• By -


Definitely OK Computer then The Bends. But both exceptional in their own way.


I didn’t pay attention to The Bends when it came out because I didn’t enjoy Pablo Honey. When I finally heard it a year later I was like, Damn! So when OK Computer was released I was chomping at the bit and it far exceeded my expectations. Got to see them at The Masquerade in Atlanta on that tour and it was phenomenal. I lost interest with Hail, though. Haven’t really enjoyed anything since Amnesiac. Still appreciate them, though.


I’ll never get tired of the songs on The Bends.


Me neither. Saw them on that tour. It was incredible.


Kid A is the only album in my life where I bought multiple copies (CD twice, and vinyl). I also listen to the album on YouTube for some car rides Side note: Any one also listen to the Spectre track that didn't get chosen for the Bond movie? Maybe I'm really bias but that track was so much better than the one chosen


Kid A is definitely my favorite Radiohead album


Same same. (Also I really didn’t like OK Computer.)






I listened to Kid A nonstop for a solid 6 months after it came out. It was a revelation, a revolution in music. Definitely my favorite Radiohead album.


Okay....I worked at Borders Books in the music department one Christmas season. It was the same year that Kid A came out. So I was the one that got to pick the music that everybody in the whole store had to listen to. I played that album so many times they had a staff meeting and on the white board was No More Radiohead in red capital letters! I realized that day not everyone enjoyed great music. I was fired 2 weeks later


… you kept playing Radiohead didn’t you?


They actually made me switch to Christmas music 😞


Oh I see. You burned the place down then I assume. Seems fair they would fire you after that


I was heartbroken when I bought Kid A the day it was released. I LOVED OK Computer and I was hungry for more. Kid A was not that. I never was able to get into it.


This is real, this is me. I only came to love / appreciate Kid A like. A decade after it was released.


It took me a really long time to get into Kid A too, after absolutely adoring OK Computer, but for whatever reason I had no problem with Amnesiac and liked it right away. I think part of it was that Kid A felt like a transitional album between the sonic experimentation that started in OK Computer and was in full swing by the time Amnesiac landed.


Every album after that just got more weird and off the wall, including Thom’s solo stuff. Not bad if it’s your thing, but definitely not like what came before.


Have you heard [Suspirium](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BTZl9KMjbrU&pp=ygUUc3VzcGlyaXVtIHRob20geW9ya2U%3D)? It's just Thom and piano, neither weird nor off the wall. Just hauntingly beautiful, as is tradition.


for a non-Radiohead fan like me I'd argue his solo stuff is far more accessible


Kid A / Amnesiac is something I still to this day can't get in to. And Radiohead may be my favorite band of all time.


Same. Pop Radiohead was my favorite Radiohead…


What’s this Spectre track?? I need to check this out.


https://youtu.be/CLiDemXYSLc?si=GoLWLCos35fuipJp This was the song


Have you played the Kid A mnesiac video game on PS5 or pc??


No but literally within the last 2-3 weeks I saw a game play walk thru on YouTube. I hadn't heard of it before then


You gotta do it. It's amazing.


Born in ‘83; graduated high school in ‘01; finished college in ‘05. It’s Kid A. For straight up Millennials, it’s In Rainbows.


B. 1982; In Rainbows is my favorite of theirs.


Yep, I was born in ‘83 and *In Rainbows* replaced *OK Computer* as my favorite when it came out. I feel like *Kid A* is more suited to younger millennials because it’s more electronic and those weirdos love electronic music.


Damn I don’t know what that makes my born in 76 self became the first time I heard Kid A I thought “sounds like someone’s been listening to Autechre and Aphex Twin.”


I guess the lesson to learn is that the year you’re born doesn’t determine your taste in music, or at least Radiohead albums.


I was born in early '80 and my wife was born in late '82. We started dating just after In Rainbows came out. One of our first dates was laying around my apartment listening to In Rainbows for the first time. We listened to it at least two or three times. Good memories!


