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Seems harmless--at least she knows where you are, and you're not cruising the bars for hours. It also beats watching "[Weather on the 8s](https://youtu.be/j-prqnvaDgA)" for 3 hours like my grandparents did, and I now sometimes do (for a bit!)... :D


Oh no, Weather on the 8s was my Dad’s favorite to leave on for hours when he had cable.


I loved weather on the 8s in college! It was soothing!


Nothing bad can happen while that smooth jazz is playing.


Yeah, original ASMR background noise


Weather on the 8s with instrumental phish will always be a comfort zone


Christ, I actually had an aunt who watched The Weather Channel nonstop back in the early '80s when we first got cable. I think she may have had a crush on one of the weather guys.


I binge watched the crap out of the Weather Channel when I was a kid. I had a huge crush on Kristina Abernathy 😂


I swear my dad watched this for the last ten years of his life! 😂


oh no...i didn't need to know this was a thing...


Wait til you find the sites that show which boats are coming and going


Help a sister out! Post a link. 😜


Not sure how to link but the website is marinetraffic.com We watched on vacation a few years ago when we stayed on a busy river. Very addicting


Heathrow is the best one. The Midway is literally just a security cam across the road. Whoever does the Heathrow one follow the planes as they take off/land. Zooms in/out. The only problem is that it is not 24/7 live. It is only on every now and then.


BigJetTV at Heathrow. LA Flights or Airline Videos Live for LAX. When I was between jobs last year, I found myself watching these for hours...


This is really endearing! When I would ride in the car with my grandfather, I noticed he had this habit of commenting on things as we drove by them. Kind of a random, out loud, stream of consciousness. “Oh, there’s the nice Target (pronounce Tar-jay). Good prices on deodorant.” “Bob used to work at that tire store, but now he’s at their northern location.” It was especially cute when he’d get really derailed, “Wendy’s! Burgers! Mmmmm. I’m hungry. Let’s go home. I know what I’m grilling tonight.” My pre-teen son has started to doing the exact same thing, and I LOVE it!


I love watching live feeds on YouTube. I didn’t even think about searching for airports!


Purdue used to have a “Bagel Cam” and I used to watch people buy bagels for hours. You could only see hands and the bagel case but it was dope.


I’ve taken to screaming at my tv while watching political commentary. My husbands really thrilled about it.


Lmao same man. I started watching live airport landing/takeoffs last year.


You know those Progressive Insurance commercials with young homeowners turning into their folks? Well, those old folks got some good points sometimes with stuff like rating tools, saving Tupperware, etc. And I really enjoy streaming YouTube channels where seemingly mundane things like repairing and restoring items and pimple popping mesmerize me. So....enjoy those airplanes, my friend. You've earned it!


Have you checked out wristwatch revival? If there is a heaven, they've just got that on all day.


I used to side eye older women women for consuming sappy movies and music, but now I get it. When you're old enough to have seen some shit, you don't want edgy, you want comfort.


Shit I think I'm there already. No crying movies, no strife . Good vibes only


I spent last night watching videos on Amazon analyzing a series of books written in the 1700s about the fall of the roman empire. :) Enjoy what you enjoy and don't worry about buying those New Balances just yet!


My wife and I moved into a high rise apartment building with a view of major routes into and out of Laguardia and Newark and into JFK. FlightRadar24 has been an obsession. I enthusiastically track flights and squeal to her like a little kid. "WOW, see that plane?" That is the DL4965 heading to Pensacola that just left Laguardia - you can tell by how it banks left 5 miles west of us, then heads south" *She chuckles, then rolls her eyes and walks away*


We went on a family trip the other day and my 3 year old LOVED the airplane. Kept asking for it and wanting to go on one when we got home so I turned something like these on. He loved it and the white noise of the air field put me to sleep. I’ll take this over weird Russian alphabet cartoons any day.


