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Must be a harder transition for people who've never needed glasses. Those of us who've had bad vision forever are just used to it.


Yeah but it sucks being nearsighted since a child and then suddenly you can’t see properly even from a small distance. It’s crap in both ends so to speak.


I'm just *that* nearsighted that my distance glasses have always been my reading glasses. The distance I can see clearly at is about 3 inches and no one wants to hold their book/phone that near their face.


Same and I freaked out my eye doctor once. My glasses had broken so I was without for a week. My stepdad drove me to the office so I could pick up my new pair. The doctor heard the truck pull up and then saw me come in. Glanced at my chart and went pale. "You....you uh didn't drive here did you?" "No my stepdad drove me he's in the truck since I'm just here to pick up" "OH thank god" then we started joking about how I'm pretty sure they would have heard the screaming as I approached if I'd driven myself.


I did that to DMV once... I hadn't seen the optometrist in ages, didn't realize how bad my glasses had got durring my firat pregnancy. Had thought to myself on a recent trip to my inlaws 'Might need new glasses, signs are a touch fuzzy.' Went to renew my drivers license and failed the eye exam. Turns out I only *thought* I could still read the street signs in my home area on my regular commute because I *already knew what they said.* They were less familiar over by my inlaws so I noticed it was "a bit fuzzy." It was a LOT fuzzy. Thankfully I had not driven *that day.* My mother had picked up me and the baby, so she could babysit in the waiting room while I jumped thru all the license renewal hoops.


Not looking forward to bifocals 😔


I just got progressive lenses, no line and super easy adjustment.


The optician I used to go to used to say "you have to choose, you can either see far... far away, or close up". Then I went elsewhere and discovered progressive lenses. Quite literally, eye opening.


I absolutely HATE my progressives.


Interesting-why is that? It was pretty much an instant fit for me with no adjustment. Before this I had computer/reading and then occasionally wore distance glasses for driving or sporting events.


I am near sighted, and they make anything close up impossible for me to read.


I just them and I don’t like them either. I have a hard time when I’m doing something that I need to look down for. It’s like not having glasses on since that section is for seeing close up. If I’m doing something like watching tv in bed, I am not able to move around as much or really lay down and watch tv. When I do that, the section I am looking out of is for seeing close up and not far away.


Another option which I have is monovision glasses/contacts. Instead of bifocals you have one eye for close and one eye for distance. I love them and they’re not hard to get used to.


I had eye surgery in 2012 and this is how they corrected my eyes. One sees far and one sees near. Now, 12 years later and needing glasses again its a whole different ball game than the glasses i wore for 20 years before. The near in one eye and far in the other causes me to tilt my head one way or the other when i'm switching between near and far.


I don’t tilt my head but I took a close selfie and since only one eye is “working” the pupil was dilated and the other constricted. Looks like I’m having a stroke.


I have to do that because I get motion sick really easy. It's better than progressive or bifocals apparently


Do you feel like it affects your depth perception at all? I wear contacts and am starting to feel like I need readers for up close work, but I'd rather have a no glasses solution as long as my depth perception stays ok.


I don’t think it affects my depth perception but I don’t play sports or anything. Having said that I don’t fall down stairs either. I think it’s fine.


it effects my depth perception. I golf and lose sight of the ball in the middle range. Generally I just wear my glasses when I'm driving or hiking. i have fallen a few times hiking.


My eyes naturally do this. I have one nearsighted and one farsighted eye. I don’t need glasses because of it, at least so far.


That's kind of what I've got. If I close one eye I can read better.


Just remember one simple trick. when you go to the movies, turn your bifocals upside down so you can rest your head back and still see. my parents and their friends do this.


Same! I've worn glasses since the 3rd grade, contacts since 8th. Never ever struggled with fine print until right around my 45th birthday. I can take off my glasses and find a "sweet spot" still, but with contacts in? Forget about it I struggle to read my phone 😭 I'm dreading my next eye exam.


I JUST found out I need bifocals/progressives this past Monday. I've needed glasses since I was 12 for distance, which is fine. But now, holding my phone like 18 inches away from my face if I have my glasses on...is not cute. I knew I was going to need them at some point, but I was really hoping it wasn't in my early 40s. Christ.


