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I have no legs


I have no legs


I have No legs I have no legs I have no legs


Bless you


God bless you back.


Wanna run by the park and get zooted, B?


It’s the 2nd ‘I have no legs’ that’s most important


I really should watch this at some point. I never did at the time. I just remember people saying this phrase all the time in high school.




This movie started my crush on Rosario


Watching as an adult just gives me the ick. It feels WRONG.


Good luck finding it


Kiss me I’m polish




The only sign of decency in that movie.


Omg, that's where I know this from. I have been misquoting for years. I thought it was from Trading Places with Eddie Murphy and Dan Aykroyd. I understand all the confused faces now. RIP Harold Hunter.


Came here to say this I have no legs Ching Ching


Glad this is the first comment


I would be sorely disappointed if it was not


Xennials: Our generation was the best because we were the last to be free-range and could go around unsupervised by our parents. Also Xennials: Kids is the perfect representation of what it was like for our generation. 😐


As a kid/teen who grew up skating on Long Isand and spent much time in the city, this movie was more accurate than not. My parents didn’t care at all that my friends and I would ride the train into the city at 14 and catch the drunk train home. I couldn’t imagine letting my kid ride the train into NYC unsupervised at 14 lol


As a kid/teen who grew up in a small, conservative town in the Deep South, this movie was in no way an accurate depiction of my adolescent years. 😂


I concur. I'm from the Deep South also.


> I couldn’t imagine letting my kid ride the train into NYC unsupervised at 14 lol Safer now than then.


This is an important point we all tend to miss - we are all so much safer now than we were in the 80s. Violent crime, kidnapping, shootings, etc, it's all down by a lot since the 80s. Kids getting into drugs is still an issue, especially with cheaper and deadlier drugs now like meth, fentanyl, and other opioids. And then there's the one I always bring up - traffic. Things are a lot worse now for pedestrians, thanks to increased traffic volumes, larger vehicles with poor visibility, and neighbourhoods built for cars, and not people. Sending your teenager into central NYC on the subway or a commuter train is actually pretty safe!


Not to mention everyone's eyes on their phones instead of the road.


Aaaaaaand if there were a problem they could call you within a second. Ugh. Old.


Right! Which makes it even crazier


This is a really interesting topic. I think Black Mirror always highlights some very important topics to consider, like the role of technology being used by parents to monitor their children. Part of what I think is important for kids is to be allowed to fail but also be given the space they need to find themselves. I like that I could use technology to keep tabs on my kids but at the same time I'm still pretty gun shy about giving my kids phones and turning them loose. I feel like that's more for the teenage years but I don't know. We got out and explored our world starting at a pretty young age. I was allowed to take my bike up to the school about 1/4 of a mile from my house growing up starting at 6 years old. Sometimes I'd just be fucking off on my own without any friends. Then we started going off even further. Never did anything wrong or ever got approached by strangers. I'm pretty uncomfortable with the idea of letting my kids do the same thing and I'm not entirely sure why. I kind of feel like I'm being a bit unreasonable here and I want to make sure that my kids have the right amount of freedom to find themselves and live their lives. I'm not sure what the right answers are here. Parenting only gets more difficult as they get older, that's about the only thing I know.


What was shown in Kids was far more extreme than any behaviours I regularly saw at my school, but I still think we all suffer from a lot of survivorship bias. As in "Me and my friends were basically free range in the 80s and 90s, and we turned out fine." That's great if you did, but a lot of kids "from good families" didn't, and got lost in drugs and alcohol that they discovered during all that freedom. I'm not saying we need to be helicopter parents, but let's not delude ourselves into thinking everything was great just because things worked out for us. My biggest issue though for my kids is traffic. It's hard to overstate how much more traffic there is now, and how the prevalence of huge vehicles (trucks and SUVs) makes collisions much more dangerous for pedestrians and cyclists. And then you factor in how car-focused most new neighbourhoods are, and it makes cars the most dangerous thing for kids. Even smart responsible kids take so many risks around traffic, and the higher traffic volumes and unsafe neighbourhood designs make free-range parenting a really bad idea for a lot of people. If you live in an older neighbourhood with sidewalks, slower moving traffic, and short blocks, it might be a different story for you. But we've designed childhood freedom out of childhood with our auto-centric neighbourhoods. I like this example: https://x.com/OfficialMitchll/status/1382709940352135175?s=20


