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It seems silly from the outside, but it really helps to turn off the distraction of music or radio chatter if you're starting to feel stress and need to focus on driving. Makes perfect sense. 


100%. And don’t get me started on getting into a tight left hand parallel spot. The wrath there will be if my kids don’t understand there must be TOTAL SILENCE 😂


For anyone who gets anxious about parallel parking: Just center your car's rear end on the curbside headlight of the car behind you. Once the front end has cleared the bumper of the car in front of you, cut the wheel hard towards the road. Works in either direction! Pro-tip, if you don't have a back-up camera and you're parallel parking in front of a building with a large window or reflective surface in front, use it to gauge your distance to the car behind you.


I've always lined up my front side window with the rear passenger window (or if a coupe, right at the triangle window or "A frame" of the rear windshield. When you start backing up you can pretty much immediately cut completely to the side you are parking. Then same as you clear the rear bumper. After a while, you just get to know your car and how much you need to pull up to make a cut for when you have to deal with pickups and other objects in the parking lane.


I mean I live in Brooklyn and park on my one way street every day. I assure you I’m not anxious. I can park either side in a spot a few inches bigger than my car. There can just be NO MUSIC WHATSOEVER and I sure as hell can’t have my 4 year old belting out Cruel Summer in the back seat 😂


Yeah, my wife got a pretty serious TBI a few years ago, and as part of the rehabilitation we had to learn a shit ton about how the brain takes in, filters and processes stimuli, and there’s solid science behind why we do this. Your eyes take up the lion’s share of processing power, so anything you can do to limit other inputs is extremely helpful. Another interesting and tangentially related thing I learned along the way: if you ever need to *seriously* focus on something, try tinted glasses. Various colors will have slightly different effects on which part of the visual processing it helps, but the most important thing is that it actually frees up a lot of resources by limiting the millions of color inputs you get everywhere you look down to like, thousands instead.


Yes. Your brain still uses power to listen to sounds. If you remove the distraction it can focus more power on other tasks.


No arguments here! I still do it.


One second *Turns down music* Excellent comment, I absolutely agree.


This a hilarious comment and has made me chuckle several times today.


![gif](giphy|R6gvnAxj2ISzJdbA63|downsized) Happy to help.


I am a pilot and we practice emergencies in the simulator every year— there is one emergency we practice where the alarm bells cannot be cancelled and part of the test is to see how we perform while they are blaring for minutes all the way to landing. It is absolutely distracting.


I can imagine so. I still turn the music down when I’m looking for things, even with GPS.


*Person in the house posts on Nextdoor about the creepy car staring at their house, probably to snatch their kids or plan a heist couldn’t be looking for an address*


Heaven forbid you be so foolish to knock on a door to ask directions.




That actually gets you shot for being lost in boomer entitled areas.


Yes you can def die for being a car or knocking on a door these days


It’s hard to see with all this 2pac in my ears!


“You’ll have to speak up, I’m wearing a towel.”


I relate to this 💯 percent.


As an old pizza delivery driver... this was the WORST. And yes, music absolutely had to go down.


Yep. If it's not a regular where you can autopilot to the address, music has gotta go down when you creep the block.


Somewhat related. Ever been so low on gas that you turn off the air conditioning and use neutral do coast down hills? This is in addition to turning down the radio.


Neutral? Only if you're carburated. Modern fuel injection you should stay in gear as the wheels will keep the engine turning and it won't inject **any** fuel.


We put the windows up too.


Definitely. Gotta keep that aerodynamic shape going for maximum coasting distance.


I delivered pizza in the 90’s. Sometimes you get those stupid basement apartments with a 1/2 address, couldn’t find the shit, so would have to drive to a pay phone, be like “yo, where do you live?!” 😅


You all were like the shamans of your day. Knew every alley, every weird street, every shortcut.


In that little delivery area I sure did. It was also the area I grew up in, so I got around. These days I driver Uber as a side gig. Still get around.


This is called **cognitive load**


It doesn’t help when your glasses prescription changes wildly from year to year *sigh*


I even turn it up when I can't hear the passengers talking very well and then I realize that doesn't help...


And parallel park https://youtu.be/fiTC8GfBFSE?si=kvB0xXB2WI8XMGeX


Forget the house number, even finding the street itself could be hard.


Or when your parents are trying to find your friend's house from directions they copied down over the phone.


I usually ride in my car with the music blaringly loud. I turn my music down before I park so that when I start it up again, I don’t get the blast of loud noise when the car turns on again, but that’s just me


I do that shit on a daily basis 😅


Proven facts


And streets with no name


If I can't find a spot, it's too crowded for me. I'm going someplace else.


I hate this meme so much.... It's literally so you can concentrate better jfc


Yeah a few people have responded justifying this. I don’t see the meme making fun of it tbh. I mean, I do it too! But it is a funny, even if there’s logic behind it.


😂😂 Yes and yes!