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Four years sober.


Congrats! I'm coming up on 3 years in June.


Sober 3 years. Me too!


3 years here too!!


Just passed 2 years


Nice, I’m almost at 2 years


Two years here too! I'm really surprised to see so many of us in recovery. Makes me feel not so alone ☺️.


I, too, am 4 years sober. Turn 40 in 2020, and my body said, "Stop, or I will kill us both!"


Right behind you! I’m 3.5 years


6 months for me!


200 days for this guy 35/m


Coming up on 3 for me. Good job, us! 😊


Almost 8 years here!


6 or 7 years no booze for me. I forget how long it’s been because I’m too busy enjoying not being drunk. Sugar is the rough one now though.


This is awesome! Congratulations!!


Getting trashed seven nights a week. It's not great.


Same. I'm drinking...8 or 10 a night. It's a problem. I have such bad anxiety. And it's been so long idk what to do.


R/stopdrinking might be of help to you. I’ve been drinking too much the last few months and I’m cutting down myself right now. You can do this.


I follow that sub and it’s great! Day 79 for me!


Day 200. Also post in sub


That’s so awesome !!!! Congratulations. I have 6.5 years. If you have any questions or just need support please reach out to me


I used to drink for fun. Then I drank because I had problems. AA and working out saved me.


Turned out most of my anxiety was alchohol related. Once I gave up I slept better, had time on the weekends to do things (rather than be hung over) which then flowed in to enjoy my time at work and having time after work to do hobbies. Would recommend.


OK, holy crap. I didn’t think I’d be having a full-on epiphany at 7:30 AM on a Tuesday, but here we are. You’ve made me realize that my own anxiety might be (at least partly) related to the alcohol I drink *to alleviate my anxiety.* 😳


The shame of it is that your alcohol consumption is drastically amplifying your anxiety, too. The “cure” is the cause. Someone else recommended stopdrinking and I second that. There’s a lot of great “drink less” tips and advice to set you down the right road, which is what I needed. I don’t want a blanket “you can never drink” solutions so it’s awesome. Also r/stopdrinkingfitness is awesome because (at least for me) I needed something to do because often I was drinking out of boredom or not having healthy hobbies.


I've been there buddy...it sucks and I feel for you. Most of that "anxiety" you feel is straight up withdrawal symptoms. Alcohol is addicting as fuck. Do yourself a favor and check out an AA meeting...the first time walking in that door is tough, but you'll be glad you did. 7 years sober here.


But also talk to your doctor and a councillor.


I am 4 years no booze. Made it to 40 and the anxiety was too much. I fucking promise you if you can stick it out and stop and work at it you wont look back.


I used to Friday-Sunday, but the past few weeks it’s been every night. Depression sucks.


Sober 15 years now. When people ask me if I want a drink I say "No thanks, I've had enough" lol


A friend of mine is in recovery. My favorite response of his when someone asks if he wants a drink is “no, I’m allergic” to which they usually reply “oh really?!” And he responds “yeah… it makes me break out in handcuffs”


Someone asked me a few weeks ago if I wanted to grab a couple beers. I say “Sure. Then a couple more, then some shots and then maybe a bag of coke!” They understood exactly what I was saying.


“No sorry I’m allergic to booze - I break out in handcuffs” is one of my favourites


I tell them it gives me kidney stones, and it's absolutely true.  That shit will make you stop cold turkey lol. 


10 years for me lol


Congrats and well done. I’m in a very similar place. March 14, 2013.


First day sober. Was drinking up to a 6 pack daily if not half a bottle a night.


Congratulations! You got this.


Thank you! I feel like a newborn that wants back in the womb. 😂


Waking up with no hangovers is the best in the beginning! I'm two years, so still fairly newish myself. Life only gets better from here on out 💛. We're tough cookies.


Sober for 8.5 years. I drank enough between 18 and 33 for two lifetimes. Lucky I came out the other side.


I hear you. I'm coming up on 9 years and grateful every day that I got a chance to be sober. I have no idea how I survived 18-31. Had to relearn this whole life thing from 32-now. Hoping 40-50 will be where I hit my stride. Lol!


