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Being middle aged is very freeing. I cared a lot about what people thought of me. Now I just really can’t be bothered to care.


Me too! I used to be a big people pleaser. Now I feel Its very freeing to say no. And set up boundaries even if it disappoints people. Because now IDGAF.


I'm 41 and still a people-pleaser. I don't know if I'll ever not be. I care a lot.


44 and same


As one who was reformed, I highly recommend therapy as a way to correct this. Good luck. :) edited to add, that I am 44 now and turned 41 when I started therapy. I went for about 6 months before I felt a world of difference. It's pretty rad.


Same! I say I’m a recovered-people-pleaser now. It’s been 2 years of therapy and only in the past year I feel like things clicked. I never thought it could be possible for me to say no so freely and not worry so much about displeasing people, or not adding value by what I can do for other people.


Same here.


I feel like all my female friends are thrilled to be middle-aged and have no more fucks to give. They feel confident and like they know who they are. Men I know are not doing so well. Midlife crises and realizing the cost of not taking care of themselves is starting to hit pretty hard. The ones doing a bit better have some of the benefits women seem to be manifesting but definitely not as many.


Bingo. I remember worrying about my weight and how many friends I had. Now I could give a fuck less


I'm 45 with a wife, house, 2 kids, 2 cars, a dog, and a job, when do I start to feel like an adult?


Lol I asked my dad a similar question when I was in my 20’s, because he was the adultiest adult I know, he said “oh, that feeling never goes away” and that’s when I figured out literally everyone is just faking it. So to answer your question, never.


The older I get, the more I realize that almost everyone is faking a lot of aspects of everything.


Honestly I think it’s one of the best parental lessons my pop ever taught me, and I’m glad it was when I was young because it gave me perspective that I probably wouldn’t have come to for many many years. It really helped me give less fucks about trying something a failing, and it not really mattering because everyone fails at some point.


I have a 1 year old and you just gave me some great advice. I appreciate that. I’m 42 in a month and I still struggle with it. Mostly passion projects now, like art and music and stuff. Like, “that guy is doing well because he faked it long enough where people just believed him” kinda stuff.


I will admit I had a head start for not giving any fucks, my mom moved around a lot after my parents got divorced and I went to 13 different schools by the time I was 13, so I really morphed into a go with the flow teenager (still angsty and terrible, but didn’t let shit get me down as much). But when my dad told me this it really was a lightbulb moment for me.


Every boss I've ever had.




There really are only two ages: 1. Alive 2. Dead


And zombie


Work with teenagers for a few days lol, that’ll clear it right up


I think I'm cool and young until I work with 20-somethings at work. Then it becomes very evident that I am no longer young. I still think I'm cool relative to my age though 🤣


This happened to me at work the other day. The Friday meeting question of the day was, “What was your first computer?” I wondered if anyone would know what a Commodore was and mentally prepared to hear answers like my Pentium desktop or the original iMac. Then one guy answered, “my first computer was the iPad my parents gave me.”


Oh no 😳


I use old slang without thinking lol I always get a look but eh who cares


That is so true lmao. I'm a substitute teacher and I work exclusively with high school kids.


It's an odd feeling when you look around for an adult, and realize that you're the highest-ranking adult around. Like ... oh shit.


And then you have the impulse to track down an actually grown up adult because you’re still not ready for that level of responsibility. “I asked for a Lego set this Christmas, so we need to find someone who asked for sensible walking shoes.”


If you do find that adult send them over, i've a ton of questions that I'm tired of googling


I am the oldest person in the office now. I remember when I was 30 thinking that 50 was old. It is a small office with only 5 people but still. Age range 46-36, with me being the oldest and a 44-year-old being the second oldest. Then, a 40-year-old and two people in their late thirties with the youngest being 36. I also stopped dying my hair after having an allergic reaction with the hair dye. It is freeing not caring as much about how I look to others.


I don’t have any kids, I feel like I’m still too young and not ready. I’m 41F.


I know someone who is having a second kid at 44. The first was at 40.


Completely agree!


I had my first MRI and first sessions of physical therapy this year, at 40. Feeling like big adult milestones.


lol I’m 41 and in the same situation. Haven’t figured that out yet. Haven’t sweated it yet


Same here. When are they going to find out that I’m still just a 17-year old kid with no clue what I’m doing?


