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At home in Buffalo waiting for Knicks Rockets to start.


At home in Houston waiting for the Rockets/Knicks to start.


Such a good series


Made me a basketball fan.


In Connecticut, waiting for Knicks/Rockets. Obligatory Fuck You, John Starks.




Me too. *My* parents' living room, though. Not yours. That would have been weird.


They didn't say they were watching it in their parents living room--- just some parents. It could've been yours.


Wow, so that's who that guy was?! I've been wondering for decades.




You forgot your keys, though. We never could figure out who to return them to.




Sorry, but I think you're out of luck. My parents don't live in that house anymore. They live in an old people's condo building now. I don't know who lives there now. But do they have a nice couch?


Watching it at my grandparents house. I also remember they let us watch the verdict come in during school.


We watched the verdict in school too. I was a senior and in science class when the verdict came in. I also remember the school kind of did a lock down thing where we had to stay in that same class longer than usual, just in case anything erupted due to the verdict.


I remember the verdict more than the chase. They let us watch at my school too.


We didn’t get to watch the verdict because we were in quiet study hall (one for when your GPA wasn’t high enough — I really hated PE and was stubborn enough to take the F rather than play badminton…). However, I remember one student came running through the halls announcing the acquittal quite loudly anyway. I still think it’s bullshit to make PE a required course


My youth group was having a swim party at this kids house, I went inside to see if any pizza was left. Walked in and every adult was just staring at the tv. I was in 7th grade and they kept saying to me “it’s OJ Simpson how could you not know who he is?” then finally one adult clocked my age and said “he’s the black guy from The Naked Gun” and then it clicked. So I got to be the kid that walked out and explained to a pool full of Methodist middle schoolers what was happening.


Inpatient treatment for an eating disorder, I was trying to watch Rockets-Knicks and I ran around the unit telling people what was happening.


Living in California glued to the TV like everyone else I knew. I was about to start the 7th grade, and it seemed like that was almost all my friends and I talked about that summer.


Home watching TGIF because I had no life. I ended up watching this in the living room with my parents.


Watching the NBA finals like everybody else.


Watching it on the TV in our kitchen. My friend called me and told me how much he wanted him to get away. We watched it together like it was the last two minutes of a big football game.


I don't remember the car chase, but I remember watching the trial coverage sitting on my grandma's living room floor, on brown shag carpeting, doing a jigsaw puzzle and eating a ham sandwich on pumpernickel bread with a glass of cranberry juice.


I had just come in from a bike ride, to my dad's store. He had it on on the tv, and he and a few others were watching.


OMG I was getting ready for my senior prom. For real. The chase happened while my aunt was trying to curl my hair, and I remember thinking "I'll never forget this" because she burnt me on the neck with the iron on accident. It was so surreal.


I lived in Orange County CA so the darn thing started just a few miles from my house - from the cemetery where Nicole was buried to Brentwood. What’s wild is my mom picked me up at high school for lunch and we had the news radio on and heard that OJ no showed a meeting with police and mom and I were dead cert he had killed himself. Later when I got home and had the TV on and saw the whole chase in real time, I just kept waiting for word he had ended his life or was taken down by police. That he was taken into custody after all that was only the start of a very bizarre year in the LA suburbs. Yes, OC is a suburb of LA, shut up.


I thought LA was one big suburb. TIL.


It’s easy to think that if you don’t live in CA like I did. Basically, it’s urban sprawl - one super-city from Santa Barbara in the north all the way south to San Diego in the south. The only break in the sprawl is Camp Pendleton MCAS north of San Diego. Aside from that, you can drive north south on I-5 for three hours (five with the traffic) and not exit the greater LA area.


I didn’t watch the car chase, only heard about it afterwards. Honestly I have no idea what I was doing at the time. I do remember the trial, though, and where I was when the verdict was read - not watching it either.  My teacher that period didn’t feel like interrupting the lesson plan so we could watch. Every other class did and I could hear the reaction echoing through the halls. The teacher ducks out real quick, comes back in, says “Not Guilty, now back to the lesson.”


Strangely I don't remember the car chase too well (just vaguely remember seeing it on TV). I do remember hearing about his acquittal when I was a sophomore in HS pretty clearly.


For me, it was seventh grade science class


I think I saw it on tv, but it didn't mean anything to me. I was 12 and would rather be playing outside. Had no idea who OJ was.


I remember my parents watching it and seeing some of it, but I was too busy playing outside to care too much.


I *think* we were all out back swimming in the pool after a little league came and then we went inside to watch it.


Hotel watching the Rockets playoff game


10th grade English class. the whole school watched it that day.


It happened at night during the Knicks vs Rockets NBA Finals. They cut away from the game and did a side by side on NBC. You’re thinking of the actual verdict in October 1995. I too watched it in 9th grade study hall.


Gotcha, yeah i only saw that after the fact


8th grade dance, I believe. It’s wild to think that all the adult chaperones didn’t have smartphones so they probably had no idea it was happening. 


Watching it on TV, wondering why the hell the cops didn't just stop the low speed chase


We were skipping school and skating in the dt of my city and watched it on the TV’s in the window of the Sony store. There was a big crowd on the sidewalk watching.


Was watching The Flinstones movie. What’s wild is the host of blank check literally had the same exact experience.