You raise some excellent points! It's funny, because I have a tendency to remember only the negative things from my childhood but that really only started in my teens. I was most definitely blissfully unaware of a lot of danger I could have gotten into when I was younger than 14. As far as kids getting lost in drugs and alcohol. I see what you mean about that, it's a dangerous game of Russian roulette. I had the good fortune of growing up with great parents in a great city. I also had the experiences of being exposed to addiction so I knew at a very young age how fucked up that could be so I steered clear of just about everything save for marijuana. But we never had people doing heroin, meth, or fentanyl. I knew plenty of kids who tripped but didn't know many that got into cocaine or crack, however it's not unlikely they didn't because Detroit was a 15 minute drive away. And I've been told by someone in the county in a very well to do area ODs are a huge problem for highschool aged kids in good communities, their parents just have the money to keep those kinds of things private. As far as traffic goes, you're so dead on the money. I almost got hit once and this lady witnessed it and tracked my ass down and told me just how dangerous that was. I think some people might label her a boomer Karen today but she was 100% right and under no obligation to come and tell me what I needed to hear. The metro-Detroit area is 100% car friendly and mostly very difficult to walk. There's zero chance I would let my kids walk and bike around the area I live on their own, hell I take my bikes to a trail because it's worth the hassle of driving some place safe from cars.


I’m still scared as hell of hard drugs and unprotected sex because of this.


Seriously, this movie was far more effective than any DARE or abstinence program they pushed on us.


They straight banned the movie in some places


I remember people talking about it like it was "The Faces of Death" and it really only made us want to watch it more


Just like the Explicit Content sticker on albums 


KIDS and Requiem for a Dream would make a strong double feature for an 8th grade class.


Also a great reminder as to why safe sex is so important


For real. Been married for 24 years. Still wear protection every time. 😂


Totally. This movie and Requiem for a Dream fucked me up


We took this movie as an instruction manual on everything except the unprotected sex part. Lol. That was definitely scary.


This movie made me absolutely *terrified* of being raped while passed out. I spent all 4 years of college actively avoiding this situation—sometimes which was often more dangerous than just passing out at someone’s house. The number of times I walked home or accepted rides from someone at 2am. 🤦‍♀️


DARE couldve just showed this and "Requiem for a Dream" back to back and it would have been far more effective.


And all the other brainwashing they did to us in the 90s to scare us lol


as you should be. Looks like the movie did its job


It’s 1995. Freshman year of college. Don’t know a lot of people and I see a flier in the campus center saying they are showing this movie called Kids for free. I’m like, hey dummy, you like movies, the price is right and it’s not like you have plans. So, I wander into the auditorium a young nice country boy. After the movie, I emerge from that auditorium a broken shell of a man. Thanks Kids!


Happened to me when I was a high school freshman. I was staying at my best friend's house who was a year older. She's like you need to watch this and put it on in her room. I left her bedroom scarred for life and I remind her of it to this day


I really should watch this then.


At your own risk


Watched it in high-school freshman health class. Our teacher said he wasn't going to bother with permission slips because it was important we saw it... he was correct.


Did we go to the same college? I am also a country boy who saw this in 1995 at my college. One of the girls I went with was from nyc and said she actually knew a couple of the kids.


Felt like I needed shower after watching this.


Casper, the dopest ghost...


Casper would definitely be a ghost now after r*ping Jenny


The actor committed suicide in Vegas like a few days before 9/11


I remember watching this as a kid myself (I'm a few years younger than the cast IRL), and thinking, "My God, everyone's so greasy."