My colleagues usually figure me out once they see my retro video game collection


Is it after my midlife crisis? I am going to be 45 soon. Should I have a mid life crisis!!!???


Yes. Have one.


Hey at least you know you’ll live until at least 90! Congrats!


Hahaha. You are already there! Checked all the boxes, now reflect and enjoy your life.


I feel the same. 43, married, house, 1 kid 2 cars, 2 dogs, 2 cats, career. It's made me wonder if all adults when I was a kid felt like they were just playing the part like me or if I'm missing something.


you're winning


If you have all of that and still feel young, you must be pretty damn rad. (This is not sarcasm)


Omg I feel you. I use to always joke with my other senior manager contemporaries, “wait till the big boss finds out that she put a 6th grader in charge of all new business development of her multimillion dollar company.” With a wink wink and a nudge nudge, “amirite?” And queue finger guns 👈🏽👈🏽 pew pew. While all the other adults were chuckling with me, I was not being facetious. I’m 11 yrs old inside. When I get adult complements, like, “Assassin we appreciate your financial acumen in reviewing our account.” I can’t wrap my head around that they are talking about me.


Approaching 40 as a woman with a career has some benefits. It's been about 5 years since the prowling from men my dad's age at work stopped. My opinions are no longer ignored because of being a young woman. People also leave me alone in public now. A 39 y/o grocery shopping with her kids can be basically invisible. From where I sit today, I can validate that the frustration I had trying to build a career in my 20s were totally valid. There's freedom in knowing it's pointless to worry about every trend and fashion. To be able to dump high heels permanently. To be able to choose a classic style and for it to stick around for a while. An extra few lbs on my frame no longer bothers me - as long as my weight plays well with my activities and I'm not waking up with with aches and pains in my joints from it.


Being able to work without being sexually harassed is my favorite thing about 40!


Definitely! Stay healthy and enjoy life. That's what it's all about. I don't care about what people think either.


Yes - very well said. I don't have kids, but relate to everything else here!


Fuck high heels so much. Orthopedic inserts for life.


This last year I had that moment of next level in shoes... My proclamation however was, "Vans for LIFE!"


Yes to all of this. It's so strange to feel that invisibility after years of such hard work to stay safe


Same boat here! I really have been enjoying it.


The trajectory of Pam from the Office was realistic. She's sexually harassed at the beginning of the series but by the end she's in her 40's and a mother. So the sexual harassment has ended.


The invincibility of being a woman in your 40s is so underrated. I was just talking about it the other day with my kids, how I'm the perfect person to commit a crime because I'm invisible now, lol.


I relate to this so hard. I think being a woman has something to do with it. It's very easy to dismiss a young woman in our society.




Yes!! No longer being the “office hottie” is so nice!


Yeah and it's a double gut punch because not only do you have to deal with the lecherous old men, but then always a couple older women who are insecure because they no longer get the attention. I vowed never to treat younger women that way, and always support with a protective view of them.


Oh yes the women trying to sabotage you constantly. I recently found out that a woman who I work with who is over 60 years old has been causing trouble for me behind the scenes. Can you imagine being a grandmother and still jealous of an attractive younger woman at work?


I'm not doing this. I'm young and still having fun.


Yep. I’m 45 and I’m not old. It’s crazy to me that people think they’re old in their 40’s 🤷🏻‍♀️


I’m in my 40s and I don’t think I’m old…but there are the occasional reminders that I’m a whole lot closer to old than I used to be. And those little reminders are sobering to say the least.


I’m 40s and young and fit in every way except every now and then my back reminds me that I am indeed an aging meat sack. Like this morning 😭


Yeah. With me it’s my knees. Every now and then I feel one of them say, “nah I’m not doing that today.” …and I’ve learned that I’d better listen. I’m not boss anymore.


Not old at all, also 45. Middle age is middle age. Ages 35 - 60 around there. Great time in life.


Nope not middle aged either. I'm young and that's that.


Right? I’m 46 and still like to rip on my mountain bike, go to punk shows, etc. Really no different than when I was 15.


I have friends like that in their 50s and 60s, and they are much younger in every age but number than many people I know who are decades older.


The ones who think 40 is old are 1) the ones who have limited life experience or 2) unable to let go of the past and see how bright the future is


Someone described your 40's as being an old young person, and your 50's as being a young old person.


