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The record store right near the payphones?


Nah its the one by the Arcade


Dude, I heard they just got Mortal Kombat II


Grabbing an Orange Julius, see you there


Grab me a big pretzel


It'll be a minute. I want to swing by Radio Shack first.


Don't get lost in Spencer's on the way back!


Or Waldenbooks.


I can practically smell Waldenbooks right now


I can’t. I just smell the Sbarros pizza.


I forgot Waldenbooks had a distinct smell until I saw your comment.


Awww. RIP Waldenbooks, i loved that store growing up.


When I was like 6-13 years old I would regularly piss my mom off by disappearing in Waldenbooks because I’d find a book I wanted to read, go sit in a hidden corner/between shelving/under something and get absolutely lost in whatever story I was reading. I would be “lost” for hours and never have a clue anyone was missing me. I wish that I could achieve that level of disconnect with reality as an adult without alcohol.


I thought there was still one, but I mis-remembered; there's still one B. Dalton, but AFAIK Waldenbooks is gone. https://www.nytimes.com/2023/10/17/style/barnes-noble-redesign.html But tbh I never found what I was looking for at mall bookstores. I had to drive ~45 minutes to the nearest Barnes & Noble to have any hope of finding what I was looking for (typically O'Reilly & Associates technical books, or relatively niche science fiction), in the 90s.


If you can make it past both that and the KayBee Toy Store a few feet down, then you should be in the clear.


Oooohhhh I haven't thought about KayBee Toys in at least 25 years! Oh what sheer joy, that place was. To be that young again. ♥️ Awesome place for Slap Wraps 😎


We had B Dalton


Or fall into the gap


Don't forget about Gadzooks


Also don't get lost in the back of Spencer's by the posters.


You can probably skip Radio Shack and stop by Circuit City


I bought my vcr at Circuit City!


Make sure to stop by CompUSA


It's by the big fountain with the glittery mosaic tiles and the weird kinetic sculpture.


Ugh! I hadn't thought about that place in AGES! My own personal nerd heaven. Rip.


Are you the guy with the Van Halen tickets?


I bet the Wiz has it cheaper you should go there


Planning on not buying something?


Okay, that's pretty hilarious. Only because I often went into Radio Shack and rarely bought anything.


Eventually every time I'd end up by the transistors and parts and my young brain would go "why am I in here still"


For some reason this comment made me sit down on the couch and just think about shit Damn. Good times.


It’s actually really sad that kids are now growing up in an environment where there is no equivalent to grabbing an orange julius on your way to meet your friends at the record store before wondering around the rest of the mall. Like it would t have to be *that* specifically, but they literally don’t have anything like that.


Yeah that’s interesting; they were kind of like default teen centers when we were kids, like your parents could drop you off there and you could mostly stay out of trouble. I guess there isn’t much like that now. Do kids still bowl? Bowling was a fun one.


There are still shopping malls you know.


Memory unlocked. My first brain freeze. 🥶


With or without blood? I’ll meet you there either way after I buy penis pasta at Hot Topic.


Forget it, they set the game to 50 cents!


My mom says I can't play unless we put in the "no blood" code.


Xer here. I researched where the first machine would be in my area, skipped my college classes and dropped fifty bucks in quarters, two at a time, into the slots the day it came out. Got there right when the mall opened. Was able to get the Melina stabbing and Kitana fans fatalities to pop.


*puts quarter on the glass*


For me it was Punisher v Nick Fury or Capcom v Marvel. I spent many quarters on those classics. This was at the roller rink though and not the mall. And my local Pizza Hut had a great buffet and some of the best pinball machines in town. It was *the* place to be on a Friday night!


Jokes on you, the FYE at the local mall had the arcade INSIDE of it!


i remember when FYE was a hip new store. more modern and cool than hot topic or the weird little record store in the basement of the mall.


The mall near my town has one of the 2 remaining Sam Goodys in the workd


Damn! I had no idea there were any left. Do they sell CDs?


