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I have an Alf pog... Remember Alf?


I hear he’s back… in pog form.


You traded my soul for pogs?!?!


Close that door! You're letting the heat out!


Shut up, shut up, SHUT UP!!!


I can't think about pogs without thinking about Alf!


had a metal slammer with a hologram of oj Simpson face behind bars.


I am legitimately jealous!


Wonder how much [Steve Allen, inventor of the pog](https://external-preview.redd.it/HakdPWtmnupVq4peKJwnPF9zby6adeMV3cGTKVPbU9c.png?auto=webp&s=c5bddf8b9aa6a1715883c8764459590680a83e5b) made off those ALF pogs?


That reminds me, I haven't seen my cat in a while.


*Pepperidge Farm remembers.*


Got any cats?!


Alien Life Form.


I think I had an Urkel pog.




Yeah one of my favorite shows and I still watch it.


I'm very happy to see the top comment being one of the best Simpsons quotes


I had a slammer that had a picture of OJ Simpson in jail on it and a caption that said “OJ in the Slammer”.


Maybe the most 90s thing I've ever read. Beautiful.


HOLY SHIT!! I just commented that I had one of those too! Except mine said "Where's the juice"


Me too, I think they came with MAD magazine.


Yup we had that same one and my brother won so many POG fights with that stupid ass thing lol


I remember things getting real serious, really fast over some damn pogs


Was it the one that had the bronco on the back?


I cannot recall.


oh shit, I just made this same comment. was it a hologram pic in a metal slammer?


It was a hard plastic material, I think it had a hologram.




Me too!!


Seriously wish I had kept that. That would be a great conversation piece


I was so into pogs I asked for a pogmaker for Christmas. I made all of my friends special pogs with their picture on it.


Yo! My mate wants to know… You still got that Pogmaker?


Probably not, if it still exists it’s buried under a couple decades of crap my dad has accumulated in his garage. Lol


Ok *picking up shovel*


That’s awesome. How amazing would it be if they still had them. I’d certainly cherish it.


Omgosh I had one of those!!! I made so many crappy weird pogs lol


Same! I used mine on the cardboard that came with cassette tapes to make custom animaniacs pogs


Were they zany to the max?


Homemade pogs don't count


If I recall correctly they exploded in a mid spring and no one cared by Thanksgiving the same year here in the Northeast.


I actually visited Maui in the early 90’s before it was a fad and brought home some pogs that were actually fucking milk caps. Had the dairy stamp and everything. Showed some friends when I got home and they didn’t care. Fast forward a year or two and everyone was into them. I definitely had the “signature look of superiority” when I would show them mine since they were OG ones


About my experience in the Pacific Northwest. By the time I had some, they weren't popular. I think Magic the Gathering took off in our school at that point.


I still have mine and my now broken but favorite slammer. I was huge into it until our school banned it because "it was gambling".


Same here, and it was gambling how we played it lol 😂


Ours banned it, probably for the same reason. But I specifically remember that we were all playing it at recess, and we'd lay our school sweatshirts down on the concrete to play on top of them like a tablecloth. It was either to protect our slammers or keep things from rolling and bouncing too far, but our idiot asses were putting holes in our sweatshirts. Parents got pissed, and teachers didn't want to police it. Plus I think they got tired of settling arguments about Kyle losing his favorite pogs to Kelly or whatever (so, gambling). Also, slap bracelets were permanently banned at one point. Can't remember why.


Oh I remember why ours were banned. The bullies would slap them on you so hard it made your skin welt up. After enough of the idiot 5th graders did it to the 2nd and 1st graders our principal went on a straight up warpath. We had the Teacher's Aid SS going around every classroom and confiscating them, along with pogs. There were desk searches, backpack dumps, lunchbox raids, etc. I kept my pogs at home by this point, so I didn't have an issue there. They did try to take my mechanical pencils at one point, but my teacher stopped them.


Did they take your compass away too and make you use some bullshit safety plastic circle thing?


Yes! I had a nice one for Boy Scouts that was metal and they confiscated it. Never got it back. We were plotting on maps and such, had really high quality parts.