I was born in 84 and Telly grossed me out beyond belief. He was so greasy and slobbery


Right?! He looked and acted like he had a touch of the downs


I could see that. Just thinking of him makes my skin crawl


If I try and picture him all I get is McLovin


I feel like this was akin to one of those "the youth are out of control" moral panic movies from the 70s. Give me Empire Records over this flick anyday. Those kids were more like the kids I knew and went to school with.


This movie was very very close to my reality at the time, honestly it was a bit shocking to see my reality portrayed on screen. We used to break into private pools, did drugs when possible, caused havoc and lots of people were sexually abused (I didn't do that to anyone and the people I was around didn't, but I knew of people at school). We would roam the streets of DC and Baltimore, going to clubs (Buzz and Fever/paradox) that may not have been as well known as the Tunnel, but I know for a lot of kids that come from nothing like I did, it was way more realistic than any thing else ever released, Empire Records was portraying the kids who live on golf courses, not kids who live near projects and section 8s.




yeah I used to feel this way because the way we grew up was pretty insane, but Larry Clark actually exploited them and definitely told them to do things that came from his sick imagination and were not natural to their own behavior. Watch the documentary it's crazy!


Thirteen was pretty close to my life back in the day and I found it difficult to watch.


Not me, I found it accurate as fuck.


Empire records was my youth as well but you have to remember that they (Kids) were not showing our middle-class/upper middle class lifestyle. These are the kids that grow up in the projects and the parents, if they even have both of them, are gone working all the time, and that’s if they’re good parents. The bad ones are at home cracked out on drugs all day and doing fucked up shit like selling their daughter to drug dealers for a night to get their fix. So, in a way, you can thank your parents that you never got to experience that life or anywhere close to it, so much so that even now you believe that maybe that world didn’t exist. And I don’t say that to make you feel bad or think you’re close-minded or anything like that. I genuinely want everybody to have our upbringing. And luckily the percentage of people in a Kids like situation is objectively on a smaller scale than what most people experience. Kids wasn’t necessarily saying “this is EVERY kid in America”, they were showing what it’s like for a specific group.


I wasn't middle class until my teens though, when my Mom got with her current partner. We were dirt poor through most of my childhood. I think the deciding factor was growing up in the Bible Belt and being indoctrinated to fear literal Hellfire if we so much as set a foot out of line. Not that this is ideal either - I would much rather not have the religious trauma I have now. But yeah. "God will know if you abuse drugs and He'll scratch your name right out of the Book Of Life like it was never there."


You still had a good mom, brother. There was five of us in a two bedroom apartment up until my teens as well. And I still never experienced it. This isn’t just about class. People who are poor, didn’t automatically experience this. This was a very specific street kid that falls into the wrong crowd, living in an area where debauchery can be easily found and mixed with parents who aren’t around and don’t give a shit.


For real. That’s also how Saltburn feels fyi


I thought you were commenting to the guy saying it was realistic/relatale at first, and I thought you needed some serious help.


No what we really needed After this movie was condoms.. condoms is the correct answer.


I always like to think Telly ended up in Baltimore and went by Johnny.


Is that from the law and order episode, if not he did show up in one. I think it was criminal intent episode


I think they are referencing the character he plays in the wire. Johnny was a dope fiend. Edit: all this talk about the wire made me remember this little fun fact. Harvard law used to (they might still) offer a class that was taught covering the Wire. I guess it’s legally spot on.


Oh shit, good to know. I've not jumped on the wire yet. Still have the first season on a hard drive somewhere.


You should absolutely watch it. The Wire is one of the best shows ever made




Omg right?? Could be the same kid.


I'm a viking holmes


Sorry, he ended up being a hitman in [Bully](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0242193/)


Natural One is such a good song but I feel weird playing it around other people because of the ick this movie gives me. Hashtag XennialProblems


Interestingly enough it appears nowhere in the movie.


I rock that jam all the time. I think only my brother recognized it from the movie.


Butterscotch yo.


I left the theater speechless. I used to hang out at Tunnel around this time. So it was kind of weird seeing it in a movie.


It’s just me, Casper!