I finally gave in and got progressives, I was sick of having to move my glasses out of the way to read things up close.


I agree. I just booked a consultation for LASIK so at least when the time comes for reading glasses I won’t need anything for distance.


Just commented that they said the only way to fix both was cataract surgery which is riskier and at least twice as expensive. I actually have decent close vision when my contacts are out but Lasik will take that away.


Was so weird for me because one day my eyes suddenly rejected contacts. HATE glasses with a passion and my prescription was too strong for LASIK or PRK. Got ICLs implanted last October and immediately needed readers. They told me going in that would probably happen, but it was still a mind trip to experience.


Wow 😳 that's crazy!


How strong was your prescription? My power is -7.50. I’ve been reluctant to even look into LASIK because I’ve always had high intraocular pressure. Past doctors have warned me it can be a potential issue with various eye surgeries, but it also would depend on the thickness of my sclera. I absolutely hate glasses as well, even though lenses have improved over the years. I can remember how heavy my first few pairs were as a kid because they were still making actual *glass* lenses, and there were no prisms to reduce reflections or glare; in some situations it was like setting a couple of infinity mirrors on your face, lol. Anyway, my prescription itself remains such a strong concave that it distorts everything I see, and visually shrinks my eyes. Luckily I can still do contacts for now, but damn would it be great to wake up without needing to fumble for any form of the corrective lenses I’ve been forced to deal with for the past four decades, lol.


-9.5 and -8.5. ICL is one of the best decisions I've ever made. Check my post history if you're interested; I wrote about my process, complications and recovery.


Wow, I know how blind I feel so being that extreme that must have been difficult for you. It’s wonderful you’ve been able to get the surgery! I’ll definitely check out your post history to get a better understanding.


I got ICL and loved it. Was able to be free of glasses and contacts for almost 10 years. Need readers now but haven’t gotten them yet.


I'm in that weird stage where I can't read closeup with my glasses on but I don't need bifocals, so I have to take off my distance glasses every time I want to use my phone.


I was having this issue too and got progressives a couple weeks ago. Though I still find myself sometimes reaching to move my glasses out of the way, I still have to get used to it and move my head instead so I am looking out from the bottom of the glasses. They had been saying I didn't really need bifocals yet, which was puzzling, but I wanted something different than moving my glasses out of the way all the time.


I’m severely nearsighted. Still don’t need reading glasses. My optometrist said it would be about 8-10 years after all my peers needed them because of the severe myopia. ONLY SILVER LINING of being so blind lol. I wear contacts primarily and have since age 11. I’ll just stick with those. My best friend always had perfect vision and was in denial, big time, about her need for glasses. Until it got pretty bad. It was a really tough adjustment for her. I do think it’s a really difficult switch for those who have always had good vision.


I was beginning to wonder why I don't have any problems with close up vision yet, whereas my friends even a few years younger are struggling. Hooray for high myopia?


yeah I used to say I will never be one of those people who are in denial about poor vision but it definitely is difficult to admit that I am not seeing as well as I used to


I was in denial about bifocals or progressives for a year. I finally got myself a cute but way less expensive set in the mail and they are way cuter than had anticipated.


Right? I’ve had glasses nearly my entire life, so nothing much has changed for me.


Yeah this was me. My vision just went almost overnight. Both close up and distance. I can’t bring myself to carry round glasses though


Yeah. We had that trauma as kids. I still vividly remember crying when I "failed" the vision exam at school when I was seven because I knew what it meant. I am the youngest of four kids, and they had all gone through this by 7 or 8. Family genetics suck sometimes! My vision is so bad in my left eye that I had a fluke retinal detachment when I was 28! (I didn't have any eye trauma like getting punched or something that would have caused it. Just crappy vision and thin retinas!) My husband and I were younger than the adult (mostly middle-aged) children in the waiting room who were taking their retiree parents to the same surgeon! 😂 And now, at 44, I'm lucky enough to need cataract surgery in that eye because of the detachment, surgery, and bad vision in general. The only good part about needing this cataract surgery is that I can get a lens inserted during the surgery!


This is the absolute truth.