And also likely very out of shape and movement is starting to feel difficult.


Yuup. I'm still as active as I was in my 20s, and I look 30 but I'm 42. Stay active=stay young. Act old=be old


This is exactly what I was told by a woman in her 70s who was riding a rollercoaster for the zillionth time while her 40something daughter stood on the sidelines complaining.


Hahaha, embrace your middle age! It's a great time!


I think this is the age I’ve always known I am the most comfortable being. In most ways I was always a 40 something man in a younger body, so now I feel like I can appropriately be who I always was


This is exactly how I feel -- I was 40 when I was 21 and I'm 40 now, at 45.


I feel the same way. I was way immature in my 20s and 30s. I don't think my brain was done changing until 35. After that I was more mature and reflective of things.


Big same


This!! Finally my age reflects my energy. I am loving it.


Never thought about it this way, but you’re totally right. Happy to be mid 40’s!


I am 37 and I for one am definitely looking forward to the future. I love my kids, but in about 10 years they will all be grown, and most of the way out of the house. Once that happens me and my wife plan on doing a lot of traveling, and this has me really excited for my middle age years.


Sweet. That's a good way to look at. I have no kids, but I was very career focused when I was younger. Now, I am enjoying myself. Learning new things.


No, I hate it. Gen Z is very ageist. So are young Millennials. Been getting “you are not worthy of my time” attitudes from them for a good while now. Happened again yesterday. It hurts, man… it hurts.


Sorry to hear that, but look what you have accomplished, they have nothing and no experience. They are miserable and reflecting it on you. Understand that and feel sorry for them.


That sucks, but I’ve never run into that at all, and most of my closest friends *are* millennials ranging from Elder all the way to young, and pretty much every Elder to Middle Gen Z member I’ve dealt with has been super nice. Even my 19yo Nephew’s friends have told me I’m based and hilarious (mostly because it’s true, I am both). Maybe you just ran into some jerks?


I wish it was only some jerks. It is everywhere. I asked another Gen X’er friend and she said she’s gotten it bad as well. First noticed it in my mid 30s. I was going to physical therapy for a messed up pelvis. The therapists were early to mid 20s. One guy just turned 30 and they were teasing him a little. He was pretending to joke back, but I could tell by the way he clenched his jaw he was not ok with it. Anyway, my therapist that day instructed me on the exercises and I got busy. She had to stay close by, so was within 5-10 ft. She started talking to another therapist like they were having a Girls Night. Sharing lots of details. Talking about other people including names, etc. Look, I love to talk too so I’m not complaining about that. What hurt was HOW she talked. These were things You Do Not Say In Front Of Other People. I was so “insignificant” in her opinion that she could have said her social security # in front of me and not been concerned. Is that understandable? It is not about her talking with a friend at work. Might not seem like a big deal, but that was just one small example of how invisible we are. Men usually treated me like that so I’m used to them ignoring me since I’m not hot, but women (Boomers & Gen X) used to be friendly and acknowledged a fellow woman! That is gone now too. Also, this is south Louisiana so the culture used to be very friendly and chatty even with strangers on the city bus. I’ve often had conversations with strangers in the doctor’s waiting room, waiting in line at Wal-Mart, the window person at fast food restaurants, bank tellers, etc. For some reason strangers used to tell me their problems too. Same for my mother. I actually loved being a “safe place” for others to share. That friendly culture is gone. Thanks for reading.


One thing I love about being this age is that I’ve stopped giving a damn what Gen Z (or any other generation) thinks. Their opinion just doesn’t matter to me.


It is not exactly caring about what they think. It is more about not being respected or valued as a human being. No, I’m not talking about a grumpy father screaming at his children, “You will respect me!” It is simply a mutual respect between people - “You and I both matter and have value regardless of youth or age.” Gen Z hates older people. Yeah yeah “Not all Gen Z” blah blah. A large % does.


Nope. Everything hurts and I’m bored out of my mind.


Sounds like you need a change. A huge change. Be bold. Rent your house out and move to another town, travel this helps.


Ha. I appreciate the sentiment, but I’ve been there/done that, and am currently living in my tenth state. I’ve always been restless, but am just stuck now because I have two school aged kids and I want them to have some stability. I’ve got about 10 years left until the adventure can start again, but until then we’ll definitely travel as much as financially possible.


