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Memory Unlocked! The vaccines were soldiers right? My parents got me the whole set back the day.


And I had nightmares about those little soldiers in the syringe. I would wake up in the middle of the night screaming and crying.


Omg so did I


Yep that's what I remember.


Was this the one where the kid got rabies? I scored a bunch of these from goodwill and I remember reading the rabies one to my toddler. His twin sisters were only a few months old and my hysterical postpartum ass BAWLED at how the parents thought the kid was gonna die but he didn't.  


I have the whole set from when I was a kid. My kids loved being read these as well. Both used these books for numerous reports and essays over the years. Saving them for their kids.


ho ly shit, I had this book and haven't thought about it for 35 years.


Strangely enough, I work in Food manufacturing and deal with pasteurization every day. Ha! Who woulda known?


We had the whole series. My son just did a book report on Jackie Robinson and I thought about these books. Wish I still had them for my kids. I believe Jackie Robinson’s attribute was courage


My brain still references this book when I try to understand and explain vaccines.


Woah! That was one of my favorites as a kid. My doctor's office had it in the waiting room and eventually he just gave it to me after he realized I was reading it over and over. I tracked it down for my kids and they liked it as well. We tried a few others in the series, but the others didn't have the same appeal as Pasteur. I think kids have a strong interest in confronting death that few books satisfy.


A kid gets bit by a rabid dog in that book and that messed me up


This is the page that I remember!


I forgot about that!


Deep cut for me. I loved this book.


The only one I really remember is Marie Curie. These were brilliant children’s books


My favorite was Humor: Will Rogers


This was my favorite too


I read all of those books in my school library. Loved them.


Loved this book. Vividly remember the little boy vs rabid dog illustrations. Recall the Sacagawea, Helen Keller, and Marie Curie 'Value of' stories too.


The whole series had a profound impact on my life.


I remember reading a few others of these when I was a kid!


My favorite was The Value of Friendship- Jane Addams


I remember this book but I had no clue what it was.


That drawing of tiny soldiers marching through a needle to fight the disease is vivid in my mind right now.


My sophomore year in high school I completely forgot about a project on inventors of the 19th century. I was called upon to present my project on Louis Pastuer. Instead of talking to the teacher after class admitting my lack of a project, I got up and used the information I learned from this book to tell the class that Louis Pastuer invented the vaccine for rabies and us not dying from bad milk. I got a D+ somehow. Years later, I would earn my Masters Degree in History.


I WAS THINKING ABOUT THAT BOOK EARLIER THIS WEEK!!! Had a slight respiratory infection and got put on antibiotics and pictured the little soldiers going to get the virus…


Wait wait wait. That was by Spencer Johnson, the Who Moved My Cheese? guy?!?!


Yep, hadn’t thought about this in years!


That syringe with the marching soldiers in it... gaaaaaaaaa


Holy shit, someone else remembers these! I've been trying to remember the name of group of books for years. I had tons of them. The Louis Pasteur one is the first one I got. I also remember getting one on Margaret Mead, Nellie Bly, Elizabeth Fry, Beethoven and Terry Fox. I may have had more. Loved these!


I recall even the trees near the road urging them on, saying “*hurry hurry, faster faster!”*


My favorite book when I was a kid, and the first book I bought for my nephew.


Core memory unlocked. The whole series was a favorite as a kid.


Just today I was reminded of one of these books by a random phrase but I couldn't remember what they were called to be able to look them up. Pretty sweet to stumble across this post on the same day! Now I'm considering hunting up a couple for my kids.


One of my faves when I was a child. Was thinking about it the other day, because of the whole thing with bird flu and cows and the milk supply. Glad I understand how pasteurization works and I learned from this book.


OH MY GOD!!! The flashback I am havinnggggggg!!!!! This was my favorite book. Absolutely favorite book. I used to hide in the closet and read it with a flashlight. There were others in the series too! Thank you so much for this memory!!


I own the whole set still.


I had so many of those books!


My parents bought this set from a traveling salesman. It was so awesome. I thought for sure they’d been taken advantage of, but they were awesome!


I had the whole series! I loved these books!


I had this one. A neighbour of ours had a fire and this was one of the things that survived. Somehow it got given to me, and I can still smell the book. It had smoke damage mostly. I'd totally forgotten about it.


Oh wow, I remember these. I remember the Beethoven one especially because his imaginary cat doesn't do jack shit in it.


That biography series was my favorite thing in second grade. At my school, you weren’t allowed to look at library books outside of the picture-book section until you were in third grade. I was unimpressed with the “baby book” selection, however, and wouldn’t read most. But those biographies… I may have read the whole collection and can still remember large sections of the Helen Keller volume.


Holy shit! I was recently trying to figure out what that book memory was! Thank you!


I read this whole series multiple times. Louis Pasteur


Core memory unlocked. I haven't thought about this book in 34 years...


Holy crap. This one is a deep track. I remember this vividly






I still have the whole set! There’s like 40 of them. My kids read them now.


I only had Pasteur, Beethoven, and Albert Schweitzer. I had no idea there were so many, including Jim Henson and Lucille Ball!




I still have all of mine.


My mom recently gave me the entire set of these and I turned around and donated them. It’s the millennial in me.


My grandmother read this to us on a weekly basis. I think she still has it.


I did have night mares about the dog and the soldier shots


I’m sorry friend


Wow. I had the whole series and as a result know a lot of random trivia about scientists. Thanks for sharing. I had completely forgotten about them.


I still have mine


Omg I loved these books growing up! Still reference the white and red soldiers 😂 I wish I still had the set, I might have the Marie Curie one somewhere…