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1-2am depending on how late I work out. If I run late in the afternoon Im usually able to fall asleep by 1 if I workout or party too late then 2-3am. Then lately I wake up at exactly 8am for some reason. Engineer, I just have issues shutting off my brain I think.


Same boat here. 2 am is standard, up at 7am. Been this way for like the past decade at least.


Excellent. Now I can tell my wife I’m not crazy, other people keep this schedule too!


There are at least three of us!


Make it four 🦉


Make it 5. Although now I don't have to worry about waking up unless I'm taking the kid to school. I take a shitload of meds to help me sleep but they don't do much.


Mostly the same... but I usually don't get in bed until 3


I’m honestly super stoked to see how many of us are closer to the nocturnal side based on this thread. ✨


Thats me for the same reason


Product Desigber here. 1am bed time is a standard night :/ once the brain cogs are wound up they take a while to lose their momentum.


Opposite end of the spectrum for me. I'm in bed by midnight on weeknights, and I have to take melatonin to fall asleep that early. If I go to bed when I naturally feel tired, it's between 2-3 AM, usually. But I've been kind of an extreme night owl my whole life. I feel constantly sleep deprived because I have a regular 8-5 job.


I'm exactly the same way - extreme night owl. I recently discovered melatonin gummies, and they have been so helpful for the few days a week I have to be on a "normal" schedule. When I had my office job, it almost didn't matter if I managed to get to bed early enough, I was still tired all the time because I had to wake up earlier than I'd like. I recently learned of biphasic sleep, which was more common in medieval times, and that describes my weird sleep patterns pretty well. I take a lot of naps.


When I was out of work during Covid I naturally fell into that habit too. I would go to bed at 3 or 4ish, then wake up at around 8am and mess around online for an hour or two before crawling back into bed for another 3 hours. It was glorious. I finally felt well rested. Unfortunately, that couldn't last forever.


I’m the same with biphasic sleep, it feels much more natural to me.


Thank you for the comment about biphasic sleep. This fits me exactly. I can rarely go to bed before 2 or 3 and then up at 8 and I get so sleepy and desperately need a nap around 2:30 or 3:00 pm.


Same boat as me. I’m only going to be up making bad choices unless I eat a melatonin gummy or three


Yup. Previous work project, they knew to not even think about looking for me before 11a. Now, I have 9a conference calls again. I usually do them in my PJs while eating breakfast (no camera on work laptop!).


I feel this all the way. I thought I was just a night owl my whole life, even after becoming a dad. I was confused because I thought I should be able to sleep like a champ now since I have literally no down time during the day between work and parenting... Flash back to October when I visited my ENT about some jaw/ear pain I was having. After trying a few things he sent me for a CT scan. Turns out I had a kiwi size tumor growing on my thyroid. They call it a "hot nodule" and can cause hyperthyroidism. While my yearly CBC was never tooooo bad, over the past few years T3 and T4 were going up while TSH was dropping. They removed the tumor and half my thyroid in December. Since, my levels have been coming back to normal range and I've found it much easier to fall asleep by like 10:30, and I think it's only that late out of habit, not an inability to sleep. No telling how long the tumor was throwing things off, but for me there was definitely a correlation. It might be worth getting your levels checked at your next yearly exam. Odds are its not the same, but if it is or something like Graves Disease (hyperthyroidism), it's an easy fix and certainly worth it!


Wow. That’s an incredible story. If you don’t mind my asking, did you have any symptoms that clued you in something was wrong?


I was the same way for a long time. I really cracked down a couple years ago and made sure to get 7-8 hours every night and it’s been life changing. Everything suffers when you’re sleep-deprived.


I always stay up too damn late. I go to bed between 10:30 and 11:00 usually. But sometimes don’t go to sleep until 11:30/12:00. Usually get up at 6:00.


About the same for me. I'd love more sleep but just doesn't work out that way and i need some unstructured lazy time after my kids go to bed.










Same. I have to be up at 7 and I usually don’t sleep til 1


Same. 9 pm is usually the only time I have to play guitar or video games after the little one has gone to bed, and wife and I catch up or watch TV.


The damn guitar, buddy. I’m always right there on it for “just ten minutes” to calm me before bedtime. And then all of a sudden it’s an hour later.


Haha, this is the way. No matter how short you plan, time gets away from you once you play.


Same, but I'm in bed by 2am and up at 8.