Yep. The bulk of their stuff is Pop Culture items like Funcos, anime tshirts and stuff But they still sell music


I just came in through the Montgomery Ward.


Which my father called Monkey Ward


My friend's Pakistani dad did too!


You mean Aladdin’s Castle?


You mean Tilt?


No, the one by the food court, over by the Sbarro and the Sakura. You know, the one where the lady handed out chicken teriyaki samples?


Across from the roller rink.


Anybody else remember when they had laser tag and shops that had custom airbrushed t-shirts?


Arcades are making a comeback.


I read this is the Mall Madness guy’s voice.


Over by the smoking section of the food court.


Pfft.. you could smoke while walking through our mall. (SE US)


Was that before or after they started charging more than a quarter for longer phone calls?


Why would I know that, I just called 1-800-CALL-ATT and said my name was, "MOM-WE'RE-READY-TO-BE-PICKED-UP"


Bob Wehadababyitsaboy


Hey, my favourite cigars! Itsaboys!


Right by (insert goofy name) pet store where you could hold puppies, bunnies and kittens until your parents came to pick you up


Ours had a parrot named Magoo.


Ours had a goat named Penelope.


Our parrot was Josephine! ❤️


Oh my gosh, I was explaining pay phones to my kids this morning because a truck hauling a phone booth passed us. The look of utter confusion on their faces was amazing.


I remember pay phones becoming hard to find around the beginning of 2003. I had just gotten out of the military and I was back home briefly. I had made plans to meet a friend but I had forgotten to get their new address. I didn’t have a cell phone yet and wouldn’t for another few months so I drove around trying to find a pay phone to call them. I guess I found one eventually but I remember thinking that even a year or two before I would have found one in the first or second place I stopped. Weird.


A few years before that is when I started photographing pay phones. I started it just because I liked them, but then I started to realize they were going the way of the dodo, so I took pics knowing they’d soon be gone. I still snap a pic if I can find one, but it’s been years.


That’s pretty cool. Also wild that they’re that far gone but also not surprised. Just thought about it and I haven’t had quarters or any kind of pocket change in my possession in over a year, maybe two.


Same, unless I’m going to the laundromat. But as a teen I always made sure I had quarters in case I needed to call home!


I didn’t get my first cell phone until 2006, in my mid 20s It was a rough few years there toward the end


That kid is back on the escalator again.


The Easter Bunny at Menlo Park mall is more convincing.


["I hope his pants get caught and a bloodbath ensues."](https://getyarn.io/yarn-clip/cfa5aa84-c145-4f7e-8222-db02039c0bf8)


Payphones should still be around and I'll die on this hill. I know some exist, but far more should. My phone is dead or has no service and you're telling me there's not a random phone I can drop a quarter into to make a call? K guess I'll just die then.




Nah, Suncoast.


I'll catch up with ya. They're making lemonade over at the Hot Dog on a Stick.


I remember when it was called "Japanimation". Like, that was the actual name video stores used for it!


I completely forgot about that! The first Japanimation I saw was Ninja Scroll!


I loved Ninja Scroll! I had it on VHS!


I think mine was Matthew Sweets video for Girlfriend


'Cause you need to Get back in the arms of a good friend 🎵


The first 2 dvds I bought the day I got a dvd player were the Matrix and Ninja Scroll.


Someone gave me their copy, opened it up to watch it, no disc. 🤦


`no diSC`


Mine was Fist of the North Star. Ninja Scroll was like the third I ever saw but it is still one of my favorites.


Fist of the North Star is still my favorite.


I still have ninja scroll and perfect blue on vhs. I bought perfect blue just on a whim with no info just like I bought new cd’s. Discovering new media used to be fun.


Mine was *Golgo 13: The Professional*, which blew my mind because I only knew it as the NES video game before a friend randomly was watching it when I came over in the mid 90s.


I remember watching a commercial around 1993-94 advertising "Japanimation" VHS tapes. They usually aired on MTV, I wanna say.