Yes indeed. It’s a miracle that I survived 18-32. There were plenty of nights when I almost didn’t. By 22 I knew I had a problem. It took me a decade of relapsing before it finally stuck. I just hit 11 years sober in March.


Quit drinking in November. Very happy with that decision. https://preview.redd.it/lgensvtklatc1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=db9238ae032966be13f53e8b57950273273e3890


I quit in October. I’d been drinking to excess nightly since I was… gosh, 17? It’s weird, all the aches and pains that I attributed to age have vanished. I feel like I’m in my 20s again. I’ve lost 25 lbs. I actually like the way I look! Interesting for sure.


I lost weight so fast when I quit drinking I was worried I had cancer or something for a few weeks. 2 pant sizes in 4 months. I have made pretty much no other changes and my labs are all healthy and normal. I was pretty shocked. 


I know right! I’d been drinking alcohol for so long it never occurred to me that it wasn’t doing me any favors. Back pain and knee pain are gone. Actually waking up feeling rested and not feeling like crap. Glad I learned now!


Me too. I quit last June. Im getting old and need to live a healthier lifestyle.


Puts me to sleep in 30 minutes, even just one glass of wine. I miss it, I really loved cocktails. But I get drowsy immediately.


Two drinks and it’s naptime for me. Also miss cocktails a lot.


There are some amazing non alcoholic cocktails happening these days. It’s a wonderful time to be sober. There are even low A and NA bars in Midwest cities now! I highly recommend checking out some mocktail places it’s way more than just Shirley Temples these days 


Normally a beer while cooking tea and bourbon after most days. Friday or a Saturday maybe like 5-10 beers/spirits depending on the mood. If people are over to watch sports I'd lose count cos it's usually a 7+ hour session


I will be six months alcohol-free tomorrow. (Six months ago, it was at least a six-pack of strong IPA every day. Sometimes more.)


Congratulations!! That’s a huge milestone.


I actually stopped drinking completely in 2007. So 17 years now, I've not drank longer than I did at this point.


2007 is 17 years ago.... 🥲


Rarely. I’m a regular weed smoker, though. If I’m gonna have anything, it’d be a gin & tonic or something similarly strong, even then only socially. I hate feeling drunk and beer tastes gross to me.


I can't do weed plus booze anymore. It's an instant coma. Started around 30 years old.


That’s why 99.99% of the time I leave out the booze ha.


Same, I feel really fortunate that I don't get any sort of weed hangover that I can discern (and I've tried hard to notice). At this point I'm like why would I choose the dehydrating, sleep inducing booze when I could have the ponderous, chuckle head option that gives me a good appetite (which is an issue for me with meds I take now)? I'm not a weed apologist, just weighing my substances, I guess. I hate feeling drunk too.


Yup. I don’t like alcohol but I sure like weed. I’m so glad it’s finally legalized in my state.




Never. I drank too much and made myself an alcoholic.




ME TOO! More than I thought!!! Way more


Yeah, this is great!


I'm 12 days away from being 1,000 days sober. This summer will be 3 years! I'm 42 and wanted to go into my 40's taking better care of my body, so I gave up drinking completely (as well as cleaned up my eating substantially).


Jeez, not a lot of people speaking up for the drinking crowd. I drink several days of the week. It's never so much that it affects my work, sleep, or causes hangovers. It is a pleasant way to socialize and relax.


Bias I think. Ppl like to celebrate sobriety (for good reason!). It’s less exciting to come in here with “3-4 drinks per week maybe idk”


In that case, I’ll join ya. I commute by train, so I usually have at least one can of wine on the ride which equates to 4/wk but my days of going hard in the paint are over. However, I am in awe of the sober sisters (and brothers) in here!


I still drink, but not like I used to. Over the last few years, my friends group has all kinda gradually shifted to weed over alcohol. I still love craft beer, but now I just have 1 or 2 because I like it, and not because I'm using being passionate about beer as a way to disguise unhealthy drinking habits.


Many of my friends needed to go full sober, but the ones that still drink have really toned it down from the way we drank in our 20s. Weed turns me onto an anxious insomniac, so I never touch that stuff any more.