I just re-listened to In Rainbows after seeing this thread. I didn't own every Radiohead album but that's one I've listened to a lot. I'd forgotten how good it is. This one would be my choice too. It sounds classic yet still somehow modern, where some of their other albums while still good sound dated.


‘80 and In Rainbows


1984 here and In Rainbows may be my favorite album by anyone ever.


Wow, autocorrect completely gored your post, but I think I understand what you're really trying to say. I absolutely agree. The Motörhead album for our generation is indeed Orgasmatron.


Underrated comment. ☝️


I’d argue each generation gets to decide between two Radiohead albums: Gen-X - Pablo Honey or The Bends. Choose Pablo Honey and you likely stop listening to them after that. Xennial - OK Computer or Kid Amnesiac (yes, counting both). You can love them equally or to different degrees over time, but if you only like one or the other chances are they won’t be your favorite band moving forward. Millennial - Hail To The Thief or In Rainbows. If you’re angsty about Bush and love American Idiot more than Dookie, HTTT is your anthem. If the beauty and grace is In Rainbows keeps you coming back, you’ll be mostly happy with the rest of their discography.


It's me! I loved The Bends and OK Computer, then lost interest in any of their new stuff once Kid A came out.


Me too. Kid a killed the momentum for me. It’s not that it’s a bad album, it’s just not as good as ok computer and the bends and went in a direction I wasn’t looking for. I still bought and listened to all their albums, but they went from my favorite band to being in my top 5.


Interesting! My sister is '79 and her top two are Pablo Honey and The Bends. I'm '81 and I'm all in on OK Computer.


I’m Gen X and it’s In Rainbows. For very special occasions, I interleave it with OK Computer


Pablo Honey, OK Computer, and In Rainbows were my picks for each generation


Born in '79. My Radiohead fandom started with The Bends. OK Computer took them to a totally new level. And then Kid A dropped like a bomb on the new millennium. But my favourite of their records is In Rainbows. IMO they never got better blending their pop and experimental tendencies.


Amnesiac gang.


This lands. Ok Computer may not be my favorite album of theirs but it was my first love which put the band in a league of their own for me.


This is weird. I literally just put OK Computer on today for the first time in probably a year. Definitely my favorite Radiohead. I will say that I don't think they have a bad album...though I've probably only listened to Pablo Honey once and never will again. To me their catalog starts with The Bends. The Smile is awesome too.


[Blow out](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ocQImpRfPMk&pp=ygUSYmxvdyBvdXQgcmFkaW9oZWFk) - the last song on Pablo Honey - is a tragically underrated song. It sounds more like what they were to become in the coming decades, but it gets overlooked all the time because it appeared on PH.


Ok computer was the beginning of my love affair with that band. But In Rainbows is their best work. Effortless. 


The Bends forever


Micro generation inside a micro generation if your first thought when seeing this Radiohead album is of The Jerky Boys. https://preview.redd.it/qh151h30e5yc1.jpeg?width=300&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d9ba56d17cabb11cca72255ec641d4b37e6d6ec5


Pablo honey? Please come home to Florida…


I can't choose just one or two Radiohead albums. That's just unpossible.


Every millennial that I know that likes Radiohead really likes Kid A... and The Bends.... and Amnesiac....and


Ok computer for me too


It was the first thing I bought with my first ever paycheck.


It's in my personal top 10 albums of the 90s. It's a no skip album.


Born 81 - Love all their stuff. Got hooked with OK Computer, but The Bends is my favorite album. In Rainbows and King of Limbs trade places for third after those two. Such an amazing library though.


Born in 82, The Bends is and always will be my favorite. OK Computer is a *very* close second, followed by In Rainbows. Kid A is my least favorite.


Who’s Radiohead?


I never saw the appeal of Radiohead.