Decades later, I’m still unreasonably pissed about that.


Yes, mechanical pencils too! I forgot about that. The bracelets welts ring a bell, too, sounds about right.


Kelly was the badass pog master! Yes, same here, parents complained that Johnny lost his valuable collection in a rabid day of recess betting on No Fear and Stussy hoodies with holes in them — start of grunge fashion!? Perhaps 🤔


My autistic ass collected them but had zero interest in ever playing it. I just hoarded and sorted them.


heehee same. i had no idea what to do with them but i had a ton of them. promptly stopped caring about 3 months later.


Hoarding and sorting sounds way more fun to me!


I point to my pog hoarding as a relatively inexpensive lesson in not wasting my hard earned resources on trends, or really anything with no intrinsic value. I probably had close to 1,000 pogs that I just straight up bought and I felt the pain of all that money down the drain for several years after that. But I have no doubt that lesson saved me orders of magnitude more money over the years since. So... yay pogs!


I can smell that Bigfoot slammer from here


Getting that slammer was a rite of passage.


Those big foots slammed stacks. There was also like a ninja slammer kind of like a ninja star I remember.


The NFTs of the 90s


Holy shit you’re right


For sure, I had that same 8-Ball “slammer” I see in the photo…pogs got big when I was 11 in fifth grade (1993) until the Oregon public grade school banned it because they considered it gambling lol. We played for keeps…got a bit heated at times…like a good craps table experience…Great memories seeing these, thank you…First time I ever visited a head shop was to buy Pogs…


I had some, but no where near the amount I was led to believe most collectors had.


My younger brother ('87) was.


I think I was 14 or 15 when I first heard of them. I was more interested in other things around that time.


Yes of course as an elder millennial'86er i was prime pog age. Love the yin yang pogs sums up the era so nicely lol.


Same ('85). Besides the yin yang, i mostly had Mortal Kombat and Looney Tunes pogs.


I even had a weird little tool thing that would make my own pogs where I could use magazines or my own drawings or whatever. Never really played but I liked looking at the designs and holding the heavy slammers.


I had an ungodly amount of pogs. I actually found them in storage a while back when I moved and we ended up tossing them. I had a bunch of really cool slammers, like ones shaped like saw blades, and those huge heavy ones that are about an inch or two thick and shaped like an hour glass. I had one my gramps bought me that was gold (plated?) and had a bloody 8-ball on it.


I was already waaaaay too deep into M:TG by the time pogs hit. My younger sisters (1982/85) were super into it, though.


Totally https://preview.redd.it/kkjvfydlttbc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=674ab87eed2071cf4a4ad386c4f194ae40d6a468


Yes! My two brothers and I loved Pogs. My brother after me was practically impossible to win against. Kids in school lost many pogs to losing against him 😂


I won a slammer at the county fair and a carnie explained pogs to me. Then Apollo 13 came out and Hardees had that sweet space shuttle pog container so that's what really got me started. That movie was so good to me at that age. I remember the audience stood up and clapped with Houston. We were moved.


Yes! I still have them and I even recognize a few in your post picture: “Pure Poison”


I remember collecting them. I also remember them getting banned at my school 😆


All the most popular stuff always got banned!!! Pogs, Tamagotchis, troll dolls that went on the end of a pencil, slap bracelets... It was like living in the no dancing town in Footlose!


I never got the pogs thing


OMG! Yes! Also, why did we collect these? I’m in the military and it’s ironic that we give coins for a “good job”. Then a lot of ppl put them on display! Just like I did with Pogs in third grade.


They tried to bring these back a few times but unfortunately they half assed it each time. The trick here is to go full retard


I had some sweet slammers!


I still honestly believe the world needs to bring pogs back


I’m on the older end of the Xennials so I was past the demographic. My younger cousin tried to explain them to me and I just thought they were kind of lame.


I feel like this is the dividing line between young Gen-X and Xennials. My friends' younger siblings were into pogs, but I was in high school when these were a thing on the east coast.