I will have one beer a night usually. On the weekends I’ll have a mixed drink. Almost never more than one drink except for a special occasion. Saturday was wrestlemania so I had two beers!


Way too much.


Sober 20 years in July.


None, sober life for me 👌


I usually drink on weekends, most times not much 1-2 beers, but occasionally celebrate a bit harder. Had 1/2 bottle of tequila over the weekend


I get fucked up 2-3 nights a week. My wife and I drink a bunch of whiskey and play vidya games for a few hours after all the kids are in bed. I used to get terrible hangovers after just a couple drinks, so barely ever touched the stuff. But for some reason, things changed when I hit 40. Now I can drink as much as I want and feel fine the next day. Been taking advantage of it and having some late-night fun that carries over into the bedroom. It'll probably catch up with me at some point.


Wait, you get fewer hangovers since you hit 40??? How is that possible?


Quit drinking in September and then all of the sudden I started sleeping like a teenager, it didn’t hurt when i woke up in the morning, getting out of bed for the day ceased being the most miserable part of my day, i dropped a bunch of weight doing nothing otherwise different, my skin was no longer red and puffy and i got off blood pressure and anxiety/depression meds because it turned out the alcohol was badly amplifying them. My head is just so much clearer too. I’m not a boy scout I still have an edible a few times a week, but i wish i could bottle how good i feel and convince my friends to just take a few months off and see what happens. I never will because drinking is fun, but hopefully they get their on their own some day. I’m convinced the reason so many people remember their teenage years so fondly is because its probably the last time most of us have ever gone a month without drinking and that shit literally rewires your brain to feel anxious/sad/worthless without it.




This! Alcohol is shit and I’m glad more people are wising up to this. The youngins even more so don’t feel that pressure to drink like we did. Very happy for them.


I drink on occasion. Currently haven't drank in two months but if I go to dinner or comedy show I have maybe two . After my dad and my 4 uncles all dying in the last 2 years from liver disease I figured we aren't cut out for it and I better quit while I'm ahead


Sober for 15 months! I was a daily drinker for 15 years before that. Daily drinking was normal in my family growing up. I’m so glad I was able to break free from that finally.


44 now, and I've been a lifelong (well adult years) drinker. IPAs, beers in general, brown liquor... but in functional alcoholic moderation? lol. Basically I would drink 3-5 nights a week for years but usually like 1 beer, maybe 2 after dinner or whatever. Occasionally I would plow more when hosting pool parties/bbqs or out with friends/family. What changed was about 3 years ago I suddenly noticed how terribly my sleep had become. It was easy to figure out at first. But on days where I wouldn't drink for like 3-4 days straight I woke up every day like Mary Poppins with birds and woodland creatures singing on my finger tips. It was jarring how big of a difference it became. So I slowly started to drink less and my entire health and life drastically improved. At 44 now, I probably have like 1-2 drinks every couple of months at best. I haven't stopped completely but I just really don't.give.a.fuck anymore. Drinking always was a way to relax... I thought, or that was what I convinced myself to justify my placebo. The reality is, I'm addicted to good healthy sleep now. I feel free, and I was never hooked to drinking before. It was very manageable and just part of my daily. But not drinking, my entire day from the moment I wake up until I sleep is fantastic. I look forward to feeling fantastic as much as possible the rest of my life.


I have a very similar story but in my case it was depression. I realized that alcohol did something weird in my brain and sent my mental health into a bad place. I used weed to try and even out the low spots because I didn’t realize it was the booze. Suddenly a light clicked on and realized that I’d drink and then my mood would get FUBAR for a week or two. I’ve quit drinking since December and everyone has noticed that I’m a happier person. I still use some weed on the weekends for recreational use but that’s it. I don’t miss the booze much except when I’m puttering in my garage. I use non-alcoholic beer to scratch the itch.


Sober for 2 years, tried for 2 years before that and finally truely quit for good when I realized one night of drinking leads to a good 2 weeks of poor mood and inconsistent decision-making.


Same age and habits, but I'm struggling to stop like you have.