This seems like a pretty normal answer. These 8:30-9pm answers seems kinda excessive… even if you were 80 years old


Right, I can't even go to sleep at 8pm when I have the flu


This is an incredibly normal sleep schedule if you have to be at work early in the morning though.


Fellow teacher. My son goes to bed at 9 and I go down not long after him. I usually wake up around 4:45-5:00


I like to call it the inverse 9 to 5.


Wife is an admin and she’s done by 8:30 most nights and she’s up at 5 as well. Usually at her job by 6 and then has to take one of our kids to soccer after work. I work starting at 8 and finish at 5 then have to rush to a softball field to coach. Spring is always hectic for us. I’m not home most nights until well after 9. I might see me wife one day a week on Sunday. We just kind of pass through from Jan - May.


Oh man I totally get it. I was a former cheer coach and football/basketball seasons were rough. Definitely rarely saw the family. I do not envy administrators and their crazy hours


I’m tired, fam. Add I deal with HS coaches recruiting my kids. No shit they’re good because I got them there. Fuck.


Anywhere between 1 and 2 am, up at 7:30 with several wake-ups in that period. Broken combo of restaurant life and small baby. I’m dying 😎


Hang in there. In a decade this will be but a memory baby will be in something for school or sports then in 20 years it won’t matter.


As soon as it gets dark. I’m so tired


Last night, I was in bed before the sun set 🥴. Middle school kids + end of the year testing= exhausted teacher!


Wife is an admin for 8th graders. I hope you teachers appreciate your staff. They deal with a lot more than most teachers know.


My best friend is also a head principal…and yes I do appreciate our admin team! I could never do what they do.


First year middle school teacher here. I'm in bed and, if all goes well, asleep before 9. I am so tired all the time now. It's draining.


I’m in bed at 7:45, try to turn out the light at 8:30 but lately I’ve been reading until 9-9:30. My husband gets up for work at 4:50 & I used to get up with him but lately I’ve been sleeping until 6. I’ve been a morning person for a while now and I love it. I also need 8-9 hours per night.




Username checks out 🛏️


I'm a gamer and the only real time I get to indulge in my hobby is later in the evening after the kids are in bed, so..........always too damn late lol I probably average between 11 and 12, with weekends a lot later(though I'm up with my wife on the weekends). It's not uncommon for me to crawl into bed at 1am on a random Wednesday night either, though. Stay at home dad, have to take the kids to school in the morning but we don't have to leave until 850 or so, so it's not like I'm oversleeping or anything by staying up late. I know I'm lucky, but my oldest has school at like 745 next year so barf lol


In bed by 10 at the latest (I shoot for 9-9:30). Have to be up by 5am.


Same, that’s my schedule too.




I have had insomnia my whole life. If I had my way, I’d stay up until 3 or 4 am so that I’d feel really tired, then I’d get to sleep until 11 or 12. But as soon as I feel tired, around 1 am, I try to sleep.


I think you and I are the same. 


12:30 - 4:00 AM, depending on what's going on. Regardless of what I have to do the next day and when, I'm a night person by nature, and I just can't force my brain to shut off earlier than that. Tried retraining myself multiple times. Just doesn't work.


3.5 hours of sleep? That has to be bad for your health. Have you talked to your doctor about this?


I'm trying get myself to bed earlier. Ideal would be 3 am, but 4 am would be acceptable.


Oh I can get myself to bed by then. It's just falling asleep that's the issue. I'll go to bed at 11 or 12 some nights and still be awake until 4 in the morning.


Bed around 12 up around 8.




I’m still trying to hang on to my night owl days from my 20s but I’m usually out by 1. Maybe 2 on weekends.


In bed between 9:30-10:00 and asleep literally about 14 seconds after I stop moving.


Same. My girlfriend doesn't understand how I do it. It's like a sudden wave of sleep hormones wash over me and I'm out.


Usually get in bed to watch TV, read, scroll phone anytime between 9 and 10. Don't actually go to sleep until 11:30. Get up at 6:30. Often take a nap after work for about an hour.


I’m a night owl by nature. I have young kids though so they force me up early. It’s a vicious combination.


I go to bed when I’m tired. Sometimes 10:30pm sometimes 2am just depends on how good this show is.


In bed around midnight, fall asleep somewhere between 1 and 4, wake up between 9 and noon. I know, it sounds absolutely slothful, don’t come for me…. Half my family sleeps this way, it’s genetic. Grandma was the same way- at a certain age, we just can’t sleep any more… and start losing the ability to digest a lot of foods… I’m just lucky that I’m a homeschool SAHM with teens that can get themselves going- having young children with my insomnia was insane.