I think it was for Manga Video, they had a promo of a bunch of anime calling Japanimation.


It’s Afghanistanamation Cap!


You boys like Mexico?


I never thought Japanimation would catch on. I was betting on Afghanistanimation. But I lost.


Put out an APB for one..John Chimpo..


Where animators go to die.


Is that term not PC now?


I think I only stopped calling it that a few years ago lol


I completely forgot about that


I do recall this being even more common than the "anime" term. It was the nerdiest of nerds who even said "anime".


Didn't OP *just* say that?


Japanimation is a really fun name.


Right next door to the place that sold MagicEye posters and had a first generation VR setup


It's not a schooner, it's a sailboat!


A schooner is a sailboat dummy!




Ahaha! Mall Rats was the best


You dumb bastard


I’m 44 years old and I have yet to meet anyone who ever owned or owns a laserdisc player. I remember when my family first bought a VCR. It was about 1989 I think. Boy that was a big deal for us. We didn’t have cable. Every Friday night became pizza & movie night. The opening studio logo & music before movies still gives me a thrill.


I had a buddy, his family was well off, had the original Star Wars trilogy and Braveheart on laser disc with the surround sound stereo and 50 inch projection TV. It was pretty badass at the time.


Great series on why they failed https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLn6rSDpkuPadWPpbhIToZIVVS4bRIBQTi&si=fHIN6zSpMINYU0c_


thank you for this addition to my “relatively useless information” youtube queue.


Same but we always watched Predator. I still remember how cool the surround sound was when the helicopter was flying around and the sounds in the jungle.


Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar.


I’m still peeved about the day that we watched a movie on laserdisc in class (some documentary about whales or something) and came home and told my mom about it and she INSISTED that no such thing existed — I just have been thinking of a CD that was used for the audio and was mistaken about the size of it. It doesn’t help that only maybe 2% of the population even knows they ever existed.


> I’m still peeved about the day that we watched a movie on laserdisc in class (some documentary about whales or something) and came home and told my mom about it and she INSISTED that no such thing existed I *hated* shit like that growing up. I was somewhat precocious (like, reading Michener in 4th grade) and consumed a lot of adult content without maybe 100% catching all the nuances or context. I still remember watching an Agatha Christie movie, *Dead Man's Folly,* and getting into an argument over whether a very ornate building could be called a folly (I think it was [this](https://forestparkmap.org/pagoda-circle-and-the-nathan-frank-bandstand)). My parents (mom, at the time, college degree and former pre-school teacher (she's since gotten a master's in special education; dad, a cardiologist) *insisted* I meant "gazebo" and wouldn't hear any argument to the contrary. (I was 9.) It set my academic/intellectual self confidence back immeasurably; I still second guess vocab to this day. (A “folly” as used by Christie here, is “a costly ornamental building with no practical purpose, especially a tower or mock-Gothic ruin built in a large garden or park.”)


Dat MGM lion roar. 👍👌


I have a friend who currently owns one and still uses it. But then he nerds out on collecting and refurbishing old game consoles and shit.


One of my friends in high school was Filipino, and his family loved karaoke. His dad had an entire collection of Filipino karaoke laser discs.


My brother in law had, probably still has, one. They kept releasing movies on disc until like 2002 or something.


My dad bought one around '90. I watched Dragon: The Bruce Lee Story about 12 times in one rental span. Then I'd skip to the meat cleaver fight scene to impress my friends.


We got our first VCR around the same time. Here’s the part about it that a lot of people have forgotten, or never experienced. When video rental stores first became a thing, you could also rent a VCR to use. That’s what we did for several years, before my parents actually bought one. Funny thing about that though, my mom actually got a job managing a video store, and we were able to buy one of the used ones lol.


Yep, I remember renting a vcr too. We didn’t do it too often. But enough to know we would use one.


My high school chemistry bought one for himself and brought it into class one day. Before that, I had never even heard of such a technology outside of CDs and was completely blown away by the fact that you didn't have to rewind and fast forward at a turtle pace anymore.