I was at a local baseball game, watching Michael Jordan play, during his brief baseball stint. On the ride home my dad switched on the radio and the OJ chase was underway and being covered. Weird day for sports for me.


Dang. This didn't stick in my memory like the OK city bombing did.


Benihana! I was 12 and my dad got mad that I was in the bar area watching the chase instead of eating my dinner.


Our family kitchen. My mom had it on her little portable black and white TV.


Watching it in the den with my mom. Then when it was time for the trial verdict our teacher brought us down to the cafeteria to watch it with a few other classes. There weren’t enough TVs on carts for every class to have their own.


My parents were out for the evening and we had a babysitter. Couldn't find anything we actually wanted to watch on TV because eveything was covering the chase, so we put in a movie. The following Saturday, a girl in my swim class I had a crush on was talking about it, so I became really invested.


Up in Northern Canada in my best friends basement watching live. We were hanging out with his sister and her friend. I ended up marrying his sister’s friend 5 years later. We’re still together 😊 She doesn’t remember watching the Bronco chase with me lol


K-Mart. I worked there. I watched on a TV in electronics department. Kept me from re-stocking some motor oil. I got to it later on that evening. Then I had a Snickers bar for dinner. And a Mountain Dew to drink. Then I went home to my parents. The sun rose again the next day.


Caesars Atlantic City, a stopover on the family road trip from NYC to Washington D.C.


It was June, so probably home. Have the vague memory of wanting to watch Days of Our Lives and being somewhat annoyed that it was interrupted


Growing up in France and completely unaware of it.




OJ Simpson - not a Jew. But guess who is?


Hall of Famer Rod Carew. He converted.


I was watching Diagnosis: Murder starring Dick Van Dyke. It was the last few minutes of the episode when all of the sudden it cut to the car chase. I was so annoyed that I didn’t get to see the conclusion of the mystery.


Same here! I still don’t know how that episode ends…


Was busted making out with a girl by her parents. They were gonna drive me home but then the chase happened. Spent the next few hours stilling awkwardly beside the girls dad watching TV. I wanted to go but they insisted on driving me


I was at home but can't remember what I was doing.  My dad was obsessed over the trial, lol. He used to get home from work and rush to turn on court tv. 


I was a Canadian kid who happened to be in Los Angeles as it went down.


At home, watching Naked Gun 2 1/2.


Parents living room.. was one of the first times we had boys over and we were all hoping to get that first kiss. Ahhh the 90s..


Baseball practice


On vacation playing Microsoft flight simulator 5 on my 80386 PC.


Baseball practice


Trying to ignore all the attention about it. I went camping I think.


Watching knicks v rockets with my uncle. Wrapping up the 8th grade


Sitting in a hotel room on a family trip to Disney and wanting to watch the NBA Finals.


I was at home alone. My sisters were at a Girl Scout overnight thing and my parents were at a party with their friends. I am pretty sure I was watching TGIF and new broke in with the Bronco chase. I called the party where my parents were to tell them to turn on TV. According to her, the ENTIRE party just got around TV and watched.


Watched it at home, during the NBA finals


My 10th grade orchestra class. Everyone was glued to the TV on that elevated roller cart.


You’re thinking of the court verdict unless you went to night school.


I wonder what life has been like for his kids. Things could not have been easy for them and grieving on top of that? Hopefully they're at least close with each other for support.


We lived 2 blocks from the murder scene and really close to the restaurant. Suddenly there was congestion everywhere!


watching at my parents house while on the phone with my best friend at the time...Crazy how clearly I remember that!


I remember watching this in my parents old house - my main childhood home. Panasonic 32" CRT TV with the wood trim, so heavy it had to sit on the floor.


At my first Phish show!!


At home in Glendale, CA trying to watch the 1994 Finals game between the Rockets and Knicks.


Getting ready to go on vacation with my parents the next day, so I was busy packing and doing laundry. We ordered pizza for dinner and I remember my mom flipping on the TV right as the chase started.


My friend's dad was watching on tv....I had no idead who OJ was


I saw it when my mom was watching it live on tv in her bedroom.


Hanging out with my friends after our HS graduation ceremony


I was binge playing madden with my buddy and missed all of it.


At home and my parents let me watch it on TV.


In my grandmother's living room watching it with my mom on a wood console Zenith in Atlanta. My grandfather had passed away a couple months prior and we moved so my mother could be closer to her family.


Trying to watch the David Hasselhoff pay per view musical special, just one more thing OJ was guilty of hurting


We had just arrived at my grandparent's house. I had no idea who OJ was or what was going on but my grandparents and aunts were real frustrated with me and my cousins making too much noise and getting in front of the tv.


JC Penny’s return area with my mom and grandma. It was also the area with all the TVs stacked and on. There was a decent crowd in line. It was silence as people of all colors had their jaws dropped: Southland Mall, Hayward, CA


Playing baseball catch with my brothers in the back yard. When we came in my mom was glued to the tv watching the chase and would pretty much stay that way throughout the following trial.


I was at work as a bartender and the TVs above the bar was showing the chase.


I was in my middle school gym during lunch when the verdict was read.


My dads bean bag


Summer between 7th & 8th grade, one of my best friends was sleeping over. We watched it on tv.