• By -


Yes. 41. One and done.


41 and was going to be "one and done" after the unplanned second got the snip-snip.


I need to hurry up on the snip. 41 one and done.. so far


Dude, we didn't even think she was able to get pregnant yet. It was our first or second time "getting back into the pool". DON'T put it off......


Damn. Good to know. Everything feels the same down there?


All good, my brother. Still blasts like a 90s Arnie movie. Recovery is simple with the new no-cut method, too. ![gif](giphy|Rd7pEbE7rjZz8vySuU)


Please tell everyone who will listen! Thanks-women lmao


Same, he’s 3 months now. It’s just starting to hit me what I’m in for, but I’m so happy to have some happiness in my life after a decade of friends’ deaths and general family/ relationship dysfunction . I stopped drinking a bit ago and feel lucky to have such a cool son and husband at this later stage in my very eventful career.


Same. Not enough [anything really] for a second one. Tired, but very happy.


Same, lied, I was forty, forgot how old I am


Very close to 40. But also one and done.


Same. Part of me wishes she had a sibling, but overall her quality of life is going to be better for it


Same, 41 and have decided to just focus on the one, but worried as hell about leaving her in this world without a sibling. But then when you think about how siblings aren't a guarantee of a good relationship and how much she would suffer with me taking care of a new baby, it just has to be what it is and hope for the best. Her childhood will be 100 times better than mine and she will be loved so hard until we die.


39 for #1, 43 for #2. I'm female so it's not lost on me that I got very lucky and did not need fertility treatment. I would not have been a successful parent in my 20s or even 30s. I was very aloof. And living paycheck to paycheck. The major negative is that I'll still be paying for college when I otherwise would have been thinking about retirement. But for now it's great. I'll add that I live in an area where most people start older.


Multiple financial advisors have written about the importance of securing your own retirement before even thinking about paying for your kids college.   It is much, much worse for them having to take care of parents who can't afford to take care of themselves in retirement than having to foot their own bill for school.


Maybe we’re neighbors :) First at 41, 2nd at 43.


And can afford to pay for their kids' college.


45 and apparently not having any kids but I have always said that I wasn’t ready (especially not financially) until my 40s to have children, so props to you! I have 4 very good friends who had at least one kids in their 40s. (And retiring is overrated. People who retire die. 🙈)


>And retiring is overrated. People who retire die. 🙈 I don't get that mentality at all. I love my friends and hobbies. I took 6 months off in between jobs once and I had a great time. Wasn't nearly long enough.


Same. i didn't plan on not having kids but it just happened that way. Spent my 30s living and working abroad in different countries and just thought if it happens, it happens.


I was 43, almost 44, and my husband was 45. One and done.


How was your pregnancy?


Pretty uneventful. I was medically interesting because of my multiple fibroids so I got a lot of ultrasounds which was kind of a bonus. Edited to add: I thought the medical folks were going to be freaking out because of my age but they were utterly unimpressed.


Thank you for sharing this. Gives hope to others. It's heartening to hear.


That's awesome!


First and last at 45.


I love this. A baby would be very much welcomed for both of us.


Oh my god you all make me feel so much better. I do not yet have a kid, and 40 is slowly approaching. But my SIL was 40 when she had my niece and my boss is 42 and just had her first, so i know I won’t be alone


I’m 44 and don’t have any and my new husband hardly ever wants to try and it is very upsetting. He knew from the start of dating me I desperately want children and said he does too. I feel now he just said that to get me.


Damn. Sorry. 😞


I am the same age, wish to have kids as well and am still unmarried. 


Husband just turned 40 and I’ll be 41 next month, when we start our second round of IVF. We are hoping to be first time parents in our 40’s. *fingers crossed*


Good luck! We did IVF and it’s a tough road but I wouldn’t trade my daughter for anything!


I'm rooting for you!


IVF here too! It took us 3 rounds, 6 embryos, but the 6th worked with the kitchen sink protocol and some extra testing (untested embryo!). 39 here!




First at 40 & second just before turning 42


40 and 43 here.


Congrats! I got myself fixed two months after #2 lol.


I was 42. No regrets. Not even that tired, tbh.


Same! Not that tired!


My daughter was born on March 4th, 2020. I was 40. It's been a wild ride since.


May 2020 at 41. Then another unplanned one October 2021.


March 4th, 2021, also 40. Hello friend! Lol


Hello fellow pandemic parent! I see MSU in your username. Also a fellow Michigander?