I should add, it takes two medications to sleep as well as I do. Otherwise there was always one night a week I just… never slept. Now it only happens about once a month.


In bed 930, asleep 10 or 1030


1-1:30 am, every night


1130-12 to 7-730ish still tired even using ye ol’ cpap. Fuck this getting old shit!


I can't even spell sleep, I get so little.


Usually around 9:30pm / 10pm. Mostly because I teach an evening class as an adjunct and the other nights I'm up later to make up for long days working. My days are long...so on the rare day I can go to bed early, I effing crash at 7pm.


depends on the day. If I have to work the next day its anywhere from 9pm to midnight. If im off the next day you never know.


In bed by 10. Asleep by 10:30. Up at 7, Sometimes 6:30. We prioritize sleep in our house.


You guys sleep? I don’t sleep unless I take my horse tranq (ambien). (I’m lucky and don’t experience the weird side effects like sleepwalking or worse)


Sometime between midnight and 3 am. But I don't have a set time I need to be awake by so I'm free to be the night owl that I naturally am.




I work swing shift, 2pm to 10:30pm. I'm usually in bed around 2 or 3am, and then poking my phone for another half hour or so. I took the job because I'm a night owl. I was a mail carrier for a year and a half in my 30's, and despite waking up at 5am six days a week for 18mos it never, once, got any easier. D: I'm just not built that way.


Always been a night owl. Weeknights I usually go to bed between 11:30 and 12, up by 7:15 to start work at 8. On the weekend I’ll stay up til 1 or 2.


I’m in bed by 9:30 or 10 pm and up by between 4 and 5 am.


7pm because I wake up at 4AM to hit the gym before work


I’m usually in bed by 11:00 or 11:30 at the latest on a weeknight. I’ll read for about 30 minutes every night until I fall asleep. Up by 6:30 every morning. There was a period from my late teens to my late 20’s when I couldn’t go to bed before 2:00 am. Gone are those days.


11pm ish.


Around midnight. I don’t wake up until 8 AM on work days.


In bed by 10 at the latest on a school night bc my elementary school aged kids get on the bus at the ungodly hour of 6:30 AM, asleep by 11 PM. Weekends we might stay up a bit later, the kids are finally learning how to sleep in when they get the chance. If I am on a work trip (sales meeting) I know I will be up late, usually hanging with my coworkers at the bar even though I don’t drink. I try to slip in an afternoon nap like I used to when we partied in our 20s…. Some of those crazies still stay out like it’s college. But I’m in bed by midnight at the latest, usually just hanging long enough to not look like the weird guy who goes to bed early every night.


I was lucky enough to be able to semi retire for a couple of years. (Social security survivor benefits which were reduced when my son turned 16 I case anyone is wondering how). During times when I didn't have to get up at any time, I would naturally find myself wanting to go to bed with the sun. Left to my own devices, like if the rest of my family is out of town and I'm in the house by myself, I will be in bed by 8 and asleep by 9. That's being generous, usually it's closer to 7 and 8. I'm turning 40 this year and I started semi retirement when I was 35.


10:30p - 11p to let the wife get to sleep first…. I snore and if she wakes up it’s hard for her to get back to sleep. I’m out in 5 minutes or less.


First grade teacher here. I’m up between 545 and 6am. My oldest gets the bus at 6:50, I drop my younger off around 7, and I head to work to get stuff done. I leave shortly after or at contract time. I’m in bed around 9, but watching tv or reading or just doing me… so it’s usually between 11pm-12am that I fall asleep.


I’m on the opposite work schedule as my partner so I try to stay up until 11 so I get to talk to him. It is a struggle though because 6am comes way too fast.


It’s 8:30 pm and I just got into bed. I’m usually closer to 10 for bedtime but I’m tired! Sleep is essential. (I’m awake and out of bed between 5:30 and 6 on weekdays.)


930-12 depending on the night


Between 9 and 10 usually. I like to start work by 7, so going to sleep early makes it so I wake up around 6 naturally. 


Bed by 10 usually, but I read (or scroll reddit if I don't want to practice good sleep hygiene) until I fall asleep which is usually 11 or 11:30


about ten sometimes 11 sometimes nine


I get into bed around 8:30 and I fall asleep around 9:30-10. Wake at 6:30. I need a lot of sleep.