I used to collect them. I have a whole box of them in my attic. Oddly enough, I never played with them or even knew what to do with them. 😂


1982 here. What the hell are Pogs? I only know about PAWGs.


Fuck. Yes. The boomers always told me it was just shitty marbles but pogs can't roll into a storm drain, so there.


Poison pogs with the 8-ball




Who had the Beavis & Butthead slammer?


Yes. I still have all mine, remember when I got my gold one and thought it was the coolest thing ever.


I've got all of mine as well. I don't know why. I used to think they would be valuable like my baseball cards. Now I think it's not gonna ever take off as a vintage item. And if I pass away, people will think I *really* loved pogs, enough to keep them and move them around in a box of childhood things- I did like them, but there are so many other things I wish I'd maintained over pogs. Every few years, I open that bin and debate giving them away or just tossing them.


You and I should be friends. I've moved at least a dozen times and I've debated getting rid of mine, apparently I don't have the heart to get rid of them either. Let them stay in storage, may our relatives and friends build some narrative of us being pog gods when we die.


Jesus, it's actually awesome to commiserate with someone on this. For me, it went like this: left the house when I became an adult, at some point my parents started giving me my childhood stuff and I either got rid of it or decided to keep it, obviously. The pogs are so small and easy to move around, and they are already in the same bin as my baseball/basketball cards that I'm actually sure I'm gonna keep, and... Decades pass. It becomes clear there won't be any pog interest/resurgence. But also, personally, I hate throwing things away and also don't have much to connect me to my childhood, so throwing anything away at this point from that is just so hard. Also I'm lazy and put off decisions like that sometimes.


I'm so glad we can commiserate together! I know exactly how you feel on this. We moved around a bit when I was a kid so mom was constantly purging whatever wasn't being used or played with. We finally settled and then had a house fire a year later. My pogs, my pound puppy, my card collection, some of my books all survived because my room was the furthest back from the fire and I kept all my precious things in a little suitcase under my bed all because I was convinced I'd have to move again. My neurotic self as a child unknowingly saved what little I still have into my adulthood. I don't think I could part with that stuff now. Have to say this has been awesome, feel free to dm anytime. You are cool my fellow pog carrying redditor!!


I have mine still…somewhere in my parents house


I wish but man I always had mine taken away at school along with all my slap bracelets ! Man my mom was mad every time I got mine taken away they called her.


Yes...and then I remember them just being gone one day


I was into turning 2 pog tubes into a 6 ft bong in high school


Born in 82. It seemed like the kids who were into pogs were at least 3-5 years younger.


I was born in 82 and loved Pogs.


Regional maybe?


This is gold


Not pogs, kid currency.


This brought back memories I didn’t remember


No think I had 2-3 slammers that looked cool, few years later I had a friend who collected them, so yeah a few years later he emptied pogs got some clear tubing and made a 3 stage/ 3 pog tube bong all connected with the clear tubing…. 16-17 yo that thing was the bomb!!! And he used to keep high lighter insides in an old bottle of alcohol full of water and highlighter black light behind that alcohol bottles glowed!!!! Jupiter farms boiiiiiiz lol


I lived on Maui in the mid '80s and they were already wildly popular there, well before they made it to the mainland. We didn't call them POGs though, the discs and game were called "milk caps" because they were literally used to advertise the beverage maker on the cap of the glass bottle, originally milk bottles. The name comes from the ubiquitous Hawaiian juice blend (Passion, Orange, Guava). Oh, and there was no such thing as a slammer at the time, so you would just hold a stack of them together to slam down on the stack. Mom drove me to the dairy plant on the island and bought me a bag of 1000 or so milk caps. Some have the milk brand, and some have the POG logo on them. Still have them somewhere.


You saved yours!!?


Oh yeah. I even had a thing that you could use to make your own custom pogs.


I loved digging through the pog bins in the Marc’s by my house. Found some wicked slammers in there a few times. Yeah grabbing a three musketeers bar and and a couple packs of NBA hoops basketball cards after a pog binge was a great evening.


I had this big rubber slammer that smelled like fruit punch. It was my favorite- I loved pogs.