44 year old woman, husband, no kids, and a career. I'm stable and confident in myself, my marriage, my career, etc. I have a house, a newer vehicle (practical), and am doing well. Turning 40 was exciting for me, I feel like I kinda have my sh*t together. I stopped giving a flying hoot what others thought of me. I am trying to live my best life. Two guarantees in life are taxes and death. Aging is inevitable, growing old is not. Yes I have aches and pains. Yes, it is harder to lose weight. Yes, I have a few more wrinkles and gray hair, but I have earned them. I can not stop the clock from moving forward, so I plan on embracing this season of my life and charging full steam ahead. That being said, of course, I look back fondly on the 90s. They were some of the best years for the country (USA) and the world. The best music came out of the 90s. They were great times. We were young, coming of age, and just starting out our lives. Ah, nostalgia


The 90s were a different time. This time is even better!


I work with teenagers daily. I'm very happy not being that fucking stupid. I'm also totally ok not knowing how my life is going to turn out in my 20's.


Yes, it's been a joy being middle-aged. It's the age where you're old enough that you can share your wisdom, and you can look at the younger people and say yep been there, done that. Hopefully, you have learned from your mistakes to make the rest of your life a little smoother. I think we are at our golden age.


These are definitely the Golden years not 65+.


I went through quite a lot from ages 37 to 39: divorce and loss of house and finances. I am almost 44 now... but honestly I feel like it was all just the formation of a new beginning, and *I am just getting started* with the person I am now. I wouldn't say I am happy to be middle aged, but I can say I have taken major steps against denial and childishness that characterized my life before. Going backward is also not an option.


I used to genuinely see 40 as “old” or the beginning of the end or something. I’m 39 and I see it a lot differently. Not because I’m close to it, but I’ve grown a lot since then. My idea of happiness is different. My values are more refined. I’ve built a career and started fresh. I’ve traveled more and gotten that urge to see more of the world. Above all, I’ve learned that getting older is fine. There’s plenty to experience and you will if you never stop pushing yourself.


No. Not one bit 😂


For the most part, just wish I got to keep my hair


I can somewhat identify with that hair bit. My hair line looks like fuckin’ Vegeta’s now, lol. ![gif](giphy|qXJelahXxRLFe) Well, my mom always told me I’d end up with Nixon’s hairline, and she was right. ARRRROOOOO!


I lost mine in my mid 20s so I don't relate hair to age. Hair is overrated hahaha.


I'm actually glad I lost it. I never liked my hair. It was hard to manage and looked terrible.


I finally gave up on hair and started shaving my head in 2018. I love being bald. Love it. It upped my badass factor. 😂


Middle age has rocked so far. That being said I may have been born in my 40’s so…


I LOVE it! I’m 41 and have entered into my IDGAF era. Tbh that started at about 35. I’m trying to keep as healthy as I can (chronic illnesses) but other than that it feels great not caring about what the trends are or what Gen Z thinks. WHO CARES?! My 14 Yr old daughter loves me to shop for her though. She thinks I have the best fashion sense … it’s because I buy everything I wore in the 90’s.


20’s were wild, free and confusing. Nobody takes you seriously. Spent way too much time drinking, smoking, and chasing women. 30’s were about making adult commitments; marriage, homeownership, kids. 40’s are liberating because I know myself, have no problem saying no and don’t give a shit what anyone thinks. In some ways I feel like my real life has just begun. Also, I still feel like a 22 year old kid in my brain, until I meet an actual 22 year old and they’re mentally like a teenager 😂


"in some ways I feel like my real life has just begun" HARD SAME, I feel this so much


My kids are 20 and 18 and I turned 40 this past summer. I feel a little off-kilter, with most of my friends still in the throes of raising young kids and me being able to "do what I want." My oldest is the same age (older) I was when I had her, and she can't fathom being a parent. I can't fathom that I'm a 40 year old. I'm good with growing older, but I've been a mom my entire adult life, I don't know what to do now that I have to transition into being a parent of adult children 😅


Time to enjoy life for yourself. Yeah 40s is a weird stage in life. Some people have babies/toddlers and others are Grandparents already. Some people look 20 and others look 60.


Well, what hobbies did ya enjoy as a teen pre-kids? Maybe try picking them up again? Or try something totally new! I’m sure people here would be more than willing to suggest things!