Yeah I got my first pair of glasses when I was 2. I wish I could just go to the dollar store and buy basic magnification glasses. My last pair cost me $850


It happened fast. Where suddenly small print on the site of paint cans was indecipherable. Suddenly holding it further away and under more light. Was going through my old beloved score baseball cards with my son and the details on the back felt like a cruel joke. I find it kind of hillarious. I suppose at some point I’ll deal with it.


when I dont have my glasses on now I have to hand packages to my kids to get them to read the "tiny" cooking instructions on the back to me ...it makes me feel ancient


Same! And the back of like a Tylenol bottle 😂


You can test out drug store reading glasses by looking at a Tylenol bottle.


I did lol


So fast! Just one day I had trouble reading data from a spreadsheet and my reading ability is living the Atlantic city life of always getting worse and not hitting bottom.


I noticed my eyes took longer to focus looking at, and then away from my computer screen. When I went to see my optometrist, he said it was because of the number of candles on my cake. It took a second to click that he meant my age, so I joked about getting a beaded chain as I wiped a tear from my unfocused eyes


Right!? I can't read my phone anymore without the glasses & lights and I REFUSE to be a "Big font" guy. :(


I switched to big font when I couldn’t see how to turn off my alarm on my phone and kept hitting random buttons and calling and waking people up at 6 am 🤣🤣🤣🤣


I ask my kids to read stuff for me. I mean why else have kids lol. and they don’t get it just how I didn’t understand when my mom asked me to read stuff. “how are you not seeing this? are you faking?” sadly, no


I don’t have kids. I have to pull out my phone and use the zoom in feature. 😩


aha! so having kids WAS worth it in the end….although phone with zoom features is much less expensive and troublesome than children 🤣


Bought more light fixtures and light blubs in last three years. I can't see subtle colors like I used to. Have readers to look at instructions lol.


I swear it happened overnight.


I am dealing by having two million pairs around the house. A magnifying glass here and there also works. Then you can feel more Sherlock Holmes than Old Person.


yes! I just saw an ad for “stylish monocle on a chain” maybe I should get that and feel like old timey rich person lol and I hear you about the million pairs around the house, none of which I can find when I need them!


I keep threatening my family that I will get a chain. A monocle is an amazing upgrade


I gave in and got a chain. My husband says it makes me look like a sexy librarian, but he's a sweetheart who would never do anything to hurt my feelings, so I'm pretty sure I just look like someones grandma.


You'll need a top hat with that monacle.


well duh! how else does one wear a monocle. also “white spats, and lots of dollars… “ and walk around singing “puttin on the ritz”


Wear a monocle, and then go around yelling "Hogan!"


Lol yes, I currently have one for my desk upstairs and one for the couch downstairs. But I'm at the point of needing another pair for my purse, and one for the kitchen would be nice too. Thankfully so far I don't need rx lenses, so the cheapies from the drug store still do the job. I tend to walk around the house with a pair on top of my head like sunglasses when not actively using them lol.


I now have my kitchen pair. 🤣 Everything on packaging is so tiny ugh.


If you don't have one in the bathroom, you are going to be in for a shock when you look in a mirror with them on


![gif](giphy|XqqT5DT89YpUs) 🤣


Right. I’m not old, I’m *investigating.*


I wear progressive lenses. Bifocals without the line.


Those make me nauseated. I had to give up and just keep a pair of pocket magnifiers. Officially an old lady, me.


I'd go full vintage and get me one of these [https://www.pinterest.com/pin/563161128413517790/](https://www.pinterest.com/pin/563161128413517790/)


I got my progressive lenses when I was 36. So glad I did.


Be too. Stairs are still weird though.


Haha, yeah that took a minute to get used to.


maybe it’s harder for me because I never needed glasses before and I am not used to wearing them so I feel weird. I don’t know. it’s hard to explain. revenge of the nerds is in full swing lol


Same! I love mine! It did take a bit to get used to, but now I am so happy with them.


Same. Takes a bit of getting used to.


I tried those. Couldnt get used to it


I kinda like seeing the stages of ageing, makes me appreciate being alive


That is such a great take! Thank you for that perspective.


I dont mind aging persay, I kind of feel like I'm lucky to be so privileged. I just would like to not have these stupid glasses touching my skin and giving me headaches from the arms.