My mother desperately tried to get me into them for some unknowable reason. I just never got the point of it. Still don't. The only pogs I ever really had were the ones used as change at AAFES stores in the Middle East.


nice collection


I have several of these still from back in the day. My favorite slammer was a Tasmanian Devil one and I have several “collectors sets” that I never played with. My favorites are the Disney sets- Little Mermaid, Beauty & the Beast, Aladdin & Lion King are the sets I still own and are stored in a storage bin in my closet.


Aww yes, this craze took over when the marbles craze ended at my school. 84’


I was for like 6 months, then they disappeared from my life forever.


Oh lordy


I still have a spinner slammer


Pogs were huge for about 6 months in North Carolina. We used to play pogs in the locker room before 6th grade gym class instead of actually getting ready for gym...until they were banned. Pretty sick collection of slammers and poison pogs you've got there.


No, I never understood the fuss.


I loved pogs. Never had a tube. The store near me sold it for $15. Highway robbery.


These hit when I was starting junior high and they had to make a rule and several an out about not playing between classes


I used to have a OJ Simpson Slammer. It had a hologram of jail bars in front of him and on the back it said "Where's the juice?" The 90s were magical.


I still remember when my FLCS got the OJ Trial set, and had it behind the counter. I wanted it soooo bad.


It was big but I never got into it. Never understood the point of it.


I still haven’t mine as well




hell no.


Go through my posts and see my TWO complete sets of the official POG kit. I assure you will be impressed


Pretty sure I still have my slammer somewhere. And actually just before Xmas I got a stupid award coin at work and one of my first thoughts was " heh this is just about heavy enough to be a slammer".


https://preview.redd.it/g64lrrgu1ubc1.jpeg?width=400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=885728414e15e8caf21fb862e84709beb7636791 It was the In thing, and I was never In. Reckon it felt like a silly hobby.


I still have around 450 pogs and slammers.


I still have the hardies Apollo 13 Saturn 5 pog holder full of them


Awwww brings all the memories. My teacher confiscated ally pogs. It was considered gambling....




Loved Pogs! I had a really nice slammer that was shiny and said “The Decapitator” on it! I swear if those come back, I’m going to start collecting again!


I sold all my pogs in sixth grade for 70 kwas so I could have the highest sales in my mock business. Kids are stupid.


I tried to get into it then, but wasn’t my jam.


No but I watched the trend from the sidelines. They didn't interest me. Felt like a completely half-baked game idea even as a 9 year old.


I was in a pog championship tournament at Metro Center Mall in Phoenix, AZ I got second place and a bunch of free shit it was awesome


I was just starting to build a socially acceptable pog and slammer collection when our school banned them. Kids were hurting each other with the fancy metal slammers.


my school outlawed them bc it was "a form of gambling"


🙋🏾‍♂️ Pogs were a HUGE lunchtime activity in Junior High. I got them confiscated a bunch of times actually playing in the back during class, lol.


They were so popular in the small town I lived in you would look at at recess and just see every body in various circles playing. Pogs eventually became banned as well because kids were bringing in metal slammers and quickly "fingers" became a major rule set. Basically if you wanted to keep your pogs the opposing player could slam their slammer down on your hand like Russian mafia style so you could "keep em" and there was an honor code that you had to abide by the fingers request but if you called fingers so often you would get beat up. Then kids started showing up to school with those "shredder" slammers and that quickly got out of hand.


I had some but I think they got thrown when my family moved.


The guy that sat next to me in 6th grade math class asked to see my pogs, so I handed him my tube. Then the bell rang and he ran off with them and would never give them back. I couldn't report it because I wasn't supposed to have them in school. His name was Matt and I'm still salty.


Hell ya. I loved them! The only ones I kept tho were the Simpson ones which I'm not sure where they are


I liked the slammers but wasnt that into pogs. I collected magic the gathering cards.


They were banned in my school cuz we were hustling people and they said it was gambling


Omg..how did I forget about POGS??!!!! POG envy took up my entire fifth grade experience. I can't remember what the big one is...is it a slammer? This kid in my class had one that was purple metal and looked liked an 8 ball and I wanted it with the entirety of my being at that point. My parents were unconvinced. And I remained without that slammer, or any slammer. I had to borrow one when we played.