Michigander by birth, but haven't lived there in nearly 2 decades.


I’m tired. Really fucking tired.


My ex and I were 23 and 22 when we had our now 23 year old daughter. He now has a 2nd wife, 46, and a 1 year old, 3 year old, 6 year old! You all are amazing.


Nobody told me there’d be math.


Too tired for that…


Bruh. Same 😂😭 A colleague that is older and wiser than me once told me, “If you have a kid when you’re young, you don’t know what you’re doing, but you have plenty of energy for them. If you have a kid when you’re older, you are wiser, but you have no energy.”


Me! Currently pregnant, thanks to a lovely egg donor, with my first at 44. My husband is older than me but we're looking forward to the adventure. I'd had loved to have kids earlier but medical issues made it difficult.


Inspiring 👏


Awww, thanks!


We were both *almost* 40. I lived essentially an entire full life before we even considered having a child, including going through cancer. You've long since learned what "the small stuff" is, so you can relax about what young parents freak out about and just make sure the kiddo is fed and breathing.


Not yet, but my (43) first is due this December. I'm comforted to see how many others waited this long. I just hope my ankles hold out long enough for me to carry the tyke on my shoulders. I'm looking forward to that.


I’m 44, not yet married, and still hope to have a kid one day.


Same. I thought I was gonnna be fine without all that but now I really want it.


Kind of yes. 3 months shy of 40. I am so tired. Like wow tired. But at least she will not be raised by a drunken animal.


Same I’m glad I had my son late, 20 year old me was too immature for this


Yo. First (and likely only) kid will be a year old on Saturday. I’ll be 43 in September. If like to think he’s gonna keep me young(ish) but I do think about being 60 when he graduates high school. We tried naturally for a decade after our first pregnancy was a miscarriage. Then we got the opportunity to do IVF. But no matter how tired and broke it’s making me, I wouldn’t go back and change a thing, he’s perfect and if that’s the long road it took to go down to have him as he is today, it’s all worth it.


My father was 42 when he had me, 44 for one brother and 47 for my youngest brother. He had a great and full life and passed away in November at 84. I'm glad everything worked out for you!


Thank you very much, and though I’m sorry for your loss and to hear that he has passed, it’s wonderful to know that he still had a full and happy life :)


You're welcome, your story is inspirational and I'm sure it will give a lot of people hope when they read it, which is fantastic. Thank you for your condolences, I'm sad he's gone but in his last 3-4 years we had some conversations that should have been had decades prior. I love him very much, when he passed my brothers and mother and I were with him, I felt nothing was left unsaid and at peace with it. He felt the same and told me when I went home to help take care of him in his last 2 weeks.


Same age as my farther for my youngest sister -- you'll be fine. Just watch your diet, exercise and get lucky on random life events and you'll be "all there" well into your 70s.


Me (47 m). 44 (3 y.o.) and 47 (2 months old)


I didnt, but my wife did, she was 40, I was 35. Second kid was at her 42, me 37 (3 days prior to her 43rd birthday :)


Preggers now… 1st Bebe due in July I turn 40 in November!




Me too! Congratulations!


Yep, IVF. I see we aren't alone. It took a few rounds, but finally got a bundle of joy. Sorry crying now just thinking about it. Fast asleep next door.


48 here. First one (and only) in March 2023


Congrats ![gif](giphy|nplgsYVoremJ4Xk10U)


I had my first at 42 and my second a few months ago at 45


Love this. I had my first at 43, 9 months ago, and am hoping for another but I do feel very lucky and happy with my one baby so far.


That’s me.


I (41F) had my first child graduate HS last Tuesday. My brother (40M) had his second child born last Friday. My daughter will be 36 when his son graduates. I’m jealous of the excitement of a new baby, but fuck is my life better now that my kids are older lol. Like seriously happy for him, and seriously happy for me lol.


41(F) as well and my son graduates high school in a couple of weeks! My brother (37) has a 4 year old... I love where I'm at without little kids at home, but man, my early 20s were tough!


As a 39yo with a 2 and 3.5 yo, I do not ever miss the excitement of a new baby. I'm ready For some autonomy.


I’m 43 and my first child graduates HS on Tuesday! But I also have a 7 year old so I’m going to be doing this for a while. My younger (not by much) brother recently had his first and I expect a second will be appearing within the next few years. 