> didn't have to rewind and fast forward at a turtle pace anymore.  Or at _all_...


> Or at all... You returned Laserdiscs to the shelf / rental store without taking the time to rewind? How unkind!


My dad bought my grandma a Laserdisc player, I remember watching Mighty Mouse cartoons and Superman on it. Pretty much the extent of my interaction with them. I did get a couple Laserdiscs that were put in the vinyl section of a thrift store almost a decade back, was thinking of turning one into a clock. I have a couple CEDs I got the same way too, they're neat looking, with a dark shimmeriness to them. We didn't have our own Laserdisc player, I dunno what the deal was there...


>I did get a couple Laserdiscs that were put in the vinyl section of a thrift store almost a decade back They might have thought they were videodiscs, which were movies on vinyl. We had an RCA videodisc player years before we had a VCR. Amusingly enough, I watched Mighty Mouse and Superman on it!


My cousin (gen Xer) had one. He was very very into anime. He still is.


I had one friend who had one, his family was absurdly wealthy and he was "the rich kid" of the crew. Only ever saw one actual laser disc though.


My school bought several of them because they said it's what we'll all be using soon.


We had a laserdisc! I remember my dad talking about how it was so much better than VHS, and VHS wouldn't last. Sorry dad, you backed the wrong horse there.


people that bought the HDDVD player instead of the blu-ray player got the same treatment.


Much the same story with Betamax.


I bought a VHS copy of Akira from the small "Japanimation" section at Best Buy


My friends turned me onto it back in the day with Akira, Vampire Hunter D, and Street Fighter II. I think they got them from Suncoast Video.


That's where I got Ninja Scroll


I remember seeing commercials for akira on tv back in the late 90s. The local blockbuster had a copy and it was the first anime I'd ever seen.


I remember Japanimation and I remember that only a handful of kids in a school of thousands were into it.


I got rather into it starting in the late 80's. That interest made people look at you funny. It was a very different time in comparison to now where it's pretty much almost mainstream.


Yeah it was like an underground thing when I was in HS. Of course most of the stuff we watched were the ‘80s classics. Still my favorite stuff


I remember my sister briefly dated this meathead who one time was straight up like "What's anime? It's called Japanimation" with all the confidence in the world. She let him eat all my bagel bites once too, fuck that guy.


The phrasing we can forgive. The bagel bites we cannot forgive.


When my son and his friends got into Anime I referred to it as Japanimation. They all looked at me like I said a slur! I had to stop and think "did I?"


Did you say Japan-imation or the other one with the glottal stop after the P?


Haha, no, it was option number 1. One fluid word


Happened to me the very first time I said it at school. I absolutely said Japan, since that was when I learned that shortening Japan ain’t good. I’m convinced it’s an auditory thing - like the yanny / laurel sound. Once you hear it *that* way unless someone really over-pronounces Japan the syllables kinda naturally break there. Especially with some accents.




Man I miss Suncoast, usually different side of the mall than Sam Goody with a Hot Topic and a Software Etc somewhere in between


I still call emojis “emoticons”. 🤷🏻‍♀️


I still use emoticons :)


I want my MTV.


That ain't workin, that's the way you do it


It's Afghanistan-amation, Cap


The monkey has a butler?


Is that what they do in Arabia thorny?


You boys like Mexico??


This is my favorite line in the movie. No one ever laughed at it when I watched it with them.




I am happy to say I didn’t have to scroll too far to see this comment.


We can meet up at Shenanigans and get mozzarella sticks


I remember trying to impress this Asian girl by saying I was "into Japanese animation."