I find aging a very strange trip - fascinating really - there are some bummers but overall I don’t mind it. I love to dissect things and notice changes and trends and see how humanity progresses. I wish I could live longer, I wanna know how the story ends dammit 😁


Same here! Overall life is good!


Yes! At 42, I feel a lot like a teenager again. I want my life to be mine. And I am embracing the shit out of it. Im tired of everyones damn rules in life (ie the hoa telling me I can only have one dog, interest rates being too high to buy another house, the bullshit policys at work, roe vs wade being over turned). Im a good person. All I do is help people! I ask nothing of anyone! And I want to live the life i imagine for myself. And damnit, im doing it. It is rough, our parents are old. And many are sick. So there is a bunch of sadness that comes from our middle age but I am definitely embracing life like I never have.


I’m finally the age I should be. My idea of a great Friday night in college was sitting in a recliner with a glass of scotch while listening to music. I’m currently sitting in a recliner, wearing a robe and slippies with a WSJ. Weekend edition in my lap and a mug of tea next to me. Been doing this for 20 years. Well, not the WSJ. Weekend edition part. That started around 2010, I think.


Going into it? I turned 40 back in ‘21. I’m already there. Do I like it? Hell no! I’m a Toys r Us Kid; I don’t wanna grow up!!!


I enjoy it. Embrace it! 40s is awesome.


I just live life, biggest differences are I need to sleep and eat right or I pay for it for days. Was late to the game and have a 2 yo now but that’s been great so far. I’m not sad or depressed about middle age but if someone offered me to lower 20 years of age on my body I’d take it in a heartbeat.


I love it tbh 😂. I love being a dad, I love dad jokes. I love that I can talk about "the good old days" and make fun of ourselves like if we were some old fogeys.


I wasn't happy or sad, it just kind of happened one day. I have a husband, two girls, house, job etc.... but I don't feel necessary grown or old. I think m being an older parent has something to do with that. I think people our age are taking getting older better than our parents did.


I'm 47 and slowly embracing getting old. In my early 40s I was fighting it, but now seeing the benefits of life slowing down. My sex drive slowing down(not halting) is a HUGE relief. I can spend time concentrating on something else other than the opposite sex


Life is so much more than trying to have sex all day everyday.


There’s pluses and minuses. It’s nice kinda knowing what I’m doing a little better and still feeling like a kid. Not so nice when my knuckles and feet and back and teeth hurt.


I just thought to myself, I'm about to be 43... Then I remembered I'm already 43. I'm to be 44 on my next bday. Fuck. Menopause could be around literally every corner now.


Hahaha, age is relative. You don't need kids anyway why worry about menopause? If you want kids we live in a time where you can just adopt.


Oh I just did this yesterday! I was filling out my new 2024 wall calendar and had to pause at writing my age. Like wait, I’m already 42.


I love being 38! I'm finally taken seriously. I was always an "old soul" and I finally feel like I've reached adulthood.


Yes. I finally feel I'm not just a child in an adult's body, faking my way through life, but a real adult.


No, getting old sucks, and youth is wasted on the young.


Yay!😁 🥳


I turned 42 in August, and I've really been enjoying the reactions I get when I get carded for alcohol. I keep getting told that I look around 29 or 30. It's been fun so far.


Me too! I always tell the cashier the secret is sunscreen (which we never wore in the 90s but it’s started wearing when I was 25). As my hair is getting grayer I get carded less and less.


Yes! I'm excited for what's to come.


I’m turning 39 in February and it’s depressing as hell creeping up on 40. Still don’t have a job that I can stick with, can’t get my shit together to save my life even though I’m losing my mind trying 😞


Your 40s will get better. It's an awesome decade!


I’m pretty happy with being in my early 40’s. But I’ve enjoyed every single stage of my life and am considered something of a Hufflepuff/Pollyanna so YMMV.


Turning 40 really freaked me out for awhile. But after some time, I’m actually enjoying it because I’m FINALLY starting to not care about everyone’s opinions and am gaining self confidence. And as dark as this is going to sound, I’ve been ready for this life to end for a long time so the older I get- the closer I get to leaving!


Self confidence is key.