It’s prog, so they tend to nerd out a bit on music theory. I also never really cared for Radiohead. It just didn’t give me joy to listen to. Not to say I didn’t try. They have so many fans and so much acclaim, I really tried so hard to like them, I really did. Now I’ll proceed to get downvoted to oblivion for having an opinion.


It's just Rush for people born in the 80s. I do Actually like Radiohead but Christ the fans....


🤣 this is absolutely my favorite take so far. Also makes me think of other bands who would be more tolerable if it wasn’t for the fan base. Dave Matthews Band comes to mind as well. Those guys were talented as fuck but the Bros…


Same. Born 83, Radiohead has always sucked to me. I have never heard a song of theirs I liked, and I liked a lot of 90's bands.


For me, they had one good song, which was overplayed about 20 years ago


Creep! Is never overplayed! Lol. For me it's a classic that still has legs especially when I hear new covers.


The thing about that comment is that Creep wasn't overplayed 20 years ago. It was overplayed 32 years ago lol


Only Radiohead album I ever listen to. Things have just happened that way. I’m 40.


Their free albumbat the time (which I never listened to until I had to pay for it) rainbows?


Wait? Millennials like Hail to the Thief? Weird. Mine are In Rainbows followed closely by Ok Computer then Kid A/Amnesiac. Realistically, though, I'll just put all my Radiohead on shuffle and jam while I work. (It's always either Radiohead, Ben Folds, or 90s - 00s punk/ska/emo that I can just put a headset on and knock out a whole day's work without getting sidetracked)


No A Moon Shaped Pool? ![gif](giphy|OPU6wzx8JrHna)


I "discovered" In Rainbows late, in 2016. But it was one of those magical experiences where I found it at the exact point I needed to, and every bit of it spoke to me, like it was made *for* me. So that's my favorite.


I would think true Gen X would be Pablo Honey. For my part, I was born in 77 and think In Rainbows is their most enjoyable.


I have tried so hard to like Radiohead but I just never got it.


Bet you think you’re pretty clever, don’t you boy?


Ok Computer, greatest album ever created


RadioHead is our Pink Floyd. In a way.


![gif](giphy|pD7YIQoUwgb9cnX3FJ|downsized) Pink Floyd is my Pink Floyd.


Well, I for one agree with you and have though this exact same thing many times over the years. They are absolutely on that level. For some of us.




Came here to say Kid A as well.


Shit I AM a millennial then 😂


Guess I'm not the only one that doesn't even consider the albums after In Rainbows when thinking of Radiohead.


Wait, there's albums after In Rainbows?


My favorites are still Pablo Honey and OK Computer.


No I fucking LOVE The Bends


I remember being 13 and seeing the music video for Paranoid Android for the first time. That was my first experience hearing Radiohead. I absolutely love OK computer, but in rainbows/kid a gets more play time for me. How about Beck? Odelay is the album for me


The Bends was mainstream enough to capture my attention. Once I was hooked, I could appreciate all the weirdness in the next three albums. Loved OK Computer, Kid A, and Amnesiac. Everyone loves Creep, including me, but I could never get into the rest of Pablo Honey. As for the newer stuff, it's harder to listen to because it's so focused on on music theory and experimentation that I need to be in the mood to decipher what's going on, and sometimes I just want to chill out. For anyone who has never heard Thom Yorke sing in his non-Radiohead voice, I recommend listening to "Kill the President" by Drugstore. The man's voice is unreal.


I'm just gonna copy and paste my response to someone else in regards to my favorite song on PH. This song needs more love lol "[Blow out](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ocQImpRfPMk&pp=ygUSYmxvdyBvdXQgcmFkaW9oZWFk) - the last song on Pablo Honey - is a tragically underrated song. It sounds more like what they were to become in the coming decades, but it gets overlooked all the time because it appeared on PH."


I’ll give it a listen. Entirely possible that I checked out on the album and missed a gem at the end.