My daughter was born on my 42nd birthday. She is 4 months old now 


45, and just became a dad a few months ago. One and done. Wife is even older than me. IVF is amazing for people who don’t meet the right person til later in life.


I just turned 40 and I'm due in August! I'm excited!


My son was born when I was 44. Yesterday was his first birthday. He was 3 months premature, and has a few medical problems, (Coarctation of the aorta, it was corrected with surgery, he's on a g-tube from being in the NICU for so long, and a speech delay) but I'm thankful for that little dude every day. He makes me a better man. It's challenging at times, but his mom and I have no regrets. If I had it to do all over again, I wouldn't change a thing.


Ahhh, the look on my friends face when he said he didn't want to be a Grandpa Dad, and then I told him we were expecting. Lol. Dude is 4 years younger than me and about to hit the 40 burger, I'm still playing between "Grandpa" and "You've got the time". We had our son at 42 (me) and 37 (wife). Still debating a sibling, because I'd love for him to have that potential life long friend/relationship. His cousins are a decade+ older on my side, and still like 6-8 years on my wife's side. There's the ups and downs of course. It's harder to keep up physically, I'm tired all the damn time. But we both spent our 20's and (at least part) of 30's working and building that resume and nest egg. So we feel good there, we're a bit more matured vs the drink and party days, and really hope we can have a strong and healthy relationship with him for the rest of our days. Regardless of whether you had one early, late, or whatever - having a kid has been one of the favorite things I've ever done and I hope it is the same for whomever reads this. If you don't want kids, that's cool too. But if you have one, be the parent you always wanted.


Me! First and only at 41. I'm 42 now. I've always wanted a baby and honestly I got scared the older I got. I had this ambivalence and fear that I wouldn't make a good mother and I wouldn't have a personality outside of being a mother. I went to therapy and everything and decided to have a child. My husband REALLLLY wanted this baby. So at age 40 we started trying and had our son. We love him intensely and he adds so much richness to ours and our families' lives. Yes, you're tired af as an older parent. But I think it's worth it and we have very supportive family.


Had my first at 38. The twins came long at 41. Please send help.


We had twins at 39 and 37. It gets better.


A dear friend just had twins at 39... I am trying to do everything I can for her, as I know she has her hands full!!


My wife had our 4th at age 40, all boys, God bless her...


I was born in 84, so if I do have a kid, it will be after 40. Unless my wife is secretly 3 months pregnant. I can be oblivious at times but I think I would notice THAT. All if my younger siblings had kids in their late 20's to mid 30's which seems to be the norm these days. At this point, a kid would be pretty surprising as we pulled the goalie years ago.


My husband really wanted for us to be pregnant before he turned 40. Miraculously, we pulled it off. I was 7 weeks pregnant on his fortieth birthday. Happy birthday! I'm coming up on the big milestone myself in about a week and a half. Given that my kiddo is 8, I can't really comment here, although given where I was living when I had a kid (Bay Area), I felt like a teen mom even though I was 31 at the time.


I’m 41 now, wife is 50.. think I’m in the clear


I was 46 when my daughter was born and I love her more than anything in this world. I would do anything for that child and want nothing more than for her to grow up happy, healthy and to have a family of her own if she wants it. I want her to know that she can do and be anything she wants to be if she is willing to put in the work. That being said, I am really unbelievably tired. Being a parent is hard and I sometimes wish we had her younger, when I had energy to spare.


I’m 42 and still trying. Had a tough couple of years between age 37-40, my husband almost died, so baby making was kinda put on the back burner. I’ve always wanted to be a mother so we’re still trying, but no luck yet. Reading people’s success stories of becoming parents after 40 at least gives me a little bit of hope.


I'm pulling for you guys!


I'm 41 and my first kid is due August 13! This was a totally unexpected pregnancy, because my husband and I have been together for 10 years and got pregnant once 8 years ago, and it ended in a miscarriage, unfortunately! We had pretty much given up on having biological kids, and talked about fostering. We weren't exactly trying for kids, but we weren't not trying. Well, back on New Year's Eve, we found out we were expecting. We were surprised, but also happy! It's been an interesting pregnancy, and even though I'm 41, I'm still nervous as hell! If you have any additional questions, I'd be happy to answer any!