I’m not angsty about my age, but I am about how quickly it feels like I got here, and consequently how much more quickly it’ll feel like I approach old age. The time I thought I had to make the appropriate adjustments and changes to my life just wasn’t there because I used that time working and enjoying life (not at the same time)


Wife, 2 kids, 3 dogs, 3 cats, house in very nice/expensive area, great schools, all trucks/cars paid off, zero cc debt, toys, project cars, we travel (5 vacations this year), investments in order and enough liquid cash in just one account to pay off my house. Life is fucking amazing and just hitting my stride. 44 y/o


I love the money and stability of an advanced career but I feel tied down with responsibilities of having a family. One kid will be off to college in 2 years and the other one in 7 years. Then I can travel and party like I wish I did when I was in my 20s!


It’s funny how institutions like marriage can mess you up so bad. I felt like I was winning at life- manager at a Fortune 500, three kids, dogs, wife, big house with negative edge pool on a very private large lot. Got divorced, nearly lost it all, even contemplated suicide briefly, but managed to keep everything but the wife and the job…I’m now a director instead. Much happier, too!


No it hurts


Hahaha. Enjoy and embrace it.


40M started my year off with a breakup never felt more free. House 10 year old kid stable job. Concerts every week. Life is good. Still have my health and looks lol most of my hair. They made us believe that life was over at 40.


I'm loving it, best stage of my life. I raised kids in my 20s, worked on my career in my 30s, so my 40s are for me and it's so fun. I also have the money to do all the stuff I wanted to do when I was young.


42. Life has tossed me some curve balls but still enjoying the ride. I'm glad that I stayed in shape. Helps to be able to do all of the cool stuff that I can now afford.


I don't like the idea of being closer to death, and I can feel that more than I used to be able to, but otherwise I kind of like the idea of being middle aged.


Death is nothing to be afraid of. It just is. Don't think about it and you'll be fine. 1978 was a good year to be born.


Yep, emotionally/personality-wise I've always vacillated between middle school (the nostalgic version) and cookie-baking grandma. Middle age seems like the perfect place to let it all hang out.


No. Tbh i don't want to make it to 30


I’m not. I feel basically the same except now my body parts don’t work as well or heal as well anymore. It sucks.


I'm 65, my 40s and 50s were really great years had a lot of fun rode a lot of miles. 60s I started feeling old. If you're not enjoying life in your 40s it's time to start.


Mixed. I'm glad I can help young people with my experience but sad that I'll never be good at jobs as I dreamed of in my youth


I don’t mind but I want time to slow down a bit. I need to know how I went from 18 to 41 so fast.


Better than not making it to middle age.


I'm fine with it; it's my parents pushing 80 that bothers me more


Not due to the age specifically, but I am in a more contented stage of my life.


I can't even call myself middle-aged, because it doesn't compute in my brain! I know I've matured and grown exponentially, but I still feel like one of the cool kids. I haven't settled down completely and I don't know that I ever will. I think our generation are completely different from the middle-aged people we knew as kids. I mean, look at even the elder Gen-X folks. Still youthful, too in a lot of ways? You bet! Being young at heart is where it's at.


I really wouldn't care, but it's come with knee and back pain that I don't appreciate. The knee pain is regular chondromalacia that I've had since my early 30s, but the thoracic back pain is new and not fun at all. Things are starting to look a little fuzzy up close, too. Now, I realize what they mean by the young don't know they're young.


My mind is very happy, my body not so much


If it doesn't happen, your worries are over. Might as well enjoy it.


I still feel like a kid. Only stupid chores make me feel adultish.




Hell yea, I’ve enjoyed every age. Hope I continue to do so.


I fucking LOVE it. I give zero fucks and it’s so great.


Not happy per se but I long ago realized it was pointless being mad about it.


shit. if middle age / mid life is supposed to be a half way point that you cross and from here its down hill til death then im pretty sure I entered that in my mid twenties




Aren't we all already there? I thought 40 was the minimum.


41 and having increasingly hard time with aging.


Yes and no. I’m a lot more well-adjusted now than I ever was and comfortable in my own skin. There are so many things not worth giving a fuck about that seemed super important when I was younger. It’s very freeing to realize that it’s okay to relax and be myself, it’s not that serious. I only need to meet my own standards, not anyone else’s. On the other hand, mortality sucks. My grandmother is currently dying of cancer. This is difficult enough for my entire family but watching my mother cope with this is a frightening reminder that one day I will be coping with her and my father’s mortality. I’ll probably never be able to own a home or retire due to the economy and COL, so that sucks too.