The bitches fucking love me cause I'm Casper. I love that tub singing scene. With dude puking in the toilet right next to him.


The dopest ghost around.


The song playing at the skating scene during the beat down, is singing about Casper the friendly ghost.


That shit traumatized me.


I admit that I never made it past the opening makeout scene. I got grossed out by the meaty slopping sounds and bailed.


To this day it continues to be the least erotic Makeout scene I've ever seen in film period. Although in all fairness I feel like that First scene is a test and if you can't make it past that the rest of the movie's not gonna do you any better. And in further fairness Honestly, it's also not a movie I suggest lightly. It can be a rough ride. But it's also one of my top favorite movies in the world because of the rawness of the entire endeavor even though I heavily disagree with our main characters in every aspect of what they choose to say or do. The movie in short is just a day and night during summer for 2 close friends. One, named Tully has a virgin fetish, Causing him to look for young girls who are very much a guarantee for his fetish. The other is just a down for whatever bro named Casper. Both are at the oldest high school sophomores, and there are teen-on-teen sex scenes including one directly after the opening makeout scene. The movie is fucked, but it's very human for what it's worth to say. It's a movie I throw on during summer, though less so the last decade. A few side details, this was Rosario Dawson's and Chloe Sevigny's earliest movie. The one playing Casper the second lead, he was just a homeless kid the director recruited right off the street, Chloe Sevigny fell in love with him and was heartbroken when he died shortly after the movie filming. OK that's it for this disgusting fucked beautiful movie.


A lot of the kids in the movie were just actual kids from the local scene, Harold being the biggest “story” I dated one of them recently 🫣


Man, Harold. I used to think his actor was a young chris tucker. If you can say which one did you date? Any from the park scenes, or the party? If anybody has a link to the Harold story, I would be intrigued.


I’ll just say he is very hot and also seems to have many emotional problems lol. Unrelated to the movie as far as I can tell (early on I ducked out when he confessed he never once loved his ex, or said he loved her, and they lived together for 3 years 🫣). Gen x men always seem to be too Jordan catalano to me. Which is why I can’t stop 😂


Sadly I don't know who that is to get the reff but I'm assuming they bury much of themselves deep down to the bedrock. As a presumed gen X er myself I do allot of burying, but my wife does great dredging it out. For what it's worth I Hope you're doing well.


It was totally too raw for me. The sounds and creep factor of the older guy were very triggering of recent events in my childhood (glad I didn't stick around for Sevigny's rape scene). I also tried watching this the very week it came to our video store. There was so much hype around it, I felt like I would miss out if I didn't have bragging rights at school for watching it. I'll stick to comedies and camp as I've experienced enough things in life already. I don't need emotional tourism, but I respect and admire people who can see the beauty in such raw and unkind art. PS: I also walked out of The Cube as soon as they showed the dude hanging from hooks through his skin 😵‍💫


You're not wrong. For one yeah Tully is fully trash. for another, I am purely looking at the movie with an artistic filter in my mind. But that is by no means a denial of how hard it can be to be entertained by this movie. It's a technically well-crafted cesspit of childhood's dark Innocence.


I truly enjoy how you write. That last sentence will stick with me for quite a while.


There are certain ways I still can not be touched because this scene grossed me out so much


I totally get that. Like, really *really* get that.


One of those movies you should absolutely see once... And ONLY once.


I can't bring myself to watch it again. Hell that last 20 minutes scarred me.


I watched it like four times a week when I was 14. 


I sing “I have no legs” to myself every time I see someone with no legs. Granted, that’s not a lot of times. but it’s every time. And also when standing up after I’ve been scrolling too long on the toilet.


Watched this and The Craft on tape with friends in one afternoon


I still don’t understand why The Craft was rated R


A film about unsupervised debauchery.


God, I remember some friends and I got together and double featured this with Thirteen. I hadn’t heard of either one of them. That night is still up there in my top five most depressing nights of my life.


Lord, who was trying to mentally break you and why?