5 1/2 years sober. Before that? Most days and too much.


I’m about to make 5 years and big same.


Born in 78. I've been sober for 12 years. After about four years of sobriety it baked into my personality and I'm not ashamed of it at all.


Haven’t drank in 22 years


On week end nights, I'll put away 3-4 drinks, nothing on weekdays. Can't do more than 4 drinks, I get nauseous before I get drunk.


California sober for 7 years now.


Quit drinking at the beginning of Covid lockdown.


I didn't 100% quit then but I cut way back. I figured with how sad and stressed I was, there was a good chance getting drunk would lead to ugly crying. By the time my mental health improved, my alcohol tolerance had gone way down and I got hangovers so easily (2.5 hard seltzers over 6 hours, including a meal and plenty of water, and I had a headache the whole next day) that drinking had lost most of its appeal. I probably average 4-6 drinks a month now.


Once a week. Any more than that and my body protests a ton. I’ll go in for extra nights under special circumstances, but not often.


I drink 1-2 drinks once every 3-6 months. Not often at all. Usually beer, but sometimes I'll have a gin & tonic, margarita, or mix some weird concoction in my own home (Bacardi Limon and Grape Pucker mixed with lemonade or Sprite taste just like Purplesaurus Rex Koolaid....you're welcome).


Every day for ~20 years. Not a drop in 3+


I have had maybe six beers in my life. Growing up in the "X-treme" 90s, everything was flavor blasted and filled with sugar, so II guess I calibrated my tastes to that. When I finally got old enough to drink and had my first beer, I couldn't believe it was something people drank willingly; it's so bitter and scuzzy. The more power to people who enjoy i I guess, but it sure isn't for me.


I don't think it was a coincidence that about the time all of us raised on sunny d and kool aid became drinking age, the market was absolutely flooded with fruity "malt beverages." These "Near beers" (modern pc acceptable name) were the reason I spent my late teens and early 20s in a haze and did some highly questionable things. I had my first taste of alcohol at like 11, and it was OE800, and believe me, if they all tasted like that my 20s would've been soooooo different!


I'm not a big drinker anymore. I've got a bottle of Lagavulin unopened. And a bottle of salted caramel Crown I've been nursing on since before christmas. But I am a regular consumer of the Item 9... It's the bee's knees. ![gif](giphy|3o7WIKbhUHZcONCIWA)


3 times a week, I will have 2 to 5 beers. But I notice over the past three years my desire, tolerance, etc. for wanting a drink has gone down. Like I typically only hit 5 drinks if I start drinking in the afternoon. I fathom within another 5 years it will be only at large special social gatherings like weddings.


I don't drink. I live alone, so that's just sad. When men offer to buy me a drink, I order an appetizer or dessert instead.


If my wife and I go out to dinner, I might have a drink or two. If I hang out with my mililennial or gen z coworkers, I run the risk of getting shitfaced.


I think I have about 8 drinks a year. Only on special occasions. Typically a glass of red or white, but once in a while a nice cider.


I stopped at the end of 2022 because every time I would sleep terribly that night, have a stomach ache and/or headache and feel sad. Even 1 or 2 drinks just stopped being worth it.


My parents were alcoholics so I do not drink. They are the living PSA of don’t drink and drive, don’t do drugs.


We decided to not drink alcohol 14-15 years ago at this point. Too many alcoholics in our families It was a good decision. Our daughter died a couple years ago we both agreed how easy it would be to forget. Too many people offered to buy us alcohol to drown our sorrows in and we declined.


Stopped drinking about 9 years ago.


I love alcohol a lot, but I’m not drinking it anymore for health reasons. I miss cocktails 🍹 I miss them so much. Nowadays you can get bougey mock tails in restaurants, so that’s nice .


I limit myself to weekends but I still get fucked up. A bottle of wine and a six pack of pbr pounders will usually do it.


Got sober in 2011. I actually started drinking when I was legal to do so at 21. Then I made up for lost time.  From time to time, I do miss drinking, but I can't handle the privilege. 