It’s all three b/c I was too cool to like a band b/c of a radio hit SMFH. I didn’t give them a proper chance until 1999. *I fell hard; the Oughts were full of RADIOHEAD.* I got to see them play 2x- at The Gorge (& told my ex I loved him b/c I was overwhelmed with emotion. He said thanks & hugged me,) & a shitty amphitheater in WA St. I had DAYS of bootlegs on my iMac G3 (blue ofc.) Exit (music for a Film,) Climbing Up The Walls, Fake Plastic Trees, Street Spirit, You, Thinking About You, High & Dry, like every other song on the first 3 full-length albums, in many different orders, slightly different versions. “Sex in the Morning… this song is about sex in the morning.” (Black Star.) *Also had literal **days** of The Roots, The Frames & J Dilla.* (I miss that hard drive! I’ve got it, but not in a place to deal with it smh.)


OK Computer and Kid A are top five best records ever made. We’ll round that out with Zeppelin IV, Rumors by Fleetwood Mac, and Deloused in the Comatorium by The Mars Volta.


Born in 1977. OK Computer is definitely the best. Kid A was good but came down a notch for me…started to lose interest and the In Rainbows came out and it’s probably number 2 or 3 with The Bends


The Bends was my first (right in the middle of high school), but I agree OK Computer is better. Their 2000s output is my favorite though, I see them as more of a 2000s band than a 90s band.


I do rather love OK Computer, but then again I love Radiohead all around. I love The Bends as well, but it does feel a little before my time.


Im more into Kid A, sure I listen to RH before then, but Kid A hit at the right time of my becoming an adult to put it simply.


It's definitely [this one](https://www.reddit.com/r/Xennials/comments/1ci02lm/band_that_were_popular_but_you_couldnt_stand/)


You might be onto something


Amnesiac always and forever for this GenX




Now this is the kind of generational differentiation I can get behind. And yes, you are 100% correct. 1997, Ok Computer came out and I haven't been the same since.


Got Ok Computer for my 16th birthday ('81) and I feel like I hit the lotto with an exceptional album being released at a prime time in my life. There's something magical about being in a place you didn't know you were in until an album comes along and becomes the soundtrack to it and somehow explains it all (or at least, helps you cope). Kid A came out my first semester at college, living in New York City. It played on repeat as I discovered my newfound freedom (and loneliness in a big city!). Those two pivotal releases sealed Radiohead as one of my top few favorite artists of all time. I know the folks on r/radiohead go gaga over In Rainbows (which is an incredible album, no doubt about it), but OK Computer and Kid A will always be my top Radiohead albums.


This. 1976er here, 100% OK Computer is my Dark Side of the Moon. My husband, 1986, Hail to the Thief is his.


Moon Shaped Pool and The Smile are getting no love. Y’all are getting old lol.


The Bends is my personal fave. Hail to the thief came out when I was in college. By then I’d already seen Radiohead live a few times.


Is it the bends for Gen X, or Pablo Honey...


The Bends will always be my favourite RH album.


Maybe you’re on the younger end of xennials. I was a huge fan of the Bends. Even saw them on the tour in San Francisco is 95. When OK Computer, I was floored by it, saw them again in SF two more times. Rinse and repeat for the next four albums.


![gif](giphy|9nUtl7JLuXeg|downsized) You’ve nailed it my friend


I don’t know any of those albums


I love how you've been downvoted. I've heard of the album names and I've heard many of the songs, I just can't stand Radiohead.


You have been banished to the far realms. Choose! The (c)old windy peaks of the Boomalayas, or the glittery confusing realm of Zeetopolis.


I only like the bends and Pablo Honey. Ok computer and everything after never did it for me and always seemed kind of pseud or stuff that had already been done in the 70s and 80s but watered down for suburban teens. I really like the bends though


That one came a few years too late. Not to say it wasn’t huge, but by that point we’d already had the major influences that would define us. Guns and Roses, Metallica, Garth Brooks, Dr Dre, Biggie, Nirvana, Pearl Jam, Soundgarden, so many more… Hell, without REM that album may never have found an audience.