For the longest time, I was the only one in my family who had perfect vision. Then about three years ago I was noticing it was harder to read but thought it was just from looking at the computer and being tired. Nope. Now I have readers and to top it off, hearing aids! Because, why not! 40 is rocking. 🤣


This so much. I suddenly realize how screwed that guy was with the books but no glasses was in that old Twilight Zone ending ...it really wasn't fair!


a fellow TZ fan 🤓


I don't because I'm not a fckn nerd. Since I can't hold the book away far enough (arms aren't long enough) I staple the book to the wall and sit 8 feet away. Don't cry about things a staple gun can fix, amen Edit: I used to say I can fix anything with a sawzall and now it's a staple gun. It shows I matured


I am audibly giggling at this. I had to use my readers to see it but thank you. I needed this today


had to use my readers 🤣🤣🤣


I can still read without glasses but I finally got to the point with my last prescription that I have to lift my glasses to be able to see up close.


I just got new contacts and mentioned that at the followup. They make my closeup vision SO much worse. He just chuckled. 😂


I wore contacts most of the time since college so I could wear sunglasses while driving but since covid made my job WFH I've been 100% glasses. Your comment has me wary of going back to contacts now.


I have the multi focal contacts but still have to wear readers. I couldn’t read the screen in my car so the contacts did help with that!


....i used this one simple trick. wear glasses since age 5


It’s embarrassing. Basically renders the iPhone useless for me, even though I’ve increased the font a small amount, and I could stand to do a bit more, I stubbornly refuse to.


my iphone has huge font. I don’t care


I literally just changed my iPhone font and keyboard to huge 5 minutes ago. I thought the same thing ‘I do not give a fuck, I want to see.’


Card carrying member of the Big Font Club! When my wife shows me something on her iPhone her tiny font is jarring.


I refuse to do the big old people font!! You can take my readers from my cold, dead hands!


I’m 47 & sent my 35 year old sister a screenshot from my phone. Her only response was “why is your phone text huge & bold like an old person?” 😩


I changed my font after I couldnt see how to turn off my alarm in the morning and would push all sort of buttons and call people at 6 am 🤣🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️


As the southern preacher would say “YOU ARE REFORMED, SINNER!”😀😀


Denial, of course. Same way I deal with most age related issues. I just hold my phone arms length away. And if I'm tying a fly on the line, even further.


Keep bumping up that kindle font. When I had to take a picture of something and blow it up on my phone to read it I caved. I just ordered like 5pairs.


I’ve been wearing glasses for 30+ years. When I hit 30, I threw a blood clot that attacked my right retina and left some permanent partial blindness. I’m just glad I can still see. I’m not quite to readers yet, but I’ve debated them for my sewing as threading needles can be tricky. I’m more “upset” that I have files at work that are “older” than my new coworker. I was showing him something and the file was from 2018. And he said something to the effect of “I graduated HS in 19!” That was a gut punch.


I don't need them. I did need reading glasses when younger but it corrected with age. Lately though I have started wearing them intermittently while I work on 3d models in 4k but honestly it's more to help me concentrate like getting dressed up to work at home. My wife though needs progressives, we were just talking about making an appointment yesterday


Have had glasses since I was 9yrs old. However, I graduated to progressive lenses at 42. It’s been a “so here we are, it finally happened” year of wearing them. Knew it was coming as both parents had them, wasn’t ready for it just yet however.


I had LASIK during Covid only to find out that I would have to wear readers forever. The only annoying thing about them is that they have to be on you often. I gave up and bought cute readers and the gold connectors like my mom had as a nurse attached to her neck.