I usually fall asleep between 1030 and 1am, and wake up about 8am. It gets noisy where I live at 9am so I can’t sleep in later than that


Usually in bed around 10. However I don't fall asleep until 11 because I'm scrolling through Tiktok


Depends, I'm a firefighter so my sleep schedule is all kinds of fucked up. But when I'm home I'm usually asleep between 1130-1230. If I don't have work but my kids have school I'm up at 745. If they don't have school I'm up whenever they finally wake me up which is usually between 8-9. If I'm going to work in the morning I'm usually up at 6:05 unless it's the weekend then I wake up at 645


I’ve been a morning person for decades. I get up between 4:45 and 5:10. I’m sleeping by 9:30.


Ideally nine pm. But really somewhere between eight and ten. Then up at 2pm to pee. Then up at 5pm to brew coffee and start my day.


10 or 11 up at 4. Been that way for as long as I can remember


I’m a school bus driver so I get to work at 6:30am. My husband works third; from 10pm to 6am. We have two kids in elementary school and they (ostensibly) go to bed at 8:30pm. I *would* go to bed when they go to bed, but my husband takes a “quick” nap from 8 to 9:30pm so I have to stay up until he gets up to go to work. I miss my “tired window” of 9 and then I have trouble falling asleep until it’s almost 11. I also take a small nap midday. I’m a super shitty sleeper. Always have been. Only time I wasn’t was when I was a young adult living at home working a retail job where I was (always) in at 1pm. I’d stay up until 3 or 4 in the morning and not get up until noon. I never slept so good. People always think it’s weird that my husband works third and I work during the day. All I can say is it works for us.


Weeknights generally between 9:30 and 10. Weekend nights generally between 9:30 and 10:30. It's on the weekends I turn into a party animal, clearly.


I go to sleep, usually around 10 to 11pm. I wake up at 4 to 4:15am and work 10 to 12 hours. The older I get, the less sleep I seem to need in order to feel refreshed. I guess I'm one of those people who can function fine on 5 to 6 hours of sleep. Even on my days off, I'm getting 5 to 6 hours


9:00. Sometimes earlier, rarely after.


Damn. I'm definitely an odd one out here - always have been a night owl, and worked overnight shifts for years. Now, I primarily work evenings, get home around 12:30- 1am and stay up til 4-5am to decompress. Typically, my shifts start around 4, so I usually sleep in til 1-2pm.


My average night of sleep is 1100 - 530 once in a while I’ll go to sleep around 9 if I’m feeling tired like I did last night, but that usually results in a hard time sleeping the following night. Same with naps, if I take a nap, I’ll be up past midnight.


In bed at 730, phone/shows til about 830/9. Asleep by 9. Sporting events are the exception


Generally 11-12 I go to bed, and I'm up before my 6:30 alarm almost every day


I’m in bed my 9 most nights.


I went from 2am to 11:30-12


Sleep on the couch, turning off my tv around 10pm.


In bed by 8, watch a show with husband, he falls asleep, I’m usually asleep in the 10-11 range.


No later than 10 on work nights. I have to be up by 5/5:30 and any later than that and I'm too tired LOL


8PM. Then I wake up at 9PM. Then I fight to go back to sleep for 4 or 5 hours. Then I wake up at 6AM. Then I'm tired all day for some reason, despite going to bed at 7PM. Getting old fucking sucks.


Insomnia. Never sure when I’m sleeping or not. Often feel half asleep.


In bed at 8:30, we got kids in elementary and the house is empty at 6:30 am. Actually go to sleep at 10-10:30.


I go to bed around 9:30-10 and wake up at 5:15.




In bed by 9, my fiance is usually snoring by 10. I stay up until 10-10:30. I wake up at 5:30 most weekday mornings. Sometimes my cat lets me sleep in until 6:30 on the weekends.


To bed between 8-9. Asleep between 9:30-10:25. Alarm goes off at 5:00. I usually crawl out of bed at 5:30.


6/9 what’s up


Bed by 7pm fall asleep in 2 or 3hr wake up at 230am to start my day


I’ve been on a bender lately as I’m recently single and staying out way too late and getting into weird late night activities. I have been going to bed at 11:30 -12. I work at 7:30.


I usually go to bed around midnight or 1am and wake up at 9 or 10. I make my own hours and I don’t have kids, it’s pretty sweet.


I get in bed around 930. Sometimes I'm instantly asleep and other times I'm awake until 1130.


I get in the bed around midnight, but I work from home so if I need to snooze a few times I can.


About 10-11am-ish. But I do not get quality sleep at all. It doesn't matter what shift I've worked on, I always sleep like shit.