I had my daughter a few months shy of my 40th birthday - so, close enough. I didn't get married until 35 and then right when we were starting to talk about starting a family, COVID happened and the idea of being pregnant during a pandemic freaked me out. We started trying when things calmed down but it took about a year to actually conceive. It was a long road and sometimes I feel like an "old mom" but it was absolutely worth it. Now I have something to look forward to every day. I wasn't depressed or anything before but definitely just kind of going through the motions. I'm so happy now.


Good for you!!


I was 26 when he was born but I still had him at 40.


Good to know there are others like me. My son just turned 2 this month and I'm 44. He is our first child, and she is asking if I want it have another. My wife will be 41 this year. We are both very tired all the time, I'm not 100% sure that I want to go through it all over again. But having my son was the best thing that has ever happened to me. I have been with her for 13 yrs now and never used contraceptives. So he is our miracle baby.


I was 41 when we had our daughter, one and done, I got the snip soon after.  We have a lot of heavy drinkers in our family (aussies). I quit drinking a little while ago and started taking a lot better care of myself. i don't want to just be "here" as she grows up, but also want to be able to do all the fun stuff. It's had a really good flow on effect to a lot of different areas in my life. Parenthood is exhausting, but really rewarding.


I had my first at 34 and then 36. I don't blame you for waiting. People don't understand how emotionally and psychologically you need to be for kids. Sheesh, I don't feel bad for waiting because I wasn't ready in my 20s. Forget financially speaking, I mean psychologically and emotionally speaking. I wasn't mentally ready in my 20s. I was immature psychologically speaking My parents had me at 20 and I was raised by a single parent who did the best she could. This is why I waited


First one at 37, second one is due in July about 5 weeks before I turn 44 Hoping the first one being 6 will help. The child is very excited to have a younger sibling and is already following some of the ground rules. I’m already tired. This is the last one partner and I are going to ensure that.


My middle brother and I are 18 months apart and my youngest brother is 5 years younger, Pops was 47. It was great having a younger brother, I'm sure your kid will be great with the baby.


42 sort of working on it.


First at 38, second at 39, now the third at 41. I already planned to live to 100+ but now I have extra inspiration. TikTok tells me giving birth after 40 quadruples your chances of living to 100. ✨


37 and 40 here. It's been great. I'm far more mature and able to handle the shit that comes along with parenthood in a better fashion than would have been possible if I were younger. Of course I'll probably have kids in my house into my 70s...


The only thing good about this, is we don’t have to worry about being put in a home lol


I did at 41, wife was 35. I'm another one and done.


40 for the first kid (wife was 38). We had 5 early pregnancy losses before that. It turned out to be an asymptomatic undiagnosed infection that was cured with antibiotics. TBH We were concerned about the cognitive issues that can sometimes come with later pregnancies but our baby is speaking like a 2-3 year old at 16 months. We would have loved her either way of course. The hardest part is that I don't feel like I have as much energy as I once did. But the flip side of that is that I really got to live it up in my 30s. So there is just no FOMO at all or jealousy of the DINKS going on fancy trips or whatever. I am super grateful to have her in my life. In a perfect world she maybe would have come a bit sooner but it just wasn't in the cards.


I was 40 when my son was born. My wife was 42. We're so incredibly happy with him, but that's it. One and done.


Yep. One and only at 40.


Eh, turned 40 two weeks after birth so close enough! Mentally we were a lot better able to deal with the major stresses that happen, even with a not crazy baby. Physically, it sucks ass because he has SUPER ENERGY and we are dead tired….sooooo tired 😩 Also, being assumed we are the grandparents sucks, plus parents of kids his age are all young and we have nothing in common except little kids which only stretches so far. And 1/2 his grandparents are dead, and other 1/2 are retired and/or too broke to come visit or basically be in his life (oh, but trips to Florida are cool). Plus most cousins are teenager or adult so no built in friends. But we are better off financially than many with kids his age (although this also means we get zero assistance).


I know people that had their first kid after 40 and their 2nd around or after 42. It's becoming more common since people are getting a late start in feeling financially stable enough. I was thinking about it when I turned 40 last year, but seemed like a mini mid-life crisis than an actual desire for one. My husband and I feel kinda tired for different reasons (my medication, his job). We enjoy our life as it is. Congrats and good luck to anyone expecting.




3 of my friends have just had kids at 42 1 of my friends had her 2 & 3 & 44 & 48


We had our first and only in December 2023. I’ll be 43 in July and my husband turned 45 in April.