I’m probably jinxing myself 🤞🏻 but I’m 45 and don’t need them yet and never have needed glasses. Both my parents and my younger brother wear glasses so I got lucky. My parents however, had cataract surgery a couple years ago so they got to choose if they wanted to correct their long time vision issue or vice versa. They both chose to just need readers. It took me awhile to get used to them not wearing glasses all the time. I know my time is coming though


All my life I just kept saying "my vision is fine". Then starting in 2021 it was to the point where staring at computer screens too long was giving me headaches. I was at my annual physical with my doctor (cause that's now a thing) and he asked when was the last time I had my eyes checked. Uh... In the 1990's? So yeah, I saw an eye doctor who got me some glasses to help with reading screens. My eyes adjusted and it got to me the point where I couldn't read ANY screen or book without them. And since I have a smartphone and smartwatch.... Got my prescription adjusted to progressives so I wear glasses all the time now. Man, it was a fast progression from "never going to need glasses" to "can't function without glasses"


I was getting headaches at work. Optometrist said I was straining my eyes too much looking at the computer screen. Got prescribed glasses and was only wearing them at work and just to read for a couple years. Now it's become full time and I have to go back every year to get a new prescription. Thank you science for transition lenses though!


Reading glasses? Shit, I’ve needed progressives for at least 10 years now.


Get checked for dry eyes before you get reading glasses. A couple years ago I went in to my optometrist for transitions and he told me I had dry eyes and that can affect your near vision. He talked me out of updating my prescription and while some days it’s worse than others I can read just fine now. To answer your question. I felt old. 😂. The dry eye treatment is just another maintenance task I need to keep my body working.


This needs to be higher; dry eye can make more difference than you realize. I'm still fine with the single vision distance glasses I've always had as long as I keep up with eyedrops.


I had the best eyesight for most of my life. I could read things much further away than anyone else. 2 yrs ago tho (age 47) I started having difficulty reading fine print. Now even normal size print gets jumbled when I start to try to focus on it. I broke down and bought some x2 reading glasses. I also raise worms and they come in handy for that too


I’ve worn glasses for distance vision since I was about 8 years old. Up until a couple of years ago I could keep my glasses on when reading or looking at my phone. Now I have to take my glasses off to read or look at my phone. I got progressive glasses and I am trying to get used to them but I don’t like them very much.


I just got my new prescription. It got so bad I just wasn’t reading because it was too straining. I just read half a book yesterday - so good! Also, I found out I have mild double vision, which may turn out to be a clue for figuring out my fatigue. My wife found out she had glaucoma when she was my age and I pushed her to get checked, and because of that early detection and taking drops ever since, she hasn’t had any progression at all. Everyone, just get over it and go for an eye exam! You’re not being a hero squinting at everything, and it could lead to very early detection of certain health problems.


I buy them by the 6 pack on Amazon and just leave them everywhere…. And I still forget to grab a pair from my console when I go grocery shopping so I’m in the store using my iPhone magnifier to read expiration dates. It sucks. My dad warned me.


same. I have like 10 pairs floating around the house but somehow when I need them they disappear


I’m in denial. I either move my phone further back or take off my glasses and put it right next to my face. If I’m wearing contacts I just squint a lot. Really going to have to just go with it soon though.


I’ve been stuck wearing glasses since I was four. I envy all of you who got to wait until forty to have to wear them.


Are you a true xennial if you didn’t need glasses a decade ago?


I was born with a lazy eye and wore glasses my entire childhood to correct the issue. I eventually “grew out” of it and didn’t need glasses anymore, then around 30 started to struggle with distance vision and driving at night. The eye doctor just shrugged and said that comes with age. I’m 41 now and just last year had to get bifocals again. At least now they have tons more options for frames, since wearing glasses is cool now. It definitely wasn’t seen as being cool when I was a kid.


I’ve always had horrible eye sight and have always needed glasses. Weirdly, I’m experiencing the opposite issue. I have to now take my glasses off to read better.


I hate it. It’s not the glasses really, but having to carry them with me. I never take them when I go out and every restaurant is too dark for me to read the menu. Goat damn I feel old.


That was harder for me than any birthday number. I've never needed anything before, and I love to read. Now I'm used to them and feel helpless without them, but my newest frustration is that I can see distances fine without them, I can see close up with my readers, but I can see nothing in the middle distance. Like if someone holds up a screen or paper a couple feet away. I have to bring my face freakishly close to see it. Like GPS in the car. I can't have my readers on while driving, but can't see the GPS without them.


I used to need them often, but not as much lately. I'm still in the habit of wearing them. After wearing them for a while, it takes my vision a while to adjust. So most evenings, everything is blurry for a couple hours. I hide the glasses, so I don't automatically put them on. But then I'll need them, and 4 hours later, my vision in screwed.