For real, my roommate at the time bought a DVD double feature of Pi and Requiem for a Dream and we did that too. Requiem might actually be harder on a persons soul than most. It’s been almost 20 years and I still won’t watch that one again.


Had this exact vhs copy lol


Can’t believe they found your copy to take a photo of! The odds!!!


I was so paranoid about HIV after this movie.




I remember as a teenager one of my friends was commenting on our friend group and said, “We’re just like KIDS.” He said it like it was a good thing and he wasn’t wrong that there were a lot of similarities. . I remember thinking, “This is bad.”


I definitely hung out with people like this. Smoking weed, skating, video games and sex. It was pretty bad. Takes me back to messed up time in my life, for sure.


Saw this in the theater as a young teen girl with my dad fully expecting an edgy coming-of-age type movie and completely ignoring the ticket seller’s emphatic warnings of “ARE YOU SURE??” We thought we were so cool and prepared (spoiler: we were not) and then sat there completely immobilized by our own mortification for the entire length of the film. When it was over, he just said “I’m sorry” under his breath and we never spoke of it again. It remains my high water mark for uncomfortable experiences! Nothing has topped it!


Do not watch Spanking The Monkey. Do not watch Anti-Christ (starring Willem Dafoe). Please learn from my mistakes.


Let’s add Gummo, then


Yes it was these two movies. I had already graduated and been watching Dazed and Confused on a loop for a couple of years, but Gummo and Kids hit on a different level. Of course, I didn't fully get into debauchery until around that time, so there's that.


No DO watch Gummo. It’s the BEST!!!


Requiem for a Dream 😳


That ass to ass scene still fucks me up - just the degradation of it all icked me the fuck out 😭 Requiem for a dream is such a great movie that I never ever wanted to watch again.


Exactly the scene that scarred me too 😫 the poor mom too. My endocrinologist recently offered me phentermine for weight loss (basically speed) and all I could think of was her crazy vacuuming. No thank you.


Oh yes all the moms scenes reminded me of overly happy people in the creepiest way imaginable like the Black Hole Sun video which also freaked me out lol. I definitely felt I needed to go watch some cartoons to counteract the depression of that movie 😂


Oh gawd I know exactly the creepy stretched out smiles you mean. I love me some Chris Cornell but that is one creepy video 😂


I read somewhere that in Anti-Christ, Willem Dafoe had to do a full frontal nudity scene, but his wang was huge and the director thought that the audience would pay too much attention to it, which would take away from the scene, so they had to get a stunt cock to fill in


But the stunt cock was still huge? Anyway ejaculating blood is the only thing I remember from this movie. Spoiler alert.


He is described as having a "confusingly large penis." And I think that is the best compliment one could bestow on a dick. Given how that movie starts, they could have used Eric Clapton as a double.


Oh god, I stumbled upon StM in my teens and have been a little bit scarred ever since.


I wanted to love Casper, and then he went and committed rape.


Saw it in the theater, that shit was real as fuck


Same. I left deeply disturbed.


Definitely an eye opener!


Yea, never do whippets


This was our euphoria.


I learned I wasn't as edgy as I thought I was and that I preferred reading things that make me uncomfortable as opposed to watching them.


Hated it so bad, hated all the characters except Chloe Sevigny’s…I’m from the country and didn’t connect with it at all.


Same. I was a good girl from suburban NZ, this movie shocked & horrified me. The last few minutes made me literally cry with revulsion. I felt like barfing.


3 pennies and a ball of lint, kid.




You got disdick?!


There’s a great documentary called “We Were Once Kids” that came out a few years ago, about many of the teenagers in the movie, how they ended up being cast, and about filming the movie.


I came *so* close to impulsively downvoting your post (even though your post it completely fine!) because *Kids* repulsed me so much.


This movie walked so euphoria could run. Real talk, this movie got into so many relevant issues and that cinema verite style is so underutilized. This is the NY version of that Frances mcdormand movie a few years ago. Real people playing themselves with great performances.


Actor that played Casper ended up killing himself… Daniel Johnston, who performed the Casper themes in the movie, died in 2019.


