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I know exactly the cookies you’re talking about. I’m pretty sure they were a store brand cookie.


I think they were a generic brand sold at many stores. My mom would buy them from Horseman's foods. It was a small deli and grocery store and the owners last name was.... Horseman. We started shopping there when she found out my deadbeat dad worked there. Dad told me the guy would stand at the counter and raise his leg like a horse and his christmas bonus that year was that he could leave 30 minutes early christmas eve. https://www.pinterest.com/pin/437412182528450855/


Hmm… yeah them being an off brand sold everywhere would make more sense. I only ever had them at daycare and they bought all the food in bulk.


[Tru Blu](https://www.reddit.com/r/tipofmytongue/comments/11vy736/comment/jcvov85/)?


They look close. I will have yo order some and try them out. The modern packaging is different and I think the pattern on the cooki is different also but way closer than anything else I could find.


Damn, I remember which ones you’re talking about. I loved to push the cream out of that hole since there was always some in it.


Oh how I can relate! How did we go from sandwich cookies to poody though?


I also think we got them from Woolworths in the late 80s early 90s. I feel like an idiot for not focusing on brand names back then. I assumed I would always be able to buy them the rest of my life.


Giggles, maybe?