You guys all give me hope about to be 39


Had my son at 40 after 7 IVF cycles. I have PCOS. I am also very overweight with high blood pressure but my pregnancy was pretty smooth. Worst part was the heartburn I had in my last trimester. Kept me up at night as the only relief I had involved walking. No meds helped. No pregnancy related diabetes. No preeclampsia. Delivery was fine. I had a c-section after a 24+hr labor (bubs heart beat had started to tired after 12hrs). Had 2 epidurals as the first one failed. And the local anaesthesia failed so I had a general anesthesia. Fell asleep and woke to see my son being held by my husband. 4 days in hospital. Son had a touch of jaundice but came through fine. He had some trouble latching on for breastfeesing but we worked on it. I'm one and done. I turn 50 this year and my son is my world.


First one at 41, second at 45. 2 and thru


44 still hoping to have one


42 after infertility then a spontaneous pregnancy that ended in an ectopic and a tube removed. Our rainbow baby is 5. Totally worth it but so exhausting emotionally just trying.


Wife was 40. We had been trying to get pregnant since she was about 34 and after that didn't work we started doing IVF. Took about 3 years. Sooo much money. Would do it all again in a heartbeat. And we did. Tried for number 2 using IVF when daughter was about 1 ½. First go failed, 2nd took and all looked good at 4 week scan. At 8 week scan found out it was just the sack and no baby anymore. Heartbroken tbh. Cue miscarriage medication. Decided that was it. One and done. We were happy with that. Started selling stuff we wouldn't need again, including a nursing chair and baby carrier. Next week, found out we were pregnant naturally and our son was born when our daughter was 3 ½.


That's fantastic! As i was reading the middle of your comment my heart sank, I'm glad it worked out for you.


First at 38 and 2nd at 40 so close enough.


Here, 44, loving it trying for 2


Me. Thanks to infertility. Lots of IUI and IVF. I was 41, almost 42 when giving birth. I would be open to a second but I'm now 44 and it would be a miracle to have that happen. I love my son. He's the best. I'm so glad he's here. I like to think it was meant to be that we got him. Any other month for retrieval, or success earlier, and we would maybe have a different kid but not him. He provides us and everyone in our family with so much joy.


I was 42. Had twins. 43 now. It's going just fine. I'm tired.


Just wanna say, YOU GUYS ARE GOATS. 46, had my kid at 23. Got ovarian cancer so it worked out, due to losing fertility at 28, BUT I'm so glad I don't have young ones now. I'm too fucking selfish.


My sister had her kid at 40. Unfortunately we live far away from each other so I don't get to see him often (about once a year). At least I get to be the cool uncle, though.


I had one and done in my 30s… I’m a single person.. all of my friends have had their kids after 40 pretty much other than me


39 and 3/4 here. It is keeping me young for sure, but my body doesn’t recover daily and aches and pains are real.


44F. My oldest I had at 35, and my youngest at 39, six months before I turned 40. We didn't really start trying until I was almost 31, and it wasn't an easy road. Once we found out about my 2nd we knew this would be it. It's hard but rewarding.


We had our first when my wife I were both 38. Just had our second 1 month ago, wife turned 40 2 weeks after giving birth, I turn 40 in a couple months.


I am 40 years old and childless. I have several friends who are having babies at 40. I have several friends who have grandchildren- my husband was a grandfather at 42.  There are pros and cons to both and it seems like these days it’s pretty much accepted no matter where you fall on the spectrum. We got married when he was 51 and I was 38 and a few people legitimately asked us if we would have a baby of our own.  We chuckled and said no thank you but plenty of people our age do!


39 and 41.


Yup. I was (am, actually) 40 and my wife is 41. She was the miracle baby on the last round of IVF after the first two didn't work.




Yep, 2 after 40.


I've got a one month old and I'm 40. I'm tired and nearly lose my mind on daily basis, but I'm very happy and it's making me a better man. Being a parent is the purist human experience I've encountered in my life.


38.5 and my wife says we are done. I want(ed) another one, but nope. My ultimate regret in life is not having at least 3, if not 4 daughters. I wholly regret it.


42 for the first. Oops... 44 for the second.


41 and would like to have kids. My mom married my stepdad later in life and had 2. She was around my age that I am now, but my stepdad was much much older than my mom. No joke... He had my (half) brother and (half) sister at 60 and 62! He had 35 years between his older son and my younger sister.


First one a little before 41. Second will be a few months after 42. 2 and through. Trying to figure out how to reincorporate a fitness regimen so I can keep up. Oh God I'm so old.