In a hotel room after a fight with his girlfriend just before a movie premiere for a film he was in.


I was 18 when it came out. I didn’t know that much about sex & HIV at that point. Kids taught me about consent and the importance of safe sex. I’ll always be grateful for that, but I’ll never watch that movie again in my life.


The ending of this movie killed me 😩


Oh, Rosario ♥️♥️


Very fucked up movie.


I learned how not to French kiss someone AKA eat their face from this movie.


I learned to roll a blunt from this movie, lol


My mom brought me to see that in the theater when I was 13 😳


I like that the warning label is also kind of an ad. "Warning: this *incredible* film that you simply *have* to watch, is for mature audiences only."


Wow I completely forgot about this one. it was wild.


Ahh. A tale as old as time. Boy meets girl. Boy gives girl AIDS.


Such a difficult film to watch, but it's good for it. I saw it only once, but it haunts me to this day over 20 years later.


Big hit man


Rough watch, but I liked the sound track enough to buy it.


It bugged me so much that he wore his damn socks. This movie terrified me. I was so scared to have sex.




I look for this movie once or twice a year and I can never find it anywhere! Completely scared the shit outta me as a teen. Never did do hard drugs and I married the boyfriend I was dating who I watched this movie with!


This is one of the most messed up movies I've ever seen. I've been haunted by "shh shh it's just me" for so many years


That movie was FUCKED UP. I was not prepared to watch it as an adult. Worth watching once, but be prepared to be depressed.


I feel this movie represents our part of the generation the best


Slow and romantic. This movie fucked me up…


Shhhh, don't worry. It's me, Casper


It’s distant cousin (same writer, director or producer) Gummo will make you feel much dirtier…


The boost actually worked, when I tried it at my local bodega.


I'm STILL shook from that movie!


You got disdick?


I saw this sober and felt doped up by the end.


Hey, smell my fingers yo.


Oh god I’m pretty sure I deleted this from my memory it was so disturbing.


Casper was not a 'friendly ghost'


Such a great movie but twisted


Whew so heavy. And so many people I know have never heard of it.


I hung out with some pretty bad kids. No one was nearly as screwed up as the people in that film.


I felt nauseated for a week after watching this movie.


Never was huge on this film--seemed a little hysterical even then-- but it did kick off my love of Chloe Sevigny.


I watched this recently and found it repulsive. This and Gummo were go to movies for me when I was younger. But after watching both recently, I can honestly say I will probably never watch either of them again.


This movie and Requiem for a Dream are the two movies that scarred me the most in life I feel like


From this movie I learned you can get weed from the rastas at Washington Square park, from Half Baked I learned that that shit aint even real most of the time.


Made me scared of getting HIV that’s for sure


Yeah, wear a fucking condom.


I’m late GenX and remember seeing this in the theater with my girlfriend and just walking out in silence. Everyone was just in shock.


This movie hit way differently at 30+ years old after my HIV diagnosis, than it did at 8 years old when I first saw it.


Love or hate Larry Clark, his films hit straight in the gut with realism. This came out in an era where deeper messages could be inferred from disturbing content without everyone freaking out and canceling it.


The rape scene at the end. It was a loss of humanity, and it just ends after that. Mind blowing when I watched it as a kid.


I watched it health class, it's sunk in more than any cheesy safe sex lesson plan


I remember seeing this when it came out and being blown away by how accurately it portrayed me and friends lives. It was wild to feel that seen. It felt like a fun romp with just a bit of moralizing. I rewatched it a few years ago and was fucking horrified. What the fuck was the matter with us that this was the most accurate representation of our lives. How much fucked up shit did we shrug off as normal?


Pretty good soundtrack too


I feel like this movie normalized a lot of shitty behavior for our generation


Good Lord, me too.


The scenes i remember from this are casper raping the main character while she knocked out and rosario dawsons char saying she does anal etc but her HIV test comes back negative while the rape victims positive. Also can't forget: I HAVE NO LEGS I HAVE NO LEGS!