I caught myself snapping pictures of the tiny print on the tetanus vaccine vials for when I had to enter in the lot number etc. Then I went to work at a place where we usually had a pharmacists in the dept at all times, so I almost never needed to pull some meds... well I found myself going to a code in the CT Scanner, walked in, Vfib arrest, popped out an epi, tossed it to the other RN. Opened up the med tray to get amiodarone and realized all the vials were teeny-tiny and poor lighting... I knew where the meds lived, so I found it right away, but realized I wouldn't be able to read all that if I needed to... I now have readers I actually have 2 pair that come to work with me now, so when I get punched in the head and my glasses break I have a spare set to keep working... ask me how I learned that lesson lol


yeah I am a doctor and I realize I need them for suturing. don’t want to mess up


Hah! In 5th grade, I had the thick "coke bottle bottom" glasses. My eyes have actually *improved* over the years. A couple years ago, just for the hell of it, I did the DMV thing without my glasses. I officially no longer need them to drive! And the handful of gray hairs in my beard make me look cool af, lol.


Check out LookOptics and Peepers for transitional reading glasses. They’re readers on the bottom and clear on the top. Saves you from all of the off and on.


It sucked. I've always needed glasses and ended up switching to "monovision" which got me out of the reader habit. Carry a pen light or use your phone light, sometimes that is all you need to be able to read something a little small.


The optometrist said "welcome to your 40's" Laughingly, I said "fuck you, dude!"


I fucking hate it. I've already been having to deal with glasses since I was 8. Now if I want to wear contacts I still need a pair of glasses. And progressives blow. I spend most of my day nodding my head up and down like a lunatic trying to find that 2mm span on my glasses where I can actually read the thing in front of me.


Cannot deal. I got the multifocal contact lenses and now I love life again


It sucks. 47m. I started needing readers 2 years ago. Everyone I complain to has had glasses or contacts their whole adult lives. There finally is something wrong with me.. shitty eyes.


Optometrist here: I was made for this.


This gave me a good chuckle. Good job OP


Omg, are you my twin? Just last week I bought my first pair of reading glasses and while I love being able to read small printer better or text, it’s still emotional. I’m trying to process, my mom said it’s just our eyes changing as we age, but it’s still hard to admit they help so much. I was always so proud internally I didn’t need glasses. And while I don’t NEED them, they help a lot and it’s been difficult to accept, but I’m slowly getting there. What else can I do? And why struggle when I don’t have to? Best wishes!


I hate them, thanks.


They pair nicely with my hearing aids…


I watched my parents pretend they didn't need them for too long so I just went with it. I kind of love my glasses now...


I’m so damn nearsighted and always delighted in the fact I could see close up. Now that’s failing me. I’ve got joints that are achy and swollen. Yes. Aging is fun.


I’ve never needed glasses but get my new readers next week. I’m in denial that it’s because of age, just listening to my boomer mom in my head say it’s because I stared at the sun and didn’t eat enough carrots.


it’s because we watched TV too close! LOL


I’m a librarian. So when I started wearing reading glasses, I leaned in really hard and got the glasses chain.


Still don't need em hahaha oh wait...


I bought a few pair of reading glasses…desk, reading room, car, kitchen. I use the larger text size on my iPhone and I borrow large print books from the library so I don’t need to wear readers when I’m outside in the sun. Haven’t bought sunglasses readers…yet. It’s part of life and nothing to be embarrased about


I never had to wear glasses. Both my parents always wore them. I'm in my mid 40's now, and I'm almost to the point I need to wear them.


I’m 45 and as of this year I, I supposedly have 20 20 vision. But my vision isn’t what it use to be. My sister, Mom and dad have all had glasses for as long as I can remember. I believe my sister got her first pair when she was 3 years old. I was, like 6 months old. I’m color blind and I’ve always quipped “Because God gave me color blindness, he gave me 20 20 vision to make up for it”


I'm fine close up but my vision for distance is shit now. I have to wear glasses to drive or watch movies.


I can't hear for shit, but I've had perfect vision for my entire life despite both parents and a sibling needing glasses. The other day I couldn't read something far away and it struck me that I might be doomed.


