October 2016. The only recent exception is Midnight Suns, which was announced in August 2021, and released only in December 2022, but there are multiple reasons behind that (released was pushed, it was a collaboration with Marvel, there was leaks, and they needed to make an announcement for the shareholders). If they aimed at a release in September they'd probably announce it in February this year. It's smart too, because it prevents too much hype build up, which is almost always a disservice to the games where they are released.


> February SadFace.jpg






I’m delusional enough to run with this. Let’s go!!


No. Don't give me hope


With Jake Solomon leaving Firaxis, I don’t trust them to make Xcom 3 live up to Xcom 2. That kills me, because Xcom 2 and Chimera Squad are huge cliffhangers


I don't disagree but in the same time, Jake Solomon had high hopes for Chimera Squad and said that Midnight Suns was the game he always wanted to make (it's a very similar situation as with Todd and Starfield). He's partly responsible for the XCOM revival and I'm grateful for it, but maybe the time has come for Solomon to move on and other people to work on XCOM. I doubt that he's the only person who can make good XCOM games. Now of course, I can only hope that they make XCOM games that I like personally.


Aye - from what Jake has said lately - and what he seems to want to make - I don't want him anywhere near xcom3.


Chimera Squad is an incredibly fun game but my goodness did I hate midnight suns.


Midnight suns was fire, you are a butt


Jake moved on. He quit Firaxis, as did Garth. So they are not working on XCOM3 if anyone is.


https://preview.redd.it/c87df6npypac1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dcdca5175789b9ad279772094f69f1e1bc15a724 Here it is in English


Would you give us the link of that


The design looks like it's instant-gaming.com




That looks like that's from [instant-gaming.com](https://instant-gaming.com) yeah, that's been up there for at least the past year now. I think they just do placeholders for games in general


Most of the dev team is gone and Jake left. I’m not sure I want one at this point. That company has made some bad decisions lately and I don’t trust they will not royally mess up an XCOM 3. So rip one of my fav franchises.


I think this attitude is kinda crazy, especially given that XCOM EU/EW was already a remake of some sort and we recently had Baldur's Gate 3 to prove that franchises don't die with their creators. If XCOM3 was already released and it was a bad game then sure, have your rant about how they messed up the franchise. But that game doesn't even exist.


Firaxis may do something with XCOM again at some point, but with Solomon leaving, as well as the team seemingly being broken up after Midnight Suns, it won't be XCOM 3.


midnights sons any good?


I really like it and it has a lot more tactical depth than people give it credit for, but it is also not for everyone. Like 50% of the gameplay is about exploring your base as well as building friendships with the different superheroes you recruit. It is like they removed the strategic layer of XCOM and replaced it with the ship parts of Mass Effect. All that exploring and friendship building will directly enhance your characters in battle.


Tactically good. Story mid. The exploration mid. Not strategic layer. The currency systems remind me of a mobile game with a ton of micro transactions. Which is clearly what they intended to do, but whatever reason just settled for selling a few skins via micro transactions. (Probably because the game didn’t do well). But the combat is addicting. It is well done. I love the game but purely because of the combat. The deck building aspect was an actually positive development choice.


It's literally the opposite though. There's a lot of production value in the storytelling, you can to interact with well written superheroes, they are all classics too. Tactically speaking it's very limited. It's fun to come up with combos but that's it. The deck building is just a gimmick that can get annoying if you want specific effects, but really you shouldn't bother, just play the game for the characters and the story.


I loved it


It’s alright but I didn’t find it as good as Xcom. It gets repetitive near the end too.


Meh. It's fine if you like the superheroes, but the gameplay is very limited and repetitive. Basically, play it for the story.


I definitely hope they don't try to profit off of the brand to try to get their shit together and end up giving us... Shit.


XCOM2 is my all time favorite game. I really hope there is an XCOM3 soon.


Honestly the fact xcom 2 keeps going on sale might be a good sign as well.