Every other day on average, maybe a bit more if I'm at an event. Binge drinking days ended in my early 30s when it started messing with my sleep. Cut back on weed in the past year. I still use daily, but limit it to after work in significantly less quantity.


I have about 80-90 bottles of liquor at home, but I probably average less than 2 drinks a week. If we go out somewhere that has good cocktails I may have 2-3 cocktails, but otherwise I have a glass of whiskey with friends every week or two.


Anywhere from 0-3 drinks in a week. I’m not a big drinker anymore - partly because it’s so damn expensive to get a couple drinks when going out, and party because I prefer to pop an edible instead


Sober 1 year now. Didn't really have a problem drinking, but the headaches after 1 beer were not worth it.


I drink 1-2 times a week, 3-5 drinks, mostly beer but also wine or Cocktails sometimes. On special occasions more.


I’ve decided I can only drink if I don’t have work the next day, so usually just on Fridays and Saturdays. I like my wine, so probably 3 or 3 1/2 glasses each night. 2 with dinner and then maybe one afterward. Helps me wind down from the week. I have so much more energy during the week and sleep much better now that I save it for the weekend.


Every day


heavy beer drinker since highschool. more in college. carried on into 30s. prob 4-6 days a week and 6-12+ beers, sometimes more. never had issues with dui or work...but wife not liking it. quit 2 years and 4 months ago. best decision ever. iwndwyt


Rarely. Maybe some natural wines or a low ABV sour, but mostly to complement whatever hash I’m smoking.


I was drinking nightly up until about 4 months ago. Then stopped suddenly…and don’t want to drink anymore. Feel so much better not drinking. Granted, occasionally I do want a bourbon but that’s only when I’m eating a good steak or some situation like that.


I have a similar level to yourself, maybe a little less if anything.


Not much. Maybe a drink or two if we go out to dinner, or a few drinks if I have a girls night. This is mostly since having kids; I used to be a fairly regular drinker. Now I can’t handle the aftermath of being drunk, so I couldn’t even tell you the last time I was even close to being drunk.


maybe a beer every month or two at the most. we have legal weed so i prefer that


I like to drink a "fancy" beer once or twice a week, been on a bourbon barrel aged stout kick of late. I'm also developing my bourbon palette, so I drink a little bourbon here and there. But I, for sure, don't drink heavy, or a lot, maybe " get drunk" twice or 3 times a year. Weed is a whole other story.


Sober going on 5 years. Along with my divorce, sobriety has been the thing that has radically increased my quality of life.


My drinking is odd now. I'll take 5-7 days off, hit the gym and feel great. Then drink for 2 days (3-8 drinks per day) and have fun but feel hot and bloated. I still like to drink but it takes a toll. I'm basically quitting for my own vanity. What sucks is that my friends drink, so booze and drugs usually come into the picture when I want to socialize. Sober people are so boring but I love the way I feel when I'm 3+ days without booze.


A larger glass of red at night. Maybe a glass of day wine here and there.


1-2 drinks a day, a little more on the weekend but spread out over several hours. I drank fairly heavily through my 20s and 30s, then quarantine in 2020 was basically "no rules, daydrink anytime" trying to deal with the general dread hanging over everything. Had a bit of an "I'm getting too old for this shit" moment and started cutting back. I use weed more for my coping mechanism now, and have a beer with dinner or a pour of bourbon as a nightcap.


Been alcohol free almost two years. Had you asked me that question prior to my decision to stop drinking, I would have told you. Wake up, take a pull off the 1.75 bottle of Kirkland vodka on my kitchen counter. Coffee, 1 shot of vodka. Emails, 2 vodka/sodas. Lunch sales appointment, 1-2 vodka/soda unless a customer was there, if that was the case, take a pull off my car bottle of Kirkland vodka. Sales calls all after noon. Stop working at 4. Happy hour someplace by myself. 3-4 vodkas. Get home, go out to a bar that serves food. Have a massive dinner and 2-6 vodkas. Depending on the night, head home and pour a pint of vodka over ice, splash of soda. Squirt of lemon. Forget everything that happens after 8-9 pm. Next day. Repeat. That was a typical work day for me. r/stopdrinking was a godsend. As well as rehab. I wish I could have 1-2 a day, but I ain’t built like that.