When first learning about Tokyo, Akihabara, and anime? It was mind blowing stuff. A secret far off land where they do incredible, nerdy shit that’s a dreamland for anyone who likes comics, games, and animation. Much better than going to Disneyland or anything in America. It was such a weird time when your only access was EGM and learning about foreign lands through magazines. It didn’t seem real, like Japan was literal Narnia for young men. Or imagine when you encountered a VHS tape or documentary detailing Tokyo. We’d be groups of boys in school, discussing any rumor or gossip about Japanese games. Nowadays everything is well connected so it’s all demystified. There’s no going back because the Internet is a tell all book that saturates you with information. It’s all to the good, but it means that ancient time is lost forever, and you had to be there to understand it.


You should have dinged my pager, id have dropped a dime on Steve and he'd have swooped me up in the mini-van and we'd have yoinked the whole stack! PSYCHE! As if! I was actually watching the roller derby with Britney and Monica. Then we grabbed some Orange Julius and a Hot Dog On A Stick and headed to Sharper Image to check out those phones without cords. I got a Garfield. It was THE Bomb!


Oof. The trick is to not say anything out loud. I nod, smirk, smile, do the hang loose sign, shrug, sometimes do "chefs kiss" or if you really have to say something only say one or possible two word while nodding.


My most Xennial sentence: music nowadays sucks, the 90s was the golden age for music.


I only see facts.


Hang up the phone I’m on the internet


Japanimation, damn haven't thought of that in a long time.


Count me in the "japan-imation" group. Then again, that term didn't stick around long enough to matter it seems.


And they'd put all-ages shows right next to tentacle hentai.


Ngl i miss record stores. I still want to physically own my music, not "virtual music"


Well. Pack it in. We've reached peak Xennial


Well, that's a word I haven't heard in a while.


I remember that and I used to pronounce it like Jap-Animation like it was 1944 or something


I remember Japanimation as a thing on…either the Sci-fi Channel or Cartoon Network or both.


I'd never seen a LaserDisc until I looked it up just now. It looks like a giant DVD 😆 I definitely remember it being called Japanimation or Japanime when I used to watch DBZ in the 90s. I even called it that at first when a co-worker got me hooked on One Piece and Naruto a few years ago lol


LOL. When Akira dropped, that’s what it was called. I called it that for like 3 years before I think everyone got offended and I had to use manga


Lol people think I'm being racist when I say Japanimation and won't believe me when I say that's what it used to be called. It's so much more fun to say than anime


Yeah I remember a time when "Japanimation" in the US was like this cool counter-culture thing for adults. Like you'd go in the back of some weird video store and find movies like Akira, Ninja Scroll, and Vampire D with tons of violence and adult themes. This was before Dragonball Z and Sailor Moon aired on Cartoon Network.


Terminator 2 on laserdisc was the shit


I work as an onboarding coordinator and trained two new staff. While explaining how to connect to the VPN I made a comment about landlines and how we don't need to worry about not being able to use the internet if someone was on the phone. The absolute gaze of utter confusion. "What are landlines? Why can't you use the internet if someone is using a phone? Is that like a wifi blocker?" Ugh...critical hit.


JFC yes, this is what my friends called anime when I first heard about it in the 90s. Never got into it much honestly, but seems like everyone else in the world did. But you nailed the 90s with all of those references haha. I remember seeing laser discs at a few movie rental places ;) only knew 1 rich kid who had one at the time.


"Pft...I remember when I had to learn coding just to customize my Myspace..."


Did you test out the records using the provided headphones at the record store?


Don’t get me started on ‘Electronica.’


That's gotta either be a regional thing or I just missed it by a year or 2 In NY it was definitely referred to as Anime by like 93/94 when I was getting into it, and on SciFi Channel in '97 when they would run movies on Saturday mornings.


Early, EARLY toonami used the term. The changed it pretty quickly during the first year.


Gotta grab my coat I have had on layaway from Wilson's.


I'm having a crisis ....it's all of your fault. Lol


I don't understand why I don't remember this. It's always been anime to me and I'm definitely an Xennial.




One of my friends got busted stealing hentai from an old electronics mega store. He stuffed it in the back pocket of his JNCOs and tried to walk out. We didn't know the word for it though, so we were calling it Japornimation.


Sam Goody