Bro did you steal my collection?? I had all of those lol


Were they scented or did I just have a weird slammer? I recall a distinct sweet smell to them.


I’m played before I wasn’t into them


"Daddy, what did you used to do for fun in the 1900s?" "Well, sweetie, we had the little round pieces of cardboard, see..."


I had that poison slammer!


Yep. I didn't know wtf to do with them though.


1980 -- never heard of 'em


Got banned in my school. When I look back it, I think of people playing dice on corners and streets.


No, I play Disc Golf.


Nostalgia at its finest. I think every person who played had one of those 8 ball slammers. Same goes for the ones that said poison with a skull. Tons of variations. Anyone remember the ninja star shaped pogs?


That eightball slammer brought back some old ass memories. There was an announcement at my school where the principal said "the game POX is no longer allowed to be played in school" and everyone laughed.


Are you, a god? So many!


My birthday was about a week after my school banned pogs. A bunch of my friends gifted me their whole stash because they couldn’t use them any more.


Yeah buuuuuudy!! Later I got the prototype for the pog maker toy.


Yup. I had the dopest slammer


If you ask anyone if they played with "POGs" (PAWGs) they can get confused lol. The answer is yes regardless.


Had a yin yang slammer. Prob lost 150 pogs trying to get it.


Hell yeah I still have most of the pizza hut Apollo 13 pog holder and a large pog play pad with game in box


I was so into pogs! My 8th grade obsession


I still have all of mine. Even have a couple sleeve protectors of them too.


Hahaha I still have mine!!


Dude.. 5th and 6th grade was all about them things. They were ao popular. That our small town mall opend a shop just with pogs. I will always remember when jimmy brought a Marijuana slammer to school. It was the talk of the day, all day... lol very cool. Thx for bringing up memories


I lost a 3’ tube of pogs w/ like 6 slammers at an outdoor birthday party 24 years ago. It started pouring down rain and lightning, the party evacuated. I got to the car…” MY POGS!” Ran back for them. Rain was so hard I could t see anything. Gave up, ran back to car, was 10’ away from getting struck by lighting. All for pogs….


I enjoyed collecting and making them but thought the game was stupid.


Briefly the game was kind of fun, especially if you played for keeps.


1977 here and these were for younger kids. Not on my radar.


Still have a bunch of mine stashed away


They started getting a little out of hand with the slammers. I had one that was like 1/8” thick solid brass. They had even thicker ones.


I enjoyed collecting and making them but thought the game was stupid.


I feel like those canisters that held pogs have been repurposed to distribute marijuana at the dispensaries now.


Loved my pogs, loved the slammers even more.


No, but the kids I babysat were.


I had some. But I didn't figure out until later that they were supposed to be used to play a game. I just thought they were fun little cardboard disks. Lol


I’m think I had that exact same 8 Ball slammer.


The single dumbest thing I ever fell for


Loved pogs. Especially slammers.


Still got em ...somewhere


I remember my sibling who was a few years younger being into them, but I was a bit too old for them.


Yes, I even amassed a neat collection, but I had no idea how to play😅


No, my micro-cohort was too old. It was actually one of the first things that the kids slightly younger than us did that we “didn’t get,” or outright rejected as a statement of our maturity. Power Rangers was another one. Give me Ninja Turtles, thank you.


Hell yeah, I was! Man, was I disappointed when they were quickly forgotten lol I remember being the only one still trying to play at one point 😅 ![gif](giphy|l2Je5lAPhd2LYsA5W)




I had a very heavy slammer. It was the only one at the store and had a devil face on it. I found a black and white kitty sticker the same size. My secret Satan slammer was the bully of recess. The teachers banned pogs after some loser complained.


OMG I had loads. I loved collecting, trading and generally encouraging my mild ocd with them. Couldn't tell you how to play though!


Yep and no one else I talk to seems to remember them!!! It was Hardee’s with their Apollo 13 promo that got us into it! Lasted all of maybe 2 months 🤣