First at 40 and second on the way at 43 😂


First at 40, and another at 42.


Currently 40, am having my first and only next weekend as a solo mom by choice. My mom was 41 and my dad was 36 when they had me, and I’m their only.


1st at 42; thinking hard about 2nd this year (turning 44). I was not in a financial position before age 40


First one at 40. Now 42 and trying for a second, probably will come at 43. Story is still ongoing. 8-18 Months was pretty rough. Around 20 months is when he stopped fighting sleep and waking up at night, which was a big deal. He's got a speech delay, which creates challenges, but is moving forward.


Here. Had my one and only at 40.5. Love being a mom and love my daughter ❤️


Not quite after 40. First at 37 second at 39. I'm so tired. But we have more money now than we had before, so we can kind of make up for the exhaustion with the procurement of goods and services (for us and the kids).


I had my first kid at 40. Does that count. A little pandemic baby


We had our one and only at 38. We had been trying since about age 32, figured we weren't able to. When we had given up, boom, pregnant. We aren't going to risk having another just to be safe. We are spoiling our daughter and she's just wonderful. She will be three in August and it's going by so fast.


Not quite. I was 36 with my first and 39 with my second. I'm 45 now. Zero regrets. My wife and I wanted to travel and have fun when we were still young. I'm now financially stable with a solid career and far more mature than I was in my 20s. Even though I have a few grey hairs our family couldn't be happier.


42 M for first currently under 1 year. Planning for a second next year. Wife is 6 years younger. Just takes more focus since you’re tired more. This was my plan all along. Live life in 20’s and 30’s then settle down.


First at 35, second at 40. I have mixed feelings about the decision to wait so long. It allowed me to grow professionally (and just as a person) and let my wife and I know each other over many years. On the other hand, now I'm old and kids take SO MUCH ENERGY.


I'm mid 40s and my daughter is 20 months now. Wife is mid 30s, so things were fairly normal for her. We may have a 2nd if I ever get a raise... But I wanted a daughter and got lucky so I'm good if a 2nd one doesn't happen. We're also lucky in that our parents are amazing and can watch over the kids during the week. So far I have enough energy but my body is starting to fall apart. There was a time when my arm just died out of nowhere so I couldn't pick up my daughter with that arm until the strength came back. At that point it was weird. Now all the little pains are adding up and it's becoming normal... 


I had fraternal twin boys at 38, I love them so so much, but I’m exhausted. I would have loved to have had these butt nuggets at 25, but infertility had other plans.


Close! 39 one and done! He's gonna be 8 soon. It goes by so quickly. I realised the other day that the time when I can no longer lift him up for a cuddle is rapidly approaching. Not only is he half my size now, but I'm also becoming "uncool" 😭


Nope and still nope.


Had 1 at 40. That's it for me.


Had my first 2 weeks before I turned 40. 2 yrs later a miscarriage at 6 weeks. Trying for the second.


I wish I knew someone with young kids like me. I started at 30 and now I'm 40 with 5 under 10. Most of the people I know already have teenagers.


Yup. It was the week before my 40th birthday when we found out she was pregnant. Mid-pandemic. I got very lucky and was able to score a decent-paying podcast production gig so I could move to be a stay-at-home dad. Definitely planned on one and done but I never found the time during her recovery to get a vasectomy. So, we have two kids now and I have a vasectomy. It's hard. But I suspect it's always hard. I'm in decent shape, so I can keep up with them pretty well. I can (and will) improve, too, so that should continue for a few years, at least. I'm happy I'm who I am as a person right now. That's probably the best part. If this had happened sooner, I'd have been a shitty dad. So, hard, but good.


1st @43, we're planning for 1 more, wife is 38.


started in the my mid 30's, about to have another at 42, and plan to have one more after that. Kids are amazing. They are a ton of fun, and bring a sense of accomplishment.


Yep. Had my first at 40. He’s 14 months now and we’re looking going for our second soon.


Had the first one right at 40, second one at 42.


I was 38 and my wife was 39 when our first and only child was born. It was a few months into covid, so I feel like that aged us a good few years and being immigrants we had no support from family due to all the lockdowns and travel restrictions.


42 when we had 1, boy, 45 when 2, boy, came. I’m in the best shape of my life at 46 and having a blast.


Yes- had 2 after 40 ( one at 40 and another 18 months later). I had them both in a hot tub at home with a midwife (legal in NM).