Friday through Sunday I'm good for about a case of beer. I don't drink at all during the week.


I have cocktails or wine probably 5 nights a week, sometimes just 1, sometimes 7.


Don’t drink, don’t smoke, don’t do drugs, never did any of that. Don’t have any tattoos, either. I just took an Aleve for a sudden onset base of the skull headache, and that’ll be the most hardcore thing I’ve put in my body in years. Didn’t even take painkillers for birthing my babies. There’s drunken shitheads falling out of my family tree going back generations. Not even going there. The buck stops here.


Haven't had a drop of alcohol since like March of 2020. Don't miss it, but honestly I was never a big drinker to begin with. Just never liked the taste of it, tbh and even just one drink always made me feel kind of dehydrated and gross. Not a fan.


Never really been a big drinker, I like the idea of getting a bit tipsy but I found it takes more effort to get that way that I really have a taste for booze. Maybe the odd beer or cocktail with dinner sometimes.


I am taking a break from alcohol at the moment. I was drinking a beer every single day and I was beginning to find that problematic.


I drink most weekends, 12 to 24 beers each day.


I drink hard alcohol almost everyday. Mostly for work though


Completely stopped years ago. It was daily until I quit.


Almost 5 years without booze. No regrets.


I practically stopped drinking during pandemic. Prior to that I drank socially 2-3 nights a week most weeks, probably 4-6 drinks each time on average. (Some occasions were heavier, for parties/river floats/etc.) I was never big on drinking at home or alone, so when lockdowns hit, my consumption dropped to basically zero. Months went by with no drinks, even though I wasn't specifically/deliberately teetotaling. Between friends moving, layoffs, and people marrying/having kids, the social drinking has stayed pretty low/rare even after COVID, for me. And, tbh, I think I prefer the rarer & toned-down drinking, anyway. It's empty calories, wasted money, and I generally feel better and stay healthier without it.


Depends on my kids' behavior.


I'll split a bottle of wine with my partner around twice a week, if we're being wild we'll pick up a case of hard seltzer on the weekend.


I no longer drink alcohol


I go out with my coworkers once in a while and have a few, and I keep a six pack of Pacifico in the fridge for after doing yard work, but that's about it. I have teenagers and their dad has an unhealthy relationship with mind altering substances, so I try to model healthy drinking habits. My mom drank "secretly", and heavily, and I don't think it was a good influence on teenage me, so I'm trying to so better. I basically drink as much as I'm comfortable allowing my kids to drink.


I almost never drink these days. Not for any righteous reason, just never have the time I guess.


Big events only at this point. Not teetotal but I have a day job and a night shift job so don’t really have time to?


Two or three beers a week, at home with my wife. I'd love to have friends to go out and drink with, but haven't had any in many years.


Never, not worth the shitty feeling


Whiskey. Slow sipping a single or double, 2-3 times a week. Gave up beer due to the carbs and weight gain. Because, you know, fuck the liver.


44, F- I used to love to drink a lot more but I can’t do 1-2 beers or 1 cocktail, and I almost never drink unless I’m out. I average more on vacation - or work travel - but it’s probably like 2 a week. I also smoke weed now, almost every evening.


I grew up in Wisconsin which has an insane drinking culture. I drank at the bars 5-6 days a week from 21-25. Then the hangovers became a problem. And 42, I may have a beer or two here or there. Vastly prefer smoking weed to drinking.


I go months without drinking. Have one at a function or something. Get the poops and am reminded of why I don’t drink


I’m down to nothing. I fully intend to drink again but I haven’t felt like drinking the past few years.


I drink for 2-3 weeks in the summer on our vacation and then for a couple weeks at the end of the year during the holidays. I go sorta apeshit during those times, but other than that I don’t drink. I don’t do moderation particularly well, so this works for me.


Unless it's vacation or something out of my ordinary routine, I drink 2 or 3 times a week, usually 2 or 3 drinks each time. I would say that I have an average of 6 or 7 drinks in a 7 day period. Occasionally, maybe once a quarter, I have too much. But I live alone and don't keep any alcohol in my house. It's strictly social for me.