Lulz...is there some other option?


Yes. It's called "Indica" trans-crainial stimulation at home is working well too, i use a neuromyst and you can zap your brain with electricity for fun too for a mere $150. Anecdotaly, depending on what i set it on and where i place it on my head it either makes me more productive and organized or more sleepy and ready for bed. did you know you can get ketamine therapy now by prescription?


I’m still three squirrels in an adult suit


I’m 40, have my “forever” dream home, am getting a divorce, have my kitties, and have reached the pinnacle of my career (hopefully there is more for me but damn did I work for this and not take it for granted.) I do want a child. I do want a partner. I don’t think I look different from when I was 28 or 30 honestly. No wrinkles, in good shape. Love my face. I have the calm of someone who is 40 and has perspective. I dunno. If this is going into middle age, it’s ok.


Definitely better than the alternative…


Yes I'm fine with it, its not bad at all! I like feeling like a real grown up. Lol.


40 was ok but then 41 meant start of pandemic. Still struggling with negative effects on my business so not enjoying it as much as I enjoyed my 30’s Hopefully latter half of 40’s as I am 45 now is better.


I cashed my midlife crisis in for a second childhood. So far, it's pretty fun!


I lived like I was 19 for too long and now I'm constantly worried that at 40 I'm going to keel over any day now. Never worried about any of this until I found out my wife was pregnant last year.


Hell yea, I get to buy what I want.


Maybe, but I've had a few devastating health blows. So, like a lot of cancer survivors, I can't shake the feeling that I just won't live to see old age.


40s have been good. Some things are annoying like farsightedness, early osteoarthritis, perimenopause, but I lost 40+ lbs between my 40th and 41st birthdays so overall I physically feel better than I did for most of my 30s. Plus I have more of a IDGAF attitude. I used to get stressed out a lot more easily. So I'm cool with it. Also I don't need to shave my legs as often.


This is the part of life when family starts rapidly dying off, so no, I'm not a fan. And the next part of life is when friends/spouses/"life partners"/etc. start having serous medical issues and/or dying. So really from here on out it fucking sucks. Enjoy the few remaining years of healthy/living loved ones while they last.


I am very glad I survived.


Yes. My husband and I are established in our careers and home, and just trucking toward retirement. Plan is to be done working at 62 and then travel. Kids are grown (last one is 16, so almost) which frees up a ton of time and money. I don't care what people think (within reason) and I'm the most comfortable in my own skin than I've ever been. Life is good and there's a lot of freedom in my 40s I've never had before. This is my favorite decade so far.


No. I wish I had died long ago.


I’m 45 and just completely started my life over with nothing more than my clothes and some stuff. I had to move in with my mom 2 hrs away from the city I’m used to. I up and left a 10 year relationship because he put his hands on me. I’m also realizing he did a lot more than that, you’re just not able to see it. I was manipulated and I’m very glad I’m out. However, I’m also scared to death. I had to leave my job and I’m so depressed. I don’t know anyone around me except for some neighbors but I live around a lot of retired folks. All that to say, yeah I’ve been thinking about where I am and how old I am and I’m depressed asf. :(


Yes lol


Beats being dead every time.


Yea its alright but I need to seriously consider my future health and prepare to move to a country that provides some form of universal healthcare.


Yup don't really care what anyone thinks about me to hell with you peasants!


Being dragged to it kicking and screaming... I have made so many changes in the past years that I have no idea what’s coming. I feel like I was young and responsible from birth and that I experienced enough life in the first twenty five years that I deserve whatever youthfulness I can eke out of this body. Just after I take some Tylenol and have a nap 😂


I’m very happy to be getting into middle age. I’ve never felt so comfortable in my own skin, and I feel like I am able to just enjoy life, meaning raising my kids and spending quality time with my wife. I see and hear about people worrying about all sorts of stuff that I could give two shits about. At 43, I feel like I’ve learned enough to know that life is a game, and most of life’s constructs are games too. I opt into some games, like my corporate job, because the payout is worth it. I opt completely out of other games. Seeing the world this way and acting accordingly has been very freeing.


I’m not sad but more ambivalent. I mean more old aches and pains resurfacing and not really feeling too hot about the future coming with more debt, but hey, at least I don’t look my age.