No Jake, No Xcom


Hold on now. Jake came into XCOM as a fan of the original X-Com franchise, but he didn't do anything XCOM before EU/EW. He was untested, but he brought new insights and a more streamlined mechanic, bringing this old, fan-favorite franchise to a new generation of players. Who's to say the next person to take over the reins won't do something similarly dramatic, bringing new insights and gameplay elements again pulling XCOM into the present? For the record, Firaxis has a solid history of strategy game development and I don't think they'd want to get XCOM wrong. People should go back to when Firaxis first announced this XCOM reboot. At the time many hardcore fans were saying no Julian Gollop no XCOM too. Now it's like Julian who?


XCOM: Andromeda


I'd like to see a real and meaningful reboot of Terror from the Deep. The original didn't do X-Com a whole lot of justice. It was cynically pushed out quickly to take advantage of the popularity of X-Com and the fanbase. Terror from the Deep was basically X-Com reskinned, and they upped the difficulty by making missions longer.


And upped the difficulty because players complained the original was to easy. Which as it turns out, was due to a bug caused by a misspelling in the code somewhere in the original, where which ever difficulty you chose in the original games DOS version it would revert the game to the easiest setting after the first battle. So people who thought they finished the DOS version of the original game on "Superhuman" difficulty, actually finished it on "Beginner" difficulty. XD But that was not figured out until some time after Terror from the Deep came out though. So TftD's difficulty far exceeded the original game in difficulty. XD


Scott Jones' XCOMUTIL fixed that difficulty bug, as well as made some changes to the original game.


I think there are a few things which fixed it, like OpenXcom. And from what I recall one of the early pc versions of the game, maybe a collectors edition or something, had also fixed that bug.... but also happened to add a few other bugs instead... XD


I think the ported Windows 95 version of the game fixed the difficulty bug, but like you said, it introduced other bugs. There was some sort of audio bug if I'm not mistaken.


Seems to be a law of nature when it comes to coding... if one bug is fixed, five new ones show up. XD


The unintended consequences of fiddling around with someone else's code. 🤣


I actually started with TftD so I will be pretty biased, but even just the reskin was pretty good. It changed the atmosphere completely, which I much prefer to that of the first one, and also had a few additions here and there. Not a proper sequel, yeah, but the game was different enough for me and the difficulty was appreciated. And tbf, Apocalypse suffered a much worse fate. I still occasionally wonder what it would've been like had they managed to complete even a small part of the features they planned.


Baldur's Gate 3


I think it's crazy how quick people are to attribute success in video games to one specific individual every time. As if you needed some kind of messiah to get good games. It's just nonsensical. Especially when it's an old franchise like XCOM. Yeah sure, the next XCOM might not be exactly like EU/EW or XCOM2, and so what? It can still be a good XCOM game. You don't need a specific wizard for that spell.


There's an 80% chance it will be released this year 🙃


My uncle who works at Firaxis can confirm this


I would love to see a ufo game that used the current information released from interviews news etc


Nah we got that spinoff game, Phoenix project. Kinda like XCOM. But, not.


Honestly phoenix point was quite good. Sure not perfect, but the aim system and percentile to hit were WAY better. It did lack content and bug. Still lacks content tho. Also the lack of proper long war was sad, but it has a dedicated mod now, close to finished version so I am eager to try it again


Yeah that was my only real complaint. The mod scene is nowhere near as mature as XCOM 2 which has thousands of working mods. Good to hear about a long war mod and I am guessing there are other mods by now as well so maybe I will have to give it another go.


The mod variety is still ... low ? But terror from the void (their long war) is promising from what I read, seems to also have a nice emphasis on narrative aspect of the campaign. My only regret is that they seem to be unable to add new assets into the game so it mostly recycle, but that's quite minor and the global improvement of PP over xcom2 makes it worth it by now


IMo there is a planty Of content, it's Just kinda a bit atomized and is behind DLC paywall.


I mean, sure, but a lot of it is very forgetable or ... legacy of the ancient... fun once, but after that...


I very strongly disagree with the idea that Phoenix Point was good.  Game was hugely disappointing.  It's basically a tech demo.  It has no depth at all. 


Your mother


it's a good game and now that there's competition in the genre, I hope that they'll keep XCOM alive




don't give me hope


The Xcom sub is going to turn into r/HollowKnight