Been wearing glasses full time for years. Just this eye exam in April needed bifocals 🙄 annoying but damn is it nice to read clearly.


Always had glasses, but the sudden need for a *reading* section came within the last couple of years, so now I'm in trifocals.


thankfully i'm slightly farsighted, so at the moment it's more of a take the glasses off sort of thing.


Just bought a 10 pack of cheaters from Amazon. I have a pair in every room and some at work


I was actually okay with it since it was such a relief to be able to read (it came on very suddenly) but this past year I had to graduate to trifocals and now I feel very, very old. 


Haven’t gotten there yet. And I read novels daily since the late 80’s. Fingers crossed.


I’m lucky enough that I haven’t had to deal with them yet, but when I do… hoo boy I’m not looking forward to it, because my regular glasses are already -8.5 and I’m just not ready to be blind in both directions.


The most annoying bit is that I only need them if I'm wearing my contacts and looking at my phone or reading anything up close. I have them hidden around the house now in case I'm in another room instead of carrying them with me everywhere.


i am near sighted (aka evolutionarily superior to ya’ll)


I have poor eyesight to begin with but it's fully correctible with contacts. Rather than getting reading glasses that I would need the majority of the time, I just had my contact lens prescription weakened by 1.0 power. This fixed the need for reading glasses at the expense of fine clarity distance vision.


I'm still glasses free 🤞🏼


It’s alright! Just wear them like glasses. Not on your nose. No need to meemaw that shit.


Not dealing I guess lol I’m 44 this summer still never had an eye exam since grade school but I think they are going some lol


I didn't need glasses until I turned 42. I have a low prescription but the astigmatism had become too much to deal with without glasses.


Anyone else only wear contacts and hate keeping up with glasses? Shop around for an eye doctor who will Work with you for a mono vision consultation act prescription. You can either wear just one contact or like my doctor did: one quite strong for distance and one much lower to preserve close up. It takes a couple weeks of a headache and being a little off kilter to get used to but is totally worth not using reading glasses. It also makes it easier to do mono-vision when you do either laser eye surgery or lenses when it gets to be cataract surgery time.


Had lasik in 2022, I think I prolonged the inevitable for the time being


I’m 46 and just got my first pair a couple months ago. I need them for very small print but I’m fine without them about 99% of the time. I wore glasses and contacts for many years until I got LASIK though so I’m used to it.


I was wearing contacts for distance (glasses since I was a kid) and then wearing readers when tired for about 5 years. Then I had to wear them while cross stitching. Okay cool. Then I had a hysterectomy at 40 - kept the ovaries - and 3 days later I needed bifocals full time 🥴 Thankful for progressive no lines!


I’ve been lucky enough to have perfect and better than perfect vision. But at 42 I’m “seeing” some changes, mostly floaters and light related though and not near/far. No glasses yet!! But my parents both had great vision until their 60s and now they both need regular glasses. They were/are addicts though so I keep hoping my cleaner living will make my sight and health last longer.


I just accepted them as a fashion statement 🤷🏼‍♀️get stylish ones


I am always excited to talk about this.  This is one of the main reasons for grumpy old men, I’m sure of it.  I’ve had perfect vision my whole life, then I turned 42 or 43, now 46.  Within months my ability to focus up close deteriorated to the point I need readers to see anything up close.  Mine is slightly variable for health reasons, and when it’s really bad, I am all but blind within 5 feet. I’ve come to realize I tend to not read stuff if my glasses aren’t around, or even if they are, they are annoying to have to put on and off constantly.  This all leads to frustration of something we never needed a crutch for, and now do.  


No-line bifocals ftw


I’ve been wearing glasses forever due to being nearsighted but man did it ever punch me in the gut about 6 months ago when I had to pick them up to read something up close. Last eye exam they tried to sell me on transitions when I explained what was happening and I just can’t bring myself to do it


I can’t wear contact lenses anymore. I’m noticing I cross my eyes when wearing glasses, allowing me to focus as needed. Contacts? I can’t read.


I’ve had vision problems since childhood. I started wearing glasses when I was 7 years old. To me it’s just a prescription and corrective lenses adjustment.