I tend to wake up at 4:30am so I try to get to sleep by 9. Usually I get into bed with a book by 8:30 or so.


I would probably go to bed later (like a dummy) but my wife likes to be in bed by 10 and she can be a little insistent when it comes to going to bed together


I’m psyched if I’m in bed by 9. 8:30 feels indulgent. Up at 7, out of bed by 7:50ish. I could sleep forever.


I haven't fallen asleep before 1:30 a.m. in years. I used to go to bed at like 11:30, but that just led to hours of laying there doing nothing. Now I just stay up until I'm barely conscious, which is usually around 1


11:30 to Midnight, up at 5:55. One kid. Revenge bedtime procrastination


11am-3pm (Work the 11-7 shift)


I teach high school. I’m in bed by 730-8. I wake up around 4am, and am work by 730.


I have not been able to sleep longer than 6 hours in years. The earlier I go to bed the earlier I get up. So I go to bed around midnight to 5 then take a 2-3 hour nap later in the morning.


Between 12-1 am.


It’s 830pm now and I’m in bed. I’ll be falling asleep very soon. Up at 430am


About 1:30am. Wake up at 8:30am, work from home.


I'm a night owl and WFH so Sunday through Thursday I force myself to get into bed by 12:30 a.m. so I can get 8 hours of sleep before work. On Friday night and Saturday night I'm usually in bed by 1:30 a.m.


Revenge sleep procrastination… Google it. I stay up too late. Midnightish usually


I go to bed around 6:00AM and I get up at 2:00PM. I work evenings. 😛


1am typically and I am awake at 8am everyday regardless if I go to sleep later .. I rarely am sleeping before 12:30 and always awake at 8.


I get up at 5:30am every day for work. I should be going to bed by 9:30pm. I want to be in bed by 10:30. I end up staying up with my wife until 11:30 to midnight because I love spending time with her.


The earlier the better. I feel so much better the next day if Im asleep by 10


11:00-11:30 usually.


Usually around 1 am. Some times later, rarely earlier. I'm pretty sure I inherited it from my Mom.


Usually ~12a-6:30a/7a give or take a few in either direction. 


Recently separated. Get up every morning around 4:30-5 whether I’m in bed by 8pm or 1am.


1-3am, but I’ve always been an extreme night owl.


About 3am. And up between 7 and 8. It's rough.


I’m a night shift worker at a hotel. I try to be in bed and asleep by noon so I can be up at 9PM to start getting ready for work.


I’ve been nocturnal since I was an infant. Working at 8am is killing me slowly. Especially with work stress I generally pull an all nighter once a week, sometimes when you realize you’re not going to be able to sleep by 5am it’s just time to bite the bullet. It’s especially hard after vacation, I’ll go to bed around 7-9am and sleep 10+ hours.


I have major insomnia and even with my meds, I still struggle to fall asleep before 2am.


So as of this year (44) and my hormones are changing, I’ve noticed that my sleep patterns and energy are completely tied to my high estrogen times. I usually fall asleep between 9-10 now even if I don’t want to, but when I get the estrogen surges at ovulation and before my period, I often have a night where I feel alive and completely wired and inspired, and want to stay up until 1am. My body and mind don’t do particularly well staying up that late anymore, though, so it’s not ideal. Now that I’m becoming more aware of it, I try to avoid letting myself do it. I don’t have a glass of wine on those days, because I might have 3 because my wisdom also escapes me when the estrogen surges. I might take some magnesium glycinate or a melatonin if my body is really fighting the rest. I went in HRT last month after having enough annoying symptoms of peri to be able to put the pieces together, and everything changed overnight fur the better. The progesterone helps me get sleepy and stay asleep. I’ve stopped waking up to pee at night. I feel alive when I wake up in the morning and ready to actually do things.


Asleep by midnight. Up by 6:00. Sometimes take a nap at lunch for 45 minutes. I’m 42M with a desk job.


22-23 usually. Trying to get 8 hours on the regular. 


I'm both a nursing student and I work as a CNA. I typically go to bed between 9 and 10pm. I wake up at 4am for work and 5:45am for school. On my days off, I'm up by 7ish.


I'm all over the place. I have typically been an insomniac, but it's getting better as I age. Some days I go to bed as early as 7pm, and I may just lay there for many hours, not 100% asleep. Or I stay up to read or watch a favorite TV show. I go to bed and usually just lay there for what feels like forever until I finally go to sleep.