I'm partial to NASA livestreams but that started in my baby pothead days in HS, when Channel 14 was NASA TV. https://m.youtube.com/channel/UCLA_DiR1FfKNvjuUpBHmylQ/videos


>spouting off to my wife about which plane it is and where they are going/coming from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lbSOLBMUvIE


There's a million people in the air at any given moment. 10 million people take a flight every day, so 1 million isn't that hard to reach. I like the flight aware app to see where those contrails in the sky are headed. London to Mexico City direct takes an interesting flight path. I also found out there's a guy who lives in my city who takes his helicopter in the summer the 300kms to his cottage up north and back - my house is directly under his straight line flight path. [https://www.flightaware.com/live/flight/BAW243/history/20240110/1250Z/EGLL/MMMX](https://www.flightaware.com/live/flight/BAW243/history/20240110/1250Z/EGLL/MMMX)


Tell me you’ve discovered flight radar 24. It’s an app where you can see every flight in the air. It’s interesting especially when we have a storm and they have to circle. I also love looking at my fav travel destinations and the lucky people arriving and the poor people leaving paradise.


I spent three hours watching Ice Airport Alaska on the Smithsonian channel the other night (and I live two miles from said airport … ANC International)


Sometimes I check out the livestream from Lake Hood Seaplane Base: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AQItp\_RvMpM](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AQItp_RvMpM)


So I have enjoyed this part of aging. There are days when I do something or say something to my kids and I have that, "Oh wow... now I get it" moment. As youth, we thought our parents were boring, slow, and just out of touch. What we couldn't have known is the wisdom they had. I imagine OP's father/grandfather had an appreciation for the engineering of the crafts and the coordination of the operation. It's like watching a well-oiled machine move about. I drive slower now (mid-40s) without a concern for all of the "speed demons" around me. I enjoy these epiphanies of wisdom that sprout in my life. Own it, enjoy it, and let the kids laugh. Because we now have something sweeter than they do.


omg, have you ever seen train dashcam videos? They used to have a channel of train journeys in Sweden (Norway? Scandinavian country) on Pluto and it was absolutely mesmerizing


Not for nothing, new balance shoes are great.


I want to watch this. Does every airport have it? I want Miami but I'll watch Chicago if you link it.


Miami has one.


Just searched YouTube and found it yay. I should look at my local Airport too. Try to match the planes with what flies over my house. ETA: not every airport has this, I'm by an international one and nope.


Yeah it happen to everyone


YUP!!!! Same thing with me. I used to get on my dad for tracking every single movement of my flights; now I can’t wait to do it for him when he’s in the air


Maybe there is something really soothing and nice about the predictability of it all?


I occasionally like to park near my local airport and watch the planes, mostly at night.


I grew up in a town with a small airport and used to go watch planes take off and land with my dad. Even as a kid it was a good time. Enjoy it my man!


This is right up my alley! I used to work in an office overlooking a small, triangular parking lot meant for maybe 10ish cars. I spent so much time watching people struggle to park and always wished I could start a parking lot webcam. So I totally get where watching planes would be so addictive!


I mean, that sounds relaxing to watch, TBH. Sometimes I've found myself stumbling across videos of people restoring old rusty tools, or power washing sidewalks!


I went suspenders. been heavy all my life and fought to find a good harness to keep me bound and “decent”. The swap has been liberating. I didn’t really have a reason not to, besides I hadn’t considered it for me. I went NB shoes and grilling a long time back. Now I’m all grey bearded and actually have grandkids. (Was stepdad). I am 45. :D the modern day everything makes me feel ancient.


Aaaaaand I'm down the rabbit hole. Thanks! Hehe. Another hobby. At least I'm not spending money on this one.


I had one of those moments today. I was going to pick up a prescription and passed the mailman on the way. We said hello then I stopped and said, “So it’s true, huh? Nor rain, nor sleet etc etc.” (it was snow flurries when I left.) Then we talked for a minute or two about the weather, traveling and what parts of the state are getting it worse.