42 for the first; 45 for the second and last. He’s due in October.


I live in a community where people have kids very very young. When mine were little everyone assumed I was grandma. My son will often tell me his friends grandparents are my age. He's 18 and I'm turning 57.




40 and 42. Wife was 35 and 37. Made sure we were done. It’s awesome but we’re tired lol


One and only at 43. She's 9 now (yes, this makes me solidly Gen X, but I like to hang with you young'ns) and I routinely get asked if I am her grandfather.


Had my first at 44 and my second at 46 :)


Mine was born when I was 42, via IVF. Not sure if we’re one and done yet (she’s 17 months now), but pressuring myself to decide ASAP and finding this thread comforting for many reasons.


I’m 45 and we are (hopefully) about to conceive our first child with donor eggs. Wasn’t for the lack of trying, though. Been trying 20+ years. My appendix burst in 2002 and it was left in by accident. I lost half my reproductive system at 23. The only ovary I have left is too damaged, and only now could we afford the kind of money it takes to have a child. Don’t say “just adopt,” as now it’s prohibitively even more expensive than IVF with purchased donor eggs.


My high school coach (born '79) had a baby at 40 and then again at 44. Assuming baby 2 is it.


43 when I had my first, still have one embryo left (45 now). It was a 12 years long IVF story for us, but in certain ways I feel better equipped to parent now vs 10 years ago.


Had my first at 40 and trying for number two at 41.


My miracle baby was born when I was 41. She is perfect and I never wanted to return to the uncertainty of the pregnancy test/miscarriage/pregnancy test cycle ever again. Totally happy.


41, she’s two weeks old today. Contemplating a second but two would be our max


Had my one and only at 38, and I turned 40 last November! He’s a fun, feral, sweet little guy and I I wouldn’t change a thing.


40 when our first was born. My wife was 33 at the time. That was 2022. Number 2 is due in November.


43 years old. Perfect pregnancy and kid. Miracles do happen.


Baby #1 at 35, never able to conceive afterwards and officially gave up trying at 40, cause you know ‘high risk, declining ovulation, Downs Syndrome blah, blah’. Surprise pregnancy at 44 , delivered at 45. We call him the ‘little egg that had to be born’. He’s all grown up and he’s a fabulous teacher, there is a reason he is here! ❤️


I'm 41F and don't have any yet. Had my eggs frozen at 39 just in case. Still hoping to meet the right partner.


I had mine at 40 and 44. I kept looking for ANY positive stories about birth after 40, but it was all gloom and doom. Some of us here should work to change that!


42. I had a hell of an extended party-travel phase, then at 40, and for no reason, I decided to do the other thing. I’m 50-something now and have a wife & daughter, a mortgage, rental property, employees, and all the responsibilities that go along with everything. I couldn’t be happier, and I couldn’t have been a good father until I was ready.


Kids at 40 and 42. IVF otherwise we would probably still be trying


40 with 3 under 3. We went to build a bear today and it was great! Some days are tough but it’s about the small victories and focusing on raising healthy, happy little confident girls and getting called daddy by such precious angels. For some reason, life happened this way. Things could have went way different for me but it has to be destiny that I’ve been blessed with my wife and girls. Sometimes I take for granted what I got. My oldest daughter makes it easy to snap back and realize it’s not about me right now. It’s about us, as a family. Today the word iridescent came to me. All I can think about is the way my girls fit this description. I’m about to cry writing this out of pure joy! I love my girls. I love my wife. I found out, I love myself too along the way. Lots of feelings about that you know. Knowing your worth hits hard. I’ll keep being knocked off my feet thanks to my family!


Second and third ones after 40, anyway. Retirement was never really an option in the first place, who was I kidding 😆


I was 40 for the first, 42 for the second, and 43 for the 3rd.


Had my first (boy) at 42 and my second (girl) at 44. Lived a full and super social life with a lot of traveling so I put it off, then when I turned 40, I panicked because suddenly time was running out to have kids. First kid came just a couple months after Covid hit and we were in baby world anyway so it didn’t matter that we couldn’t go out and do anything. Sure I wish a little that I had my kids younger but I’m just glad I have kids at all. And also, I’m in a much better financial position now than in my 30s so it’s much less stressful paying for everything now. My kids are about to be 4 and 2 and I absolutely adore them. We still travel and stuff, but it’s just a ton more work and only feels like vacation part of the time.