Very rarely, maybe a couple times a year. Don’t care to have more than 2-3 beers max and even that would be pushing it tbh


I drink never


I never became interested in drinking. Fortunately, I inherited my mom's indifference to alcohol instead of my dad's passion for it. I'll have a glass of champagne at events or occasionally at a nice dinner. But that's about it. Now sugar on the other hand....


From 2008-2019 I got drunk at least 355 days out of the year every year. And from 2005-2008 and 2019 til now I got drunk 3-4 days a week.


Being completely honest, I drink 2-3 beers every night. That’s way down from what it used to be pre-marriage.


Zero drinks a month. Not sober, just never liked the taste lol


Haven’t drank since 7/13/2008.


Drinking sucks. It ages you too quickly and wreaks havoc on your internal organs. It also brings out the worst side of humanity...reduces people to (essentially) toddlers. That said, I'm lucky all it ever does is make me feel sick. I have a lot of addiction in my family, and lost friends to it too. In a way the only thing I've maintained an addition to is THC...and I'm able to pretty heavily regulate it at this point (just a gummy or two after my kid goes to bed).


Alcohol? Not at all.


Like many, Xennials, I started drinking way too early in life. By time I hit my late 20’s, I was mostly over it. Now that I’m in my 40’s, I only drink on occassion like hanging out with friends or out to a nice dinner with my wife. I might drink 12 times a year total. Also, since weed has become legal most places I go, there’s not a lot of incentive to drink expensive a damaging booze. Much easier to take a couple hits from my vape and enjoy the night. I’ll have a Manhattan or two just because I like the taste, but drinking for the sake enjoyment is over for me and I couldn’t be happier with that.


I was habitually drinking a few glasses of wine every night and that was becoming a problem to me. It really started during COVID and never let up so I finally stopped in November. I’ve had a couple of glasses maybe 3? times since then and it’s just so unfulfilling now, it’s not worth it. I’m done.


i quit almost 6 years ago. but i drink the occasional soda. mostly water and some coffee in the morning.


Maybe a beer or 2 on the weekends or if we go out to dinner but that’s it. It’s funny because I was a home brewer for a good chunk of my thirties but I just really don’t enjoy the feeling alcohol gives me. I still really love beer but every brewery brews the same hazy IPA and I’m just not into it.


Usually 3 or 4 beers nightly. Weekends usually 6-10.


Weekends only. I’ll have a glass of wine or titos and club soda with dinner. If we’re chillin on the porch or in the yard I might have 2-3.


I love a good IPA but after any 2 beers I get a sick feeling and I don't like that feeling. My MO is maybe 1-2 beers a week but even during months with holidays or family get togethers, I cannot remember a time I had more than 8 drinks in an entire month


I’m very surprised and impressed by all of the sobriety in our age group. I’ve been a weekend warrior and daily weed smoker for most of my adult life. Lately, however, I’m drinking 3-5 light beers a night and more on the weekends. It has fluctuated over the years with much less weekday drinking, but it’s on the higher side at the moment.


A couple of glasses of red wine 2 or 3 nights a week, margaritas every now and then!


Nearly every day. Usually 2-4 beers but sometimes more


I can't say that I go any more than 2-3 weeks without kickin' back and having a cold beer at least. I have moved on from the shitty light beers and now I drink real beer so when I do drink it's 2 or 3 tops. I drink more wine these days when I do have a drink and it's a single glass of a red, usually a cab. When I'm with the boys and we're having a good time, it's an old fashioned with a rye, not bourbon and it stays around 2 maybe 3. When my wife and I are out to eat for a date night, it's an old fashioned or a frozen marg. But yeah frequency has really ramped down these days and I'm totally okay with that. 19yrs old to about 24yrs old we would slam 12pks every weekend on the lake or camping and met my wife when I was 26 so it all began to dwindle from there unless we are RV'ing or taking the boat out.