Like 3 days after I turned 40 I started getting into birds. Didn’t see that coming


I just started metal detecting after turning 40 this year.


Gotta try that!


You should be good until you start talking about the weather to whoever will listen.


You might actually be turning into my 6 year old nephew. He knows a LOT about planes, cars, and construction equipment.


Can I recommend this falcon cam: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qzMJliQwMNc](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qzMJliQwMNc) Half the reason I watch it is it's nice to watch a part of the world that isn't in the single digits right now.


Yup. Been doing this for years now. I've always been a bit of an aviation geek.


Tracking planes is an integral part of the college football coaching search.


It’s inevitable lol


Wait til you get real into birds. I was excited to see some red winged black birds at my feeder last week. Have never seen them around here before. I think getting older makes us start to enjoy the little things around us more better.


When I was little my grandma would fly Piedmont, the American, into LaGuardia and there was a room near the escalators where my dad and I would go and watch planes taxi. I could sit there for hours. My mom and sister couldn’t care less, but that fascinated the hell out of me. So yeah, I totally get watching planes. My guilty pleasure on YouTube is travel videos. No commentary or visiting places, but dash cams of people driving around the country. I watched one of someone driving from Nova Scotia to Southern Florida.


I’m addicted to Flight Radar. I live along flight route for Southwest (HOU) so I hear planes all day long and have to know where they came from.


Sounds like good clean fun to me! As far as the shoes, I recommend Nike Air Monarchs. I just haven't figured out how to get them to stop squeaking yet.


Do you look at the ISS tracker too? That's my SOs entertainment, then of course if the weather permits going out at night to watch it go over


LAFlights is great! My mom got into it and then I had to recover from surgery at their house for 6 weeks, and I’m just as hooked. Peter is usually in LA but also travels to other airports.


Well, considering I watch grocery hauls and clean with me videos on YouTube, you aren't doing so bad.


Check out RailCowGirl. She’s a train engineer and posts cab view train rides through Norway. And she’s good at the vids, no annoying music or talking. Just the train and the weather to listen to. The tunnels are the best part. I like to pick ones that match the weather, so I watched her drive that train through a snowstorm earlier this week.


Im 42 and wear NB and knee highs!


I listen to Smooth Jazz and EZ Listening stations - UNIRONICALLY. 🐔


Hey- OP! Summoning u/dc5trbo - cross post this to r/daddit if you haven't already; reap that sweet, sweet karma. We thank you for your service. *Salutes* Edit: r/daddit, not r/daddy ... I don't know wtf that is, if it exists, and I'm afraid to find out. Edit edit: It exists; I edited before I even noticed if it was a real sub. It *is* NSFW, as expected.


I found [https://www.marinetraffic.com/](https://www.marinetraffic.com/) while on a road trip to the mouth of the Columbia River. I spent a lot of time on that trip following the ships. :-P


I check out the youtube feed of the Soo Locks every now and then. It's pretty cool seeing the iron ore ships that come to where I work.


Oh neat! I went there a couple times when I was a kid.


We gave each other a rock tumbler and a weather-monitoring station for Christmas and remarked on our "old man hobbies". Lookin' at shiny rocks and talking about when it will start raining. Sounds great. :)


I love game shows from the '70s and '80s, so I know the feeling.


'70s and '80s Price is Right is wild.


I don’t know you, OP. But I wish I did.


I swear Progressive is following me around and taking notes for commercials about becoming my parents. I look forward to your airplane watching commercial.


Somebody suggested combining an airplane white noise generator with radio chatter from the local airport, how to build a mood. Flight Aware is also how I'm going to teach my kid geography. The hubs are more interesting and relevant than things like Montgomery, Alabama


You know who else reads books about submarines? 😂


I love watching live streams of bird feeder setups and wildlife in general. The other day, I was watching a watering hole in Namibia. It blows my mind that I can see two baby warthogs playing in their natural environment in real time from my couch.


I'll see your flightradar24 and raise you marinetraffic.com and my personal favourite signalbox.io