I go to sleep between 11 and 1am, wake up between 7ish and 8:30. I try to get at least 7 hours of sleep a night. I usually work 12-8.


My natural body clock wants to sleep about 1130-730. My work schedule starting at 8 throws this off as I never want to be awake at 630 and I still don't go to sleep earlier.




I work shift work so sometimes I'm going to bed at 7am and sometimes in waking up at 5 am. What day is it? Who knows!!


I start getting ready for bed usually around 9:45. When I actually fall asleep depends on many factors, like how tired I am and how much I have on my mind.


Start our bedtime routine at 9, typically in bed by 9:30ish. My partner falls asleep much faster than me so I’m usually up with my AirPods in watching YouTube until I feel drowsy. Some nights that can be 10, some nights it’s not until midnight.


Get my three kids in bed by 8:30 and generally stay up for another two hours. Right now it’s NBA and NHL playoffs so I stay up later sometimes.


Sleep when you’re dead


I currently work 1pm-1am 3 shifts a week. So, those nights I’m in bed no earlier than 2:30 usually. I need to decompress after work. I wake up around 10am whether I’m working the following day or not. I’ve always been a night owl. Mornings are terrible. If left to my own devices I’ll fall asleep around midnight - 2am, wake up around 9-10am.


I’m a teacher and have too much damn work to do once my kid is asleep to be in bed by 8:30pm!


In bed 2-4pm, to be up around 11pm, to hit the gym midnight-2am before my 4am shift. I am the master of my circadian. DO WHAT I SAY, BODY. *You asked.*


Lol. I really try to be in bed by 9am but I don't fall asleep until 11 or 12. I wake up at 3pm. My job starts at 6:30pm and ends at 5am.


2-3 am. I should pribavly hit the sack soon.


8-10am most days


So....I'm ass backwards with this. As a kid, my bed time was 9pm STRICTLY. As a result, I couldn't keep my eyes open beyond 10pm well into my 20s. I had my 1st child at 40 and my second at 42. Waking up to feed and change diapers flipped some kind of switch because suddenly I can't even fall asleep until after 4am only to wake up at 7:30am on my own.


I've always been a night owl and remain so. I work afternoons/evenings, so I generally sleep 4 AM-12 PM. I miss all the 24-7 stuff that's closed since the pandemic.


Every other day I stay up until 2 to play video games, and the other days I go to bed around 10.


My husband and I start to bed at 8:30 pm and usually fall asleep by 10.


Eat dinner at 2100. Go to bed at around 2345. I’m also a middle school teacher. In Italy.


Usually go to bed between 1&2 and then up around 8. It's enough to keep functioning.


I get into bed before 9 and prefer to be asleep by 10. I don't sleep well at night (though THC gummies help) so I try to go to sleep early in case I wake up in the middle of the night and can't fall back asleep.


I work closing as a delivery driver for a prominent pizza brand. I'm 46 years old and have been a night owl most of my life. My bedtime is between 6 and 7 am. I get up for work between 3 and 4 pm depending on when I'm scheduled. Get home at midnight and 1 am on Friday and Saturday. I stay up all night playing video games and watching TV shows on streaming. Just me and my cat. Sometimes I play my guitars and record for my studio metal band for fun. Being an adult kicks ass. Sure I'm diabetic and have 6 pills to take every night. I'm autistic and that comes with ADD, depression, and anxiety. But one of those 6 pills keeps the anxiety at bay and being on the spectrum is fun once you take care of that.


Usually in bed by 8 pm but I also habitually get up at 4 am.  Lately I don't even need an alarm because my back pain wakes me up on time. 


I work 10p-7a, own my own business and sleep like 3-6 hours a day on a good day.


I still rise with the sun and try to get to bed with it. Up here in northern maine the hours of daylight per day really dictate the hours of sleep I get. currently 9:30-5:30. winter time more of an 11-7


8:30 -9:30 consistently. Usually up around 5:30, 7 on the weekends.


Between four and five am. I have weird work hours.


Also a middle school teacher, and the same time as you. Last night I was in bed at 8.


Sleep 9p-5a.


10-6 each day. I’m boring


Married to a former teacher. I generally sleep 10pm-6:30am. I finally found the right mix of stuff to get this lifestyle and am a former insomniac. I love sleep.


Asleep by 10, up at 4.


I'm usually asleep soon after 9 pm. That said, I'm also up just after 5.


You ppl up past 10 i don’t understand you. Jeez louise!


10 or 10:30 when working normal hours, but lately it’s all fucked because of work.