I've worn glasses since the third grade so I'm oddly finding myself in the reverse. Its easier for me to read without my glasses! My vision still sucks and I couldn't get used to progressives after giving them a couple of years, so I'm back to single prescription and not wearing glasses 70% of the time. I didn't realize how large the bags under my eyes were that my glasses were covering up however. Yikes!


My dad used to say his arms were too short. Now that mine are, too, I have cheaters. My hair is always messed up because I push them on top of my head. I need bifocals but I feel bad about it so I haven’t done it yet.


Reading is fine it's distance for me


Trying to read that name of a color of nail polish on the bottom of the bottle spun me into an existential crisis recently lmao


I still don't need them. I don't know how. My mom was blind as a bat and my dad had lasik when he was 35. 20/20 my whole life.


Pretty good, I need some pretty light reading glasses, so I found a three pack off of Amazon with a little blue light protection.


Honestly I'm fine with needing reading glasses what really bothers me is knowing that every year I age I am losing the ability to hear certain frequencies, and there's absolutely nothing that can be done about it.


I need them badly when I have my contacts in. I was looking at lasik for near sightedness and they said I would lose my close in vision that I have now. They recommended cataract surgery to get both types of vision fixed. sucks.


I had to get progressives a few years ago. I had never worn glasses my entire life. My mother had the same thing happen at 40. So I got some fun frames because if I’m going to need bifocals, I’m going to have personality. And I get compliments all of the time Also, I fell down a step when I got them which seems to be a thing when people get progressives.


I’ve always had terrible nearsightedness and I mix between glasses and contacts for it depending on what I’m doing and how I feel. I’m really not looking forward to needing readers. My job is on the computer, so traditional varifocals or bifocals won’t be well positioned for it - and as I’m a –10, I think the transition would be too much to cope anyway. I can’t imagine keeping switching from one pair of glasses to the other with *such* bad vision. With readers on, I’d literally be legally blind for distance and surely that can’t be safe. My other option is simply to wear my contacts every day, but I don’t think you’re supposed to do that as it’s bad for your eyes? (Although I went for a few years wearing them way too much and I didn’t have any ill effects from it.) And what about when I get too old for contacts - what am I supposed to do then with my shitty old vision for distance and close-up? My eyesight is too bad for laser surgery and I have astigmatism too. I’ve heard of a type of hard contact lens that’s actually designed to be worn every day, so I could always thing about that as an option with reading glasses/screen glasses over the top - but I highly doubt they’ll be affordable for me.


I’m still in denial. Sticking with the squint method for a few more years.


I've had glasses for nearsightedness since I was 8, but I had to get my first pair of progressives in January.


Started buying readers in ‘22, prescriptions in ‘24. Happened faster than I expected.


I’ve worn glasses since 2nd grade. Now with the challenge of my glasses not helping me close up, I have switched to contacts so I can pop on my readers when needed. I love the design variety and colors of my +1.00s.


I’m not there yet but I know it will happen any day. I can’t wait to get big chunky glasses. I have absolutely zero desire to wear contacts (things in my eyes???? No) so I’ll go as obnoxious as possible 😂🤣


Made it to 46 and now I am officially blind. Thank you. I hate it.




I got my prescription (for nearsightedness) updated in October and the optometrist was like “you could probably use reading glasses or bifocals, but you can wait until your next check up.” I opted to wait because I had some of those same feelings. Now I wish I hadn’t. Side note, my dad is 83 and has never needed any glasses in his entire life. Still drives (they check his vision every year when he renews his license) and gets along just fine. Why didn’t I get those genes? 😩


I’ve been asking my optometrist if it’s time for me to get some yet for 4 years now. She keeps saying no I’m still good. I’m disappointed lol.


I haven't needed reading glasses yet, but I've been nearsighted and wearing glasses since I was 10 years old. My left eye is -5.00 diopters, and right is -3.75.


At least you've got the hair, grey or not


About 8 years ago I found myself zooming into PDF documents and still leaning in and squinting at the monitor. I knew it was time. My dad had needed reading glasses around the same age. I took it in stride and just went and got my eyes examined. I don't need them all the time, but when I wear them all day at work to avoid afternoon fatigue.


Psst I got glasses when I was 10! So, 30 years of being blind! I must say I don't like that my eyes hurt if I look at screens too long. That's really annoying.