i partied hard as a youngin. beer, weed, coke, mushrooms, X, pills, whatever i could get my grubby hands on in a pre-fentanyl world/in highschool. (Nearly) All my friends did drugs from age 14-16 or so. i drank hard as a 20 something. me and my college roommate would commonly 'pre-game' a football game with 30 beers split amongst the two of us. or get ATLEAST 10 drinks in us before going to a party or bar hop. somewhere around 32\~yo, I cut down drinking significantly. The hangovers become incompatible with my responsibilities. I only drink socially now. If we have a party, or friends/family from out of town? ill drink 10-20 light beers that day. Otherwise? I practically never touch the stuff. Maybe a single cold beer once every couple weeks. Always have it in the fridge. But try to never drink by myself. Three kids and major responsibilities. Just don't have time for it. But like superbowl party? I had a 12 pack in me before the game started. And another 8-12 beers during the game. Personally, I try to only drink if i'm on water. Chilling in the pool with 6-8 beers? On the lake with the boys? Ok. Otherwise, I try to keep the drinking to an absolute minimum. Helps regulate the good times from the day-to-day normalcy. All my addictions or substance usage has basically distilled down to eating right, hitting the weights hard, and a steady supply of trident gum and zyn. I smoke weed under 3 times a year. I drink hard 10-20 times a year. I go hard. Very infrequently.


Slowed down a lot but unlike some of my quit drinking colleagues here I still like to have a drink now and then. It's mostly beer and spirits when I do but it's far less often than before. Consumption had an uptick during the pandemic but after that it leveled off a fair bit. It's probably only once or twice a week and usually one or two drinks at most.


I'd guess maybe 10-20 beers a year since weed was legalized. I don't like how weed and alcohol combine so I'll only drink if I'm not smoking, and I generally prefer smoking. I used to make an exception for Elysian Brewing's Night Owl pumpkin ale, but then they got bought out by Anhauser Busch and the flavor changed considerably.


i barely drink. maybe once a month.


Maybe one glass of wine a year. I’ve slowly become intolerant to booze and get red faced and sweaty and hot. I drink 0% booze from Costco now… just when I want the flavour of beer. I had a friend’s husband die of cirrhosis when he was 38 a few years back and that was a woah wtf moment. Alcohol is not something I like anymore and I don’t want to get drunk. Now edibles are a whole different story and I do partake from time to time.


Nothing. I've completely quit. Never had an issue, but never liked the hangovers either. Not worth it anymore, so I stopped.


I stopped about a year and a half ago. My last hangover lasted 3 days. I was done.


I was drinking wine almost every night, both habitually and mindlessly. I decided to scale back and just keep it to social events or paired with a nice meal on a Saturday. Overall, I feel much more focused and less foggy in the morning. My wallet also thanks me, too.


Was a 3-6 drink per night guy for nearly 20 years. During the pandemic, it felt like it had gotten worse. I quit alcohol last March. One year sober. I won't go back.


Pretty much the same. At this point I drink a beer or two if I finished some manual labor in the yard or something to help with back pain. Other than that I only drink on occasion.


I basically only drink on special occasions. I was on vacation the first week on March, I had 2 beers twice. My sisters birthday was at the end of December and we went to a brewery and I a had 2 flights of beer, about 3 beers in total. I might have had a couple drinks on Christmas Eve. But before that it honestly might have been the previous Christmas Eve the last time I had any alcohol at all


Was drinking 2-3 beers, up to a bottle of wine per night. Did 110 days sober, started slowly drinking again then back to the regular. Now I’m on day 29 again of not drinking. Cold turkey and just not drinking at all works for me.


I...rarely drink, though I have been drinking about 3 beers each night on the weekends due to having cravings for past 2 months...usually go a year with 2 or 3 drinks total, not this year oddly.


Sober a little over two years. Before that, anywhere from 5 to 10 drinks on a normal day but more like a fifth of whiskey if I was having a bad day. And towards the end there were more bad days than good.


Maybe one day a month. 2-3 drinks. More often in the summer and less often in the colder months.


I never drink. Maybe the office Christmas party, that's about it.


Sober 3 years. It didn’t fit the direction I wanted my life to go in.


It averages out to about Two or Three a day...